#[electrochemistry - easy: oh this guy is definitely on something.]
humanitronics · 1 year
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(an odd masked traveling merchant pops up in revachol....)
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🎵 Instrument of Surrender
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ANNETTE - "Hi, ace detective." She smiles warmly. "Are you here for more books?"
Hi, Annette. Been a while.
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6. [Suggestion - Medium 11] What are you missing here? Why does this feel familiar?
+1 Knows the Law.
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SUGGESTION [Medium: Failure] - You have absolutely no idea. Familiar how? You must have forgotten something you heard again.
Again? Maybe we can figure out more if we go inside.
🎵 Bookstore
Let's do some browsing.
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MAN FROM HJELLMDALL SERIES - The display rack is brimming with worn paperbacks featuring an extremely muscular, sword-wielding barbarian on the cover. Nearly all the titles contain the word *Hjelmdall* somewhere.
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3. [Pain Threshold - Medium 10] Do any of the books call out to me?
+1 Hjelmdellerfan.
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We got this bonus for buying the shirt from Roy's.
PAIN THRESHOLD [Medium: Success] - A twinge at the back of your head makes you flinch. Your eye starts twitching.
Ugh, what is it?
MAN FROM HJELLMDALL SERIES - Your hand reaches toward a book with glossy cover art of the very muscular Man from Hjelmdall -- in *chains* -- kneeling in front of a staircase leading to a throne. A woman sits on the throne, leering at the man.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - She's laughing at him. Belittling him.
MAN FROM HJELLMDALL SERIES - Between the throne and the Hjelmdallermann lies a bonfire, casting shadows on the wall. The shadow of the woman's head-dress looks like a pair of devil horns. The title reads: "Man from Hjelmdall and the Devil Woman".
Hmm, aren't all women devil women?
"Storekeep, this book is misogynistic. How can you peddle such filth?"
+1 Feminist Agenda
KIM KITSURAGI - "The entire series is also *endearingly* racist, if I may add."
PLAISANCE - "Oh, sirs, I know." The storekeep apologizes immediately. "This really isn't representative of our values. But the store has to cater to its customers."
MAN FROM HJELLMDALL SERIES - The display rack before you is burdened under piles of Man from Hjelmdall novels.
4. "I want to buy 'Man from Hjelmdall and the Devil Woman'."
Let's pick this up in case we need to kill time later.
PLAISANCE - She nudges her glasses. "It *is* a best-seller for a reason."
4. [Leave.]
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The frontispiece of this old paperback features a muscleman in chains, kneeling before a salacious-looking woman on a regal seat. A bonfire lies between the throne and the man, casting shadows on the wall – and the shadow of the vixen's head-dress looks like a pair of demonic horns...
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SHELF OF CRIME NOVELS - Shelves filled to the brim with crime novels featuring the supposedly stalwart Vespertine detective, Dick Mullen.
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3. [Reaction Speed - Medium 10] Who is Dick Mullen?
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REACTION SPEED [Medium: Success]- Your quick eye notices a small caterpillar crawling across the spine of a book. The title reads: "Dick Mullen and the Mistaken Identity."
What do we have here? Mistaken identity...
SHELF OF CRIME NOVELS - A worn paperback from Dick Mullen's classic *hard-boiled* phase. The premise seems to be that Dick Mullen is framed for the murder of his best friend, and has just a few days to prove his innocence.
Hmm. Why does this speak to me?
SHELF OF CRIME NOVELS - Could it be the motifs of unstable identities and shocking betrayals?
That's probably right, I'm a complicated guy, full of contradictions.
No, it's gotta be something *else*.
SHELF OF CRIME NOVELS - Perhaps you're drawn to the dark and *noirish* atmosphere?
Yeah, I'm pretty intense. I'm all about that dark stuff.
No, that's not it either.
SHELF OF CRIME NOVELS - Is it because the smoking dame in the slinky red dress on the cover is giving you a hard-on?
Oh, right. That's definitely it.
What? No. That's not what's happening.
SHELF OF CRIME NOVELS - Yes it is. The bulge in your pants is embarrassingly obvious.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Easy: Success] - Relax. It's not that bad. Also, this means your bloodflow is returning to normal. Good news, really.
"Nope, all good here." (Casually adjust your pants.)
"Kim, would you describe this woman as a *smoking dame*?"
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant narrows his eyes and contemplates the book for a moment.
"I would certainly say she fits that description, providing that's your type."
3. "I want to buy this Dick Mullen novel."
Let's pick this one up too.
PLAISANCE - "Hrm, of course." She shudders. "Such violence and immorality... uh, I mean, enjoy!"
3. [Leave.]
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Another Dick Mullen book woefully misrepresenting the police work. In this one our detective returns from a trip, having successfully solved a 100-years-old cold case, only to embark on another. Does he finally face the taxing nature of his occupation? No! He doesn't even look like a normal law officer.
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SHELF OF BIOGRAPHIES - Shelves full of biographies of *famous people*, whoever they are.
3. "I'm interested in that 'Greatest Innocence' book."
You know, it might also be useful to know more about these guys.
PLAISANCE - "A true cultural touchstone." She nods. "Enjoy the read."
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This dusty tome brings knowledge on the history of Innocences. It is written by one João Paolo Salomao Lopez de Fuego, a Mesque fascist, who tries to reach a conclusion on which of the Innocences is the coolest in the world.
We could also buy the book on the pale, or a board game, but I think we have enough literature for now.
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PLAISANCE - "Hello again, esteemed officer. And welcome to Crime, Romance, and Biographies of Famous People." Her stare is cold and harsh but the line remains the same.
She really didn't like us trying to break down that door.
"I was told that there's a huge fridge in the building's cellar. Can you lead me there?"
"What if I want to buy a book?"
"The girl outside mentioned that this place is cursed."
"About your daughter..."
"All the pressure has made Annette really anxious. You know she's been chewing her nails?"
"Farewell for now, book peddler!" [Leave.]
PLAISANCE - "A fridge?" She fidgets with her pendant. "No, I don't know anything about a fridge. Aren't you interested in books?" She nods at the bookshelves.
DRAMA [Easy: Success] - For whatever reason she's lying to you about the fridge. Seems like you have to find your own way to the cellar.
4. "All the pressure has made Annette really anxious. You know she's been chewing her nails?"
PLAISANCE - "God, I've told her not to do that. It's disgusting. And I told *you* to mind your own business." Her voice is firm. "Clearly you have no idea how hard it is to raise a girl in this economy."
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - *This economy* is a mysterious force, like cosmic weather. Mysterious and harsh.
"I don't think she can do anything about it."
"Okay. Forget it." (None of your business.)
PLAISANCE - "She can, if she has enough *willpower*. This is what's called *growing pains*. Life isn't easy, life doesn't give breaks."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Come on, ma'am. It's obvious she can't do anything about it. You're placing an unnecessary burden on a young child."
"What you're doing is wrong. Even I know that, and I usually don't know anything."
"That *is* true -- and obviously the will of the market -- but maybe make an exception for your daughter?"
"Yeah, actually it's super all right for kids to chew their hands off. Forget I said anything."
PLAISANCE - She stands stiff and severe, silently fuming. Ten or so seconds pass without change.
VOLITION [Easy: Success] - This is a person coming to terms with a new reality. One where they are *wrong*. It's not easy.
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - She's looking for one -- but there simply aren't any good arguments for being an asshole.
PLAISANCE - All of a sudden she exhales sharply. Her shoulders slump down. "Oh no..." she mutters. "Hold on, I need to invite her inside and apologize. She must be freezing out there..."
Fade to black and back in.
"There," she returns with a nod. "I don't know what to say to you. My husband, he tries to teach me business lessons. I have... what my mother called a *dull mind*. All this stress..." She stops, but her mouth keeps moving.
+5 XP
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - It sounds like both the husband and the mother treat her the way she treats Annette.
"You're like Annette to your husband. And your mother."
Just nod compassionately.
EMPATHY - Yes. Sometimes it's better to let people come to these conclusions themselves.
"Is this husband Annette's father?"
"Is she an only child?"
"She told me she doesn't go to school anymore."
"Alright. I had something else in mind." (Conclude.)
PLAISANCE - "Yes. My husband is a successful entrepreneur East of the river. If only he were more *involved* in the business we're running up *here*." She says gloomily. "No matter, soon we'll both be off for Grand Couron!"
"Wait. Grand Couron? What's that?"
"And your husband's also involved with the bookstore?"
PLAISANCE - "It's a *proper* place to live -- one of the most peaceful neighbourhoods east of Jamrock. You may know it for its massive housing projects..."
SHIVERS [Challenging: Success] - Your head feels light and dizzy... a cold breeze caresses your flesh.
What's going on?
Shudder, let it pass.
SHIVERS - Monstrous buildings loom over Grand Couron. A cold wind howls in the empty halls of homes built upon delusions.
SHIVERS - There is no life in Grand Couron. No one can afford to live there.
PLAISANCE - "Most of the buildings are empty at the moment!" Her smile is wide. "It's a great opportunity to get ahead of the crowds. Better times ahead, for sure."
"And your husband's also involved with the bookstore?"
PLAISANCE - "He made the initial investment. Since then he's been what you might call a *silent partner*."
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - Super silent. Almost inaudibly so.
2. "Is she an only child?"
PLAISANCE - "Yes, I'm afraid so. A real treat she is. It would be nice if she had..." She pauses for a second. "No, we couldn't have afforded more children really. Not in this economy."
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - A glimmer of sadness blinks through the well-crafted exterior.
"Why not?
"Of course. Yes. This economy."
PLAISANCE - "We're quite busy people, you know, my husband and I. Quite busy." Her voice wavers a bit. "Children are a lot of work. You don't look like a father, so I don't expect you to understand..."
"I'm sorry.“ She catches herself. "I'm sure you do understand."
3. "She told me she doesn't go to school anymore."
PLAISANCE - "She's been too busy, helping me here, so she's studied at home this trimester. This is a temporary solution, of course." Plaisance nods.
"I assure you, I of all people understand the importance of *education*. She will be back in school the moment the store takes off."
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - And hell freezes over? Never mind, it's not a good topic to get into.
4. "Alright. I had something else in mind." (Conclude.)
PLAISANCE - The woman looks aloof, her features much softer. Occasionally she glances at her daughter's silhouette.
2. "Farewell for now, book peddler!" [Leave.]
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ANNETTE - "I'm sorry, sir, I can't talk right now. I'm very busy with my homework... I have so much homework now."
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - You just can't win.
LOGIC [Easy: Success] - Out of the rain and into the gutter.
"What are you doing now?"
ANNETTE - "Math..." She looks into her notebook with trepidation. "It's really difficult. Like -- really. They say you need it to get rich. Better than standing outside in the cold, I guess."
"Oh, oh...!" Suddenly, she smiles and perks up. "I found something while you were away."
"What is it?"
ANNETTE - "I thought this would fit you... Like thanks for helping out! Not me -- the city I mean. Like a detective does." She gives you a hat -- almost exactly like the one Dick Mullen wears on the covers.
Item Gained: Dick Mullen's Hat
"Wait, where did you get it?"
"It's a... fedora?"
"A detective hat?"
"Okay, I get it. I can look just like Dick Mullen -- except I'm an actual police officer."
ANNETTE - "Just what Dick Mullen would ask!" She lowers her voice. "I got it from behind the curtains. I'm not really supposed to go there..."
3. "Okay, I get it. I can look just like Dick Mullen -- except I'm an actual police officer."
ANNETTE - "Yes!" She grins. "I bet it looks good on you. Really serious."
"Right. I have to get back to my homework now, before Mum notices. Man, this is *hard*..." She looks back at the infernal scribblings under her nose.
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+1 Encyclopedia: Book-smart
If anything, this wide-rimmed hat looks even *better* than the hat Dick Mullen wears. Dick Mullen is stupid -- and not even real. You're real. Your brain is real. Your real real brain is inside the hat.
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[Suggestion - Medium 11] What are you missing here? Why does this feel familiar?
+1 Knows the Law. +1 Helped her in.
SUGGESTION [Medium: Success] - Because you know each other. She's been talking to you so openly because you've talked before.
"Hang on. So you... know me? We've met before?"
"On second thought, maybe I shouldn't remember. Maybe there's a reason I forgot."
ANNETTE - "Yes! I used to stand out there all the time, before mother told me to focus on my homework."
"You've been running around all week without your shirt on, sir. Apologizing to everyone. I don't really understand what you've done wrong..."
"Did I ever talk to you?"
ANNETTE - "Of course. You stopped by a few times." She looks at you intently. "You certainly look better than the last time I saw you!"
"I doubt that."
"What do you mean better? I look like shit."
"Thanks. I'm trying."
ANNETTE - "Yeah, I can see. You don't have party eyes anymore."
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant slowly -- ever so slowly -- realizes something. "Party eyes. Yes, of course. That makes sense."
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - I'm not surprised children have seen you running around with *party eyes* on, he thinks. Not at all.
"*Party eyes*?"
ANNETTE - "You know... like a cat in the dark! All big-and-wide-eyed." She giggles at the thought. "It certainly looks odd on a man."
COMPOSURE [Easy: Success] - The swivelling eyes of a loony drug addict. That is what she meant. You were probably gurning too.
SAVOIR FAIRE [Easy: Success] - Good thing she's didn't say PARTY EYES loud, her mother's nearby...
ELECTROCHEMISTY [Easy: Success] - Fuck yeah! You should get some party eyes right now! Snap those sequins on you, boy.
Does that mean... I've been partaking in *narcotics*?
The girl doesn't know what she's talking about! Forget about this.
ELECTROCHEMISTY - Oh baby, that's not what you have to worry about. Worry about the important thing!
"So... why didn't you tell me you knew me to begin with?"
"Thanks -- I've learned something about myself today." (Conclude.)
ANNETTE - "I didn't know I had to do that." She looks puzzled.
"I don't really like this detective-deduction game anymore..." (Conclude.)
"Thanks -- I've learned something about myself today." (Conclude.)
ANNETTE - "I'm glad I could help you, sir." She smiles a wide, helpful smile.
+5 XP
"Okay, bye. See you around, Annette." [Leave.]
That's as much as we can do in the main body of the bookstore. Tomorrow we'll see about getting into the back.
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