#[good ol' 'solid' build xP]
▒ Roots To Needles, Razors To Nooses, And Dust To Dust.  .  .  . Memento Mori. Quinque.
I was looking back at the archive today. Did you realize it’s five years toady? Thank you. If finding a quality, long-lasting partner and friend right off the bat wasn’t a great introduction to the community, I don’t know what is!
Alex has come such a long way since we began. He’s still the same child at heart, sometimes even more so! But he has a depth to him that is so beautiful and sad when he shares it. In some ways, I think of Roots To Needles as Alex’s default verse. It feels appropriate. Alex killed himself and found some kind of peace in the afterlife. He’s too small of a person to survive without the big picture. Was he fixed in The Further? No! It was a process. One he had to undertake himself. But he was heading there!
Rhydian was a major part of that. The only part of it really. If Alex had just been handed his job in The Further, told it was a vocation, and told to go about his business, I really do think it would have ended in failure. Alex needed someone there to stand beside him. To lift him up, or kneel beside him and say, “You can do this. Get up and keep going. You have so much more to give.”
It was beautiful. At least it was to Alex. Rhydian knew exactly how much he had to lose and how far he could fall, so for him to have faith in him after everything? It meant a lot to him. Alex always wanted to prove Rhy right for that. To make him proud.
And personally, Rhy hit all of the boxes in what I love in a character. I have a soft spot for the serious types and Rhy instantly found his way into my heart, whether he meant to or not. He was a good man, and it was amazing to watch his character develop as Alex threw new situations and feelings at him. Whatever his negative traits, he was compassionate and kind, and actually cared about Alex .  .  . The real him. That was more than anyone else had ever given him before. We’ve always been of the opinion that the world needs more people like Rhydian.
I could go on for hours about Alex and Rhy. I really could. They’re incredibly dear to my heart, and I think they always will be, even if we aren’t writing them anymore. They made me laugh, cry, think .  .  . They were a great team, however dissimilar they were. Alex couldn’t imagine getting along with someone better. I think, over time, Rhydian came to accept Alex’s death and place in The Further. That in some strange way- despite the wasted potential he had to offer in the living world, all the progress he could have made- he was happier in death. Amazingly.
He was where he belonged. Because you can’t grip onto life strong enough with just one hand. Not when the other one was holding death. But from a position where it’s tied to him, chained to his ankles and he’s covered in it, he could hold onto life a little tighter and see that it had a hopeful undertone. It was just that, in his case, the hopeful undertone was six feet.
Alex was completely in love with Rhydian. With the way he went about his day, talked, and thought. It was grounded in flaws and humanity that he could relate to, while all the best parts of him reached for a higher purpose and believed in this bigger picture.
And it may have only lasted a minute, and maybe Alex should keep it to himself, but he really wishes Rhydian all the best because I think he had a bit of a crush on him. We know he was in love with Rhydian, but that means nothing! Alex is in love with everything. He loved so many people in his lifetime, and he loved the things he did, up to slitting his wrists on the bathroom floor. The crux was in the definition. Alex hard time taking himself seriously, because he’d think about it in private sometimes and then it’d disappear in the thread. Always waiting for the next moment, the perfect ‘maybe’ that never came.
Alex always got crushes on lots of people. Lot of old friends that left him. He wanted a happily ever afterlife, but what was he supposed to do? He was the one that killed himself! Besides, he was too weird for a relationship, right? And things just wouldn’t have worked out like that .  .  . It never hurt, you know. Not like most love does. Maybe that’s what he was chasing, and why he doesn’t regret a single minute of it.
Maybe if he’d been a little braver and a little more compassionate.
Rhydian was also his friend. His only friend that ever really knew him .  .  . Listen, when you’re already dead, you get to be brutally honest about certain things that life naturally holds back. Rhydian knew him better than anyone else in the world and that was kind of scary but centering at the same time. Alex didn’t want to lose that all because he’d acted on some impulsive, fleeting whim.
.  .  .If he had kissed Rhy though, he would have rocked Alex’s little world. It would have been so real. He would have felt so fucking real. Alex would have felt like he existed. Like he wasn’t some piece of code in a blue-lined world, or a character behind the painting. He wouldn’t have seen himself in third person and he wouldn’t have been close enough to touch the boundary. Those things didn’t exist. They never did .  .  . He imagined he couldn’t explain it as he pulled away, moving his hand down to link fingers with Rhy. It may have lasted a stupid minute, but he felt like a completely real person, and it occurred to him that he’d never felt like that before.
It was fantasy of course.
His hopes and dreams always were.
The Further wasn’t like Neverland at all. It didn’t share the same name, and there was no place for him in the latter. He had to enjoy it while he could, and he loved everything about it. The blood, Mary-Lou, The Archives, Library, and chess board floors with antlers hanging on the walls. Infernos and blank spaces he dreamed of stepping in.
It was all special.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 years
so I've been thinking about making/writing a big ol/ P5 AU (aka a fix-it fic because P5 infuriates me) and I was wondering; what are some changes you say would have to be made in order to improve P5?
Can do my dude, under the cut for length. 8U
So ngl I’m personally trying to do one myself too, I can give you a few ideas. I should tell you, I personally am just......trashing a lot of what happened in P5, and just using it’s setting to explore other ideas. I’m 1) choosing topics that weren’t in the original that I think would fit well, and 2) expanding on some things they talked about, and revolving my plot and characters in a way that the story can work with those two things (rather than......trying to force a square into a circle, I’m just going to shave off the sides to make it a circle and make it work). Doesn’t mean my fix it AU fic is what should’ve happened tho, just.....it’s made in a way that I want to work with things so I have to change a lot. Which makes it very AU than fix it but elkasfjls;jfad yeah 
But I’m not one to judge on how much you wanna change, just that if you wanna change a lot, this is coming from someone who is changing....A LOT! XD
First thing I think you should always consider is tackling the Metaverse’s ground rules, REALLY establish them (that’s what I’m doing, I’m not changing/taking away a whole lot but I’m clarifying what can and can’t happen and tbh just adding to it). These rule are up to you, but make them clear, and establish them. P5 really suffers from pretending to establish rules but then........breaking said rules without a care or explanation. Like this is probably it’s BIGGEST problem P5 has because it’s story HINGES on these rules for it’s plot to work. Here’s three examples of things that were broken constantly or just....aren’t explained well:
Boss Wakaba not changing nor disappearing once Futaba realizes her mom was good (thus no need for the boss). Even tho we saw, in real time, Madarame’s cognition changing over a gd door. So explain how cognition worksAccidentally pulling people in, we dunno what causes some to be pulled in instead of other’s (other than plot convenience).If a Persona can be touched/ridden on/ridden in.....utilize that, or make it so that they CAN’T utilize that. A lot of P5′s puzzles/road blocks could be bypassed with just “hey lemme try something-oh cool that works.” (Yusuke/Makoto, and probably Futaba wouldn’t have joined the team if they just did that, Haru is needed for a bio scan, but hey they could at least TRY ramming their Personas into the door 8U)Heart changing, explain how it really changes a person, why is Futaba considered having her heart stolen despite IT NOT BEING GD STOLEN, or how (like that 5 hour vid suggested) why Yuuki and Sae kinda act like they had a change of heart and how come one still has their palace despite that possible change of heart.... (if you go that route, you can maybe explain the difference in behavior of those two vs actual people having their desires ripped away). 
(side rant, one thing that still bugs me is that Sae has an alarm meter, but like.....She’s like a P4 shadow, she KNOWS you’re their, she even MEETS YOU at times! So like??????? Why have the meter?! She’s screwing you over all the damn time!!!! And she can only do that if she’s aware you’re there and know where you are! ANd she does! JUst????? I dunno make sense of that, maybe just explain there’s no meter?)
The next big issue is character consistency (first world building consistency, now Character consistency, tbh plot consistency is pretty bad too.....consistency is not in P5′s dictionary tbh). Everyone’s acting OOC everywhere, Anne’s biggest asset is somehow a flaw in her own CoOp (aka can read people and is very attuned to not saying the wrong thing), Ryuji isn’t a perv in HIS CoOp nor the first dungeon and is pretty level headed but after that???? nope, Futaba constantly talks about how it’s the TEAM that helped her and still help her but in her CoOp she only talks about how the MC is who helped her and can only do things cause of him and leave the house cause of him (despite the fact after she said that Yusuke went to her house the next day and got in in the main story >.>). Make the characters consistent, give them more flaws too tbh but as long as everything is the same and is foreshadowed well.
So those are the two biggest flaws in P5 that you might want to focus on fixing, how you do it is up to you! I’d also keep in mind to make sure that if the team needs to change cognition, make sure it’s for a good reason. Madarame’s door is a good reason, until you realize the stupid place has open windows and they can easily get to said open windows. Or Sae’s dungeon, her blockade is REALLY FREAKING STUPID cause it’s a public place and should already be open and JFSDKLJFLK;JASFD  JUST ANYTHING ELSE! Have the team work smarter not harder, if they are doing the opposite it can be....frustrating. 
Now the next stuff is up to you. Personally the first thing I do next is cut the team down to size (once Mako/Futaba/Haru were announced I started sweating and really felt like they should’ve kept it to 5ish). Too many characters to juggle on the team, who you choose is up to you if you want to do that. Think Yuki, Hifumi, or Sae should’ve been a thief? YOU DO THAT! Personally my fix-it one I’m doing MC/Anne/Ryu/Mona/Haru, but that’s because the story is based around their strengths and weaknesses (Yusuke and Futaba are important side characters/Coops tho, Makoto is a secret), there’s not need for a “smart person” because they all just work as a team, there’s no need for Yusuke’s art skills, and hacking isn’t going to appear in my fic (you can still do it, but my god the way P5 does it is horrible and OP and just.....why bother doing anything if Futaba can just wave her hacking wand? so unless you have a way to nerf it then go for it....but you’ll probs have to explain her “hacking cognition” bs cause.....why? just....why?). I tend to stick with the OG4 because they are solid and can fill a useful role that’s seen in other Phantom thief works (and can fit into P5, again I don’t think Yusuke’s artist eye is....useful), I chose Haru for reasons I won’t go into (but her personality is going to be different, this isn’t the reason, but I did need a personality change). 
But like I said, it can be anyone you want! Don’t like Anne or Ryuji or Mona (well you might need Mona, but you can re-write him!), then kick them! Or keep everyone doesn’t matter to me akldfjs;lajf XD 
If you want to keep all the characters.......I dunno. I don’t know where to start with Futaba, you can probably go a few different ways, but if you want to be more realistic, she’d probs still have issues for a few months (you don’t just get better after like a week XP) but that could make it hard for her to do anything for the team. Yusuke you’d have to make more relevant, you can make him the more level headed one (and you can remove Makoto via doing that). Makoto.....give her humility? I dunno, I wrote something on how to fix her arc (you can use it cause I’m not) but flksdafafafan I’d just boot her too personally XP (I guess character wise I’d actually make her smart, not point out obvious stuff in an attempt to appear smart, and ACTUALLY BE AN ACTION GIRL cause she ain’t shit when it comes to that either) I’d add more faults to Anne and Haru (love my girls, but first thing I did was add more issue to them), Ryuji make him consistent first then figure out what you want (I’d say keep him and Mona fighting the same, but make it more organic, with a good make up at the end). I’d also have Haru show up.
I’d also personally change Anne’s CoOp. I remember researching on Hafus well before P5 came out, and iirc I remember one hafu model lamenting on how everyone thinks they are pretty this and that and then talking bad behind their back, and then also how Hafus are kind of a commodity in Japan (aka they model and people think they are pretty, but then they also trash them for being “other”, think of it kinda like how everyone loves black culture in America but will trash black people for being black). Just the hypocrisy of “oh this is so awesome!!! BUT ALSO YOU SUCK!” kinda thing. It’s been awhile (I found it like a year or so before P5′s release), but it always stuck with me. And it made sense why Anne was a model but.....the way she’s....shamed for treating her PART TIME JOB/HOBBY as JUST THAT..... And then shaming her for her own natural beauty....it just reminded me of the interviews I read and it felt icky. I have an idea, it’s in the similar vein as modeling, but I think changing the writing so that it just treats her like a person instead of a hafu is one way to do it (after I finish writing it you can use it if you want/if you like it, it’s roughly similar to what we have but just tweaking it, I’m gonna use an aspect of that in my own fic but it won’t play beat by beat like it does in P5). 
I’m not sure about Kasumi, I personally started planning before Kasumi was announced. Do whatever with her tbh kflsjdf;asj
As for Goro.....listen I don’t like who we got, it felt like Atlus gave us like.......a few different characterizations they could’ve taken Goro and shoved them all into him despite these characterizations conflicting and not melding at all. They just contradict. He’s someone I think SHOULD be in the story (if not him, then give someone else the role of the “shadow archetype” but there needs to be one because that’s a staple for Persona, tho I mean if you want to reinvent the wheel and not have one then I say go for it! It’d def something new/different). But if you have Goro, you NEED to smooth him out. I’ll give you a few ideas.
Want him to be a puppet? Make sure it makes sense (by which I mean, due to his powers as we have it now, and how much he hated Shido prior to said powers, it doesn’t make sense for him to be Shido’s puppet when he can easily monitor Shido with said powers, and it doesn’t make sense for him to not monitor him nor be Shido’s puppet. It makes sense for him to pretend to be Shido’s puppet, and then turn around and be the REAL puppet master). A good way to make him a puppet is for him not to be related to Shido (or he and Shido are unknowing to that fact if you want), and Goro is just moved by this politician he sees one day and just stans the shit outta him, despite not knowing he’s a puppet to Shido (if this is the case, I don’t think think Shido planning on killing Goro would make sense, but proving he only thinks of Goro as a tool would def shake Goro’s world, since in this case he is unshakingly DEVOTED to Shido, hence why he’d never go into Shido’s mind). Sympathetic, and similar to Sho, has the best chance of being helped. 
Want him to basically be an extreme lawful person/Light Yagami? His way or the highway (also couples well with him being the real mastermind with Shido being the puppet). Well intention, but the ways he is doing it is horrible? Sympathetic? Not Sympathetic, your choice!
(closest rewrite you can get to keep it like the original P5 without the BS puppet thing) Guy that wants to just get revenge on Shido and Society, and is the real mastermind (much to everyone’s shock, due to thinking the red herring Shido was the real mastermind), who has Shido under his thumb. Sympathetic, but he’s willing to hurt whoever for his revenge. Might not be able to be helped, unless you count jail time. 
Personally I’m all for changing the god too but that’s just me. 8U
I know I didn’t touch on the bad guys, personally I’m keeping some the same, adding more to some other’s (tho changing their sin), and then just creating like some original bad guys to replace the one’s I’m not using (aka like.........Madarame is going to be a Mementos boss in my fic, I’m replacing him with someone else, and if you looked at my Haru link earlier Okumura is obvie going to be 2nd dungeon instead). You can do whatever with them imo, depends on how much you wanna change. All I can say is just make them deeper/more well rounded characters/no shallow Saturday Cartoon villains (aka give them nuance 8U). And don’t just....have a throw away line about this or that, incorporate it more into the dungeons (imo I’d take a page or two out of P4′s book, have their internal dialogue blasting a lot, maybe even have a memory play that we see). 
And that’s as much as I can word vomit atm (I’m very tired ;w;), I feel like I might’ve missed something but.....I’m not gonna worry about it. Sorry it’s in very big strokes, but you have a lot of wiggle room imo. I don’t think there’s a “perfect” way of fixing P5, so as long as you have a vision you want to execute I think you’re good. Like I said, my fix it fic is just retooling a lot of P5 in a way I can make certain ideas work, it’s not supposed to be “this is how P5 is supposed to be” but a “this is how I think a tighter version of P5 could’ve gone down.” 
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muenchkevin · 3 years
Quick - Samsung's OLED Chromebook gets a $150 discount in epic Black Friday deal
Samsung's Black Friday Chromebook deals this weekend feature the stunning Galaxy Chromebook 2 for just $399.99 (was $549) - that's almost half-price for one of the most premium machines you can get in this price range.
It's pricey (for a Chromebook), but the Galaxy Chromebook 2 is the world's first to feature an OLED display, and it's a great choice if you're looking for something with a bit more power than the usual cheap-and-cheerful fare. 
Available in a rather eye-catching Fiesta Red color and a more subdued Mercury Gray, the 13.3-inch Galaxy Chromebook 2 features a lightweight aluminum chassis, Intel Celeron processor, 8GB of RAM, and a 64GB SSD. While all the specs are solid here, it's the overall combination of a quality build and spacious storage drive that makes this one a winner in our books. 
If you're looking for something with more power, then we'd advocate going for one of this week's Black Friday deals on something like a Dell XPS 13 or MacBook. However, if you're looking to do browser-based tasks or simply sit back and watch a show or two on a lavish OLED display, then this Black Friday Galaxy Chromebook 2 deal is a very good choice.
Outside the US? See more of today's best Chromebook deals in your region just below.
Today's best Black Friday Chromebook deal
Samsung Galaxy Chromebook 2: $699 $349.99 at Samsung Save $350 - The Galaxy Chromebook 2 stands above cheaper options thanks to its stunning OLED display, lovely aluminum chassis, and surprisingly powerful Core i3 processor. Weighing just 2.7lbs, this one's got a 128GB SSD, too - very handy indeed if you're not planning on using cloud storage options. Available in both a gorgeous, eye-catching Fiesta Red and a rather subdued Mercury Gray color.
See more: check out our article on this weekend's best Samsung Black Friday deals
And, if you're looking for more recommendations, head on over to our main Black Friday Chromebook deals article. Alternatively, consider Window's based options and MacBooks with our roundup of today's best Black Friday laptop deals. 
source https://www.techradar.com/news/this-gorgeous-samsung-chromebook-is-half-price-in-todays-black-friday-deals/ from Blogger https://ift.tt/3oUKkQi Source Link Quick - Samsung's OLED Chromebook gets a $150 discount in epic Black Friday deal
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janessawatson729 · 3 years
HP Spectre x360 14 Review: A Stylish 2-in-1 Laptop
The HP Spectre x360 14 is a stylish 2-in-1 laptop with a brilliant 3:2 OLED touch screen for displaying your work. It includes a great keyboard as well as a plethora of ports for all of your peripherals. However, those who value battery life may wish to opt for a non-OLED display.
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Price and configurations
The Spectre x360 14 is one of HP’s most costly consumer devices, starting at $1,329 for the base model. The base model comes with a 1920 x 1280 (WUXGA+) display, an Intel Core i5-1135G7 processor with Iris Xe graphics, 8GB of RAM, and a 256GB SSD for that price. It’s a significant and welcome change from the PS4, where games were frequently rendered in 1080p at 30 frames per second.
The laptop features a Full HD display, a Core i7-1165G7 processor with 16GB of RAM, and a 512GB SSD. The cost of upgrading to an OLED panel is merely $90 more. The Intel Core i7-1165G7 CPU, 16GB of RAM, and 1TB SSD in the OLED review model cost $1809.99.
Despite the fact that 13-inch and 15-inch versions of this PC exist, the Spectre x360 14 is the first of its kind, so let’s hope the price drops in future editions. On the plus side, HP adds a free rechargeable Tilt Pen stylus and a stylish laptop sleeve.
HP produces a stylish laptop. The Spectre x360 doesn’t make any modifications to a design that has basically become a tried-and-true formula. It’s an aluminum notebook with a sturdy build. Nightfall black with copper accents, Poseidon blue, and natural silver are the colors available for the laptop.
Two of the back two edges, near the 360-degree hinge, have been shaved off to make way for a Thunderbolt 4 connector on one of them. It’s a controversial option, but I’ve grown to like it. With the wire in this position, you can easily switch from a laptop to a tablet while it’s charging.
When you first open the laptop, you’ll notice a significant difference: a 13.5-inch, 3:2 display that seems immensely lavish in comparison to the 16:9 screen on the smaller Spectre x360 13 that we just tested. The bezel is kept to a minimum, allowing you to focus on your job. It also results in a somewhat longer overall profile for the gadget.
Unlike many 2-in-1s, the power switch is located on the keyboard rather than on the device’s side. In tablet or laptop mode, there’s also a fingerprint scanner next to the arrow keys, which, when combined with the IR camera, offers security options beyond a password, which I enjoy. Above the function keys, the speaker grilles add a pleasant touch.
The Spectre x360 14 doesn’t have a lot of ports, but there are plenty for most people’s daily needs. The right side houses the majority of the activity, including two Thunderbolt 4 ports (one in the right corner), a 3.5 mm headphone connector, and a microSD card slot. One USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A port is located on the right. The rest of that side of the notebook is magnetized to accommodate the HP Tilt Pen that comes with it. The Spectre weighs 2.95 pounds and has a footprint of 11.75 x 8.67 x 0.67 inches.
The Spectre x360’s 13.5-inch touchscreen has a 3:2 aspect ratio, which means it is taller than it is broad. It’s a lavish amount of space, particularly for work. Because the screen is taller, you’ll be able to see more text, code, spreadsheet cells, or whatever else you’re working on. It’s a significant improvement over 16:9 displays, and it gives the tablet a more natural shape, resembling a pie.
The DCI-P3 color gamut is covered by 139.7% on the OLED panel (the non-OLED, 1920 x 1280 screen covered 74.6 percent ). The ZenBook Flip S, which also has an OLED display, came in second with 113.1 percent. The MacBook Pro covered 78.3 percent of the screen, while the XPS 13 2-in-1 covered 70%. On our light meter, the Spectre’s display measured an average of 339 nits. However, this never seemed to be an issue!
Battery Life
The Spectre x360 14’s battery life isn’t great, as it is with most laptops with OLED screens. It’ll keep you going for the majority of the day, but you’ll need to bring the braided USB Type-C charger with you.
The Spectre lasted 7 hours and 14 minutes on our test, which had laptops continuously browse the web, do OpenGL tests, and stream movies over Wi-Fi at 150 nits.
The HP Spectre x360 14 is currently the greatest 2-in-1 laptop available. In laptop form, the 3:2 display emphasizes your work and is more natural than 16:9 or 16:10 screens in tablet mode. It boasts a good keyboard, respectable performance, and a variety of connectors. It also comes with a stylus.
If battery life is important to you, the OLED screen isn’t going to help you out, but the 1920 x 1280 variant might. In terms of longevity, the MacBook Pro with M1, a clamshell option, is unrivaled. The Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 9310 is still a solid option if you prefer a smaller footprint. However, it has fewer connectors and a 16:10 rather than a 3:2 screen.
However, if you’re ready to spend a premium, the Spectre x360 14 essentially has it all, making it an easy recommendation.
Source: HP Spectre x360 14 Review: A Stylish 2-in-1 Laptop
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bestsoftblog · 4 years
Best Laptop for Webcam Modeling in 2020 – Top Picks for You
In today fast high-speed technology, if you are looking for the best laptop for webcam modeling, you need to consider the laptop requirements for live streaming, the quality of the webcam and the resolution of the video in high HD.
There are few features or specifications of the laptop you need to keep in mind such as the:
Laptop speed
Battery life
Camera quality
Device temperature
Audio quality
Today, more than ever, the best laptops and the best webcams are indispensable, allowing friends, family members and businesses to connect, monitor activities, attend conferences as well as live stream games, Facebook live, Twitter feeds etc.
While computers, notebooks or laptops come with good webcams built-in, but desktop users need to buy their webcam separately.
Related: Best Webcam for Podcast
I made  a list of the best laptop for webcam modeling so you can choose one based on a variety o of models, video and image quality, resolution and speed as well as battery life.
What is the Best Laptop for Webcam Modeling?
If you’re in a hurry, here are my best picks for the best laptops with great solutions for video conferencing, modeling, conducting business calls, staying in touch with family, producing YouTube content as well as for college students.
1. Apple MacBook Pro – Quality Laptop with Webcam Modeling
The Apple MacBook Pro is the best laptop for webcam modeling with quality streaming.
This laptop runs on 9th Generation Processor with 2.88GHZ speed and offers a solid performance.
MacBook Pro is the most powerful notebook that features a spectacular retina display, fast processors, touch bar, excellent grapflifezhics, a new magic keyboard and largest battery capacity ever made.
Read Also: Best Wireless Earbuds for Podcasts
Its built-in webcam is the best for the brightest webcam modeling featuring T2 security chip and quad-core processors.
Features and Specs Performance
CPU: 9th gen core i7, 9th Gen Core i9
Size: 14.1 x 9.7 x 0.64 inches
RAM: 16GB (up to 64GB)
Battery: 100 – watt-hour up to 11 hours
Storage: 512 GB to 8 TB
Display: 16 inches (2072 x 1920 pixels)
GPU: AMD Radeon Pro 5300M (4GB), Radeon Pro 5500M (up to 8GB)
Weight: 4.3pounds
This Apple MacBook Pro 16 boasts of a vastly improved keyboard, an excellent options for computer developers (users), bigger battery, slimmer bezels and larger 16-inch display.
Boasts of 11 hours battery life
Improved magic keyboard
Great 6-speaker audio
Beastly performance
16–inch display that comes with slimmer bezels
Pricey SD card slot
USB port is not full–size
Display is not 4K
2. Apple MacBook Air – Best Laptop with Good Cameras
The incredibly light and thin Apple MacBook Air features a more powerful than ever processors with twice performance, brilliant retina display, double the storage capacity, new magic keyboard, extremely faster graphics and Touch ID.
This ultra portable laptop from Apple has a richer feature and cheaper than its predecessor laptop models.
This Macintosh laptop is portable and built with beautiful metallic body design and is very light weight.
You can carry it around effortlessly and can have a useful life of about 5 years or more.
MacBook Air features and specifications performance
720p FaceTime HD camera
Intel Iris Plus Graphics
Wireless Wi-fi
Bluetooth 5.0 wireless technology
Backlit magic keyboard and trackpad
MacOS operating system
10s of built–in Apps for Photos, TV, Music, Video, Project management
Audio: Stereo speakers with  wide stereo sound
Charging and Expansion: Two thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) ports.
6K, 5K, and up to two external 4k display video support
Weight and size: 30.41cm x 0.41- 1.61cm x 24.24cm x 1.29kg
Up to 11 hours wireless, web with built in 49.9 watt hour lithium polymeter battery.
Retina display 13.3 inch LED-backlit display with IPS technology
Touch 10 sensor
Processors: 1.1 GHZ quad core intel core i5, Turbo Boost up to 3.5 GHZ with 6MB L3 cache
256GB – 512 GB PCle–base SSD configurable 512 GB to 2TB SSD storage.
Memory: 8GB of 3733MHZ LPDDR4X on board memory configurable to 16GB of memory
Traditional scissor switches
Faster processor
Touch ID/T2 security/ “Hey Sin”
Larger impressive trackpad
Retina display
Thunderbolt 3 ports
Powerful, solid Audio
Multiple color options
Price under $1,000
Webcam is 720p resolution and could be improved or bumped up to 1080p
Webcam needs higher quality improvement
3. Dell XPS 13 Laptop – The world’s smallest laptop computer with the best webcam
The Dell XPS 13 inch laptop features impressive and innovative HD webcam at the top of the Infinity Edge display.
This laptop also features virtually borderless 4k display and the latest processors of Intel 10th Gen and is ideal for entertainment needs and home computing.
It is the world’s smallest 13 inch laptop that comes with optimal Ultrasharp QHD+
The XPS 1 offers better value with great performance for less money.
Though the MacBook Pro is a better fit with its defaults higher resolution screen and Touch Bar than XPS 13 and is ideal for creatives.
Dell XPS13 laptop specification and features
RAM: 16GB DDRS (2,133MHz)
Graphics: Intel UHD Graphics 620
13.3 inch, Ultra HD (3840 x 2160) Ultrasharp InfinityEdge touch display
CPU: 1.8GHz Intel Core i7 – 8565U (quad-core, 8MB cache, up to 4.6GHz)
1TB Pcle SSD storage
2.7 pounds (1.23kg) weight
Camera: Widescreen HD (720p) webcam with 4 array digital microphones
Size: 11.9 x 7.8 x 0.3 – 0.46 inches (3.02 x 1.99 x  0.78 – 1.16cm; WxDxH
Connectivity: Killer 1435 802.11ac, Wi-fi, Bluetooth 4.1
Ports: 2 x Thunderbolt 3 (USB–C), 1 x USB–C 3.1, micro SD card reader, headset jack
The Dell XPS13 is among the best laptops in the world with its longer battery life and improved webcam standard quality.
Frost color option (latest)
Webcam located above display
Updated processors
Excellent battery life improvement and boost
Small size
Tiny update
4. Dell XPS 15 Notebook – Best Value for Editing software
This Dell XPS 15 laptop is packed with a stunning OLED display option ad powerful performance now features 9th Gen Intel core processors.
It’s a 15.6 inch laptop that replaces Dell  equivalent desktop with a fast performance, sleek design and robust features.
This laptop is stylish, very powerful and light weight and extremely portable
Size: 13.57 x 9.06 x 0.71 inches (344.72 x 230.14 x 18mm; WxDxH)
CPU: 1.3GHz Intel core i7 10875H (8-core, 16MB Intel smart cache, up to 5.1GHz with Turbo Boost)
4.5 pounds (2.05kg) weight
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650Ti Graphics
1080p IR Webcam Camera
RAM: 16GB DDR4 (2,933MHz)
Connectivity: Killer Wi-fi 6 AX1650, 2×2, Bluetooth 5.0
Screen: 15.6 inch 4k (3840 x 2400) touch
Ports: 2 x USB–C 3.1 with Thunderbolt 3, 1 x USB–C, 3.1, 1 x SD card reader, combi audio jack
512 GB SSD (PCle, NVMe, M.2) storage
Stylish, eye–catching design
Excellent and fast performance
Comfy keyboard
Beautiful and stunning display
Speakers are just amazingly great
GTX 1650 Ti is a little week
5. Dell Inspiron 2–in–1 5000 – Best Laptops under $700
The Dell Inspiron 2–in–1 5000 is a cheap gaming laptop under $1,000 and features an Intel UHD Graphics 620 graphics card, 8GB of RAM and Intel Core i5 – 8250U CPU.
This laptop has a PC weight of 5.07lb (2.3kg) and you’ll have a 15.6 inch screen laptop that is midsize for gaming setup.
It offers great performance with its quad-core Intel core i5 processor.
With its impressive battery life, you’ll get 6 hours and 30 minutes for continuous video streaming and web surfing.
4.58 lbs weight
802.11c Wi-fi
4.2 Bluetooth
8th Generation Intel Core i5 8250U Processor CPU
15.6 Display size
1 year of support and warranty
Hard Drive Size: 256GB SSD
4.2 x 3.2 inches Touchpad size
1920 x 1080 Highest Available Resolution
Size: 15.04 x 9.96 x 0.8 inches
Windows 10 Home Operating system
RAM upgradable to 16GB
Graphics: AMB Radeon R7 m265
Ports (excluding USB) HDMI, Headphone Mic, Noble Lock, SD card slot, USB 2.0, UBS 3.1
Camera: 720p webcam
Backlit keyboard
Decent build quality
Flexible 2–in–1 design
Speedy 256GB SSD
Dedicated AMB graphics
Core i7 Processor
Newest Intel 8th Gen CPU
Smart exterior design
Low quality screen resolution
Short battery life compared to other pricey dell laptop models
6. Dell G5- Best laptop for Live streaming
The Dell G5 is one of the best live streaming laptops for those who want high quality device for their high capacity games and webcam modeling.
As a decent gaming laptop, Dell G5 laptop is a gadget that would meet your gaming needs and webcam modeling.
It comes with stunning visuals that is run by NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 graphics and Hexa core CPUs and 8th Gen Intel Quad.
It has the capacity to run games at 60 frames per second steadily.
With a 24mm design, this Dell G5 15 9th Gen Gaming laptop is very powerful with great memory, NVIDIA graphics and a narrow bezel display.
Features and configuration specs
Optical drive is not available
Graphics: Nvidia Geforce RTX 2060 6GB
Storage: 128GB NVMe SSD, 1TB HDD
CPU: 2.2GHz Intel Core i7 – 8750H (six-core, 9 MB cache, up to 4.10GHZ with Turbo Boost)
15.6–inch, 1080p, 60Hz screen
Size: 14.3 x 10.8 x 0.95 inches (34.6 x 27.3 x 2.4cm; W x D x H)
Ports: 3x USB 3.1, 1 x USB–C/Thunderbolt 3, HDMI, Min Display port, LAN, SD Card reader
5.9 pounds (2.68kg) weight
Camera: 720p camera
Connectivity: 802.11ac 2 x 2 Wi-fi and Bluetooth
Great battery life
Next–gen balanced features
Well valued design and build quality
Strong and powerful gaming performance
Delivers excellent in–game frame rates
Configuration options a little confusing
Low IPS panel
7. Dell Inspiron 14 5481 for Camming – Best laptop for Skype and Webcam Modeling
The Dell Inspiron 14 5481 is a touch sensitive 14” backlit display of FHD IPS LED.
Its Intel UHD graphics 620 card is capable of handling light gaming, apps, and programs on its full-screen HD display that is clear and crisp.
It has a powerful camera 720p webcam with standard sets of modeling for full–screen HD videos.
This lightweight Dell Inspiron 14 5481 laptop comes with an expansive screen, Dell cinema and mobile connect.
Features and Specs
Weight: 1.74kg (3.8 lbs)
Dimensions: 336 x 233 x 20.2mm (13.23” x 9.17” x 0.80”)
GPU: Intel UHD Graphics 620 180
Display: 14.0”, HD (1366 x 768), TN
Battery: 42Wh, 3-cell
1TB HDD, 5400 rpm HDD/SDD
OS: Windows 10 Home
8GB DDR4, 2666MHz RAM
HD 720p Webcam
USB Ports and Connectivity
Convertible Dock/Keyboard  Jack
Audio Jack: Microphone / Combo audio jack
802.11 ac WiFi and Bluetooth
Perky performance
Sleek design
No thunderbolt 3 port
Battery life could be improved
Display is okay
8. Acer Predator Helios 300 Camming (Webcam Model) Laptop – Best Laptops for Live streaming Church
The Acer Predator Helios 300 webcam modeling laptop is equipped with an Intel core i7 – 9750H processor and offers 512 GB SSD and 8GB of RAM.
This camming laptop has a 15.6 inch 144Hz display with the strongest GeForce RTX 2070 GPU.
The Acer Predator Helios 300 laptop has a thinner screen bezels than most webcam modeling laptops but its game performance is great.
Features and specification
Screen: 15.6–inch FHD (1920 x 1080) Comfy view IPS (144HZ refresh rate)
CPU: 2.2GHZ Intel Core i7 – 8750H (hexa core, 9MB cache, up to 4.1GHZ)
16GB DDR4 (2,666MHZ) RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 (6GB GDDR5); Intel UHD Graphics 630
Weight: 5.95GB pounds (2.7kg)
Storage: 256GB Pcle SSD
Size: 15.4 x 10.5 x 1.1 inches (39.1 x 26.7 x 2.8cm; W x D x H)
Camera: HD Webcam (1280 x 720) with 2 x Mics
Connectivity: Intel 802.11ac Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
Ports: 1 x USB-C 3.1, 2 x USB 2.0, 1 x USB 3.0 HDMI 2.0 Rj-45 Ethernet, SD card reader, 3.5mm headphone jack.
Good battery life
Affordable price for a limited budget designed for Cam girl / webcam model
Excellent display and design
Lots of power for great performance
144Hz refresh rate
Lackluster sound from flaw speakers
Cooling system needs improvement to prevent getting too hot
Fans are a little bit loud
9. Acer Aspire E15 – Best for College Students
The Acer Aspire E15 is one of the best laptops for webcam modeling with excellent performance, lots of ports and decent battery life.
This laptop is the best values on the market and boast of 8GB RAM memory, 8th Gen Intel core i5 – 8250U, 256GB SSD, GeForce MX150, E5-576G-5762 with a 15.6” Full HD display.
The Acer Aspire E15 comes with a touch screen of 5.6 inch 1366 x 768 dimension.
They are a decent entry-level gaming laptop with great internals for a low budget gamer and webcam models.
Features and specs
Wireless: 802.11ac Wifi; Bluetooth 4.1
CPU: Intel Core i3 – 8130U
Dimensions: 15 x 10.2 x 1.2 inches
Battery Life: 13.5 hours (rated): 9 hours (tested)
Storage: 1TB HDD
15.6 inch, 1920 x 1080 Display
Ports: USB–C, USB 2.0, USB 3.0 (3), HDMI, VGA, Ethernet, 3.5mm
Camera: HD Webcam modeling
Weight: 5.95 pounds
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4400
Best laptops for webcam modeling under $500
Excellent battery life
Keyboard is comfortable to use
Excellent specifications ad performance
Lots of ports
Display is boring
Design is bulky
10. Toshiba Qosmio X775 – 3DV78 3D – Best Computer Laptop for Skype Video Calls
The Toshiba Qosmio X775 weighs 6.6 lbs (2.99kg) and portable at 17 inch is lighter and offers a superior high performance for gaming and webcam modeling.
It comes with a pair of Nvidia’s active shutter 3D glasses and a 3D-enabled display.
This webcam modeling laptop provides you with a full 3D display, excellent audio and quad-core power
Display size: 17.3
Bluetooth: Bluetooth 3.0
CPU: Intel Core i7 -2630 Qm
5-1 card reader card slots
Wifi Model: Atheros AR9002WB – 1NG
Weight: 8 pounds
802.11b/g/n wifi
Video memory: 1.5GB
4 USB ports
1 year standard limited warranty/support  
3.7 x 2 inches touch pad size: 16.3 x 10.8 x 2.4 inches
RAM upgradable to 8GB
Graphics card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 560M (3D Vision)
Ports (excluding USB): Microphone, Headphone, HDMI, Display Port, USB 3.0, RJ-45, Security Lock slot
Hard Drive Speed: 7200rpm
Optical Drive Speed: 2X
Optical Drive Size: dual 750 GB and 500Gb
Optical Drive: BDRWDL
Hard Driver Type: Dual SATA Hard Drives
Ms Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit) operating system
Excellent  GPU
Powerful Harman/kardon speakers
3 D display offers you great images
Subwoofer gives out incredible sound from the speakers
Sensitive touchpad
Keyboard flex
Design is unattractive
11. Alienware M11X R3  – Best laptops for quality cameras
This Alienware M11X R3 is one of the world’s lightest and smallest gaming notebook offering great performance for webcam modeling
This 11-inch notebook provides you with high performance and is equipped with the latest core i7 processors or Intel core i5 second generation and Nvidia GeForce GT 504M graphics
12. ASUS Chromebook Flip C302 – Best laptop for streaming live sports
When it comes to the best laptop for webcam modeling, Asus chromebook flip C302 is equipped with innovative brilliant features packed into its stylish and compact design, including a 1920 x 1080 FHD display and a 16:9 HD camera.
At 2.6 pounds weight and 12.5 inches, this portable notebook is the lightweight travel comparison and easy to carry around.
13. Asus ZenBook 14 – Best value for video Editing
Asus ZenBook 14 ultra-slim laptop is the world’s smallest 14-inch laptop among the best ASUS laptops and offers powerful specs like lots of ports, portable chassis, a flawless design, discrete graphic card, stunning touchscreen display and facial recognition login.
This laptop comes with a 4–sided frameless NanoEdge display with a 2–in–1 top notcher that  boasts up to 92% screen–to-body ratio and stunning NumberPad design.
14. LG gram Thin and Light Laptop for Camming – Best Laptop 2020 for Cam model and cam site
The LG Gram thin and light laptop is considered the world’s lightest and slim laptop that offers boasting sleek, ultra- lightweight design and big touch screen displays and perfect for camming girls and webcam models.
It offers long battery life, heavy features and truly amazing at just 2.98 lbs (1.35kgs) weight.
15. HP Papillion Gaming Laptop – Best for Engineering Students
The HP Pavilion Gaming Laptop is a powerful masterpiece for webcam modeling and has a bold design with serious graphics and power, dual speakers and edge to edge display for fast multi-tasking and responsiveness that meet your gaming and webcam modeling needs.
This laptop has a mix of powerful components and configuration for solid performance such as 10th Generation Intel Core i7 processor, 16GB, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (6GB GDDR6 dedicated), 512 GB SSD storage, 32GB Intel optane memory for storage and runs on windows 10 Home 64.
16. Razer Blade Pro 17 – Best cheap laptop with camera
The New Razer Blade Pro 17 is built with a faster 17.3” display and high performance for your webcam modeling and games on the go.
Crafted to outsmart its competitions, this Razer Blade Pro 17 gaming laptop is a power house designed with 9th Gen Intel core i7 – 9750H processor with a turbo boost of 4.5GHZ and base clock speed at 2.6GHZ.
17. Lenovo Ideapad 5 laptop – Best Built–in Webcam Laptop
This Lenovo Ideapad 5 laptop offers webcam models good performance and a long battery life with its 70-wh battery which is very satisfactory.
Lenovo’s ideapad 5 model packs a 15.6inch display and offers 8GB of RAM, an Ice lake core i5 processor and a GeForce–MX50 GPU.
It is a great laptop for entry-level gamers because of its powerful GPU, usability and one of the best laptops for low budget gamers.
18. Lenovo Flex 14 – Best Laptop for console streaming
The Lenovo Flex 14 offers you value for money and extraordinary blend of performance and most affordable to webcam girls and cam site owners.
It is an attractive convertible laptop for under $900 and is built with excellent features such as pen support, IPS touchscreen display and FHD clarity.
This Lenovo Flex 14 is a stylish, compact, powerful yet light multi-mode PC with 8th Gen Intel core processing and windows 10 Home.
19. Lenovo Flex 5 – Best laptop for video conferencing
The Lenovo Flex 5 is a 14 inch 2 in 1 laptop that is packed and built with amazing entertainment features such as:
Powerful Intel core i7 processors
Best of windows 10 designed to streamline your life
Powerful all day battery life
Optimal Lenovo Active pen that works  seamlessly on the Flex 5’s touch screen
Streamlined security with fingerprint reader
Sleek portability weight at 3.74 lbs (1.7kg)
Finished un sleek aluminum designed with great precision
Excellent 360 Degree Hinge
Full HD viewing for brilliant clarity
Powerful Harman Audio
HD webcam camera & Dual Array mics
20. Oemgenuine Lenovo Thinkpad A485 – Best Laptop with camera and micro phone
The lightweight Lenovo Thinkpad A485 is a 14-inch laptop built on enterprise grade security with the latest AMD Ryzen Pro processing and Radeon Vega graphics.
This laptop is ideal and perfect for multitasking in the office or on the go.
With its slightly larger 57-wh battery, the Lenovo Thinkpad A480 (Ryzen 5 Pro) runs for about 9 hours in the WLAN test conducted by Bestsoft Nigeria
The Lenovo Thinkpad A485 is a Window 10 laptop that has a 14 inch display with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution screen.
Powered by a Ryzen processor, this laptop comes with 8GB RAM – 256GB SSD, and is durable.
The company, Lenovo focuses on great usability and long battery life as part of its well-deserved reputation for productivity and branding to ensure that you complete your tasks without annoying friction and system freezing.
What are Laptop Requirements for Live Streaming?
The laptop requirements for live streaming as far as specs is recommended having windows 7 or newer, 8GB RAM, and at least an intel core i5 – 4670 processor.
You’ll do your streaming from a gaming laptop, a good computer or gaming desktop PC with elegant 15.6 inch full HD widescreen .
This is the minimum and recommended system specs or requirement for live streaming
Now that you have learned about the specs requirements for live streaming, in the next section I shall discuss about the best cheap webcams.
What is the Best Cheap Webcam? – Best Webcams 2020
These are some of the best cheap webcams in the market for your laptop or desktop PC.
1. Logitech StreamCam – Best for content creation
The Logitech streamcam is great for video chatting and video conferencing as well as games live streaming.
It has excellent features such as smart auto focus, facial tracking 1080p resolution, smart exposure, flappable design for videos and photos, up to 60 fps frame rate, built-in electronic image stabilization, USB type C connectivity and fast and amazing video transfer speeds.
Microsoft LifeCam HD – 3000
– cheap and ideal for Skype
The Microsoft Lifecam HD – 3000 is one of the best webcams aimed at experience users and features 720p live video calling and 1080p resolution recording.
It is a great choice for business presentations and conferencing and offers crystal clear audio, noise cancelling and color correction.
3. Logitech C922 Pro Stream  – Best Logitech Newest webcam
The Logitech C922 Pro Stream is ideal for gamers and boasts of auto low-light correction, 1080p video quality, hosting of video calls and blazing cam for live streaming with the lights offer.
This webcam supports background removal and is a perfect choice for YouTubers for its 720p/60 fps streaming support, stereo audio, auto focusing and amazing design build.
4. Razer Kiyo – Best webcam for Live streaming and modeling
Razer Kiyo webcam is a great spotlight on live streaming and modeling and features 1080p resolution, ring light and is compatible with Xsplit and OBS.
Though it is expensive, this webcam has a unique weird design but is easy to use as one of the best webcams for streaming.
Razer Kiyo focuses more on image quality and light Ring lighting which are most important to YouTube Vloggers and game streamers.
It is a plug and play webcam device on the go.
5. Mevo webcam – Best Live streaming on the go
The Mevo is a great webcam for capturing live footage as an ideal device for aspiring journalists that are connected to a mobile network.
It is very portable, inconspicuous, and small, compatible with a variety of devices and is perfect for interview.
Though very expensive, this webcam features Bluetooth 4.1, 2160p resolution, live video and audio editing, mobile device compatibility and 4k recording.
6. Microsoft Lifecam studio – A Pro camera for college students
The Microsoft Lifecam studio webcam is a powerful peripheral and requires a PC for max settings.
It features Microsoft’s True color system, 360-degree rotating capabilities, 1080p recording, wide band mic for crystal clear sound delivery, 720p live video calling and is perfect for presentations and business conferencing.
7. Logitech BRIO Webcam – Best 4k webcam
Logitech BRIO Webcamis the ultimate webcam with high dynamic range (HOR), dual mics, unmatched resolution and superfast 4K streaming
This webcam takes high–resolution clear photos and videos and is the highest–end webcam for modeling.
With its support for Windows Hello biometric face login and great sound quality make Logitech BRIO a high quality webcam for business, Facebook live and Live chat streaming.
8. Creative Labs Senz3D – Great Webcam    
The Creative Labs Senz 3D is an intelligent webcam built-with advanced technology to track and sense depth of human motion and records in 3D and 2D to enable you perform detailed video chats, remove backgrounds and issue commands with hand gestures.
It houses depth sensors and array of 3D visual for you to interact with your laptop or desktop PC computers with accuracy and ease.
9. Logitech C930e
The Logitech C930e webcam is an enterprise focused camera that offers 4x digital zoom with a wide field of view and excellent cancellation of noise.
It is an excellent webcam for business with great image quality, video recording and perfectly designed choice for noisy environment because of its noise cancellation feature.
10. AUSDOM 1080p HD webcam – camera with Built-in microphone
The AUSDOM 1080p HD webcam is an ultra-full HD camera that supports  full high definition video (1920 x 1080) at 30fps with 5 layer glass lens without any blurs.
It is ideal for creating online classes, video chatting, video recording and HD picture taking and best choice for webcam models.
11. Logitech C920
The Logitech C920 features high-definition 1080p and 720p with stereo audio on many chat applications and automatic light correction.
This webcam outsmarts and outperforms built-in webcams in most laptops and you can easily game stream, rant, share, sing, rap and dance live in HD 720p for your webcam modeling.
The Logitech C920 is good for streaming and as a low cost pro streaming webcam, it offers quality video for live video chats and a good notch up from in-built laptop webcams.
What Laptop has the Best webcam?
When it comes to the best webcams, most modern laptops and all in one desktop PC or computers come with in-built integrated webcams built into the display.
External webcam models have some advantages though built-in webcams are more convenient and easy to use.
Here are the best laptops that have the best webcam.
How can I use my old camera as a webcam on my laptop?
If you’ve a canon camera and a window PC, you can hook up the camera via USB and use it as a webcam using an app.
Some system might need extra hardware that converts a camera’s HDMI output into USB input.
Here is the step how to reuse old laptop webcam
Step 1: Get the webcam
Step 2: Identify the wires
Step 3: Connect your webcam via USB A cable
Step 4: Test your webcam by connecting the USB cable to your PC/Laptop
Should you cover your laptop webcam?
Yes, if you cover your laptop webcam camera, it makes you feel safe when not in use or when you are working.
For your laptop, you can use a sticky note or electrical tape to cover up the camera.
It’s just a small piece of tape, so you don’t need to spend money on any special sticker to do the covering.
How do I make my laptop camera better quality?
Here are the simple steps to do make your laptop camera better quality
Make sure your imaging software is updated to the most recent version
Adjust the lighting condition such as hue, brightness, contrast and saturation via your webcam settings
Soften the light
Your background matters
Don’t overload the laptop with multiple tasks
Adjust your laptop camera video settings
If you have a router, sit up the quality of service (QoS)
Adjust the screen resolution
Now you have learned more about the best laptop for webcam modeling, and the features to consider when you want to buy your next portable laptop. Here is my number 1 pick and recommendation for you.
Culled from BestSoft Nigeria: https://www.bestsoftnigeria.biz/blog/best-laptop-for-webcam-modeling/#ixzz6a5XNftC6
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