#[greeting thread]
unforth · 1 month
ngl I'm absolutely disgusted by and done with the spam asks supposedly from Palestinians. I don't know or, honestly, care if they are "vetted" or if they're just scams. All I know is they drop super triggering material in my inboxes, unasked for and unblocklistable.
Can we please kill this entire bullshit way of fundraising? I'm begging y'all to stop ever posting them. Make this absolutely useless as a way of outreach.
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whitmore · 8 months
i’ve made a post like this before but there’s been a couple waves of twitter refugees since so i want to reiterate that many of us here don’t use twitter at all, and if you could tag your twitter-centric discourse / discussion / fandom posts that would be much appreciated! we are not that website and many of us don’t want anything to do with it
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lovinggreeniehours · 23 days
occasionally in my "i hate lucifer" moods i just remember that the first time he greeted me happy birthday after we got on good terms, he essentially said "im glad your parents had sex. it's nice that you're alive" in his typical lucifer fancy talk and then hung up. and suddenly im normal again
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 6 months
I swear I try not to comment stuff every time I watch an episode of Golden Girls, but they make it so hard. Take this conversation between Rose and her daughter Kirsten from S1E16 The Truth Will Out:
"Well, I thought, why would anyone who could afford to be totally independent want to live with someone else?" "Kirsten, I think there's something I should explain." "You don't have to, Mom. I understand perfectly. Meeting Blanche and Dorothy explains everything."
Like, come on. Kirsten obviously thinks they're romantically involved. This has to be intentionally cryptic.
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voxxisms · 5 months
@cannibalxroses is hosting the blood ball! cont.
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VOX ARRIVED a little early, present just before the doors had opened. he liked to be anywhere early as much as he could, for most things. this event, of course, would be no exception — in fact, was much more important to arrive within reason for. a wonderful opportunity to network with those in attendance, && even more so a good chance to to rub elbows with the hostess in a way that he was most familiar with.
without a head on his shoulders, his magic was part of the very mask he was meant to wear instead, only grateful that it appeared not to cause any issues. he would feel odd, later, when he put his head back on, but for now, he started up the steps && approached, a singular deep red rose in hand that he offered up to her once he located the lovely hostess herself.
❝ hello, there, rosie. it really is wonderful seeing you, thank you for hosting such an event for us all. ❞
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foremyth · 15 days
🎲 - nina and lucci !
astutely, nina's fingers tug at the hem of his shirt, drawing uncharacteristically near with the excuse of a crease in the fabric needing fixing. her touch lingers, satiny, feather-light against the fabric of her own design. lucci wears the top two buttons undone as she had suggested. if she weren't so innocently casual about the way her warm knuckles brush against the soft dip of his throat, he would think she's being deliberate. maybe it's a reminder—that even though her particular skills may keep them away from the field most of the times, she is a cipher pol agent, as able as any of them to bypass someone's defenses. maybe it's a hint. the body wants what it wants, and zoans, who are all electric instinct, know it best.
rob lucci waits, his lips pursing slightly, his dark eyebrows drawn together. his face hasn't lost its sternness, but something mild and curious now flickers in his metal-blue eyes. daring, to a degree. he tilts his head. he is taller, but nina is forward, unafraid to intrude his space. why should she be? she has fixed the collar of his shirt countless times now. picked at the loose threads in the buttonholes of his tailored jacket, and measured, fixed, touched. lucci can hear her heartbeat drum along the lines of her palm. the shift in the air between them is new and tempting. the need to chase it ebbs and rises in him like the undertow.
when he catches her chin between his forefinger and thumb, he feels a stab of wicked pleasure at witnessing the spread of surprise across her expression. he leans to plant a quick, unsuggestive kiss on her cheek—but when he tilts her head to kiss the other one, he aims lower. now this, the sensual drag of his slightly parted lips along her smooth jawline, this is deliberate. two can play this game.
he releases her with the same amount of casualness nina had put in her feathered touch. leaning out of her space, he whistles to hattori.
“see you.”
kiss roulette, a kiss along the jawline.
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pv55y · 1 month
           SELENA LEANS CASUALLY AGAINST THE COUNTER OF THE SMALL COFFEE SHOP, her eyes scanning the room; it’s a far cry from the shadows of Gotham, but it’s a welcome change of pace. She takes a sip of her coffee, savoring the warmth as it spreads through her — it’s not often she gets to simply relax, to simply exist, ( BEST NOT TO LET THE THOUGHTS LINGER TOO MUCH ) Her attention shifts when the door chimes, signaling a new arrival;
           Selena’s seen her before, in pictures and headlines—she’s a known face, a model, an actress, &, if the rumors are true, SOMEONE WITH TIES TO SPIDER-MAN,     [ Her interest? Piqued… Intentions? To be determined, ]     & as if the universe hears her thoughts, their eyes meet; Selena, ever the nicest, offers a subtle smile, a greeting & no more intentions than just that.     < @watsonjackpot CALLED UPON THE CAT , >     SHE TILTS HER HEAD JUST EVER SO, studying the redhead with a curious glint in her eyes,
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sercphs-a · 6 months
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@stainarts asked:
W steps into the fray, not sure what has happened.
"Hey." She starts, trying to poke at Seth's attention. /Focus on me./ Not knowing how to handle seeing someone, who she harmed physically. Her hands shake slightly, before crossing her arms.
"... Long time no see."
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⠀⠀⠀⠀The old Babel operator is not exactly keen to see his former colleague, especially not under the guise of her being a new colleague under different circumstances. The corner of his mouth can't be kept from curling into a tight-lipped frown.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀Her name is spoken with no friendliness. How could it be, after last they met? A sour taste of blood that had stained their history, and a cold shoulder...
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strywoven · 1 year
closed. / @angelictyphoon ( ft. vash & verona )
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Words on the page begin to fall out of focus as awareness is drawn elsewhere , pried away from the high peak of her home and into town— Head raises , ears twitching and tuning to her surroundings ; faint though it is , given the distance , Verona senses SOMETHING in Wellspring , something she does not recognize ( this , a cause for concern ; there is not a person nor creature alive here she has not committed to memory … if it is not one of them , then who ? or what ? ) .  Setting her book unfurled on the arm , Verona stands from her seat and ventures to the windows , peering outside.  From her manor on the mount , she has a view of nearly the w h o l e of her territory.  And her cursory examination – from a simple enough glance – tells her all’s well ; everything is normal.  But if that’s truly the case … What is this strange FEELING gnawing at her baser being ?
No other way to find out than to go down and look , is there ?  Calling out a good-bye to Pandora , who only just now enters the room looking – as usual – perplexed by his companion’s odd ways , she’s donned her coat and is out the door before a question can be raised about it ( not that she’s privy to granting answers ) .
… The ‘ heart ’ of Wellspring is marked by an EERIE MONUMENT erected shortly after the deaths of Verona’s wife and child , a figure seen from every corner of town ; nearly human-like , the body frayed / flayed by tree boughs and tangles of roots at the base ( seems whoever this is supposed to embody is given a saint-like reverence & gratitude from the locals , there’s candles & offerings dappled along her feet ) .  The Independent stands there , quietly gazing up at h e r , seemingly awaiting an answer to the question— Then it comes : an unfamiliar scent , a flash of red out of the corner of her eye … Verona hones in on it , watching it stride so casually along into Claudius’ tavern adjacent to her position.
When Verona enters the tavern she’s greeted with a chorus of raucous ‘ hello ’ s , the people here t h r i l l e d to see her come down from on high to join them for once.  Pausing , for a moment , Verona tips her head , acknowledges the flock in kind , but there is no time to linger and dither about with them , she’s here for … HIM .  Her gaze fixes on the man who entered her territory unannounced , uninvited ( though not uncommon for travelers to do so , there’s something to him that sets her on edge ) .
It takes all of a moment for her to stride up to him , the c r a c k of her heels nearly puncturing through the evening din of the place completely , loud as gunshots.  Clawed hand is the first thing to enter the frame , placed on the bar in front of him as she l o o m s further forward , her sharp hooks all but c a r v i n g into the wood ; the predatory energy she gives off is palpable ( a viciousness , an ire , an unnatural power ) .  ❝ Can I buy you a round … F r i e n d ? ❞  Sanguine lips pull back into a grin ( the barest notes of a deep growl undertoning her words ) ; all serrated ivories , lacking in amicable air , it’s entirely a threat.  ❝ Perhaps then you can tell me your business in MY TOWN . ❞
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daughterofthetis · 8 months
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@rcdiostcrs said: " I'd wish you luck, mate, but there isn't any. "
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" of course there isn't, " cassidy said, nonchalantly, to hide the nerves that thrummed in her veins as the princess andromeda rocked beneath their feet.
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the waves crashing against the hull of the ship were growing choppier and choppier, cassidy could feel it. they were getting closer and closer to the shoreline, and she still wasn't sure if she was ready for what that meant. " that would make things too easy for us. "
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lesbiangiratina · 1 year
People give fighting game advice like theyre sending you off to war
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enypneon · 8 months
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you're night city's most mysterious fixer but make sure your mercs feel appreciated and always finish your messages with ...
have fun!
best of luck
super useful insider tips and quality support
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
A face had caught Vanellope's attention across the room. She wove through the crowd, holding her dress so she wouldn't trip over it, her boots knocking against the floor.
The evening had been glorious so far, a fairytale, and Vanellope was soaking up every second she could. It was rare for her to dress up like this, to be in a crowd, to be looked at. It felt... well, good. Some part of her heart loved the attention, the stares. It was intoxicating in a way that freely flowing champagne only enhanced.
She found herself behind the person who'd caught her attention. She reached out and tapped them on the shoulder.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but do I know you?" She asked.
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I... OMG... I didn't expect this! I'm crying (and yet I'm also going on crazy fangirl mode) 😂
Thank you soooooo much for sending this beautiful (and hot) greeting card! And I really appreciate everything you've shared, including the time and interactions we have.
Again, thank you! Please take care of yourself always and yes, let's have more fun (and crazier) moments in the coming year! ❤️❤️❤️
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kitchenofthegeld · 2 years
Angle of a Pan: Cyrus x Billy
Billy knocked on the blacksmith wall before entering the workspace.
"Oi! Cyrus mate! You got a moment, yeah?" he asked. "Had one of the kitchen boys get a little rough with a pan handle this morning-" he said and he held up a pan with a cast iron handle bent down to the floor.
"What's a wolf gotta pay to get this back into shape before dinner, eh?" he asked with a smile.
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imeeanbusiness · 1 year
Meet and Greet || with @bendingmuses and imeeanbusiness
Asami sat in a cushy chair in the lobby of Republic City's embassy. She was waiting for someone whom she had been in contact only through a couple of letters. President Raiko personally asked the entrepreneur to be Yua's guide while the princess became acquainted with the city.
"No..No.. Not her." She scanned the people coming out of the elevator, comparing lookalikes to the photo she was given, until one of them matched the lady in the photo exactly. Asami gleamed, putting her best foot forward as she walked up to meet her.
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"Hi. Are you Yua? I'm Asami. It's an honor to meet you."
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