#[hope this works for you!]
chaosfindsaway · 2 months
@homelander-rp-blog iked for a starter from Trevor! [Jurassic World verse]
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Trevor emerged from the shadows, his men forming a circle around the stranger they'd caught snooping around the camp. They had their weapons pointed, but wouldn't shoot unless Trevor gave the signal.
"Well, I can't say I've seen you around these parts," he spoke through a light smirk, hand resting on his own firearm latched to his side - it was instinct, at this point. Too many other dinosaur poachers out there wanted Trevor dead. All the more reason for him to believe he was at the top of the food chain.
Now only a few feet from the stranger, Trevor stopped to look him up and down before finally speaking again. "What brings you to my camp? Let's hope you weren't trying to steal anything. I'd hate to feed such a pretty face to Moonshine - though, she is pretty fucking hungry."
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wastheheart · 4 months
Talking About What Happened
@devilsanddarlings (emmett) asked: "So... is someone going to fill me in?" (hello & thank you!)
Ah, yes. It had all happened so quickly, Esme had forgotten Emmett wasn't here when the house's newest occupants had turned up. They aren't around now, but their scents lingered. Without context, Esme knows how easily Emmett could potentially misconstrue unknown scents as a threat.
Esme offers a quick smile, words struggling to come as she attempts to wrap her head around it herself.
"Well, I believe we may have acquired two more coven members," Esme begins, the girl she had just met seemingly knowing them all personally already. She can't quite decide if it's comforting or unnerving. "A woman named Alice and her mate, Jasper."
If anything, Esme's simply glad she's remembered their names. Alice was like an unseasonal hurricane and, despite vampiric abilities, Esme found it difficult to keep up. Not that her mate helped matters; he simply stood there looking stoic.
"The woman is a psychic and her mate is an empath... apparently they adopted our diet so to be prepared for when they finally found us." Esme almost wants to laugh. Saying these things out loud sounds dramatic. "... To be honest, I think it'd be easier to just ask them... but the man, Jasper... he is finding this lifestyle particularly challenging."
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the-haunted-office · 2 months
(A starter for @alabonshay!)
Dorian hadn't meant to make its newest little inhabitant feel trapped when it started closing all the doors in the hallway. It had only meant to herd her away from the rooms it knew were already occupied, thus sparing her from walking in on their occupants and causing a fuss.
Well, it seems a fuss was bound to be caused anyway, because now she's raising her voice and demanding to be let out.
Oh dear. Dorian has to fix this!
"Wait wait wait, hold on there, just a moment, I'm- I'm not- This isn't what it looks like, now!" its panicked voice cries, with no visible source of where it is coming from. If anything, the voice seems to be coming from the air itself. "I'm not holding you captive, ma'am! I'm just- I'm not- There are people in those rooms, right, and quite a few of them are sleeping. And I'm afraid if you were to go right into them, especially shouting like that, you'll wake them, and I really don't want that happening, so if you could just- If you'll just-"
A door opens at the end of the hallway waggling back and forth on its hinges in the hopes of getting the dendie's attention.
"Here! Down here! This door, right here, please! Come on down here, and you'll see that you aren't trapped, now. I wouldn't recommend leaving me, but at least you'll see that you aren't being held captive, and- Oh, bother, that didn't come out right, did it? But- Aw, just, please come this way, miss?"
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konpieto · 1 month
the  demon  lets  out  a  sound  of  annoyance  from  his  constant  moving,  slightly  tugging  on  his  hair.  “   inosuke  be  still  !   ”   she  says  before  letting  out  a  huff  &  going  back  to  doing  his  hair.  which  is  basically  just  her  playing  around  in  it  since  she  can't  really  do  hair  but  she  tries  her  best.  trying  her  best  to  do  a  braid  like  mitsuri's  in  his  hair.  she  lets  out  another  hum  before  she  suddenly  asks.  “  why  inosuke  not  show  face  …  often  ?   ”  nezuko  doesn't  understand  why  he  doesn't  show  it  often.  she  likes  when  he  shows  his  face,  it's  very  pretty  &  also  nice  to  poke.   
@whirling-fangs  /  starter  call. 
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aamaranthiine · 9 months
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( @draconxs liked for a starter~ )
Trumpets bray and drums beat, a rising exaltation through the dense woodland that startles birds and sends beasts scurrying to their dens. Banners and bells held by men astride horses, the steel-bright flash of swords catching dappling sun through the trees. Dogs scatter and add to the cacophony of noise, howls caught by the wind to fill the air with frenzied energy. The Hunt had been called for again - a fifth time now - its magnificence and flamboyance all for the glory of their prize.
Four times hence the men had been sent out into the wilds of Wano Country in search of a living fable. Only twice had they glimpsed the white flanks of their quarry yet it drove them into a fervor. The promise of fame, of power and recognition - the legends of wishes granted and lives long lived spurred them on even through the failures. (There is too, underneath, the threat of retribution for another defeat.) They gathered such splendor, as tales bespoke only the most opulent displays could lure their prey close enough to be caught.
Amalthea thought it all quite ostentatious, truthfully. Perhaps that is the appeal of it? A Hunt so grandiose and sublime that she could not resist but watch its procession wreathed in shade and elusive magic. She had dared to be spotted enough to keep them slavering for another glimpse of her. Unicorns, after all, were said to steal some part of man that had always been missing. Make that empty, hollow sliver of them ache and throb with desperate want.
She could never say if it is true or not but she does have a reason for inciting such frenzy. It was all to draw out the esteemed King of Beasts himself. The unicorn could never truly be caught by the lavish Hunt but she knew, if she evaded them long enough, her opportunity would show itself. So she watched from afar as the cavalry with their banners and instruments, and the dogs fled from the mere whisper of her presence, waiting to see if this might be the day.
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fereldensheroes · 7 months
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@recitedemise liked for a Durge!
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The group was an odd one, so far, but it wasn't as if she could claim to be any better. Nimue had asked each of the others as she met them if they'd begun to suffer any... memory loss... since the tadpole. Not a single soul, apart from Shadowheart who had chosen to forget. Still, she was curious. She wouldn't mention the thoughts, not yet. Gods, she wouldn't mention those. But she did have questions. And so the elf had plopped herself outside of Gale's tent. He was far more approachable that Lae'zel and seemed knowledgeable.
"Do the tadpoles cause nausea and headaches?" The words were probably not the best to start with, but they tumbled from her. She didn't know how to backtrack, so she progressed. "It would make sense, right? It's something in your brain."
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braveparanoiac · 9 months
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"Need a hand?" starter prompt, sent by @crsdtm
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"No, no no," Stanford waves a dismissive hand without much thought at the stranger's voice, thumb pressing down on the top of his pen over and over. Click click click click - he could've sworn he picked up something around here. There was a peculiar reading, usually meaning some form of anomalous activity was about. Strange for it to be so high in the Midwest - he had figured Oregon was the only hotspot. Exceptions happen, of course. Sometimes one or five might pop up here and there. Brighton, however, seems filled to the brim with very similar readings. Hopefully the readings can be identified soon - it took some convincing to rope Stan in to explore this town. The ocean is nowhere. This was not part of the plan. Ford's not about to ignore such high readings, though. ...Suppose it's better to ask than to keep it to himself, though. Have to word it carefully - people might turn away from him if he outright said 'I think your town is infested with cryptids or otherwise supernatural creatures.'
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"Wait- actually... yes. I think you could provide a bit of aid, if you are willing." The clicking of his pen slows as he glances - down. Little girl, probably about his niece's age, maybe younger, maybe stubborn - did she not plan on leaving him alone when he said no the first time? ...He's starting to get sidetracked. "Er... Stanford Pines," he holds out his hand in offering - the wrist containing an odd looking wristwatch with a mini satellite dish he was watching before. "I am a -" a paranormal investigator? Scientist in all things 'weird?' Cryptid and alien enthusiast? Last he checked, that is a surefire, bonafide way to get called a nutjob - "...I am simply... passing through." Too vague, but maybe good enough. "...My brother is restocking our supplies before we head out on the road. I figured it be best to take in our surroundings and observe the area on my own." Which, isn't entirely a lie. Stan might be pickpocketing stores. Good lying means basing it upon some of the truth, and not revealing everything. "You... wouldn't happen to be a local, would you?" Could be in luck. She could take him to wherever these energy readings are highest. If not, well, he knows where not to look.
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councillor-roland · 8 months
Ah, heat week. Roland quite enjoyed the occurrence twice a year at Krovs undoubtedly because he didn't have to go through it himself. His libido was high enough as it was, he didn't need it amped up anymore. There was a certain frenzy in the air during the week and people got up to even more debauchery than usual. That suited Roland just fine. Things with Rhys were still moving at a rather glacial pace but even if they'd returned to how things had been during the summer Roland would still have been taking advantage of the week. The slaves, especially, were in quite a state and the Undercroft wreaked of sex and pheromones. There wasn't much messing around or pretending at resistance when a slave was in heat, they just needed and wanted so desperately and Roland was happy to oblige.
He found himself looking for a likely candidate and his gaze fell on...what was his name, Roman? That was it, the one Rhys had begged him not to condemn since he'd been wrong about him during that trial. The vote still hadn't gone the right way but Roland had tried, not that the slave knew anything about that. Still, Roland could tell the familiar was in heat and strode over to him. "Hello. You look like you could use some relief. Perhaps I could be of assistance?" His eyebrows arched and his eyes glittered. It was a slight tease because they both knew Roland definitely could be of assistance but the vampire couldn't seem to help poking the wound just a little.
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favcritecriime · 4 months
✘ — @apurekindness | hit the ♥️ heart & gets a starter from myla
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"Uh, hey. I'm here to pick up something for Sheriff Shoupe. I know it's confidential, but he's tied up with some other matters. I even have a permit, if you need to see it?"
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talesofourworlds · 10 months
@blackstardiopside liked for an Aegis birthday starter!
"Excuse me."
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"I'm sorry, I know this is out of the blue. I was hoping perhaps you'd be able to assist me with locating a bakery since I'm not familiar with this part of town," Aegis said. He hadn't been living in that part of town for very long, so naturally he was unfamiliar with where to go. Google Maps hadn't been all that helpful, either. So turning to a stranger was his best bet.
Of course, Aegis was aware that a stranger might be a little more sympathetic if they understood his reasoning. It might have sounded pathetic, but he needed to explain. He owed her that much, didn't he?
"It's my birthday, so... since I'm afraid my baking expertise is nonexistent, this is the next best thing. Can you help, ma'am?"
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schattenmagier · 4 months
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[ Locked in a Room // Accpeting! ]
@fishermcn asked:
[PACING]: Back and forth, back and forth, the ragged crow of a man paces back and forth. Between his restless hands sit the innards and casing of a soon-to-be bomb, clanking and clonking against one another as Soot fiddles with the thing distractedly. Every so often his pacing takes him back over to the table they've used to plan this little co-operative venture, flinty eyes glancing over the marks they've made for patrols and the best places to slip past them... before trotting off to continue wearing a hole in the floor. It's about another minute before Soot finally gives up the ghost with a raspy sigh and a glance spared towards Lilli. "Sure we can't blow'm to bits? Assassinatin' him, burnin' the place down, same difference ain't it?"
The thief watches Samuel like a hawk as he so restless paced around the room. Again and again. It was so different from her more calm behavior. And it somehow annoyed her in a way. Why did she needed to work with him anway? Could they have not hired only her to kill that target? Apparently not. Or their client simply didn't trusted that one person was capable enough for this job. Who knows. But one thing was clear, she did had to deal with having a 'partner' for this job. Now the woman just hoped he was as good as she was told.
Lilli then let's out a low sigh when the man spoke again. Either he wanted to get over this job as soon as possible, or he simply wanted to blow something up. And while that sure would be an easy way to kill their target AND everyone else who was around, it wasn't exactly the most subtile way. And not what their client wanted...
" I am very sure we can't do that... Our client said we should just kill one guy... "
A moment passes, and she looks at the map with the markings again. Perhaps using his experience with bombs could still be useful. So, why not including it? It might be not her style, but perhaps it will satisfy him.
" While I prefer my way for an assassination, you can blow something up as a distraction I suppose... Would that be satisfying for you? "
Lilli proposed to Sam, while glancing at the man with her usual blank expression... Or perhaps there was a hint of annoyance to find in the way she looked at him.
" If you blow the whole place up, we surely would attract to much unneeded attention... "
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wastheheart · 15 days
are you free tonight ?
@girlsurvive (thank you!)
Esme glances up, immediately offering the other a smile. "I've got nothing planned, so luckily or unfortunately, I am indeed free tonight."
She displaces her tablet, placing the stylus on top as if to further confirm her words.
"Do you want to do anything specific, or do you just want company?" Esme's fine with whatever. It's easier to help put the other at ease when they feel as if they have control over the situation, especially when they're new and in an unfamiliar environment.
"But I'll have you know that if you want to talk I have a very good ear and copious amounts of time."
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infiniitefrequency · 2 months
@redheadarcher liked for a Spider-Girl starter:
She’s not impulsive. May is definitely not impulsive, or irrational. She doesn’t act before thinking. She is very calculated, slow, methodical. Not at all like her father.
She doesn’t see a crackling purple and green energy source open in the middle of downtown, and jump into action, no of course not. She waits for the Fantastic Five to get involved, the Sorcerer Supreme, the Avengers.
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You’d think a spacial rip in the fabric of the multiverse would be more, cozy. But it’s all lightning, gas, and a huge void of screams. Her screams, others, or maybe just hers echoed over time and infinity, looped.
Light at the end of the tunnel would be nice, so she webbed for the first fissure in the conduit she could. Web shot out first, before pulling the red and blue clad spider out of the aperture on the other side, closing behind her.
Wherever this other side was.
Whatever she landed on at what was definitely over 50 miles per hour, hurt.
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konpieto · 1 month
she's  been  sleeping  most  of  the  day,  still  no  sign  of  her  brother  yet.  normally,  she'd  still  be  waiting  patiently  for  him  to  come  back  but  she's  bored  &  lonely.  it's  times  like  this  that  make  her  miss  her  other  siblings,  there  was  always  someone  to  keep  her  company.  thinking  on  the  past  memories  brings  a  wave  of  sadness  to  her.  she  knows  she's  safe  being  in  the  presence  of  the  water  hashira  so  she  seeks  out  to  find  him.  when  she  finds  him,  she  tugs  on  his  haori.  before  nuzzling  into  him.  “  when  …  tanjiro  come  back  ?  miss  him  …  ”   pink  eyes  look  at  him,  big  &  glossy.  “  keep  nezuko  company  until  come  back  ?  ” 
@mizukokyu  /  starter  call. 
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neverfittedin · 2 months
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@kookheir asked: are you staring at my lips?
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Eyebrows rose in brief surprise, not expecting the other to even pay attention to him. Granted, it was unavoidable when everyone else who had been engaged in the previous conversation left to get themselves some more to drink. Nick usually refrained from attending any parties these days, yet had seen no harm in tagging along to this one. For the most part he had remained silent and had dared examining the other's face who had caught him red handed. Instead of denying the action, the Clark kept cool and shrugged, letting a smile form on his lips. "Possibly. That a problem to you if I did?"
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frxgmcnts · 5 months
✘ — @dcrkfcngs | liked this and the wheel chose huan to anyone you think fits!
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Huan had listened to the other for a little while now and couldn't stop himself anymore from asking, "Have you ever cared about anyone other than yourself?"
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