#[i see sparks fly whenever you smile ; mitch marner]
haileybaldwix · 2 years
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Hailey Baldwin uploaded to her Instagram Stories
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haileybaldwix · 2 years
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Hailey Baldwin uploaded to her Instagram Stories
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haileybaldwix · 2 years
turns out you’ve been right here all along || mitch + hailey
Who: Mitch Marner + Hailey Baldwin ( @mitchofdreams ) When: February 18th, 2022 Where: Aspen, Colorado. Description: Hailey and Mitch come clean about their feelings 
HAILEY: Yesterday had been a whirlwind. From flying to Toronto early Friday morning to LA, only to have brunch with Dove's friend, and back to Toronto again to see Mitch and fly together to Colorado, that extra flight to LA seemed to just happen to prove a point. Mainly to herself, that she didn't need to be with Mitch all the time. That the kisses that had happened had been very welcomed but she could be kissing whoever she wanted, and it'd feel just the same. But she'd spent the morning hanging out with a guy who was awesome, she could see why Rudy and Dove loved him so much and were adamant on her going out with him, but she just... Didn't feel it. He even kissed her when he dropped her home, a short peck, and she just... Couldn't find it in herself to invite him in and hang out some more. If anything, she was happy it'd happened, but happier it was over. So now, after spending the night at Mitch's and flying to Colorado, spending the day out doing nothing and then coming back and as they got ready to go to the welcome party, Hailey picked out and put on her outfit. Warm combat boots, fleece tights with a pair of sparkly fishnets over them, and an oversized warm blazer she'd carefully crafted a dress out of with the help of some safety pins and boob tape, to get it just chesty enough without it going too much. "Mitch?" She asked, walking out of the little dressing room area "Be honest, am I gonna freeze in just this?" MITCH: Mitch couldn't get Hailey's date out of his mind ever since she had left for it in Los Angeles. No matter how much he tried to distract his brain and act like it didn't bother him or that it wasn't happening, it just did not help. He had a sick sense of relief when Hailey had come back from the date and it didn't sound like anything serious happened from it. At least, that's what he tried to convince himself of when Hailey didn't make a move to say she'd be seeing Jonathan again. Though . . . that still didn't stop the jealousy that raged in his chest, throwing him off completely. He wanted so badly to not let it effect him, but that was proving to be rough. He had to deal with the fact that all Hailey and him were just friends and that's that. That all she seemed to want was that for real if she was out trying to date other dudes. The flight had been fine and he tried to act normal, but the hockey player found it hard to do when all he wanted was to fight someone over it. He turned his head over his shoulder to look at Hailey's outfit, his own grey and black plaid suit and black dress moccasins already on his body. "Could be warm in the igloo. I think you'll be okay," he replied, licking his lips and turning his eyes away from her before he stared for too long. HAILEY: Hailey looked at him, smiling a little "Alright... Thanks" She said quietly, walking over to the bathroom and finishing the make up she'd been planning, adding a little bit of the peptide treatment as lip gloss and then spraying some perfume all over herself, the smell of it mixed with the perfume Mitch had sprayed previously smelled inexplicably like home to her. Walking out, she looked at herself in the mirror, then turned to Mitch. He'd been quiet lately, but he'd also been playing a crazy amount of hockey, so she just pinned it on him being tired. She walked behind him, wrapping her arms around his middle and over his arms for a second, chin rested on his shoulder "You okay, bub?" A yawn escaped through her lips, hiding her face behind his back for a second "Damn, all the flights between yesterday and today really tired me out" MITCH: The hockey player cursed to himself and stood up from where he had been shifting around in his suitcase for his tie and slung it around his neck. He fixed up the knot and checked himself out in the full length mirror that hung on the wall near the bathroom. His eyes flickered over to Hailey when she came up behind him, wrapping her arms around him and trapping his arms where they were. He chewed the inside of his lower lip and dropped his arms to his sides and leant back against Hailey. He swore she always read him like a book, even when Mitch thought he was being subtle about things. "I'm okay . . . just tired, too, I guess. Didn't sleep much last night and then today was a lot. I'll be fine." HAILEY: After yawning, her head went straight back to his shoulder, this time closer to his head so she could lean hers against his... And the amount of self-control she had to find in herself to not turn her head and kiss him were astronomical. Why was she struggling so much with this if she knew she couldn't have any more than what they had. If she made a move, it could end in disaster, so she'd just leave the kissing for nights out and other situations "You didn't sleep much? I- Okay" She rubbed her hands over his arms as she held him, taking in a deep breath of his cologne again. He wasn't telling her everything, but so was she, so she took a step back and moved around the room again, picking her phone, grabbing her phone and seeing a text, smiling widely when she went to answer it, even chuckling a little. MITCH: Mitch sighed softly when Hailey pulled away from him, suddenly feeling cold now that she was no longer on him. Like the world was cold without Hailey around him to keep it warm and bright. Without her it was just . . . cold and dull. Nothing mattered if Hailey wasn't there, too. He hated that he was so torn on this stuff and didn't know what else to do about it. Not when she made it clear to him that they were really just friends that made out sometimes. Hearing her chuckle a bit, Mitch glanced back over at her and furrowed his eyebrows. "Who is that?" HAILEY: Hailey texted back and put her phone down "Kendall. Wanted to see what I was wearing for tonight and if I was gonna break the internet with it" She chuckled and sat down on the bed, and looked at him for a moment. He still didn't... Look like himself "Mitch, you don't... Like, look happy, what happened?" She asked, pursing her lips and putting her phone away in her bag, patting the spot next to her on the bed "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want, but I just wanna help if I can" MITCH: "You break the internet with everything you wear, Hailey. You're amazing," Mitch said, meaning every single word that he said to her. He couldn't believe that a girl like Hailey even wanted to hook up with him. She had been the best girl around him since Stephanie and it rolled his stomach knowing that she wouldn't be his. Not really. "I just . . ." he trailed off, licking his lips and shaking his head. There was no way he could bring up the date, could he? Unless he wanted to look like a dick. "It's not important, Hails. Don't worry about it." HAILEY: The compliment hit her out of nowhere, and she felt herself heating up around the cheeks and turning rosy, as well as her stomach filling up with butterflies "Aw... Thanks" She mumbled, shrugging her shoulders a little, and pushing the hair out of her face a little. When he didn't join her on the bed, she stood up and walked towards him, placing a hand over his chest for an instant and the other one on his bicep "You just what, babe?" She looked up at him with a little smile "If it's happening to you, it's important to me, Mitch" MITCH: Mitch couldn't even begin to explain how badly her hand on his chest and arm effected him. In so many ways. Ways that he never even thought possible with her and it nearly had him shying away from her. But a selfish part of him wanted her to keep her hands right where they were. "It's just . . . why did you go on a date with him, Hailey? Why did you have to let him take you out?" he broke, shaking his head and stepping back from her and turning to run his hand through his hair. For once not wearing one of his billion hats. "Why couldn't that be me?" HAILEY: Hailey could see the confusion in his eyes, his brain running away from him, and she didn't know how to help. She was about to hug him, figuring it could help to calm whatever ailed him down, but he stepped away, and what he said while he did that floored him "I... What? I didn't- I mean, Dove arranged it, and she'd been going on and on about JD..." The model was going on until she heard him speak again, her heart sinking into his stomach "Do- What? You? Why... Why would you want to take me out?" MITCH: He resisted the urge to roll his eyes when Hailey mentioned being set up. The thing was . . . he couldn’t even blame Jonathan for going out with her. Who wouldn’t want to go out with Hailey Baldwin? Mitch sure as hell did and that was becoming more and more obvious by the second. By the way he kept getting progressively more jealous the more he thought about Hailey with anyone but him. “Because I have feelings for you, Hailey!” he finally exploded, turning to face her again with desperation in his eyes. “Always have and probably always will. But you only want to be friends and that — that’s okay. But I can’t sit here and watch you date other people. I can’t.” HAILEY: The more she spoke, the more aggravated she saw Mitch getting. His face changed very subtly, but Hailey had been looking at that face for at least a month now every single day, she could tell. What he said when he spoke though, hit her in the chest like an anvil "You... What?" She narrowed her eyes."Mitch... Wh- How- Why did you never tell-" She was feeling very confused, mainly because she was struggling with her feelings too. "I don't wanna date other people, I.. Don't know why, but I can't see myself going on dates, and JD was great, but I spent more time thinking about my flight back to see you, I just... Had to see you" It came out in somewhat of a sigh, and her heart sunk to her stomach. What'd just happened? MITCH: "i didn't tell you because you made it very obvious that you only wanted to be friends. and i'm okay with that . . . or i thought i was, at least. just the thought of you with JD killed me, hailey," he admitted, pressing a hand to his chest when he referenced to himself. the hockey player hated that this all burst out of him, but now that it had he couldn't stop any of it. "if you don't want to date other people, then why did you go? i just . . . don't know what to do, hailey." HAILEY: Hailey bit on her lower lip when he spoke "I made it obvious because I thought that's what you wanted too, that you just... Wanted to be friends. But then we kissed and like, I haven't been able to stop thinking about that... That's why I kissed you at the SuperBowl party, because I couldn't keep myself from it" She sat back down on the bed with her hands in her lap "I went out to prove to myself that if we were gonna be just friends, because that's what we are, I could go out with other people and I needed to know that I could feel that way for someone else if I wanted to... And it turns out I can't" The model looked up into his eyes and sighed, tired of fighting with herself and finally letting her heart speak without it going through her overthinking brain "I don't know what to do either Mitch, but... I know, whatever I do, I wanna do it with you" MITCH: mitch blew out a breath, puffing out his cheeks and moving to sit down on the bed next to hailey. he was so tired, probably from holding back everything he had been feeling the last little bit. he didn’t know what else to do, especially now with everything out in the air between them. they both felt the same way about each other and had both been lying about everything. “i couldn’t even think about being with anyone else, hails. anyone else just pales when it comes to you. all i want is you.” HAILEY: Hailey looked down at her lap, seeing his out the corner of her eye, taking a deep breath and letting it out "You're my best friend, Mitch..." She said in a little sigh, pursing her lips and looking at him "You think... Like" She reached out to hold his hand, feeling herself warm from her hand all the way up to her heart "I don't... I feel like I shouldn't do this, because of the divorce and everything, but I also feel like being with you is... The most natural thing ever" MITCH: mitch’s thumb brushed over the back of her hand, nodding his head. he knew that things were still a bit weird with the divorce, but the hockey player wasn’t about to stop spewing truth now. not when they were already this deep into it all. “if you want to take it slow . . . i’ll do that for you. or if you want to just dive into it and we let everything happen as it happens we can do that. but i know how i feel about you, hails.” HAILEY: Hailey looked down at the way Mitch held her hand so tenderly as she tried to form words in her brain that would make sense, laughing a little when she found that no matter how hard she tried, it just wasn't happening "I don't even know what I want" She looked up at him with a smile "What I do know is that I like you, Mitch... And that the fact that you like me too makes me feel very warm and happy inside. And I wanna be able to kiss you without feeling weird or guilty or trying to convince myself that it's okay for us to kiss as just friends" The model looked back down at his hand "And if it's okay with you, I wanna keep spending time with you like before, like spending all my time in Toronto, and going to games, and going on the road" She spoke aimlessly, playing with the fingers on Mitch's hand "I just wanna be happy, and I haven't been as happy as I've been this past few weeks in... Years" MITCH: “so kiss me whenever you want. i’ll kiss you whenever i want,” mitch teased, smiling at her and laughing softly. he felt like a huge weight had been taken off his shoulders and mitch was just glad everything was let out now. why hadn’t they just done this from the beginning? “stay with me, hails. it’ll be our house and no one can say shit. like i said, if you want . . . i’ll make this official right now and you can be my girlfriend.whatever you possibly want i’ll give you. i don’t think i’ve ever known a happiness like the one i feel when i’m around you.” HAILEY: Hailey smiled and let out a laugh through her nose when he mentioned kissing her whenever he wanted, the simple idea of that just making her feel fuzzy inside as she leaned on his side and squeezed his hand, not nervous anymore. On the contrary, she'd not felt this free in ages. He mentioned his place being theirs, and making things official, and she felt her stomach turn a little "I... I just want what we have. What makes us us. Hanging out together, holding hands, going out for iced coffee dates, going to games..." She looked up at him "I feel like I've known you my whole life, and ever since we lost our dead weight-" She mentioned lightly with a laugh "We've been like this and it's just... Been the thing that's kept me going, you know?" MITCH: mitch snorted at that, squeezing her hand a bit as they sat on the bed together. “so a couple,” he mused again, leaning forward to kiss her cheek softly. feeling warmth spread throughout his whole body. like his life was finally complete thanks to hailey. “i didn’t think there would be any other person after steph. that all the shit i went through wasn’t worth to potentially go through again. but you are worth so fucking much, hailey. i’d be the luckiest guy in the world to have you.” HAILEY: Hailey rolled her eyes a little and laughed "Then we've been a couple for the past like, month, huh?" She teased him, leaning into the kiss and then going onto his side, resting her head on his shoulder, taking in a deep breath and letting it out "I didn't think I'd be ready for something like this in a very long time, after being married for so long and basically not knowing anyone but Justin for years, but like... I mean, you said it, I feel like we've been together ever since he and Steph left, we've been helping each other heal, and I guess when we both were ready... You know, things happened" She said as she looked forward and turned her head to kiss Mitch's cheek softly, lingering for a little longer before pressing her forehead to his temple "So was that you asking me to be your girlfriend?" She said with a little laugh, nuzzling her nose to his cheekbone. MITCH: “we have been, but everyone knew we were a couple but the both of us,” mitch said, shifting his arm so it can wrap around his girl and hold her close to his side. he listened to hailey again as she spoke, cuddling up close with her and pressing a kiss to the side of her head. the girl always made his heart speed and zoom around his chest and now it was only more intense now that they were together. “we just needed the deadweight to be gone and then we could figure out shit. feels like things are finally figured out,” he said, smirking down at hailey when she questioned him. “is this you saying yes?” HAILEY: Hailey laughed, all her friends asking her what was up with her being in Toronto all the time, and people questioning why she was following Mitch so much... It felt weird, because she really was just following her best friend, and nothing would change "I guess so... I mean, I feel like... Intrinsically, nothing's gonna change, it's still gonna be just you and me and the dogs against the world, like it's always been" She moved closer to Mitch, turning around a little and draping her legs over his thighs, snuggling closer to him "I'm glad we like... I mean, I'm glad this took time and at least I could heal a little. Even what happened yesterday, the date, I think my mind needed it to like, cement the fact that I didn't wanna go out with anyone else, and I wanted to come back to you" She shrugged her shoulders. Mitch's smirk made her stomach fill with butterflies, leaning in to press their foreheads together, nudging his nose with hers "Mhm, yes it is" She mumbled, brushing their lips together only a little.
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haileybaldwix · 2 years
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haileybaldwin: 💙❄️   @marner_93
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haileybaldwix · 2 years
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haileybaldwin: i think my life would be better if i lived in colorado 💙 dump
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