#[knocks on the window] maam i just want name
chidori-mint · 4 years
Undercover Mission [Obito Uchiha x Reader]
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Pairing: Obito Uchiha x Reader
Warnings: Just angst and FLUFF, swear words
WC: 3.6k
A/N: This is my contribution for the first server collab of Konoha Simps. The theme used was Fireworks. They said that fireworks symbolizes the release of suppressed feelings. A huge thanks to my amazing wifey, @bakubabes-hatake​ for always, always motivating me to write.😘 This song inspired me to write this piece. Find all the wonderful works here! Apology in advance, English isn't my first language but I do hope you enjoy this one! ❤ 
You can't help but stare at his smile. This man, the one and only man, who can give you this weird feeling, a blissful feeling whenever you're together. This inexplicable joy when he's around. The feeling of love and contentment.
You feel your heart racing as he leans closer to you.
"Obito... I --"
That shivering feeling when he uttered your name.
"Y/N?!" You woke up from the loud knock from your door. You knew that voice. Another knock and it made you jump from your bed.
"Y/nnnnnn?! It's me!" Someone hollered outside your door.
With sleepy eyes, you dragged yourself out of the bed to answer the door. The man's eyes grew wide seeing you in your sleep wear -- a white tank top that hugs your perfect curves matched with black tight shorts.
Rubbing your eyes, you asked him "Obito? What are you doing here?"
"Y-you wear that to sleep?!" he stammered as his eyes were still glued at you as you noticed him shaking and sweaty.
"Uhh. Yeah?" you wondered and yawned.
He turned to look away, but his blushing cheeks are still evident.
"Uh, I-I see. Uhm. B-bakashi asked us to meet him in the Hokage's office." stuttering as he kept his eyes away from you.
"Oh, did he say why?" The three of you have been best friends since you can remember. So this is new to you, knowing Kakashi, he hates early morning meetings.
"He just said that it's important. So we gotta head there now, Y/n." He gave a half-smile as he threw his arms to the back of his head.
"You wanna come in while you wait for me?"
He blushed again at your question, "Uhm, you sure it's okay?"
You nodded as you let him in your apartment. "I'm gonna make us coffee, please make yourself comfortable."
You entered the Hokage's office and both of you were surprised to see that Kakashi was already waiting at this early hour.
"Sorry for the short notice, but I have a mission for the two of you," he said as he tucked his hands in his pockets.
"Mission? You, idiot! Did they officially make you the sixth Hokage for you to give out missions?!" Obito complained.
"Obito, I am already the sixth Hokage. The Recognition day is just for formality." Kakashi boasted, he really knows how to annoy his best friend. "And anyway this mission is urgent." He declared.
"What kind of mission?" you ask.
Kakashi crossed his arms as he leaned on the desk, "An ancient Scroll of Seals was stolen from the Kazekage. Gaara specifically asked for a skilled shinobi from our village, and he believes that it was an inside job. They already have a suspect actually." He explained.
"You have to go undercover. You can't let anyone recognize you as shinobis." He handed out a brown envelope and Obito took it. "The details about the suspect are all there. Oh, and by the way, you have to go to the Sand Village and act as civilians, more specifically, as husband and wife."
"AS WHAT?!" you both yelled in unison.
"Kakashi, is there a specific reason why we need to go undercover as husband and wife?!" you blurted.
"Y/n's right!" Obito objected, but as you turned to look at him, you noticed him blushing again. "I mean -- we can go as normal civilians, r-right?"
"The Kazekage and three of us are the only ones who are aware of this mission. You can’t speak about this to anyone. He can't seem to trust his subordinates. We still don't know if the suspect works alone or if he has allies within their village. If you go there as a married couple, it'll be less suspicious."
"You idiot --"
"It's okay, Obito. Kakashi's right." You cut him. "I just hope we can make it back before your recognition day."
"Y/n, are you sure you're okay with this?" Obito implored.
"Obito, we've done thousands of deadly missions before." You smiled at him. Yes, you did missions with Obito and Kakashi. This is just a retrieval mission. This is nothing compared to the missions given by the previous Hokages. But this one is different. 
"You can go start packing now if you wanna be back before the recognition day. I want my best friends to be with me on that special day. After all, I'm the Hokage. Right, Obito?" He bragged.
"Whatever you say, you idiot." Obito retorted, "Let's get going, y/n."
"Hey uhm, you go, I still have questions regarding the mission. I'll meet you at the gates?" you asked.
"Oh, okay. I'll meet you there." Obito slowly walked out of the room. You turned to Kakashi as the door shut.
"Kakashi. What was that?" You sounded worried and anxious.
"Hmm? What do you mean?" He walked around the large wooden desk. He turned his swiveling chair and sat lazily on it.
"You know, you can count on me on S rank missions, right? But this? This is just a simple retrieval mission! Why don't you send someone else? Why does it have to be Obito and me? And are you serious with that married couple bullshit?"
Kakashi sighed as you bugged him with your questions.
"You just told Obito you were okay with it, didn't you?"
"I only agreed because I don't want him to think I'm not comfortable doing this with him!" You snapped.
"It's just a cover, y/n. What could possibly go wrong? As you said, this is just a simple mission."
"This is far different from the missions I’ve handled before. You know what could happen if I go on this mission with him! I can't keep pretending, Kakashi. These feelings I have just get stronger every goddamn day." You sighed.
"Then why don't you just tell him the truth?" He asked.
"You think that's easy?" He doesn't understand.
 You give up. You can never win against Kakashi. "Nevermind. See you when I get back."
You headed to the door and left him.
As you walk home, you try to convince yourself that everything will be just fine. As you reach your apartment, you gather all your essentials.
"Two days tops. Finish the job in two days. Then that's it!" you thought.
Your journey to the Sand Village was rather quiet. You are not used to this. Obito is usually cheerful, loud, and always giving random compliments about you. But today, he didn't even utter a single word to you. As you reach the Sand Village at past midnight, you both try to look for a place to settle in for the night. You entered an old looking inn and let Obito do the inquiry. Your legs feel numb, your shoulders stiff, you’ve been leaping from tree to tree the whole day. And as you reach the outskirts of the Sand Village, you change from your ninja uniforms to civilian outfits and Obito did the same. He has been awkwardly quiet the whole time.
“We only have one vacant room left, are you going to take it?” asked the young lady from the front desk.
“As long as it has two beds, we’ll take it,” you said, your exhaustion painted in your face.
“I’m sorry, maam but the room has only one bed.” The lady smiled at Obito and it made your eyes narrowed at the young lady.
Unexpectedly, you felt his arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer to him, “Doll, it’s okay, there’s no need for two beds.” he whispered in your ear. He's so close you can feel his warm breath on your cheeks. He gave out a chuckle.
You forgot you were still undercover, “Oh yes, so silly of me. Miss, we’ll take the room.”
“Okay, then. Please enjoy your stay!” She handed the room keys.
Obito unlocked the door and turned the knob. You followed him as he entered your shared room. You stared at the bed.
“It’s okay, y/n you can take the bed. I can sleep on the floor.” His voice was tight and serious. You study him as he drops his bag on the floor. You felt the cold rush of the wind blowing as he opened the windows. He has been giving you the silent treatment, you so decided to break the ice.
"Obito. Is there something wrong? You've been awfully quiet since we left the village. Are you okay?" You approached him.
"Wrong? No Y/n, nothing's wrong" He denied.
"I'm your best friend. You can't lie to me. I know something's bothering you." You insisted.
"Best friend, huh? Of course. I'm just your best friend. That's why you have the guts to lie to my face. I heard you and Kakashi." He ruled as he turned to face you.
His words shocked you, freezing your body in place. You swallow the building lump in your throat as you pressed your lips together. There's no more point in lying. He knew it. He knew everything.
"Obito, I've been meaning to tell you. Believe me. I have always loved --"
"Just save it, Y/n, please. Let's just get it over with this mission." He walked towards the door.
"I thought you --"
"Well, you thought wrong, princess." He slammed the door shut. Leaving you alone in the dark room.
Tears start to pool in your eyes, your chest feels heavy, it's like the air has been sucked out of the room. Warm tears had started to roll down your cheeks as you slowly sat down at the edge of the bed. You covered your face with your cold hands trying to muffle your cries. You laid yourself in the bed, staring at the ceiling. Blaming yourself for falling hard for your best friend. So this was the price you have to pay. Hopeless love in exchange of friendship. You covered and curled yourself under the sheets. This is just a bad dream. Just. A. Bad. Dream.
You stretched your numb arms only to feel that the bed was cold and empty. You slowly opened your heavy and swollen eyes, you searched for Obito, but there was no trace of him.
If it wasn't for the mission, you wouldn't have the reason to get up from the bed.
After taking a shower and putting on a nice sundress, you went down to look for Obito. The young lady from last night was back in the front desk.
"Hi! Good morning, uhm have you seen my… husband?" You asked her politely.
"Oh you mean, him?" She giggled.
"Hello, wife." As you face him, he holds your chin and kisses you. As soon as his lips parted from yours, it left you dumbstruck and speechless.
"Shall we?" He winked and held out his hand but you can't help but stare at him. "Y/n?"
"Oh… Yes. We should go." You took his hand as he bid goodbye to the young lady.
"You could at least do your part and act like my wife, y/n." He whispered as both of you exited the inn. "You're good at pretending anyway." He grunted.
You felt another pang of guilt.
"Obito, about last night…"
"Forget it. Not interested, anyway."
You felt embarrassed and hurt. You just want to finish this stupid mission, get back to the village and punch Kakashi right in the face.
"I think that's our guy." He signaled. After hours of surveillance, you finally confirmed the suspect.
You both were sitting on a bench, while your guy was eating his ramen not too far away from your position. You both settled on the bench waiting for the man to move. You try to focus on the mission but the flashing images of last night's incident kept replaying on your mind on loop.
"So… How long have you been hiding that from me?" his voice brought you back to your senses as he gazed at you.
"I… pretty much a long time." You confessed. "I wanted to tell you but," You clenched your jaw, trying to hold back the tears from falling "I can't risk our friendship. And, I’m not sure how you’re gonna feel about it."
There was another odd silence between the two of you.
"This mission is important; we can't let our personal issues get in the way." He sounded stern.
This sudden change from his behavior made it clear to you that he's really not into you. And it rips your heart apart. You sat right next to each other but he still feels like he’s so far away from you. You’ve been dying to grab him right now, to hold him close, to kiss him, and to make him yours.
You get his point, "Of course," you agreed.
The man stood up from his seat and paid the ramen guy.
"Come on, we have to follow him." You complied quietly as you let Obito lead the mission. He rose up and stretched out his arms, "Let's go, princess."
"Wait, does he really have the scroll?" 
You watched him as he activated his Sharingan. "He has the scroll. But wait a minute," he sounded intrigued. "His chakra. It's… weird. It's… familiar."
He tried to study the man. “I mean look at him, who would wear a coat and a hat on a hot day like this?" he muttered as he expressed his disbelief.
The man started walking casually along the busy street of the Sand Village. You both tailed on him while keeping a safe distance. You slowly grabbed Obito's arms, you noticed he became stiff and surprised as you clung on him. "Relax, Obito. Husband and wife, remember?" you quietly reminded him. The least you could do, is to focus and make sure you accomplish this mission. 
“So, Kakashi mentioned that this mission is exclusive for us, right? And that nobody knows about it. Just us and the Kazekage?” he sounded unsure as he kept his eyes fixed on your target.
“Well, that’s what he said,” you confirmed. “Why?”
“I know that this may sound weird but, I have a feeling that we know this guy.” he stated.
Hearing Obito’s theory made you anxious. You both halted when you saw the man turn and entered an inn. 
“Is he luring us in?” you asked. "Why do I have a feeling that he already knows he's being followed?" 
“There's only one way to find out."
You both entered the building and started searching for the man. You have combed all the rooms in the first floor, but he was nowhere to be found.You both climbed up the stairs as quietly as possible. You reached the first room on the second floor, just when you're about to open the door, Obito clasped your arm and pulled you closer to him. When you looked up at him, he put an index finger to his lips, "Let me," he whispered. 
He grabbed the door handle and slid it open only to reveal a very familiar man.
“YAMATO?!” you both screamed his name. 
His face was as white as the snow, his eyes grew wide as you guys barged in his door. 
“What are you doing here?” Obito asked.
“Did Kakashi send you?” you interrogated him. You rushed towards Yamato as he nervously stepped back.
“Well, I’m on a separate mission actually.” he chuckled nervously as he scratched his head. 
“Separate mission? What mission? I thought Kakashi said that this mission was exclusive for us.” Obito was puzzled.
“Well, uh yes. But you see, Kakashi sent me here to make uh sure that uhm..” he was avoiding any eye contact and was already stuttering. 
“To make sure that what? Spill it now, Yamato before I slit your throat!” you said furiously as you took out one of your Kunai and pointed it at him.
“Kakashi’s gonna kill me...” he muttered under his breath, beads of sweat were already forming on his forehead and upper lip.
“What does Kakashi have to do with this?” asked Obito, who seemed like he still was not getting the point to all of this. Your eyebrows twitched in annoyance.
“I will kill you now even before he gets his chance! Start talking now, you tree man!” you demanded as you inclined your head and gave him a death glare. You are fuming right now, something in your guts are telling you that this was all Kakashi’s stupid idea! 
“Well, you see, Kakashi asked me to help him finish his last mission before he could officially accept the responsibilities for being the Sixth Hokage,” Yamato said, trying his best to stay as calm as possible.
“His last mission?” you repeated as you exchanged glances with Obito.
“He said that both of you were uh…  giving him endless headaches. That you guys should just…” he paused as he rubs the back of his neck.
“Just what?!” you both exclaimed.
“Just date already!” he declared. You froze. How could Kakashi tell Yamato about your secrets? 
“Tch,” Obito snorted. “How would I date her if she likes Kakashi?” He crossed his arms over his chest as he looked away, his words left you bewildered.
“Wait up, you said you heard us talking in the Hokage’s office?” 
“Well, weren’t you referring to Kakashi?” he questioned.
“You idiot! So that’s why you were avoiding me the whole day when we left the village? Because you assumed that I liked Kakashi? You dumb ass! I was trying to confess to you last night but you won’t let me finish!” you cried. 
Your words struck him, his cheeks were blushing crimson again. “Y-you mean --?” swallowing the forming lump in his throat, “the mission was… fake?” he asked, giving you a perplexed look.
“Oh God. You really are the dumbest of all the Uchihas, aren’t you?!” you sighed in exasperation as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
“Obito,” Yamato butted in, “Y/n just admitted her feelings for you and you’re asking if the mission was fake?” he facepalmed. “Y/n, please enlighten me -- what did he do to make you swoon over him?” he teased.
“Me? Swoon over him?!” a flush crept up your face. 
“For heaven’s sake. You both are dumb, you know? I can’t believe this is what Kakashi has to deal with everyday. You guys are so exhausting. Work this out, you two.” he retorted in annoyance. He collected his things and headed to the door.
Yamato shut the door behind him and Obito did not make any effort to come closer to you and you were frozen from where you’re standing. No one talked. You could cut through the tension with a knife.
“I’m sorry about last night, Y/n. For driving you away…” Obito finally said. “I shouldn’t have treated you like that.”
“Okay… How else would you have?” you smiled dryly.
“Princess please, I need you to just listen to me, okay?” he bit down on his lip.
He grabbed both of your hands and brought them to his chest. You could feel his heart pounding below the skin, a very similar tempo to yours. “I like you, wait, no. I love you. The only thing that kept holding me back was that I really thought you liked Kakashi. I confronted him. But he said that you liked someone else, not him. That Bakashi, he should have told me the truth! Y/n, I can’t keep pretending anymore. I can’t pretend that I don’t want to hold you or that I’m not falling in love with you. I can’t and I won’t, not anymore.”
“What?!” Your jaw was on the floor. “You like… me? But last night --”
“Last night was a mistake.” He held both of your wrists in one hand and cupped your cheek with the other. Everything that he had said last night was starting to make sense a lot more sense now. It was heartbreaking, but now it made sense. 
“You were so infuriating, I was trying to tell you that I love you last night,” you said as you leaned into his palm.
“I am not infuriating!’ he denied.
“Okay but you’re dumb!” you jested.
“Okay, I’ll take that. But I know you love me.” his thumb traced your bottom lip, and he moved even closer to you.
Your heart skipped.
“So what are we doing then?” you asked, distracted by his touch on you. “Are we… together? Like, together together?”
“Well if you’ll have me, yes,” he said as his eyes flickered. “I want you, Y/n. Just as you are.” 
“I want you too,” your smile grew along with his.
“I meant what I said, princess. I love you.” his forehead pressed to yours, as you close your eyes in relief.
“I love you too, dumb ass.” you pressed your lips onto his and he took you gladly.
His arms slid around your waist, while the other went back to the back of your neck, to hold you in place as he kissed you like it was his last.
“I’m really sorry about last night, for being an asshole,” he told you through the kiss. It was mostly tongue and teeth, desperate and messy. “ Let me make it up to you, Y/n.”
He was intoxicating and all you could do was nod, your eyelashes fluttering as his lips travelled down your neck, sucking on your skin.
“MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!” Yamato appeared in the window making Obito’s posture straightened. He kept his hands on you, pulling you close to his chest like you were in danger.
“Maybe that’s why Bakashi and this tree boy get along so much,” he murmured.
“Huh, why?” you asked.
“They’re both cockblockers.” he whispered.
“Hey! I heard that!” Yamato narrowed his eyes. “So are we getting back to the village?”
“Uh, we’ll stay a little longer.” Obito replied, as he smirked at you. “I have to make it up to her. We might miss Bakashi’s recognition day though. I plan to ravish my princess and we have to make up for all the times we should have been together.”
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mono-dio · 5 years
“Can I help you find anything?”
12:59 am
Clerk: can I help you find anything sir? 
Customer:(with a weak smile) hopefully, do you have any book that will help me fix my broken life? Preferably something easy to read and straight forward like......”how to fix your broken life for dummies”
Clerk:(with a smile) well I don't think we have that but we did have “talking to people about your issues for dummies” but sadly its sold out.
Customer: Rats.Im too late.
Clerk: You look familiar, isn't your name (thinking) Robert or Rogers, I notice your a regular here.
Customer: Its Rogers but just call me Bill and yea I come here just to unwind and and see if any new Stephen King books came out, you are?
Clerk: Sydney but you can just call me syd.
Bill:(reaching out to shake her hand) please to meet you.
Syd:(shaking bills hand) likewise.....uh you said you were having problems......mind if I ask whats wrong?
Bill: oh no I don't wanna ruin your day with my nonsense,probably not even that big of a deal.
Syd: well if you came all the way to books-a-million to find a book to help fix whats wrong, its a big deal. come on tell me, I don't mind, honest.
Bill: well its pretty lon-
Manager at counter: MS.SYDNEY!, im sorry to interrupt your conversation but there are paying customers at the counter( pointing to one older lady). You chitchat another time.
Syd: Yes maam right on it (under her breath as the manager walks away) passive aggressive B****(looks at the older lady) ill be right with you maam just finishing up with this customer here.
The older lady: Take your time sweetie.
Syd: Thank you for your patience(turns to bill) hey..uh..theres this icecream shop I go to up the road from here called coldstone, its like a hangout spot for me.....if you wanna continue talking we could meet up there.
Bill: sure I suppose I could use a night out.
Syd: Great ill give you my number.
Bill: ok let me just get my phone(reaches into his pocket finds it empty and lets out a sigh) its in the car. ill grab it.
Syd: no need,let me see your hand.
(he extends his hand and she writes her number on it)
Syd: I get off at 9
Bill: ok, when I get my phone ill text you so you have my number.
Syd: Great see you then.
(Bill is sitting in his car,replaying the events in his head and then remembers to text Sydney)
1:04 am
B: Hey its Bill Rogers
(Bill starts his car and drives home, where he was greeted by his equally old dog Duke but he calls him The Doorman,he grabs a beer and sits on his lazy boy,flips on the tv and do what he does best channel surf)
3:35 am
S:Hey Bill, sorry for the late reply my manager was being a real you-know-what and you know you didn't have to put your first and last name being all formal lol :)
(Bill jumps up from his nap being startled by the ringtone of his phone, after calming himself down he grabs his phone and looks at the text)
3:37 am
B: its fine, how’s work going so far.
                          S: boring as usual.
                          S: I finally got to eat lunch that's the only good thing about work.
B: well that's good at least.
                         S: your texts are pretty dry.
3:41 am
B: dry? 
                         S: lol it means you text in a way that makes it difficult to respond.
B: oh my apologies.
                         S: lol ok bill, I gotta get back to work see you tonight :)
B: cant wait.
(it was 8:46 when Bill left for coldstone, he didn't want to be late, he was filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, more nervous then excited, he gets there and sends Sydney a text)
9:03 pm
B: hey syd im here.
(he waited and waited)
9:28 pm
B: everything ok?
(Bill decided he wasn't gonna wait anymore, he puts his key in the ignition, starts his car and puts his head on the steering wheel ,his song he usually listens to when he’s down came on and he felt even more like crap, he berated himself for having his hopes high, he hears a knock on his window and looks to see who it is. its sydney)
Syd: you ok?
Bill:(rolling down his window) yeah...yeah was resting my eyes uh how long you been here?
Syd: been here for a bit, my phone died and you never came in so I figured/hoped you were outside and here you are.in all honesty I didn't know it was you in the car cause I couldn't see your face but I took a risk.
Bill:(with a smile) im glad you did.
Syd:(with a smile) im glad I did to. you ready to go inside or you wanna continue resting your eyes.
Bill: ill head inside.
(Bill rolls up his window,take out his key and they went inside for icecream)
1 note · View note
whertetrbs · 5 years
Today was a silly day, Jerry knew that much. First of all, because he wore his formally inappropriate Hawaii Shirt with a pineapple motif, a fisher hat, which would match his red hair, sandals, shorts and sunglasses, which where shaped like the year 2609. The glasses were a thing he had on him when he died, so it held a special place in his no longer beating heart. Number 6 and 0 were once the containers for the dark screened windows but now they were filled with nothing except air and occasionally, the eyes of Jerry. Sometimes Jerry had to pop those suckers back in, he didn't mind that though. For a Zombie, he had it good.  The return of the dead was already a few weeks old and everyone and their mother were still talking about the weird ways some people (and animals) came back. Jerry pitied the ghosts that returned, being noiseless and invisible at a distance seemed downright annoying to him. Ironically,a transparent ghostly woman, dressed in a white business suit scared the hell out of him. Jerry jumped in surprise and let a ton of metal trash down on her by accident. “Oh shit!”, Jerry exclaimed and raced out of the crane's operator cab to the garbage hill that the women was buried under. “Hello? Maam? Are you ok?”, he shouted while looking around the pile. “Yeah, I'm fine, sorry that I spooked you.”, a soft female voice replied. Shortly after that the spectre of the woman came through the trash pile, unharmed.
“I still have to get used to being like... this.”
“What are you doing here? This isn't a safe area.”, Jerry asked.
“It's not like anything could happen to me anyway.”, she said and looked to the ground. Jerry repeated his question: “What is it that you want?”
“I've been in a crash last month, I'm looking for the car I was in.”, she explained.
“Really? Why's that? Did you leave something in there?”
“Well, you could say it that way. Anyway, I tracked it down to this junk yard. Perhaps you know where it is?”, the woman asked.  
“I'm afraid that I pressed your car into a compact cube. It's destroyed, sorry”, he apologized.
“It doesn't matter what form it is in,”, and Jerry saw hope sparkling in her eyes,
”do you still have it?”
“Umm, not really, It's with the other scrapped cars which got picked up by the garbage truck. Sorry-”
“Where did the truck go?”, she asked while grabbing Jerry's collar.
“Hey, you're not actually planning to go after them, right?! What's with the car anyway?!”, he retorted and freed himself from her grasp.
“I just have to get there. Where did it go?”, she requested once more.
“Ok, I get it. The disposal facility is in the other end of this city, can't miss it.”, he answered irritated, turned around and walked to the crane to proceed with his job.
“Thanks, but how do I get there?” Jerry looked at her again and said: “Hell if I know. Take a bus or something. Walk. Go nuts.” The woman replied:
“I don't have money. And if I go by foot, they'll have melted it already. I don't wanna ask-”
“Then don't.”
“Could you drive me there?”, she pleaded.
“No.”, he responded and headed towards his crane again.
“You have to help me, that's all-” Jerry interrupted:
“No, I don't HAVE to help you. I can't abandon everything, only to get you to your wrecked ride.” He said this as he got into the operator cab. Nevertheless that didn't stop the woman.
“Please, everything I have left is that compressed junk. Why won't you help me?”
“Cause I have a job to do.”, he answered and closed the door. The ghost cared little about physical barriers and put her head right through it. “Please help me... or else!”
“Or else? Ghosts don't have much control over matter. Make me!”, he gave back and went on to his job. Suddenly the woman screamed in the highest pitch imaginable, Jerry flinched and covered his ears, but she just kept screaming and screaming. “STOP IT!”, he shouted desperately. “So, will you drive me now?”, she asked with a triumphant smile. She looked quite pretty, with her blue eyes, reminiscent of blue quartz, her short, golden hair and just a hint of red on her lips.
“Fucking fine.”, Jerry accepted and went into his front office. He informed his partner, John, who now noticed the ghostly woman. “Uh, Jerry, who is she?”
“You don't wanna know. I'm gonna drive her to the disposal facility or Miss Banshee will make my eardrums explode!”, Jerry explained.
“It's Miss Alexandra Falker to you!”, the woman explained
“Ok. So, Jerry, you're taking a, er, earlier lunch break?”, John asked and looked towards Jerry.
“Yes, you can put it that way. Keep the suits out for me, ok?”, he answered and grabbed his keys.
“Will do, partner.”
“Good, see you later.” Jerry left for his car. It was an old Toyota AE86. “Do you like my car?”, he asked Alexandra jokingly. She was not amused. Jerry unlocked his vehicle and got in, while Alexandra just glided through the door, onto the seat. Jerry shook his head and put his seatbelt on. Jerry started the engine and drove onto the road. He switched on the radio and Jerry started to sing along. He noticed that Alexandra was not a fan of his performance. She had screamed right in his ear, he felt like he deserved to annoy her just a little. That was the moment when she started her banshee scream again. “Fuck, fine I won't sing, Jesus...”, Jerry promised. Alexandra was ticked off by the last uttered word:
“Hmph, Jesus. That basta... that man is responsible for this whole mess.”
“Well, I personally liked the resurrection, why are you so upset?”
She didn't answer. After a few minutes of silence, Jerry tried again: “Why do you hate him?”
“Do you really wanna know?”, she asked with a raised eyebrow. Jerry nodded and Alexandra took a deep breath before she explained: “In the car crash that killed me... I wasn't alone. My daughter was on the back seat. Of course, I don't know what happened to her, I just woke up right where I had the accident. First, I went home, but she wasn't there, then I checked if she was at her school, next I looked by our old home, still nothing. The only place that's left is the car. She must be there. And Jesus couldn't possibly have a good reason to do this to us, could he?”
“First of all, I'm sorry for that, I couldn't imagine what I would do if one of my kids...
I'm sure of one thing though: you two will meet again.”, Jerry answered after digesting everything Alexandra had thrown at him.
“You are a believer?”, she asked him with a cold gaze in her eyes and a hint of disdain in her voice.
“Do you despise them that much?”
“Let's just say that I had my share of troubles with them.”
“No doubt about that, we do have some fuckers in our midst”, he admitted, ”that's not all of us though. Give me a chance, will ya?”
“I did, but you said: 'I don't have to help you.'”, she replied coldly.
“The reason for that is that junk yard of mine could be taken away soon. .You see, when I died, my sons took over and they weren't experienced business people, and they wound up knee deep in debt. Now I'm back and I can't afford to play the chauffeur for every worried ghost I come across. Although, you do have a point. Perhaps I should have helped you nonetheless. Sometimes the right thing to do and what you actually need to do, can be miles apart.”, he said after being quiet for a while.
“Maybe so.”, Alexandra commented, as she was looking outside through the window.
Opposed to Jerry, who felt confident that Alexandra's daughter was waiting at the trashed car, she thought: “He's wrong. That's the last place where she could be. She wasn't anywhere up to this point, why would she appear now?” As she was thinking that, Jerry had found a spot near the disposal facility and he informed Alexandra: “Time for a family reunion, right?” To his surprise, Alexandra wasn't listening, she was absorbed in her thoughts. “Umm... Miss Falker?”
She suddenly awoke from her world of thought: “What?”
“Come on, let's save your car and get your daughter back to you.”, he explained with energy radiating from his eyes.
“Ok, sure. Let's go.”, she said and slid right on through the car. As Jerry exited on his side and locked the car, Alexandra mentioned: “By the way, don't call me 'Miss' anything. I'm Alex.” Jerry nodded and returned the favor: “Hi, I'm Jerry.” The undead duo made its way into the garbage destroyer. It's rustyness and old towers were already unpleasant to look at, the smell was not very welcoming either and the front office worker seemed to have absorbed both properties. He said:
“State your business.”
“Well, where do you melt the cars?”, Jerry asked nonchalantly.
“Firstly, tell me your name. Secondly, state your intentions. Then I can-”
“Listen, I just want to get to the leftovers of my car, is that impossible?”, Alex interrupted.
“Did you think you could waltz in here and do whatever you want, like the other undead fuckers?”, he responded and frowned.
“Screw this and you.”, Alex insulted the worker and squeezed right through the locked metal doors to the right of the office. “You know what? Knock yourself out, I don't care at this point!”, the front desk worker shouted. All of the sudden the giant doors opened. Jerry wondered what had happened, only for the doors to slowly reveal Alex, who was pressing a button on the inside that on the wall next to the doors.
“Get in!”, she called out. Jerry hurried as fast as his half decomposed legs would allow.
On the outside, the office worker was sitting on his chair again, reading a newspaper. He mumbled: “Undead people again, breaking in here in search of some old cursed crap. Fourth fucking time this week. And it's fucking Tuesday. I won't put up with this any more.”
In the meantime, Alex and Jerry made their way deeper into the facility. Alex asked: “How will we find the right trash cube? It's no different from any other cube except it's blue color and-”
In that very moment they came across a small pile of trash cubes. At the foot of that garbage pile, there was a sign that said: “Cursed Rubbish”
“What the hell...”, Jerry mumbled and examined the mountain from top to bottom.
“I think I see my car. It must be!”, Alex exclaimed and tried to grip a blue cube on the left of the pile. Jerry quickly went and helped her. At last they had arrived where they wanted to be. The cube stood freely before them now. Alex kneeled next to it and started talking: “Ella, can you hear me? Are you there? Please answer. Please be there.” Her voice started breaking up. She put her arms around the cube that used to be her car. “Come on, sweetie. Don't do this to me.” Alex tried to be strong but tears started running over her face. Out of nowhere the voice of a girl reverberated through the air: “I'm sorry that you had to suffer.” Jerry and Alex looked around but the source of the voice was nowhere to be seen. Then out of the top of the cube pile, a girl ghost slid out. Alex couldn't take her eyes off of her.
“Sorry, I'm not the one you're searching for. I was waiting here for quite some time. Many people came here in search of their loved ones, I'm the last one left. Not everyone found them.
The one you call Ella was never here.”
With that information, both undead left the place. When they were getting out of the doors, the desk worker said: “Hmph. Fucking dead people.”
Jerry snapped back: “You're the one to talk, you work an office job.” Jerry tried everything to comfort Alex, to no avail. When they made their way back to Jerry's car, he proposed something: “How about I show you one of my favourite places here in Los San Chicagos? You'll like it,
I promise.” Alex did not object, in fact, she didn't say a word at all. Soon after they arrived at a promenade, where a few people were taking a walk. Jerry took his lunch box with him and encouraged Alex to come with him. Not knowing any better, she followed him. From the promenade, she could see almost the entire city. The sun was already setting bathing the skyline of Los San Chicagos in an sanguine orange light. Jerry had his arms resting on the balustrade and he took a good look at the panorama. “Tell me about Ella. What was she like?”, he started.
Alexandra hesitated but after a while, she told Jerry everything surrounding her beloved offspring, her face and eyes lit up and radiated and aura of energy. “...and when she was seven years old, all the other girls in her class were swooning over that one boy, I can't remember the name, but she clearly said to me: 'Boys are icky, there's no way I'll like them, never ever!'. As a matter of fact, she never did like boys, she came out to me last year. At first I thought it was a phase but Ella always insisted that it was a part of her that would never go away. Well, it took me more time to accept that than I care to admit but I never treated her any different, I never stopped loving her...” Stopping at that point, Alex expression changed from the happy energetic aura to the silent sadness she had since they were at the disposal facility. “Do you think that's the reason she didn't come back? Because she was...” Jerry quickly stopped her: “No, that wouldn't make any sense: if that were true I wouldn't be standing here!”
“So you are...”, she asked timidly.
“Let's just say that love can go lots of different ways. Ella is fine, I'm sure of it. She's in a better place now, I know it.”
“You mean you believe, right?”
“No, I know.”, he reassured and winked at her.
0 notes
imsoofabulous · 6 years
What happens in Vegas...
I dropped my bags on the floor as I looked around the expansive suite. I would only be staying one night, but it would be more than worth it. I was in Vegas for a girls trip but flew in a day early to relax and have some time to myself. I flopped on the bed and pulled my phone out my pocket to let my friends and family know I had arrived safely. It was just after 3, so I had plenty of time to get settled in. As I sent off a text to my best friend, a message came through from Andre. Andre was the man of my dreams, but his work made it hard for us to see each other. Seeing his name made my heart race.
Andre: hey baby
Me: what’s up
Andre: I wanna see you
I cursed to myself, knowing this would happen.
Me: I’m in Vegas this weekend :(
Andre: where are you staying?
Me: I’m in a hotel tonight until my friends arrive tomorrow
Andre: so you’re alone?
Me: yep
Andre: I’ll be there in a few hours
I stared at my phone in shock before I screamed. I quickly texted him my hotel and room number before calling my best friend. “You’re not going to believe this!” I said not realizing I was yelling.
“What girl? why are you so loud shit.”
“Andre is coming to Vegas for the night!” I was still yelling, too excited to talk at a regular volume.
“Ohhhh shit! Damn he must fuck with you heavy! What did i tell you though! I told you this would happen!” I rolled my eyes at her ‘I told you so’ as i gave a quick run down of what had happened just that fast. I rushed off the phone when i realized I didn’t know exactly how much time I had to get ready.
I unzipped my luggage and carefully went through my clothes. I didn’t have too many sexy options since I wasn’t planning on anything like this. As I pulled out one of the few dresses I had brought with me, I thought about the robe usually in the hotel bathroom. I threw the dress down and ran to the bathroom, pleased to see 2 robes hanging on the door. I slipped it on to see how it fit. I was tall and plus size so I expected it to not be big enough, but it was. I went back to my bag to retrieve my bath stuff i had for the evening. I had candles, a bath bomb, a speaker, and my tablet so i could read or watch something. I undressed as chills went through my body imagining seeing Andre again. He couldn’t have been more perfect for me. While I stood at 6’3”, he was taller than me by almost 5 inches. My thick frame was easy for him to handle since he was thick like he still played football. We both had smooth dark skin that looked good with anything. I licked my lips thinking about his full lips covering my body with kisses. Just as I started running the water in the tub, I heard a knock at the door.
“Room Service!” A mans voice came from the other side of the door.
“I didn’t order anything,” I thought to myself as I made my way to the door.
“Good evening! Compliments of Mr. Jones!” He wheeled in a cart containing champagne, chocolates, and a single red rose. “Well thank you so much!” I scrambled for my wallet to give him a tip. “Thank you maam. He also left a note that dinner is on him, order whatever you’d like.” I handed him a $10 bill and thanked him again. I was in shock as i closed the door behind him. I looked at the cart and decided to hold off on the champagne for now. I took off my clothes and grabbed the rose to take a sexy picture for Andre.
Me: I’ll pop the champagne when you get here ;)
Andre: go ahead and open that, I’ll get us something else when i come.
I squealed as I went to start my bath water again. While the tub filled up, I ran to pour myself a glass of champagne. “Fuck it” I said to myself, taking the whole bottle and the chocolates in the bathroom with me. I pulled my hair up into a bun before turning the water off and dropping the bath bomb in. I grabbed my body scrub and loofah and sat them on the edge of the tub. I set up my tablet and started some reruns of bobs burgers before finally getting in the tub. The hot water was like an instant relief to my tired body. Just As I laid my head back, my phone went off. “Damn it, who is this?”
I sat up to retrieve my phone, reminding myself to turn on do not disturb. Before I could get too upset, I saw it was Andre updating me on when he’d be here.
Andre: got a flight taking off in about an hour. See you soon baby.
I checked the time, noting that is was going on 5 here which meant it was close to 8 in Atlanta. I sent back some kissing emojis, setting a timer for 5 hours. I turned my ringer down and figured I sneak in a quick nap before I had to actually get ready.
I had a connect at the airport who found me a seat on the last flight to Vegas for the night. I had to work there over the weekend, so it really just gave me more time to get settled in. I always had my travel bag ready to go since I was always on the go. I requested and Uber before grabbing my brush and going over my waves. I couldn’t wait to see Kim and more importantly, not have to rush out the next day. I loved my job but it left little time for anything else. I had already switched her reservation to my card and added on a day. I knew she was meeting friends the next day but I was sure I could persuade her to stay with me another night. I had breakfast coming to us in the morning and a massage in the afternoon, something I desperately needed. I got the notification that my Uber was outside and grabbed my bag before shutting off all the lights in my apartment. I sent Kim a message to let her know I was headed her way as I walked down to the Uber. As I rode to the airport, I scrolled through the pictures I had of Kim in my phone. She was so beautiful and sexy. I hadn’t met any girl as tall as she was with such a great shape. Everything was the perfect size, especially her big round ass. I started to get hard thinking about it, so I decided to instead see what was happening on Instagram. Before I knew it, we were at the airport. I gave the driver a $20 bill before getting out the car. I normally flew private with my clients so it had been awhile since I had to make my way through the airport. I breezed through security since I had TSA precheck. I navigated through the terminals thinking about what I wanted to eat. I didn’t have much time so I headed to five guys for something I could take on the plane with me. As I passed by the Swarovski store, a jewelry set in the window caught my eye. It was a necklace with earrings and a bracelet that I could already envision Kim wearing. I purchased it without hesitation and even got it wrapped up for her. “Last minute gift? Who’s it for? Mother, girlfriend, wife?” The sales lady asked, putting emphasis on wife and glancing at my ring finger. I smiled, deciding to play along a little. “Just a special lady,” I responded vaguely, flashing a smile.
“Well she’s certainly lucky,” she handed the bag to me and smiled, brushing her hand against mine as I grabbed the bag. I laughed to myself as I walked out the store. I heard them call zone 1 for my flight so I rushed to get some food quick. There was no line so I made it to the terminal by time they called zone 3. I looked at my ticket to see what seat I was in, just realizing I was supposed to board zone one in business class. As I got to the gate agent, her mood shifted. She was rushing with the passengers in front of me, but seemed to slow down when she got to me. “Good evening Mr. Jones, I hope you enjoy your time in Vegas,” she smiled and winked at me. “Thanks sweetheart,” I smiled at her before continuing on to the plane, shaking my head. I couldn’t help but imagine how Kim would react if she was with me. I got comfortable in my seat, grateful for the extra legroom, and checked my phone. I smiled at the pictures from Kim, glad that the front desk had gotten the stuff to her quick. I let her know I would be there soon and dozed off before birding was even complete.
Before i knew it, we were landing in Vegas. It was just before 10, so i had plenty of time to stop at liquor library and pick us up some stuff to make drinks with. I decided to just show up versus letting Kim know that I had landed. I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face.
I sat on the bed in the robe provided by the hotel. I was ready and now just waiting for Andre to arrive. I was nervous since it had been about 3 months since I’d seen him. I decided to get dressed and have a quick drink downstairs to ease my nerves. I slipped on a long sleeved black dress that had an opening in the back, accentuating my ass even more. I decided to put on heels, hoping no one made any comments on how tall I was. It was going on 9 and I figured Andres flight would land around 10, giving me an hour to get back. I made my way to the elevator as thoughts of Andre took over my mind. The elevator arrived and was surprisingly empty. I checked myself out in the mirror lined back wall. As I looked, I imagined Andre coming up behind me and kissing on my neck. I took a deep breath, attempting to clear my mind as I finally reached the lobby. I strutted across the marble floor, focusing on not falling. I stopped at the first bar area and took a seat on the end. I ordered a shot and a cocktail and took a deep breath as I scanned the bar around me. I saw what looked to be a bachelorette party getting started and several random groups and singles scattered throughout. The bartender brought back my drinks and I quickly downed the shot. “Damn girl!” A deep voice said from behind me. I turned around to see a man about the same height as me. He was pretty cute with his shaved down beard and perfect waves. If I wasn’t meeting Jay, I definitely would’ve talked with him. I flashed a small smile and turned back to my drinks as he slid into the seat next to me. “Hey let’s get another round down here!” The mystery man called out to the bartender.
“Oh I’m good but thank you,” I politely declined.
“Ohhh you must be meeting somebody huh?” He spoke with a thick Texas accent and I could see he had a gold grill over his bottom teeth that contrasted nicely with his dark skin.
“I am” I stated simply.
“Well do you think they’ll mind if I keep you a lil company till they get here?” He smiled, flashing his perfect top row of teeth and the grill. I loved southern men with grills, and he was looking like Trevante Rhodes in the movie Moonlight. I laughed to myself and checked the time. I could entertain him for a few minutes and enjoy a drink on him before heading back upstairs.
“I guess I can spare a few minutes for you,” I looked over at him and caught him staring at my thighs. He licked his lips as he met my gaze.
“Well whoever is meeting you tonight is lucky as hell” he looked me over once again before taking down his shot.
I giggled as i sipped my cocktail and scanned the bar again as the noise level got suddenly louder. I turned back to the mystery man who was typing something on his phone. “It was a pleasure to meet you love, but i actually gotta meet my homeboys myself. Why don’t you give me a call sometime.” He smiled that smile again as he placed a card by my drink. He winked and touched my shoulder as he walked off.
I finished off my drink and picked up the card. “Dontavius Tucker, Attorney at Law. Okay then!” I quickly sent a picture of the card to my best friend, Amaya, and told her to remind me to tell her about it later. To my surprise, she called me almost immediately after I sent the message.
“Hello?” I answered expecting something to be wrong.
“Who the hell is Dontavius and aren’t you supposed to be with Andre?”
I laughed before taking the shot Dontavius had bought for me before standing up to leave. “Calm down sis. I’m waiting on Andre to get here, ol boy approached me bought me a drink, left his card that’s it” I gave the bartender my room key, realizing I didn’t have my credit card on me.
“Oh. Well if that’s it what is there to tell me?” Amaya sounded slightly disappointed.
“Girl he was fine as hell. Like if Andre wasn’t on his way, he could’ve been coming upstairs with me.” I started to describe how he looked as I made my way to the elevator.
“Well shit if he that fine, call him up tomorrow for me,” she laughed.
“Girl you play too much.” Just as I pressed the button for my floor and the doors were closing, someone stuck their foot in to stop it. The doors opened back up seemingly in slow motion to Andre, dressed in all black as always. He was looking down to pick up his bags and hadn’t realized I was the person on the elevator. He stepped in, finally looking up and instantly smiled.
“Um let me call you back,” I hung up my phone before Amaya could say anything back, barely breaking eye contact with Andre. As the doors closed again, he dropped his bags and wrapped his arms around me. “Damn you look good,” he whispered in my ear as he grabbed my ass. I got wet instantly as his cologne tickled my nose. He started kissing my neck, causing me to giggle. I pulled away and looked at him, feeling like I must have been dreaming.
“Ooo hold on turn around,” Andre spun me around so that we were facing the mirror. “We look good together baby,” he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me against him. The elevator started to slow as I stepped away from Andre so he could grab his things. “Lead the way baby.”
0 notes