#[lloyd is greatly endeared to dimitri because of this]
fangedjustice · 5 months
"Excuse me, Sir Lloyd?" Dimitri approached cautiously, in the way one might a cornered animal. He had heard little of the knight, and had in fact been surprised to learn that the man was fighting for his house's sake.
More surprised to learn that he'd been felled. Offering a polite bow - not too deep, he wasn't here to patronize the man - Dimitri rose and met the man's eyes, a rueful smile creasing his eyes.
"I understand that this final battle was...an abrupt end for you. It...can't be easy, to have made it so far, and then to fall. I know that you are a skilled combatant - it's clear to see! And so - and so for that, I wanted to offer my thanks to you, for lending my house your strength. I know that as a knight, you could have chosen any house to back."
The words came out of him in a bit of a rush, and though he had kept steady eye contact the entire time, for a brief moment at the end his eyes flicked to the side. "I did not perform so admirably, but I should like to take after your example, in time. Perhaps next year, we can bring the Lions triumph...if you're willing to fight by my side again, that is."
Lloyd glances up at the call of his name, more than a little bit surprised to see the Blue Lion's house leader approaching him. There is caution in the boy's steps, his body language, his tone. There is politeness, yes, but an undercurrent of...speaking calmly to a spooked horse.
Seems he'd not been doing a very good job at keeping his displeasure with himself under wraps.
Though his body was tired and sore from the battle, it was his pride that ached most of all, and it was foolish of him to be so caught up in it that even this boy was starkly aware of it. His wounded pride should not be the trouble of others, in any regard.
There's a crookedness to the smile on his face as Dimitri bows, but an endeared sort of fondness softens it. "Prince Dimitri," he speaks, returning the boy's polite bow. To think any member of royalty would bow to him at all was quite the occurrence to fathom, but he kept that thought to himself. "You are kindhearted to offer your words to me, when you've no obligation to do so. My apologies for...broadcasting my frustrations so loudly. I should be past such things at my age, but...ah, sometimes our flaws run deep."
To get so far, only to fall...It was alarming amusing that this was not the first time such a thing would happen -- nor was it likely to be the last. This one had the boon of being lacking in an severe or permanent repercussions.
"That may be, but...as my father often liked to remind my brother and I, a fall is a hard lesson. You can spend your time crying about it, or learn how to make the next fall less painful." Because there would always be another fall. Even with all he had learned, at the blades of Bernese and Sacaen alike, Lloyd was not beyond failures. There was always something more to learn, and while triumph was satisfying, defeat offered more lessons.
Even if it was a bitter pill.
"Did you try?" Lloyd asked, giving the young man a searching look. "So long as you tried, didn't hold back, then it was an admirable effort. Circumstances or an opponent that is skilled does not negate your own efforts. Some things are out of our control, but you do control how you take a loss. You have the benefit of living to learn from this...just as I am fortunate enough to do as well."
If this had been any other situation, he would be dead. That would be the end of it. He really needed to address this personal issue, it was rearing its ugly head far too often...
"It would be my honor to fight with your Lions again, and when the battle comes around again next year, we shall be better prepared on account of our recent falls."
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