vitalphenomena · 5 months
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"What the hell is a TikTok crush?"
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everseens · 7 months
muse - silas , ski lodge attendant , he / him . plot - plot inspo in source ! but basically a love affair between the two , your muse always sneaks away to silas when they're having issues with their partner . open to - f/nb , 23 +
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"want me to make you forget all about it?" silas asked, pulling the other close to his chest. it was silent for a moment before he cupped their cheek, leaning down closer so their faces were just inches apart. "you know you deserve better than that."
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thesongbiird · 21 days
Beth is hunched over, furiously scribbling in her notebook.
"What's another word for beauty? But like, not typical beauty. Kind of like a spooky sort of beautiful?"
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dragonskxn · 6 months
"It's only spring, but it's still sweltering out. I wish I could swim and take a dip in the lake to cool off...but I...ah... don't know how to. Maybe I could just sit in the shallows."
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inkshadow · 7 months
MUSE : aster choi OPEN TO : f CONTEXT :  aster hangs out too much at the arcade and actually finds a girl there one day who is cute and probably a lil nerdy, considering she's at an arcade. bonus points if she's already taken by someone else :^)
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❝ these things are basically rigged, ❞ aster comments off-handedly at the girl attempting to snag one of the plushies inside of the crane game. she'd spent (admittedly) far too much time on it that aster started to feel bad, if only for the sheer amount of coins she'd already lost to the machine that's too stingy to reward her. ❝ you know the secret though, right? ❞
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katscye · 27 days
open to: m/f/nb
plot: your muse got stood up at the coffee shop where sophia works so she decides to give them a treat on the house
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she placed the cookie on the table in front of them, giving them a small smile when they looked up at her. "sorry, it just kind of looked like you've been stood up so i thought this might take the sting out of it for you."
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sirserpentine · 3 months
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Pentious couldn't be annoyed at the clamour of the crowd, nor the scorch of the sun shining so brightly that he could hardly concentrate on his notes. The Victorian serpent was an old soul, and going somewhere new was exceedingly rare for him. It was exhilarating. Not to mention that he loved beaches by themselves. Nothing could ruin today for him. Not even the people who were apparently trying to have sex on the premises.
He followed a much more innocent activity of beach volleyball near the shore. His tail whisked and a smile pushed at his fanged mouth at the delighted screeches of the two teams. Ah, to be young and carefree.
The Sinner was woken up from his thoughts as an item carried by the ocean wind dropped at his tail. He looked around and saw who he presumed to be its owner.
"Oh," he said, "Pardon me, did you drop this?"
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peculiarbeauty · 3 months
✿ open.
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" i know a rather fun game that i play with lumiere and cogsworth if you wouldn't mind humoring me. " a beat. " if you were transformed into an object , what would it be ? also , you have to explain why ! "
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dogsrotten · 2 months
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"did you honestly think you could hide this from me ?"
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xnikandrosx · 4 months
open location: The Lostlands, Sunken Ruins notes: smells like sermon
If word of mouth was to be believed, the High King had been taken and now more than ever, the people of Iskaldrik were lost. Desperate and confused. Magic had already taken so much from their ignorant society of pagan warriors, one by one the congregation had grown as the pious peddled hope that befit the needs of common people. Iskarans venerated violent deities that demanded they fight and sacrifice, but the average person only wanted a season with fair winds, and a crop without plague. The blight was a product of sorcery, an infection that was allowed to take root in this world because magic went unchecked.
"The Old Gods will call to you, From their ancient prisons they will sing. Dragons with wicked eyes and wicked hearts, On blacken'd wings does deceit take flight, The first of My children, lost to night. With passion'd breath does the darkness creep. It is the whisper in the night, the lie upon your sleep."
If they had learned nothing else, then Nikandros hoped they knew that the Dark One awaited around every corner. Wanting, scheming, and conniving. These Iskarans would need to learn the lessons from their past; several had joined ranks with the Legion of the Dead, a noble effort - no sacrifice was greater than theirs.
As the crowd dispersed, Nikandros gathered himself amid the ruins that were half claimed by the bog. A decorative sword hung at the Inquisitor's hip, but it was really only for ceremonial purposes. Freedom was within their grasp, all that remained between him and Lysara was the troublesome wall of prismatic light.
"Did you enjoy the service?" Nik had been holding one every day since they landed in the winding caverns of Ymir's Spine. He prayed over the blighted youth and offered a coin for their passing before they were set upon their pyre. A prayer to see them off, then holy flames to cleanse them before they landed upon the other side.
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blightedmikhael · 5 months
who? open to the troupe where? Nornwatch Tower when? who knows, they are hangin' at the end of the world
Concerns upon concerns weight on his mind the more time he is left alone to sit upon them. Their time in their tower is indefinite, the seconds pacing slowly as every moment that passes brings him closer to discovery. A month ago— Abyss, two weeks and a day ago, discovery would be his main concern. Yet, despite still ranking relatively high amidst his many— and increasing — concerns, discovery no longer ranks first. The Iskaran Kingdom had fallen on the span of a day, and with it the most pressing threat of discovery. What could the Witchers do now, surrounded by supernaturals as they are? What could the Witchers do now, that the mines were not a convenient tomb for anything deemed not human enough? What could they do, with increasingly limited resources, when faced with the sheer number of supernaturals he had seen through their desperate journey to safety? The true number of supernaturals remained a mystery even to him, but his Infernal Sight did not simply go away in times of great danger and he had caught more than a glimpse of non-humans as they traveled the darkened tunnels.
Discovery remained a concern, always, but there were more pressing matters to attend. Rationing, assuaging fears, inspiring hope, deescalating conflict. As much as Mikhael hated to admit it, the surviving Witchers had been working around the clock to keep the peace, but there were only so many of them and their priorities were clear: the nobility above the commonfolk, the royal above all else. Their hosts had their own concerns as well, so he had taken it upon himself to make his rounds through the less monitored groups of refugees and offer a kind word and a warm smile to try and keep the morale. It is crucial, now more than ever, to keep the will to live going, for without it? Without it the chances of survival dropped drastically, and he is determined to push those chances up with all he has.
He is not made by determination alone, though, and even the most devout must rest. He is resting in one of the many spiraling staircases found across the keep, chin in hand as his gaze is lost in the horizon, when he hears steps approach and he lifts his head, a brow raised in polite inquiry.
"Apologies, am I in your way? Shall I move?"
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shewolfaurea · 3 months
Location: Haven, at the Fairgrounds amongst all the shelters and medical tents Person: Open to Refugees/Those helpin' out "Can I get you anything? Are you settled?" There's a ridiculous amount of hustle and bustle going on but it seems to be a well oiled machine at least in terms of her wolves. She can feel it, the unity amongst all of them to just help. It's not something easy, the Iskaran's don't all take too kindly to her people but that doesn't stop her from speaking to those she can as she moves from tent to tent. There's much diplomacy to be done and she'll get to it, people have been coming to her all day, but she's left a lot delegated until she help take inventory of everyone and everything. She's a queen dammit, if she would rather visit medical tents and make sure the refugees had food and shelter, she damn well would.
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everseens · 2 months
muse - emilia , costume designer/voiceover actress , she/her . plot - in source open to - f/nb
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"huh?" emilia was brought back down to earth as the other tried to get her attention, facing them now. "what are you talking about? i'm not being weird at all-- i'm just... tired. had weird dreams last night."
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folliesofmiceandmen · 3 months
where: evergreen club with: open ( @hemlockstarters )
"I'm just saying, if someone orders a steak well done, I happen to think they're an absolute nutter butter, and I'm going to stand by that argument until the day that I die." Gio was laughing as he spoke, the faint hint. of an unnatural accent that he'd picked up lilting just under his voice. He was in the middle of kitchen prep, relaxed as music played softly over the radio behind him, and he liked having company while he worked, so long as they didn't get in the way. "My first wife liked well done steak, I probably should have taken that as a sign. You don't eat steak well done, do you? I'd hate to throw you out of my kitchen."
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dragonskxn · 9 months
"I feel like either kissing someone or mauling them. Maybe both."
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inkshadow · 8 months
MUSE : nathaniel zhào OPEN TO : f CONTEXT :  we moved into a little apartment together while we were dating and then we broke up but neither of us could really afford to get our own place so now we’re stuck as roommates, watching each other bring home random one night stands or dates.
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❝ he seemed.... nice, ❞ except that the word felt bitter on his tongue and nathaniel continues not to lock eyes. ❝ how many guys has that been this week? ❞
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