#[r:] setting my heart ablaze ❤️‍🔥
canon-can-fight-me · 11 months
Girlfriends out on a summer shopping spree 💕💕
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I finally finished the Dehya Summer piece I promised I’d make! To be honest, this is my first time drawing Dehya and it was so. fun.
No promises, but you might be seeing a familiar pirate captain in a few weeks in another summer themed piece…
Also, Sumeru Rina reveal! I know I mentioned there are four different GI Rinas, this is Sumeru Rina! Finally settled on a design for her.
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actuallysaiyan · 1 month
bacon, you are after my H E A R T
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I hope I can set your heart ablaze!
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canon-can-fight-me · 9 months
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They’re all so pretty 😭🥺💖
If you have a gen.shin F/O you should watch the video because it literally has every playable character in it (EXCEPT for Fon.taine characters, the only one there is Charlotte)
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canon-can-fight-me · 10 months
Finally got around to finishing Dehya’s story quest
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Dehya come home one of these days. Please 😢
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She looks so sad 😭 wish I could give her a hug…
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canon-can-fight-me · 11 months
Some headcanons for some F/Os that I post about less but are in my head often:
It’s long so I put it under the cut:
- When Alha.itham and Rina start dating, he invites her to his house a lot more to hang out. Originally, Ka.veh is annoyed at this because Rina starts eating some of his snacks (Al.haitham told her it was okay). So he didn’t like her at first, but then one time she actually defended him against Hai.tham so now they’re cool with each other. Also, Hai.tham brings Rina to the tavern when he hangs out with Tigh.nari and Cy.no, who both caught on that they were dating before Rina even said anything about it.
(I should post about Rina and Kav.eh’s friendship more often, I actually love their dynamic)
- It’s actually canon (from GB2) that Eg.on didn’t grow up with any toys save for part of a slinky he straightened. Meanwhile, Kaiyo grew up with a vivid imagination and her fair share of toys growing up. As adults, they help each other expand and grow, as Eg.on teaches her about science and encourages her to learn despite her insistence that she’s “not a genius like him”. He finds her intelligent in her own right and never talks down to her. Similarly, Kaiyo is one of the few people where Eg.on feels comfortable being a little sillier around her since she’s doubly silly and they kind of round each other out in that way, and make each other better.
- One time when Bei.dou left for one of her trips, she accidentally left her coat behind for one Rina had gifted her for Lantern Rite. Rina was quick to take advantage and ended up wearing it often to work, to dinner, etc. Sometimes, Bei.dou actually does let Rina wear it instead of her because she looks cute in it.
- You know that training wooden post Deh.ya has? In the arc.hon quest she mentioned that she knows every mark she’s ever made on it. Except one. One time while training she was caught off guard when she saw a little heart carved into the wood. I wonder who did that…
- Being the only member of TBB who is female besides Ome.ga, she and Kaiyo have a lot of bonding time where Kaiyo often takes her out to do more “girly” things the others either understand or try to but just don’t quite grasp. On one such occasion the two returned having bought two different dresses which they were wearing when they returned. Ome.ga came back first, to which Hun.ter said “that’s a nice dress, Ome.ga. Did Kaiyo buy it for you?” “Yep! She also bought one for herself, look!” He looked up to see Kaiyo’s dress and got flustered as he had never seen her outside of her usual work wear. Ome.ga teased him about his reaction for days.
- Kaiyo is fond of sketching, and often likes to do it when not on a mission, training, or bugging any of the guys. She once noticed that Te.ch was particularly engrossed in fixing something that he hadn’t noticed her come in. So she sat down and sketched him for an entire hour until finally he looked up and noticed her there. “Oh. How long have you been there?” She smiled and showed him the sketch. “Long enough to make this.” He adjusted his goggles. “Impressive. You have quite the talent…” Te.ch keeps the sketch in his room and looks at it from time to time. Not because it’s of him, but because Kaiyo drew it for him.
- The way Kaiyo and Vincent speak is night and day. Vincent is always very formal, Kaiyo more casual unless the situation calls for it. To his annoyance, Kaiyo uses “slang terms” because she knows it irritates him. Eugene thinks it’s funny. This was all fine until at a meeting he slipped up and used said word and embarrassed himself. Maybe he spends too much time around her…maybe this is exactly what she wanted.
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year
🦋👟 for Dehya? ~skipper-self-shipper
Thanks for the ask and follow! :)
Garden of Glass (Love Live) - Do you have a secret place/hideaway that you and your f/o love? Where do you go to be alone together?
Girls Like Girls (Hayley Kiyoko) - What were you and your f/o's first impressions of each other?
I thought Dehya was really pretty but also intimidating. I was nervous to talk to her but relieved when I found out that she’s actually a sweetheart.
Dehya has told me she found me intimidating too, which I was surprised by. But she struck up a conversation with me because she liked my makeup look and wanted to know what products I use. And according to her, she wanted to get to know me better and thought that would be a good conversation starter.
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year
🌼, ☀️, and 🦋
Thanks for the ask!! I’ll answer for Dehya :)
Daisy (Zedd) - How do you and your f/o feel about settling down? Do you want to find your forever home soon, or do you want to adventure as long as you can?
I think Dehya’s home will always been in Sumeru, where all her friends are. I think we’re not too concerned about finding a forever home as we basically already have one. Both Sumeru city itself and the desert. While we travel sometimes, I don’t feel the pressure to choose one lifestyle over the other.
Garden of Glass (Love Live) - Do you have a secret place/hideaway that you and your f/o love? Where do you go to be alone together?
It’s definitely not secret but we love going to the tavern and sitting at a table in the corner. We like to go earlier in the day when it’s not full of patrons. Other than that, I guess my apartment! Dehya knows a lot of secret hideaways in the desert, but often times we come across enemies we have to deal with and it’s too much hassle.
She Keeps Me Warm (Mary Lambert) - What are mornings like with your f/o?
When Dehya was still working for Dunyarzad’s parents, she lived at their house so we never spent mornings together. But now she often crashes at my apartment. She’s an early bird, so by the time I wake up she sometimes has coffee made for me and is doing some stretches/ warm ups. Sometimes I’ll offer to help her train if I’m up for it, other times I just watch and cheer her on.
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year
I Think He Knows: List all of the things about your f/o that make you fall in love with them a little more each time!
Thank you for the ask 💖 The wheel says:
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Oooh okay there’s plenty
- her confidence!!
- how caring she is (her character teaser melted my heart actually)
- how she still enjoys girly things and is not ashamed about it
- her willingness to protect others (I would put a spoiler but a certain something that almost happens to her in the Sumeru Archon quest)
- how down to earth she is. She looks tough, but as Candace said, Dehya is actually really sweet
- and also. Have you seen her? Seriously. Have you SEEN her??
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year
3, 9 and 17 for whomever you'd like!
-battywlove 🩷
Thanks for the ask 😊
OC x canon asks
What would their song to each other be? 🖤
They don’t have one song, but one of them I associate with them is “I Could Have Danced All Night” from My Fair Lady.
How did they know they were right for each other? 🎲
Yelan likes to work alone, it’s no secret. Sure, she teams up on occasion, but she very much relies on herself and at times the help of her informants. But with Rina, she likes the feeling of having someone on her side. Instead of seeing her as a weakness, their partnership is a strength. That, and Rina doesn’t ask Yelan to change or be anything else, they love her for who she is.
Who picks flowers for the other? ❤️‍🔥
Ohh I LOVE the idea of picking flowers for Dehya! Especially when she’s out in the desert and my s/i comes to visit and brings her like a Padisarah or something and puts it in her hair 💕
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year
1, 3, 5 nd 6 for the ask game !! :]] <33
Thanks for the ask!! Answering for different F/Os :)
Who makes the other blush all the time and who finds it adorable?
🎲 - Yelan is good at making Rina blush, but so is Rina. They kind of balance each other out that way!
What would their song to each other be?
⚖️ - L O V E by Nat King Cole 😌
Who curses, and who reprimands the other for it?
☠️ - I’m not saying the guys have the cleanest language ever, but I assume my s/i would get in trouble most often for cursing in front of Omega 🥲
What small quirks do they love about each other?
❤️‍🔥 - Dehya stretches often, but she also makes a cute sound sometimes when she stretches. As for me, she thinks it’s cute that I often like to lean on her even when we’re standing up because I enjoy just being with her.
OC x Canon asks
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year
💚green, 🔵indigo, and ❤️red for whomever you feel like!!
Thank you for the ask!!
Going to answer for Dehya and Vincent!
colors ask game
What is something your f/o does that makes you fall in love with them all over again?
Dehya is far more social than my s/i, and therefore takes the lead in most social situations. Often times, my s/i hangs back and watches from a distance, and is blown away by how kind Dehya is to everyone she meets (who she’s on good terms with anyway). She also likes to give my s/i hand kisses, which still make her want to melt.
Does your f/o get jealous? How do they cope with it?
Honestly, Vincent can get a little jealous sometimes. Thing is, I often know he’s jealous and tease him about it, especially since his jealousy is often unfounded. In the poly AU with 🏆 and ⚖️, he isn’t an official love interest technically speaking, so he feels jealous and doesn’t really know what to do about. As for coping mechanisms, he simply goes to me and lets the other person know I’m spoken for.
Do you have a favorite image/gif/video of your f/o? Show us!
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year
15, 16 and 39 for the ask game with the f/o of your choice :]
Thanks for the ask! I’ll answer for 3 different F/Os because I feel like it
15. Happiest moment together? ❤️‍🔥
Even before we got together, Dehya would invite me out shopping with her and Candace. One time Candace set us up on a date when she claimed to be busy, so Dehya and I spent the day shopping together, trying on different clothes and testing out makeup on each other, just having a nice time together. Every moment with her is a happy one, but that time sticks out in my mind. 😊
16. Are you or will you ever get married? 🖤
Definitely will sometime in the future! Vincent is a careful planner, I’m sure he’ll have a very elaborate way of asking when he does.
39. How would both of you react to find someone hitting on the other? 💫
Oooh this is a fun question ty!
If someone is hitting on him: I imagine my s/i would kind of tease him about it and not be too jealous. Since they know he isn’t interested in being flirted with, and the idea of it is something he’s not quite used to. Unless it’s by Rina, of course.
If someone is hitting on me: He’s not too worried about it, as it’s happened in the past and my s/i simply shuts them down. A lot of times it happened while he was with me, and internally he was just like uh…hello???
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year
dehya’s birthday art, dehya’s birthday letter,, dehya 🥰
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year
Strawberry, cherry vanilla and teaberry for Dehya and nectarine, key lime and red velvet for Yelan? (Hope these aren't too much!)
Thanks so much for the ask! Don’t worry, it’s not too much at all! ❤️
Note: I have more than one genshin OC, so the s/i with Dehya is different from the one with Yelan.
Dehya ❤️‍🔥
strawberry: before getting together, how did your F/O realize they had a crush on you? How did they act around you once they realized they were head over heels?
Both my s/i and Dehya like makeup, although we have different tastes in looks. One day we decided to do our preferred makeup looks on the other. I was about to add some blush when I commented that her cheeks were already rosy, and she got even redder at the statement. As for how she acted after this moment, she still treated me like normal, but I suspected she was crushing because she had that same blush whenever I greeted her.
cherry vanilla: how does your F/O show their affection for you?
She really likes giving hugs, and isn’t shy about affection. She also likes to carry my s/i around the same way she did with Dunyazard, which I really enjoy.
teaberry: where would you like to travel with your F/O someday?
Dehya has known the desert of Sumeru all her life. I’d really like to explore any of the other nations with her, particularly Fontaine, even though it’s not in game yet. I think it would be a cool experience.
Yelan 🎲
nectarine: do you and your F/O live together? If so, what does your living space look like?
Technically speaking, no. I say technically because my s/i lives in Liyue Harbor, and Yelan will often stay there if it’s more convenient than returning to her own home. But I imagine if we did live together, the living space would be very modern and well furnished. Mostly because my s/i probably has more time than her to decorate 😅
key lime: how would you describe your self-ship's aesthetic?
Well, I really like Yelan’s aesthetic (think flashing neon lights, film noir), so I guess that mixed with the femme fatale aesthetic since my s/i is similar to her in a way (though she operates more in the light and Yelan in the shadows).
red velvet: what is your favorite food to bake with your F/O?
Yelan tries to avoid sweets because of how addictive they are, so her eating something baked by my sweet toothed s/i is rare. But on some very slim occasions, she’ll try what I make and usually likes what she tastes. But typically I instead opt to make her tea, and save the desserts for myself.
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year
🌅 💋 💞 ~ rebeccaselfships
Thank you for the question!!
🌅How did you two meet?
[note: spoilers(?) for that picture taking event in genshin]
Yoimiya: Hey there! Thanks for your question! Rina and I were actually introduced by Tartaglia, who I met in Chinju Forest one time. He had mentioned that he had a partner who travelled often like him who was in Inazuma currently, and since I enjoy making friends, after hearing about them I wanted to meet them! After Tartaglia and I ended our search for the Great Mujina Yokai with the kids, we met Rina at Uyuu restaurant and became fast friends!
💋Who initiated the first kiss? What was it like?
Vincent: Again with the invasive questions… (Rina: Vincent, play nice!) …Hmph. Well, if you insist on prying into our personal affairs…Rina was the first one to kiss me, and I was very caught off guard by it, though I didn’t mind it, as it was something I had wanted for a while…not that I told her that, of course.
💖How cuddly is S/I? What cuddling position you two like the most?
Dehya: *looks at Rina* Oh, come on, no need to be embarrassed, haha! We’re both pretty cuddly people, though I’m more open about my cuddliness in public. We don’t really have a set cuddling position, we alternate between being big spoon and little spoon. Whoever needs more comfort is the little spoon. Thanks for the question!
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year
ALSO somehow the Dehya voice ask got deleted but I did see it! 🎤
I really like when Dehya laughs. It’s so pleasant to the ears, and I like how soft she sounds when she tells the traveler to pay her with a smile. Also one of my favorite lines she says is “did you mommy teach you that?” when taking damage.
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