#[series — skz ilu!]
pochicore · 15 days
♡ i have a boyfriend!
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» hwang hyunjin x gn!reader blurb.
wc: 378 genre: even more fluff. don't speak to me cw: mentions of alcohol + reader is drunk as shit
a/n: posting the one i originally wanted to post for hyunjin's skz, ilu! blurb 😓 sry
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To say you were drunk as shit would be an understatement.
Your entire body and face is overheated with the amount of alcohol coursing through your system. Hyunjin really should have been watching you and Jisung, but his main focus was making sure Jeongin wasn't ordering any more alcohol.
Which leads you to here.
A man currently has his hand on your back as you lean over the side of the restaurant. Your vision is hazy and spinning as you to try to collect yourself.
"Would you get your hands off my back? I have a boyfriend!" you slur.
"Y/N. It's Hyunjin. I am your boyfriend," the man murmurs.
You turn around to glare and point at the man, angrily, "Are you sure? Because I can't really tell. I'm drunker than a pirate."
"Yes, N/N, come on. Let's get in the car," Hyunjin pleads, reaching for your forearms.
You pull away quickly, stumbling into the side of the building. You curse in pain as the man grabs your arms, rubbing tenderly at the spot that hit the wall.
"Don't call me N/N, I don't know you!" you groan, still trying to pull away. "If you were really my boyfriend, you wouldn't call me such a thing!"
Hyunjin just lets a chuckle out at your stubborness as he slowly pulls you closer to him, "Y/N, baby. Come on."
You melt at his voice, which you finally realize belongs to your beloved Hyunjin, and relent, letting him pull you into his embrace.
"Hyunjin," you pout at him. "You should have just said that in the beginning."
Your boyfriend just laughs at you, cupping your hot cheeks and pecking your flushed forehead. "Come on, let's get into the car. You must be so dizzy."
"Y-yeah. 'm sorry, Hyunjinnie," you mumble, as Hyunjin's hand reaches down for your own.
Hyunjin brings your hands up to kiss the back of yours lightly, "For what?"
You refuse to look at him, instead looking at the gravel as you pace yourselves slowly towards his car, "For getting s-so drunk."
"It's okay, baby. I'm just glad you can still walk," Hyunjin giggles. "We'll talk more in the car, okay? Let's just focus on walking now."
"Okay. I love you, Hyunjin."
"I love you too, baby."
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deobis · 5 years
For the 2nd mission I had to think about my passion! Outside of kpop definitely a manga reader as long as it's good I can finish reading a full series within the week. Kpop wise though I just started to buy more physical kpop albums especially to support smaller groups like the Boyz and VAV. How about you??- Deobi anon
!!!!!!! A MANGA READER pls ilu omg :’)) i honestly feel like ive read EVERYTHING at this point,,, like i have nothing left to read :( im always browsing the home page of manga sites for new stuff but either nothing catches my eye or ive already read it :(( do you have any recs? i only buy physical albums of my ult groups bc im not the richest bitch in the street haha so rn its just the boyz! but i have skz exo and svt albums from before!
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pochicore · 1 month
♡ the moon represents my heart
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» bang chan x gn!reader blurb.
wc: 477 genre: tooth rotting fluff. don't speak to me
a/n: a thing i wrote a while ago, part of my skz, i love u! series
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The night is quiet, save for the group of rowdy boys that followed you and Chan all the way to the National Park. You lay in the trunk of Chan's truck. An old air mattress and dingy pillows cushion your bodies from the hard metal and old, chunky knitted throw blankets cover you, saving you from the night's chilly breeze. Chan's arms and legs are wrapped around you. The feeling is somewhat akin to a marshmallow floating on top of a mug of fresh hot chocolate. You feel like you're melting into his warmth.
Hued lights of shamrock, indigo, and violet dance along the sky to your amazement. Your eyes simply can't contain the wonder and awe in them as your jaw drops at the sheer beauty of the night sky. The stars twinkle behind the trees and the mountains, not wanting to be seen by a mere gaze.
Chan looks down at you and the way you take the scenary before you in. The way you snuggle into his chest, eyes not leaving the sky even once, makes him feel warm inside. The clouds curtain the moon perfectly and the way the light hits you is marveling. He can't take his eyes off you.
You feel his eyes on your face and you finally break eye contact with the moon to peer up at Chan through your eyelashes. "Is there something on my face?"
Chan shakes his head with a soft smile on his face, "No, nothing. I just love you a lot."
"I love you a lot, too," you giggle in response.
Chan spends a lot of time holding you. to him, nothing feels better than the warmth of your embrace — having you pull him into your body until you are woven together. He wonders what it would be like to hold the moon. To hold something so magnificent and precious in your arms. Something that the world adores and admires. Whenever he asks you that question — "What would it be like to hold the moon, you think?" — you bring up the scene in which Vector from the Despicable Me franchise holds the moon and so on and so forth and it never fails to make him smile. But he reckons maybe holding the moon is a lot like holding you.
Chan thinks you're like the moon in a few ways. You're bright and unnerving. Sometimes a bit mysterious, but he likes that. You're calm and collected, unbothered. The way you just exist. Something about you stirs Chan up and gets him excited. Gets his heart racing. So when you look at him with all the love in the entire universe in your eyes, he figures you are the moon. And he is the tides. The gravitational pull guiding you closer and closer together — it's ethereal, dreamlike. Almost like it's meant to be.
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pochicore · 1 month
♡ i love you cake!
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» han jisung x gn!reader blurb.
wc: 662 genre: fluff
a/n: based on that little incorrect quote that's like person a gives person b a cake that says "i love you!" and person b responds with "i love you too cake!" // also a part of my skz, i love u! blurb series
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“So I was trying to share my feelings with Y/N the other day,” Jisung begins. He can hardly believe he’s telling his friends this, but he has no one else to turn to. Hopefully they’re actually listening to him this time and not paying all their attention to the Mario Kart game in front of them. “I got them a cake and everything, right? So the cake says 'I love you' on it and it’s decorated with tiny spirnkles and all that good stuff.”
“Aww, that’s super cute, Ji,” felix says. he would give Jisung a thumbs up, but he’s too busy trying to keep his first place position. “That’s so romantic. What did they say?”
“So they smiled at me, with heart eyes as per usual, then the cake. And then they said 'aww, I love you too, cake!' and then they took pictures of it and then they ate the cake with me. Then they posted the cake on instagram,” Jisung finishes. He frowns at the thought of you telling the cake you love it and not him.
"Oh, is that the post they made yesterday? With the caption 'When your cake loves you!'” Hyunjin asks. He tries to stifle a laugh, but it still comes out. “Dude, I hate to say this, but you know how dense Y/N is.”
Jisung throws himself back onto the couch, taking a throw pillow and pressing his face into it in the process. “I'm so sad. They didn’t say it back,” he whines.
Felix pauses the game, reaching back to rub jisung’s belly. “It’s okay, Ji. They’ll say it back eventually.”
“I hope so.”
“I got you something!” you grin as you make your way into the dorm. Noticing Felix and Hyunjin about to leave upon your arrival, you attempt to motion for them to stay. “Stay! I’m sure you guys will like this as well.”
They’re quick to take notice of the take out box you’re holding and they decide it’s maybe a better idea to stay and see what’ll happen. They’re totally not trying to score some free food.
You set the box down on the kitchen table, then open your arms excitedly as Jisung throws himself into your arms. “I got you cake!” you exclaim.
“What’s the occasion, baby?” Jisung asks, confused. There’s really nothing to celebrate right now, besides your love for cake.
“You’ll just have to see!” you grin at him, beginning to open the box carefully. You take the cake out and the 3 boys marvel at the sight.
The cake is about 10 inches in diameter, covered in yellow icing and cherries. It says 'I love you too!' on top in fancy cursive red frosting. Jisung thinks it looks way better than the grocery store cake he decorated for you.
“Isn’t that cute? The 'cake' loves you too!” you giggle at Jisung. He can feel his ears begin to burn as realization sinks in. Jisung was the cake before. You are the cake now. Jisung purses his lips in thought as he debates whether he should say something or not.
However, Hyunjin beats him to it, muttering, “Gee, wonder what that means, Jisung? Felix, take pictures of the cake so we can post about how sad and pathetic we are as single guys on Instagram.”
Felix and Hyunjin leave you and Jisung in the kitchen and he clears his throat awkwardly, “I thought I would be waiting a while before you said it back. I was kinda scared, to be honest. Like what if you didn't— I’m kinda stupid.”
You make your way to him and wrap your arms around him tightly. After a while, you reach up for his face and squish his cheeks between your palms. You smile at his pouted lips before you lean in for a kiss. “You know I love you! I love you so much! Also you’re not stupid, silly, you’re just as dense as I am!”
“That’s even worse!”
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