#[verse; Warcraft AU; Even creation falls to death]
fallenheroine · 4 years
There was a cruel sense of irony in the situation. It’s been about ten years since they were first summoned to Azeroth and they’ve gone through hell and back... literally. Things were as calm as calm can be here, until Magni summoned her and Adrien and revealed a bombshell. Azeroth was able to create a corridor for them to return home to. However, they’ve long forgotten about their home. Marinette was raised as a Death Knight seven years ago by the bastard Arthas himself. Adrien however, willingly asked to get turned into a Death Knight once he learned that Marinette would never leave Azeroth. 
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Marinette fiddled with the gem that would turn her Death Gate into a portal, she still thought about her parents even to this day. What would they even say once they’ve learned where she’s been the last few years? Maybe it would be easier just to go back, return the Miraculous and then destroy the stone. She didn’t have a place back on Earth anymore...
“I’ll see what Master Fu has to say about this first. He’ll probably need you and Plagg back anyways. It all depends on how much damage Hawkass has done while we were gone.”
Tikki nodded in sad understanding. She didn’t want to leave Marinette alone, especially after everything that’s happened. However, the Miraculous weren’t needed here in Azeroth, they were needed on Earth. Though goodbyes could be said later once a final decision was reached. Seeing that Marinette was about ready to open the portal, the Kwami flew into the safety of one of the bags Marinette wore around her waist. Once the portal was stablilized, Marinette took a deep breath in, and walked through it. She didn’t know where the portal would spit her out.
@papillonmalefique​ [Starter Call]
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fallenheroine · 4 years
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“I got defeated by a pineapple with wings... I’m never going to live this down.”
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fallenheroine · 4 years
make a cake to find out what you’re missing in life!
even after a productive day your chest still feels empty sometimes, the worry you will never find what you are meant to do weighing on you. it's not always easy to find something that seems meaningful to you. it's okay not to know what you want to do, destiny can be a concept that is more harmful than reassuring. you don't have to find a single thing you will do for the rest of your life, start something you enjoy now and life will lead you down paths you can't even imagine right now. you will find satisfaction somewhere down the line!
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fallenheroine · 4 years
Umbral Sword
The Umbral Sword is a part of the Ebon Blade that Marinette leads. While they are a fully functional combat unit and can be sent on missions. That is not why their branch of the Ebon Blade was formed. They specialize in capturing objectives that would prove incredibly difficult by normal means. This ranges from harsh terrain to getting behind enemy lines and sabotaging enemy efforts. Though they technically could try and go gather intelligence from within enemy lines, no one is very good at it. 
The tactics used by the Umbral Sword are unorthodox at best. Most of the time it involves doing damage to the environment to setting enemies up in a specific pattern to trigger some sort of chain reaction. For those new to working with the Umbral Sword, more times than not the plan will become evident after it is already set in motion. 
Ranking System:
Commander: Deathlord of the Ebon Blade / Lich King
Field Commander: Marinette Winterfire
Second-in-command: Adrien Winterfire
Everyone else
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fallenheroine · 4 years
Role in the Ebon Blade
As stated before, Marinette will never become the Deathlord. However, she still plays a fairly important role in the organization. During major campaigns she is a field commander for a small platoon of soldiers. Though because of her unique skillset, she’s called in to handle the tricky areas. Think the special operatives for the Knights of the Ebon Blade. Do they do stealth missions? Sometimes, but usually her platoon handles the areas with unfavorable battle conditions. Marinette finds herself at peak performance when she’s in a space where she can use her environment against her opponent after all. 
Those under her direct command say that her tactics are usually unorthodox and make no sense. But after seeing her plan work flawlessly a few times, they’ve all come to trust her judgement and go through with further plans without many questions. When she’s leading, she’ll be wearing the dark red version of the Sardonite War Battleplate that most of the Ebon Blade are seen in.
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fallenheroine · 4 years
Because Marinette arrived in Azeroth at the young age of 15, she was legally adopted by Mystren and Shadron Winterfire.  She was taught by them the Night Elves’ customs, traditions and language. All of which she learned with very few problems and she fully embraced the culture.
After hearing of her successes in Stormwind, Marinette was called back to Teldrassil by Mystren and was notified about it was time to receive her marks. Marinette was confused why, she understood the significance behind this process. However, she was no Kaldorei and saw no reason why she would go through a sacred rite of passage. Her mother simply smiled and replied ‘do not worry about that my daughter. The Goddess has given you her blessing.”
As a result, Marinette chose to get the red crane. She sees the red as a permanent reminder of her time as Ladybug once it comes time to part ways from Tikki. The crane is the same tattoo that her mother has, and Marinette sees it as a way to honor everything that she’s done for her. Not to mention it went in hand with her affinity for healing.
The only time that going through this rite is offered to a non-Kaldorei is if they were adopted by the Kaldorei as a child and followed their ways until adulthood is reached. 
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fallenheroine · 4 years
Finally setting on a timeline for Marinette’s World of Warcraft verse.
Year 2015 // Age 13: Receives Miraculous with Chat Noir Year 2017 // Age 15: Two year anniversey of being Ladybug with Chat Noir, Hawkmoth still not defeated. Called by Azeroth with Chat Noir to help defend itself.
Year 20 // Age 15: Arrives in Azeroth, taken in by a Night Elf Family. Year 25 // Age 20: Leaves Teldrassil to go to Stormwind to continue their training.  Year 26 // Age 21: Temporarily returns to Teldrassil to receive her face markings as customary in Kaldorei traditions. They are in their final year of training Year 27 // Age 22: Killed in an ambush by the Scourage and then raised as a Death Knight in service of the Lich King. Year 28 // Age 24: Helps defend Azeroth against Deathwing Year 29 // Age 25: Returns to Teldrassil to her adoptive parents and reveals that she’s a Death Knight. Most of the other Night Elves don’t associate with her now, but her adoptive parents still accept her. Year 30 // Age 26: Goes to Pandaria to help out with the Sha =============================
Year 31 // Age 27: The Dark Portal re-opens and she stays in Azeroth Year 32 // Age 28: The Burning Legion comes back to invade Azeroth Year 34 // Age 30: Sargas shoves his sword into Azeroth Year 35 // Age 31: The Fourth War happens / Adrien is resurected as a Death Knight Year 37 // Age 33: Shadowlands
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fallenheroine · 4 years
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“I’m just going to say this once. I FUCKING CALLED IT. Now there’s an actual problem in our capital cities. Except Exodar, because no one goes to Exodar.”
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fallenheroine · 4 years
“Oh hey look, Stormwind is dead. Pun intended.”
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Marinette sighed as she stood outside of the gate to the trade district and heard the all to familiar sounds of ghouls running around. Well the Argent Crusade is going to need some help in there playing clean up crew and get this invasion under control. This was the reason she stayed in Duskwood and not travel out to Icecrown. Because she knew basically every adventurer was going to Icecrown and someone had to stay back and defend the cities.
"Well... time to go clean up the city.”
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fallenheroine · 4 years
Marinette will never take the title of Deathlord nor would she ever want the title. Her priorities never put the Knights of the Ebon Blade first, nor the safety of Azeroth. Up until Adrien got raised as a Death Knight by Bolvar, her priorities were always keeping him alive. Not only that, but some of the things that the Deathlord was required to do, Marinette would never. Such as attacking Lights Hope Chapel.
If anything, she’s relieved that someone else is bearing the mantel of responsibility. After being Ladybug for so long, she’s somewhat enjoying someone else taking charge and leading. Though this isn’t saying that she won’t step up and take charge if the situation demands it.
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fallenheroine · 4 years
Warcraft: The Horde
Marinette’s general opinion of the horde is fairly neutral due to working closely with them as a Death Knight. She will obviously take up arms against them so long as the Night Elves are at war with them. It was the Night Elves who took her and Adrien in after they were summoned to Azeroth and some continue to care for her even after her death despite how most of the others keep their distance.
However, when Teldrassil is attacked by the Horde that’s when things start to get messy. She absolutely hates Sylvanas for burning the tree when there were only civilians and a handful of soldiers left in the tree. So anyone who blindly follows Sylvanas without a second thought Marinette considers an enemy. However, if anyone is hesitant about following her or disagrees with what Sylvanas is doing. That is when Marinette returns to that neutral opinion of them.
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fallenheroine · 4 years
I know that I typically write a death knight Marinette for her WoW verse, but I took photos of what she would look like as a paladin an oh boy am I having second thoughts on killing her.
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fallenheroine · 4 years
Even creation falls to death
 Age: 17+ Location: Azeroth Affiliation: Knights of the EbonBlade Status: World of Warcraft AU Default for: Anyone from Warcraft universe
Triggers: Death, violence, and blood
Description: Marinette believed that her life was going well all things considered. She was doing well in school, had good friends and a secret no one knew about. While being Ladybug was far from the easiest thing she’s done, she wouldn’t give up her Miraculous for anything. Chat Noir was one of the most important people in her life and she felt good about protecting Paris from Hawkmoth. One night while she was out on patrol with Chat Noir her entire world got turned upside down. A portal opened up underneath the Miraculous duo, giving them no time to react as they fell through. Once the duo were both through the portal the portal disappeared without a trace. It would take only until the next time Hawkmoth attacks for Paris to realize that their guardians were gone. 
Sometime during the fall, the duo blacked out. Little did they know that this was not Hawkmoth’s doing. Rather a completely different being, calling upon the duo to try and save the future. Upon waking up they realized that they were no longer in Paris anymore as the air was clean here and the architecture was nothing like they’ve seen before. Just as soon as they awoke, they found themselves surrounded by what appeared to be elves.
They were taken captive immediate by the Sentinels based on their sudden appearance, as this was no magic that the Night Elves were familiar with. Though they did not remain prisoners for long. Tyrande received a vision from Elune about their arrival the night before. After a long discussion with her, Tyrande told the strangely dressed humans the grim news, the Night Elves had no idea how to send them home. 
There were currently no mages in Teldrassil at the moment that could help the duo try and return home. Tyrande knew of mages scattered across the Eastern Kingdom who may be able to aid them. Sending what appeared to be two very young human children on such a task seemed unwise. Especially when it seemed to her that Elune saw something special in these children. Despite being unable to directly aid these children , she did say that they could remain in Darnassus until a way for them to return home is found. 
A druid who just returned from Moonglade happened to overhear Tyrande’s conversation offered her family’s home to the stranded children. Ladybug and Chat Noir looked to each other and accepted the offer, the first good news they’ve heard since arriving in Azeroth. Seeing that they were going to be stuck here for an indefinite amount of time, Ladybug and Chat Noir decided to drop the masks. Hawk Moth wasn’t here and magic was common so there was no reason to keep their identies hidden.
While their Miraculous remained unique, they weren’t special or well known enough to warrant the extra security. Living in Darnassus was an experience, as neither of them was ever away from home for this long. The culture and the way of living here was just so different from what they were used to, needless to say, they enjoyed their time there.
Weeks passed as they got settled into their new home, yet they couldn’t truly comfortable. The idea that there were people out there fighting while they were sitting safely within the World Tree bothered both of the two heroes. After a discussion with the Kwamis, a decision was made. They would ask Marahai if they could train and learn how to fight the next time she came back to the city. The wait wasn’t long for them and they asked her if they could fight too. The discussion was long, but eventually, Marahai gave up knowing she couldn’t stop them.
Marahai tried to teach them the way of the Druid, if only to keep a close eye on them. Though to her dismay, neither one of them showed a talent of a druid. Marinette found a calling to the Light, eventually learning to become a Paladin. While Adrien took on the mantle of a Warrior. The duo trained hard for a two years before they were let out to start training in serious battle conditions. It was hard for them to adapt to the new fighting style, and that the only way to finish a battle was with death but they were able to do it. Now, death was a common part of their day.
While traveling to Light’s Hope Chapel to continue their training, the caravan was ambushed by Scourage. Adrien was able to make it out alive with about half of the caravan. However, Marinette was among the missing. He found her backpack about a mile and a half from the attack and saw all the blood splatter on the pack and knew that the worst had happened. Taking the backpack he returned to the group and they made it to Light’s Hope Chapel without any further problems. Once he arrived and got healed up, Adrien took a look at Marinette’s bag and found her Miraculous. Talking to Tikki, he learned that Marinette was uneasy the night before and that she took off the earrings right before they departed that morning.
Little did Adrien know that wasn’t the last time he was going to see Marinette.
Marinette was dragged off by the Scourge during the initial attack and then killed. Instead of being eaten by the ghouls or raised on the spot to finish off the caravan, her body was brought to Ebon Hold. There she was raised by a necromancer and found worthy. She was then given the trappings of a herald of Arthas. She was among the first Death Knights of Acherus to be raised. She trained just as hard in undeath as she did in life, showing no mercy to her opponents.
Prior to being raised, Marinette tried to avoid as much killing as possible while still healing her allies. She would kill if the situation demanded it, but it was never her go-to option.
Now she didn’t blink twice before taking the life of someone in her master’s name. Her time under the Lich King’s command broke any ties she had to her original life and she became a master in cold-blooded killing.
While she was alive, Marinette found an aptitude for healing her allies. Now she uses the broken bodies of her enemies to wreak havoc on the battlefield. She was on the front lines, slaughtering anyone who dare opposed her master. 
During the Battle for Light’s Hope Chapel, she ran into Adrien and made it her mission to kill him. Despite not being allowed to feel the love she once held for him, she knew that he would make an excellent tool for the Scourge. Once he was dead she knew that he could be raised again once the chapel fell under their control. Luckily for Adrien, Marinette never found the opening to strike a killing blow. During the entire battle, the duo were locked in combat with each other. Marinette trying to kill Adrien while Adrien was trying to stay alive. Just like all the other Death Knights present, eventually she was freed from the Lich King’s control. 
After that battle, Marinette was appalled at what she did under the Lich King’s control and the guilt nearly ate her alive. The only thing that saved her was the support of Adrien, Plagg, and Tikki. With her new state irreversible, Marinette came to the hard conclusion, even if the Night Elves were able to find a way to get them back home… Marinette wouldn’t be able to go. Besides the glaring appearance changes, she’s gone through. She was afflicted by the Eternal Hunger, and she wouldn’t be able to state that craving back home the same way she could in Azeroth. Even if there was some way to sate the cravings and hide her appearance, the trauma she’s endured ensured that she’ll never have a normal life again.
Now she’s got two missions. Her first mission was to keep Adrien alive at all costs and to get payback at the Lich King for what he made her into.
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fallenheroine · 4 years
Shadowlands Headcanon
Marinette does go to the Shadowlands, but she is not part of the group of Death Knights that go with the Champion who opens the portal to the Maw.
She goes to the Shadowlands once a portal between Stormwind and Oribos is established thanks to the Maw Walker.
She never goes on to Ardenweald or Revendreth because she feels at home in Maldraxxus.
She ends up joining the Necrolords despite the Kyrian reminding her of the path she was walking before Arthas.
Some Night Fae covenant spoilers under the cut.
Marinette’s adoptive parents were killed in the burning of Teldrassil and their souls ended trapped in Torghast.
They were not absorbed by the Tortured Amalgamation as they were bound in one of the back rows. 
When the Maw Walker goes after Tyrande and recuses the remaining Kaldorei spirits, Marinettes adoptive parents are rescued as well. They are currently residing in Ardenweald after being released by Ysera. 
They will ask anyone who may have been at Teldrassil or Darkshore during the Horde attack if they have seen an adult human female with Night Elf markings.
Most of the time the answer is no, though if the answer is yes then they will ask them to deliver a message to Marinette saying how proud they are of her.
Marinette is unaware of any of this happening and will not find out unless someone tells her about this happening. 
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fallenheroine · 4 years
"Since the Scourge are on an uncontrolled rampage through Azeroth I can’t be the only one who thinks concentrating all of our forces to Icecrown is a bad idea.” 
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“If you need me I’m going to Duskwood, since it seemed like they were barely hanging on last time I was there.”
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