#` ✦ ⋮ v. modern ⋮ she’s a maneater; make you want all of her love.
tigersbloom · 1 year
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➤ @goetiya : Lucretia gently takes her by the chin and steals a kiss
Left, right, left. Twirl, repeat. Aomora grins at Lucretia while their feet carry them across the floor. It's been far too long since they've seen each other and as such, the dancer has a lot of pent up mischief she has been waiting to unleash. What with her favorite target gone, it's been damned near unbearable for someone as attention-seeking as she.
When their dance draws to a close, and Lucretia's hand goes to grab Aomora's chin in the gentlest hold, Aomora does not fight the kiss that comes next. Does not even utter a word about them being in public. She just returns the gesture, eyes closing against the feeling of her partner so close.
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❝ Mm. Nice t'see ya too, hot stuff. Anythin' I can get ya at th' bar? 's on th' house. Least, 'm sure Zev will agree. ❞
Her grin never fades. Not even once. She has a bounce to her step that sends her long ponytail swishing behind her as she makes her way towards the bar, not letting go of Lucretia's hand. Upon arrival, she knocks on the heavy wood counter once, and the barkeep turns around, only to roll their eyes when they see who it is. Zevhara walks over, eyeing Lucretia up and down and pursing their lips with a quiet hum.
❝ Long time, no see. Do me a favor and take this one for a walk or something. She's been utterly unbearable in your absence. ❞
Aomora pouts at her friend at their brutal honesty. She hadn't been that bad! And her co-dancers had it worse than Zevhara, too! She opens her mouth to speak, but instead turns towards Lucretia last minute.
❝ Not a word from ya. ❞
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tigersbloom · 4 years
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@shikaal​​:  “I want to know what makes you angry.” ( is this 🦋 flirting ? )
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Eyelashes flutter as the mage bats her eyes, feigning innocence. Everyone who knows her even the slightest bit knows that Aomora has a temper on her  —  typical for a fire mage, as she always says.
She sucks her lip piercings into her mouth while she turns the question over in her head, playing with them idly before releasing them so that she may finally speak.    “    A lot of things.    ”    She admits, before picking up the bottle and fiddling with the neck of it. She runs her finger along the opening of it until she grows bored of that, which admittedly happens quite fast, then she directs her gaze back at Akali.
“    People, more than anything.    ”    She continues, then sets the bottle down and leans in over the table in a way that causes her ample bosoms to come more into view. A fact she does not seem to care for right then.    “    Watered down drinks. Men who talk your ear off about how wealthy and good they are.    ”    She runs the touch of a single finger over the front of Akali’s shirt, completely unprovoked, until she tires of that, as well.
Aomora sits back down with a thump and takes a sip of her drink. She technically didn’t need to since she had answered the question, but oh well. Sobriety is for losers, anyway.
“    But I guess what makes me furious, is people who think they are better than you just because they have some sort of status. Psh. Anyways, my turn. Tell me about the person you’re hot for at the moment.    ”
I want to know      /  /      Accepting.
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tigersbloom · 2 years
tag dump ii.
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