#{ ;; alaire dax ~ verse: stranger things }
bestiadentro · 3 months
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{ @resplendentdare continued from here }
Alaire is typically an early riser, but this morning? Well, he'd just gotten so comfortable in Saskia's bed that he ended up sleeping in a little bit longer than usual. It's when Saskia is returning to the room that Alaire realizes she'd been gone, looking up from the empty spot beside him and quickly noting her in the doorway. "Oh wow," He begins, eyes blinking in surprise "Is that for me? Well - Us I'd hope. You need to eat too." Unless she already ate already then he supposed it was all right.
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psychosupernova-a · 9 months
{ @hellfireconcert liked for a starter and got Alaire Dax }
His lack of ability to sleep is was leads him to the trailer so late at night; Part of him hoping the Eddie is up and about as well. Though it's late, so it wouldn't surprise him if they were in bed by now. Luck would have it, however, that he spots them outside having a smoke. In his feline form that is the size of a house cat, he trots up to them, small trill-like sound escaping him on his way over. Partly because he's happy to see them, another reason being a means to signal he was there.
It's as Alaire is passing cover on his way there that his form changes to what Eddie recognized most; His human body. "You're up late." As though Alaire has any room to talk. Though technically he is feline in nature. Having nocturnal tendencies isn't exactly odd for him. "Can't sleep?" An assumption based on his own reasoning for being there.
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bestiadentro · 3 months
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{ @resplendentdare continued from here }
Saskia had said something about needing to go do the laundry, leaving him on his own in her living room whilst she went to take care of it. He doesn't end up waiting around long at all, finding himself wandering off to find her. Upon locating her, Alaire is promptly stepping up to her and stealing a quick kiss from her lips.
A smile follows her compliment and greeting, a soft laugh escaping him. "I got lonely." As silly as that sounded, it was true. "Anything I can help with?"
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bestiadentro · 4 months
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{ @rebelliousfamily continued from here }
"It's just - It's not fair." He's frowning deeply, voicing how he feels about this - about how others would react to knowing what he is. That he isn't human. "Why do I have to hide what I am just to make others comfortable?" And it wasn't just that. His own safety would be threatened just because of what humans might assume - other people at other labs likely to target him. For what? Existing? "To not have my safety threatened? It's not fair."
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bestiadentro · 4 months
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{ @resplendentdare }
Alaire might be new to this sort of thing, but he's not oblivious to what people tended to do during sex; Going off of what he knows and what just seems to come naturally. Naturally, wanting to go out of his way to please her. It's just how he was, already finding the noises she's making absolutely delicious, wanting nothing more than to make her make more of those wonderful sounds.
The attention she was giving to her breast with his mouth is now being given to her other breasts, nipping, licking, and sucking on the sensitive bud whilst his hand teases the other. Freehand has slid between her legs so fingers could dip underneath the fabric of her panties, fingers already gently teasing her clit.
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bestiadentro · 4 months
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{ @rebelliousfamily continued from here }
This is something Alaire has always secretly thought about himself; That he's a monster. As he was designed to be after he was given away to that lab by his uncaring father. But he supposes if he hadn't done that he wouldn't be alive now, would he? Considering their experiments were the only thing that saved him from dying young from illness.
"I just - I just can't help but wonder if that's how people see me," Alaire begins, gaze averting as a frown forms upon his lips "The people who know, I mean. I know they don't see El as a monster, but she also doesn't have the ability to turn into a literal beast. I mean - she's still human."
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bestiadentro · 4 months
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{ @resplendentdare }
Though she's apologizing, Alaire knows that her response to seeing him kill those demodogs is only natural. Still it.. hurt. It hurt to have her respond that way in a way that reminded him that he really is nothing more than a monster himself. After all, no human could tear apart a creature like that with their bare hands alone.
He pauses, quiet for a moment as he listens to her speak and trying to gather his own thoughts. "I.." He's struggling to find words even though he's relieved she wants to speak with him at all still "You aren't.. afraid of me?"
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bestiadentro · 4 months
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{ @rebelliousfamily continued from here }
He returns the hug, not being able to help but smile at his friend's excitement for him finally getting his own place. It felt a bit strange living on his own after living in such a small, crowded space, but he'd get used to it eventually. It's not like he's going to be living completely alone with Eddie as a roommate. Though currently he's out of town with his band so he isn't quite moved in yet.
"Yeah, absolutely." Smile turns to a grin, small laugh escaping him. "It's kind of weird having my own place now, you know? I mean, Eddie is going to be here, but you know what I mean, right?"
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bestiadentro · 4 months
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{ @resplendentdare }
"I'm not really good at naming favourites, but I guess it would be different types of metal?" Head quirks slightly in thought, allowing the conversation of the girls to pass and move on to his reason for being there again. "Though I like most kinds of music - that I've heard, anyway." Seeing as he hasn't really heard a whole lot. Just what Jonathan and Eddie have exposed him to, really.
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bestiadentro · 2 months
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Send my muse all your terrible puns.
@silver-blooded-synthetics said: "I think you're purrfect just as you are right meow." - from Errol to Stranger Things verse Alaire for the puns meme.
Alaire blinks, confused by the way Errol is speaking and not seeming to understand the puns. Though they're saying he's perfect as he is.. he can't help but to wonder if he's being made fun of somehow? But he also doesn't think Errol would make fun of him either.. So he's not quite sure what to think of it.
Oh. He's figured it out on his own. It's likely visible in his expression when it clicks. Though he still doesn't understand why they're doing it. "Why are you talking like that?" Alaire just comes out and asks. Why not?
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bestiadentro · 2 months
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@hellfireconcert gets a birthday starter!
Alaire's birthday had never been something that was celebrated. At least not that he could remember; Memories of being human still very much a haze with the majority of his life spent in the lab. Only within the past few years has it be being celebrated, catching him off guard each time. This year he's been invited to spend time with Eddie. Something he's surprised by but.. actually a bit excited about. Eddie is his favourite person, after all. He's not sure what they have in mind though his expectations aren't high. Alaire is just happy to get to spend time with him.
When they arrive to pick him up, Alaire gets into the vehicle, smiling in greeting. "You're early." It's not a complaint. If anything, Alaire is happy about this. He'd been sitting by the door and waiting in the meantime. Occasionally peaking out the window or well.. more like any time he thought a car that sounded like Eddie's was close by. Was that silly? Probably, but Joyce seemed to find it adorable. "What did you want to do today?" As though it wasn't his own birthday. How silly.
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bestiadentro · 2 months
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{ @silver-blooded-synthetics liked for a birthday starter }
This would be the second time he's celebrating his birthday with Errol. The second time should have been last year, but unfortunately, he'd been missing during that time. Locked away in that horrid lab - but he's not going to think about that. Alaire is free now; Has been for months and is steadily recovering from the trauma caused.
He has, by now, reunited with his family in the sense that he's seen them and spends time with them, but he does still remain a resident of Errol's home. It just made sense at this point. His age made him able to live on his own anyhow and the Byers household was.. crowded. Not that he didn't love them! Because he does! It's just.. Errol provided him a sense of comfort that they didn't and he needed that comfort.
Today, he's waking up to hair being gently brushed out of his face and fingers combing through his hair. Before he's even awake the softest of trills escapes him, the sound being what actually wakes him up. Even with his eyes closed, he can tell it's Errol touching him. His scent is enough to give it away. Eyes open slowly, soft purrs already rumbling in his throat as he attempts to move so that he's nuzzling his cheek against the hand rather than allowing them to continue to pet his hair.
Happy Birthday, Alaire
That's what he hears Errol say. It brings him to realize that it is, in fact, his birthday. Because of last year he'd already seemed to have forgotten about it. His expression likely reads as such, but the realization isn't bad. No, it's nice to be woken up this way, to give him such information when he's already feeling a sense of calm. "It is my birthday, isn't it?" Alaire questions softly, finally shifting in order to sit upright on their bed. "I forgot all about it."
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bestiadentro · 3 months
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oddly specific sensual touches.
@silver-blooded-synthetics said: [ neck ] — sender bites and licks along receiver’s neck
In bed, lying cuddled up to Errol's side whilst the other male read was the perfect way to spend the day. It was their day off, giving them the whole day together. For a bit they lied like this, Alaire's eyes closed though he's still quite awake. Comfortable, he lies there and simply listens as Errol turns each page he finishes. Eventually, however, he feels them shift, eyes opening just in time to see them hovering above him.
The book is closed and set aside; Onto the night stand close by before he finds them above him. Cheeks flush a light shade of pink just as their lips meet his in a kiss. A long, passionate, eventually turned hungry kiss that Alaire can't help but to return as purrs rumble deeply within his throat in approval.
When the kiss ends, Alaire can feel their lips upon his jaw. Trailing along it, finding their way down the side of his neck until he can feel teeth nipping lightly at the skin. A soft noise begins to escape him only to leave him more loudly than he anticipated as teeth sink into his neck in the form of a bite. He moans, head tilting to the side and Alaire gasping with hands lifting up to grip lightly on Errol's shirt. Of course Errol would pay attention to him there. His weak spot. Such a cliche one too, isn't it? Not that Alaire cares. He's far too busy focused on the feeling of hot tongue against his skin meant to soothe the bite to his neck.
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bestiadentro · 2 months
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{ @resplendentdare liked for a birthday starter }
It's interesting that celebrating his birthday has become something normal to do. He'd grown used to not celebrating it. Why would the lab allow it? He was seen as nothing more than a wild animal to be controlled then, but now? Now he's as free as someone like him can really be, celebrating his birthday with the people he cares about.
This year, however, is a bit different. He'll be spending his birthday with Saskia; Gone to her place after the Byers gave him a little early morning celebration of their own. His gifts from each other them were all unique in their own right; Things such as a mix tape from Jonathan, something Will has painted for him, from Joyce he received some art supplies, and from El? Well, that gift is a bit of a secret to be checked out at another date.
Now Alaire is at Saskia's. He's ringing her doorbell upon his arrival, smile on his face as he's excited to spend the day with her. As he always is when they're together.
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bestiadentro · 2 months
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@lcstinfantasy continued from here
Needless to say, Alaire had been excited about this trip, Elie being the one to propose it to him. To get away, to see more than just the small town they lived in of Hawkins. He's unsurprisingly had his eyes glued to looking outside the window in awe of things that were normal to humans. A good thing that Elie is the one driving.
Alaire had even saved a bit of money to help out for this trip; Not wanting Elie to be the only one contributing. So, he'd done plenty of odd jobs around town to hopefully help out with things like food, gas, and even hotels. Gathering quite a bit of money has allowed them to do a lot more than he thought it would. "Hm.." They're in a store attached to what looked to be a gas station, Alaire looking around in attempt to find the answer to her question.
He ends up picking up various items; Snack sized pound cakes, Doritos, and various other popular snacks that he hasn't actually tried yet. The whole reason he's picked them out is because this trip was about new experiences, right? So, why not try new food? With everything in his grasp - barely - he stands before her almost like an excited puppy rather than someone feline in nature. "How about these?"
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bestiadentro · 2 months
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@lcstinfantasy continued from here
The greeting brings him to smile into the kiss before he's pulling away, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek before meeting her gaze. "I know we didn't have any plans today, but I just wanted to see you." So, he came to surprise her whilst hoping he wouldn't possibly be interrupting anything she might not have had going on. "You busy?"
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