#{ Atsushi Nakajima: Determined Weretiger Canon-ish Verse }
kitxkatrp · 1 year
@lovelyxhorrors Atsushi and Jason
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The moment he sees the other, he's prepared to be attacked. He has no idea who he is and tenses, eyes narrowing and ready to use all that he's learned to defend himself and the public if need be.
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kitxkatrp · 1 year
@lovelyxhorrors II Continued
“Well, I’ve never cooked a duck before! If you bring me one, I’ll try to make it. Thank goodness for google!” His new agency phone did have internet on it, thankfully, so he could just look up how to cook duck rather than go into it blindly. 
“I have plenty of vegetables at home already and spices and all that, I just need to go to the store and pick up some potatoes for a starch.” He smiled up at him, fingers gentle as they played with some of Matt’s hair.
“....Does that sound okay?”
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kitxkatrp · 1 year
@demon-blood-youths II Continued
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"B-But...I've never been very good at fighting! Why shouldn't the power go to somebody whose better at it?!" He didn't quite understand, but then she mentioned--
"Hold up, you can turn into a dragon?!" Or at least, that was what he got from what she said. "That's way cooler!"
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kitxkatrp · 1 year
@demon-blood-youths II Continued once more because of cutting posts
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"Well as long as Zombies don't exist in real life, I guess I'll be okay." Don't tell him Ink. He'd like to live in bliss for a while longer unaware of Necromancers.
"Oh? Are you going to put it on now?" He wiggles a little with excitement. If she liked the movie so much, he was sure to enjoy it, even if the thought of zombies made him wary.
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kitxkatrp · 10 months
@lovelyxhorrors II Liked for a romantic starter!
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Stretched out on his lover's chest, Atsushi was more than happy to be right where he was. "Hey Matt," he kicked his feet in the air, giving him a begging look. "If I asked you to go on an official date with me, would you? Like going out somewhere? It doesn't have to be a real public place..."
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kitxkatrp · 1 month
@lovelyxhorrors Matt hears about Atsushi's birthday coming up so he got him a big cozy beanbag and a tiger plushie.
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He's gonna faceplant right into that beanbag like a dork and cuddle with his tiger plushie. "I love them! Thank you!" He's clearly in a good mood. This would be his first real birthday since leaving the orphanage...
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kitxkatrp · 1 year
@blxxd-oaths II Atsushi for Dazai
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"Um...Dazai-san...?" Atsushi approaches Dazai with a bento box. "I noticed you haven't been eating lunch lately, so...I tried to make something for you. Even if it's just a little bit, please try to eat something, okay?"
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kitxkatrp · 11 months
“Don’t worry about it. I was already awake.” (Eun to Atsushi, Shattered Angel verse)
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"If you're sure...I'm sorry I was just...looking to see if anyone was still awake...I wanted to talk to someone."
A shadowed look was on his face. His night so far had been full of flashbacks and tears and he just....
He wanted to hear someone's voice, someone familiar for a little bit, telling him that he wasn't worthless.
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kitxkatrp · 11 months
❛ thanks for doing this. ❜ (From Adult!Elise to Atsushi)
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"O-Of course..." He was very nervous, of course he was. She looked so similar to that girl that was by the Mafia Head's side that it was unnerving.
"Is there anything else you need from us? We'll do our best to help you."
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kitxkatrp · 1 month
"Happy birthday, Atsushi-kun~!" Nikolai greeted with a cake in his hand. It was one of those fancy cakes you'd see a professional baker on a show make in a contest. Except Nikolai made it himself. It had a white tiger piped on the top with candles on it.
He set it down on his desk and wore a bright smile. "I wasn't sure what cake you liked, so it's a strawberry cake with vanilla~! Dazai-kun helped me a bit~."
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Atsushi's eyes widened slightly as he took in the sight of the cake. He opened his mouth slightly and then closed it again because he felt choked up. Tears sprang to his eyes.
He'd never celebrated his birthday properly before.
"I..." He swallowed thickly, reaching up to wipe at his eyes. "T-Thank you, Nikolai-san...you didn't have to...but...I...I really appreciate it. Really. It doesn't matter what flavor it is. I'd love it because you guys made it for me. That's all."
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kitxkatrp · 2 months
"There is no call we do not answer." (For any of your BSD muses. I filled out your interest checker, if it helps you pick one.)
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"That's right. That's what helping people means." He didn't always think this way and he might be a tad bit ashamed of himself for that, but he had changed a lot since working with the Armed Detective Agency for the first time.
He had learned that helping people was always worth the sacrifice, no matter the pain.
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kitxkatrp · 4 months
does your muse have any long-term, life plans? (Atsushi)
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As much as he wished he did, Atsushi hasn't had much time to think about it. His entire life since being saved off the streets has revolved around the agency and doing his best to save people. He hasn't really thought about what might come after that, or if he might still be around in ten years, starting a family, or anything like that.
The problem is, psychologically, he has been in a position for so long where he had nothing to focus on but the present. When you grow up like that, the future is difficult to think about.
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kitxkatrp · 4 months
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"Atsushi~!" Matt calls his name and presents him with something. "Sorry if I'm late with this but Happy St. Valentine's Day. I uh...got you chocolates, flowers, and tea. Also um...I got reserved tickets to the movies if you want!"
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He blinked, accepting the gifts with a shell-shocked look on his face. "Ah, th--thank you." His cheeks were burning. "Um...to be honest...I got you flowers, but...I ended up being too scared to give them to you."
So they were sitting in a vase on his counter--Matt could still have them if he wanted them.
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kitxkatrp · 4 months
“You look like hell and you smell like death.” (Fisk to Atsushi)
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"Thanks." Well, he was bleeding in many places and he would probably pass out in a minute, but--
He supposed that's what happened when an ability user got a little too choppy with their ability.
At least he didn't lose a limb this time.
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kitxkatrp · 4 months
“Trying to keep my eyes open wide, I’d gone days without any rest.” (Elise Blackwell to Atsushi) @infinitexmuses
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"Um, I don't mean to be rude, but are you okay? That's really not healthy...." He didn't know much about her just yet, but he now knew enough to be concerned about her health..
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kitxkatrp · 6 months
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Matt from the @lovelyxhorrors gives Atsushi a gift, "Here, moonlight. I brought you a gift." This gift is blue-wrapped with a snowflake design on it.
Inside this medium size gift, is a pair of gloves, a grey scarf, and a watch gadget that is custom-made by one of his teammates in Lovely Horrors, Cobin. This custom-made watch with a moon design on it. Not only that, this watch shoots out a grappling line for Atsushi to swing around when doing his job
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"Ah--Matt," somehow he wasn't expecting this, even though he had bought a gift for Matt as well.
He opened it up with a smile, wrapping the scarf around his neck immediately. "They're lovely...thanks Matt. Here's yours," he pulls out a rather large box, and in it is a fluffy coat. He worried sometimes that Matt might get cold out in the wilderness all the time, so...
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