#{ I also just realized that Mika and Envy literally have the exact same birthday? }
yuichiroswife · 2 years
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Name: Mikaela Shindō
Eye Color: Bright sapphire, usually possesses a beautiful luminescent glow.
Hair Style / Color: Sunshine blonde, sometimes appears as pale blonde, or almost platinum blonde.
Height: 5′ 8″ ( 173cm )
Clothing Style: Often consists of various shades of white, gold, and hints of black. Always wears something fancy or appealing to the eyes. Usually has small trinkets or pieces of jewelry (such as a brooch or light chains/cufflinks) decorating his clothes or his person. Sometimes wears a decorative hair piece given to him by his mother when he wishes to put his hair up.
Best Physical Feature: His legs. He was often praised for how slim yet toned his legs were either by friends or complete strangers, sometimes having people ask if he was interested in being a leg model.
Your Fears: “Being forced to watch those that I love and care about be taken away from me, either through death or other means.”
Your Guilty Pleasure: “For my loved one to want me and no one else, to see me as the only person that matters.”
Your Ambitions For The Future: “To no longer have to fight for the things that I want or deserve.”
Your First Thoughts Waking Up: “How am I going to achieve my goal today? What sort of things will I have to do? How long will it take me to achieve said goal? Is the goal worth it?”
What You Think About Most: “My loved ones and how best to protect them.”
What You Think About Before Bed: “Have I done enough? Do my actions have meaning? Do they appreciate the things that I do for them?”
What You Think Your Best Quality Is: “My loyalty.”
Single or Group Dates: "Single, of course. You never know when someone within your group date may try and take what's yours..."
To Be Loved or Respected: "You cannot have one without the other. To be loved is to be respected as is to be respected is to be loved."
Beauty or Brains: "I prefer brains over beauty, though I will not complain if it comes as a packaged deal."
Dogs or Cats: "Cats, though I don't mind dogs either."
Lie: "Who doesn't?"
Believe in Yourself: "Only when it comes to preforming things meant for those I cherish."
Believe in Love: "Of course, but perhaps it's foolish of me?"
Want Someone: "Doesn't everyone?"
Been On Stage: “I’d rather stay out of the spotlight.”
Done Drugs: “What could drugs do to me that others already haven’t?”
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: “Don’t we all at some point?”
Favorite Color: “Green. ...A bright iridescent green that often reminds me of emeralds.”
Favorite Animal: “I can’t say that I really have one, thought I suppose the closest would be a snake?”
Favorite Movie: “I don’t watch movies or television. I prefer to read.”
Favorite Book: “I would have to offer up a book called The Giver.”
Favorite Game: “I often don’t have time to play games.”
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: “May 1st.”
How Old Will You Be: “I don’t know anymore... I’ve lost track.”
Age You Lost Your Virginity: “I don’t see how that’s relevant?”
Best Personality: “Kind-hearted and out-going. To feel as if they can do anything, even if the task at hand seems impossible. Cheerful, playful, and maybe even a little childish.”
Best Eye Color: “Green.”
Best Hair Color: “Black.”
Best Thing To Do With a Partner: “It doesn’t matter what we do, so long as I get to stay by their side forever.”
I love: “You.”
I feel: “Empty.”
I hide: “My true feelings.”
I miss: “The memories we shared.”
I wish: “To meet you again in another life.”
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Tagged by: @s-talking​
Tagging: @crxstallium​, @rengelyer​, and anyone else who wants to do this. Just steal it and tag me.
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