baldramuste · 3 years
Birthday Twins!
@secretforestlady​ (submission)
Deirdre doesn't find out until it's too late to procure a suitable gift that Sigurd shares his birthday with her. It is such a strange coincidence considering how important they had been to each other in their pasts. Even without a proper gift, she must do something for him so she heads to the greenhouse to gather flowers.
She knows Arvis prefers red spider flowers and she often picks them for his classroom or their quarters. But she doesn't know what Sigurd likes. She's sure she must have at some point but that knowledge is gone, perhaps still sealed away. At first she considers roses. Bright yellow would stand out against the blue of his hair. Then she spies forget-me-nots and is immediately drawn toward them. There is something about them that convinces her they are perfect for Sigurd. 
Deirdre is just about finished weaving the blue blossoms together into a crown when its intended recipient enters through the door and smiles down at her. She quickly stands and greets him before offering her gift. "Happy birthday, Lord Sigurd! I made this for you." It isn't until he ducks his head and she's about to place the flower crown on his head that she remembers why these particular flowers are significant. Her cheeks flush as she recalls the forget-me-not crown she wore herself at their wedding.
Her heart pounds in her chest. They're so close now. Deirdre's hands slide down from the crown to rest on his cheeks. His eyes sparkle as they gaze into hers. She wonders how his lips might feel if they pressed against hers or if she'd be able to feel the warmth of his hands through her uniform blouse. It would be so easy if she just stepped...closer...
it was the most important day of the year for him, deirdre’s birthday. for the past few years he’d spent this day in misery, wondering when he’d ever be able to celebrate it with her again. if he’d ever be able to celebrate it with her again. now she was alive and here in the monastery, and while it was not the perfect scenario he still knew she was alive. that was all that mattered.
he could give her back her wedding ring for her birthday, even if he was reluctant to let go of it. he’d gazed at their rings on his necklace almost every lonely night in bed back in the day, and they had been something that kept his will to see her again afloat up until now. still, deirdre deserved to have it, even if she didn’t have the same feelings for him anymore.
somehow he knew exactly where he would find her. he takes a deep breath and pushes open the greenhouse doors. the sight of deirdre in the greenhouse holding a flower crown made out of forget-me-nots makes him remember their wedding day, and it also makes him briefly wonder who it was for. he approaches her, afraid that she might answer they’re for arvis; or even that arvis had given them to her, but his expectations do not come to fruition. no.
it’s for sigurd. she’s wishing him a happy birthday.
“oh– you… you remembered?” sigurd feels his heart stutter at the thought. he hadn’t even thought of his birthday all day today, had only been focused on deirdre’s which coincidentally landed on the same day as him (as it always has). he’s unable to hold back a smile; it was almost like the old days. “i’m so happy, thank you deirdre.” he chuckles, holding back the happy sob that wants to escape his throat. who knew something so simple could do so much for him?
“well then, i think i’ll let you do the honor?” he jokes, dipping his head down to her level so she can place it on him. he feels the foliage of the flower crown rest atop his head, and almost solemnly waits for her to pull her hands away, to return to the uncomfortable distance between the two. her hands trail down his hair and settle atop his cheeks. sigurd’s head raises just a little to meet her eyes, surprised by her actions.
his breath catches in his throat and he doesn’t dare move as he gazes back at her, afraid to ruin the moment between them. if he squints, he can see desire in her eyes; or maybe he’s just fooling himself into thinking that. he doesn’t know what to say that won’t cause him to scare her, so he stays silent, waiting, expecting her to move on.
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