#{ In his CE verse... he's got two-toned eyes. They're crimson and his usual royal blue. }
chronosbled · 1 year
In any case, here: a Crystal slowly coming from behind to bite Dickson.
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☣ — CRIMSON-BLUE SPLICED IRISES GAZED DOWNWARD TOWARDS THE VARIOUS ASSORTMENT OF BODIES THAT LAID MOTIONLESS AT HIS FEET, blood still flowing freely from freshly created wounds, forming a rather large puddle that began to stain into the fabric of black boots. Hilt of his sword still held firmly within his grasp meanwhile the blade remained placed against the dirtied ground, not sitting quite upright, but more or less haphazardly tilted — thus making it evident that his mind was elsewhere despite his physical body remaining here, but where his mind was would be a question that goes unanswered if he were ever to be asked — after all, he made it a point in his life to never answer personal questions asked of him. His left hand is slow to rise to his face, moving in a fashion that appeared to be him wiping away sweat, but instead he merely ended up smudging a splatter of blood onto his cheek just below his eye.
☣ — It had been some time since he'd traveled from the Tyr Empire all the way to the Black Rose, LEAVING BEHIND EVERYTHING THAT HE ONCE KNEW AS HIS HOME (OR RATHER IT HAD NEVER BEEN HIS HOME TO BEGIN WITH, perhaps he had only stayed because he had no where else to go) — it wasn't like Randolph would listen to a single thing he had to say after all, instead he encouraged the raven to "behave like the good little heir" he was supposed to be — thus why he had decided to take matters into his own hands. He had grown tired of doing his grandfather's bidding after all, but alas, things weren't much different for him now. He was still using his skills to do another's bidding, but at least this time he could do so with full conviction, especially since he had grown a rather deep soft spoke for one of the leaders of the Black Rose. Though he's pulled from his thoughts the moment he hears someone approaching him from behind. Normally he would turn with the instinct to fight, to protect himself, but this time he did no such thing. Instead he simply allowed the other to draw closer until delicate fingertips gently pulled the back half of his mask down, followed by the sudden sensation of teeth piercing into the soft flesh on the back of his neck, earning a slight grunt to escape from pressed lips hidden behind black fabric, irises moving ever so slowly to the side in attempt to look at the culprit.
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☣ — CRYSTAL SLEVANT, leader of the Spring Layer of the Black Rose. The very woman that struck fear into the hearts of many with a simple usher of her name, much like his grandfather. There's silence between the two for what seems like a few moments, almost as if he had to drop the act of a mass murdered and get back into the character of a love-struck fool, "I wasn't expecting you to check on me during my task... let alone bestow such a reward unbefitting of me," that much is evident given how his voice still had yet to shift from it's low tone to a much softer one. "As you can see, I have taken care of the spies just as you have ordered. If you so wish it, I am more than ready to take on another task for you, my queen." With that, he takes a small step forward and away from the female, finally turning around to face her before kneeling down, gaze lowered towards blood soaked boots. Yet despite all his grandstanding, he could seem to hide the slight shade of color that had spread to the tips of his ears.
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