#{ Only tagging it DD because these 3 have a few methods to fall asleep/get up that aren't sfw XDD }
bitofthisandthat · 4 years
[ Sleeping Patterns ]
Tagged by :  @heedingcalls​ Tagging:  @iim-a-pilot​  @feathersandforests​  @gamblealife​  @ducktales-wco-oo​ @anthropolite​ @womenofice​ @warraigoe​ ( That...that’s enough people to bug )
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Name: Gabby Mcstabberson Ethnicity: ( Eagle/peahen half-breed ) Probably East Indian & White; but what specific white culture is a ? to her given her orphan status. McStabberson isn’t a real surname, but code.  Country:  She was raised/dumped off in central Japan, but has been all over. She has no one country that she belongs to. She’s lived in Europe, Asia Major, and US all at different times. Residence:  Calisota, Duckburg and St.Canard. ( currently ) Average hours of sleep: 6-8, but if on watch or a mission, she sleeps in 2-3 hour shifts. Type of bed: Anywhere between a luxury hotel bed queen-king, to crashing in the wild/caves with just a bedroll. She’s slept in temple/church attics when on the road. She’s even slept in trees if it meant safe hiding. But if she’s in one of her safe houses, it’s a wide square free-form cushy double mattress no frame, ( futon style ) just loose cotton sheets & memory foam. Amount of blankets: If she’s indoors, she usually just needs a couple high count cotton/bamboo sheets, and cocoons herself with those plus a light throw. If it’s cold, she will bury herself under the usual sheets plus a luxe down blanket. If outdoors, it’s just an an insulated camping roll that can withstand the elements. Amount of pillows: Indoors? she will usually build a curved pile of 2-3, and plant down in the middle, or use the excess blanket as added padding. Outdoors, she usually has no pillow, but she was accustomed to sleeping with none when she was raised among her syndicate/temple. So, she CAN do without any headrest if on the road, but once she has cover or access to indoors, she’s using whatever padding she can.  Type of clothing: If outdoors or on the job? Her clothes remain on, obviously. She MAY take off her boots if the terrain isn’t too dangerous. Indoors, she really would rather sleep nude/panties. Sometimes it’s just a crop-tank and panties. She’ll walk around in a short robe or shorts if she’s out of bed, though. Sometimes a slip. But honestly she’s all about as little on her as possible when indoors/safe. Do they sleep with company?: Verse dependent. Otherwise, she does not sleep with anybody out of peace of mind and safety. If she’s indulging in sexual company, after they’re done, she’s out the door, sometimes sneaking out while her partner’s asleep. Yeaaaaah. Do they sleep with plushies?: Nope. Not even as a kid. :/ However, the monkey she had then would sleep near her. Though in Lola’s verse, ( @hoopsheartthrob​ ) if she crashes on the sofa from exhaustion, she has woken up with a blanket over her and one of Lola’s plushies wrapped in her arms somehow. Do they sleep better with company?: It doesn’t make a difference to her at all. Though in her ship verses, she is alarmed at how much harder it is for her to fall asleep and stay asleep without her lover there. If she’s in their bed together, she will nuzzle up and cocoon on THEM more than her usual blanket fort. Does it matter where they sleep?: Noooooo. XD If she can sit up in the crotch of a tree or lay down on a cave floor I think she’s okay. Though she sleeps lighter outside because of her light sleeping/vigilance. She obviously MUCH prefers nice bed and fine linens; after leaving that syndicate/temple lifestyle, she never looked back to the days of sleeping like a dog in a barn ever again. If on a mission, she does what she has to do to sleep wherever. She can usually count down and fall right to sleep instantly. Consider it her martial-monk training. Frequent dreams, nightmares?: She has either NO recalled dreams at all, or vividly surreal ones that may disturb or confuse her, but not scare her. What do they do if they cannot fall asleep?: She’ll try mediating first, but if her mind’s racing too much and it’s impossible to sleep, depending where she is, she’ll give into the alertness and either go out in the night to walk, look at the stars, or cityscape. Sometimes she looks up an old hook-up and attempts to wear herself out that way. But most of the time, the meditation works to calm her down. Deep slumber or naps?: She’s a light sleeper, so deep sleep is relative. If she can’t get 6-8 uninterrupted hours of slumber, after a long night mission with little to no sleep, she’ll make up for it after she’s “off the clock” by taking a few isolated naps at her safe house. She won’t ever do without rest!!! When do they wake up?: Depends entirely on her job du jour. But normally, she’s an early riser, not just out of habit, but she HAS to start her day with meditation and some kind of stretching/low impact work out. Then her breakfast, etc. In ship verses she’ll stay in bed a bit longer if it means she’s comfortably curled around them. When do they sleep?: She’ll stay up pretty late to the wee hours of the morning if she’s on a mission or fun night out, but normally she tries to be in bed by 11-midnight. Seeing is how she’s up like clockwork around 6:30-8am. What could wake them up?: She’s a light sleeper, so a lot, pfft. On the road, it just has to be subtle shuffling or murmur outside her campsite or hotel door, and when she’s outdoors, she does NOT sleep deep. A frog hopping into a puddle could wake her. If she’s in one of her safe houses or ship-verses, any noise from a drawer opening/closing or a deep mattress bob will do it, and when she wakes, she’s either ready to fight off whatever’s there, or annoyingly ask with bleary eyes what they’re doing ( if a friend/lover ). But then, she’ll slip back to sleep instantly with an exasperated sigh. So partners gotta leave the bedroom if they can’t sleep and do things like pace around the room or watch TV. JUST SAYIN’. She’s been conditioned since a child to always be ready to fight someone off if they sneak in on you while you sleep.
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Name: Gladstone Gander Ethnicity: ( Sebastopol goose-pecking duck half breed ) Culturally wise, whatever his fam is? Scottish-English-French?  Country:  USA Residence: Duckburg, Calisota--currently. Though canonly he’s lived in the countryside outside of Duckburg with his grandma and cousins after orphaned as a small child. He’s also lived in other glamorous or exciting cities at random stints given his gambling, stage career, and due to wherever Lady Luck has sent him. He always ends up back at Duckburg, though! Average hours of sleep: 8-10, sometimes 12 if he’s been out way too late and partied way too hard. Some of those hangovers are a bitch. He also surrenders to jet lag with no objection after long trips and just HIBERNATES. The man does love to lounge and sleep in finery. Type of bed: King, and of course, top of the line. He did try out waterbeds and other bizarre bed trends here and there just to see how comfortable ( or sexy ) it was. He is the first to go for gimmick style sleeping if it means a new way to experience comfort. Currently, he has a purple mattress-sleep number type deal he’s very proud of. 🙄 And his frame, of course, is imported and a high-end style. Amount of blankets: He does go full luxe, so the finest sheets plus at least 2-3 blankets; one thinner cashmere, one medium thick plain white down quilt, and finally, one thick, “royal” style comforter that usually is just rolled back off the foot of the bed if he’s got company. But usually it’s just the sheets and the down quilt covering him. Amount of pillows: 2 king sized ortho pillows side by side, so he can roll to whatever side and have the same level of comfort. He does have some random pillows at his sides also, as he shifts around in his sleep and ends up in different positions if he’s sleeping alone. Type of clothing: He sleeps totally nude, let’s be real here. He may saunter around his place in various luxe robes, or if he’s got family or friends over, he’ll wear pajamas around them out of courtesy, but once he’s in his bedroom and the door’s shut? 100% naked as a....jay...bird. Do they sleep with company?: Yesss...whether we’re in a ship verse or not, he’s pretty canonly...uh...popular. He gets around. He doesn’t think it’s gentlemanly to send a lady home right after they’ve done the deed, and his bed is huge and amazingly luxurious, so he’ll offer her “breakfast and coffee” as the quintessential code. Do they sleep with plushies?: Ha, no. “Not sexy, folks.” As a kid he had a couple, obviously. He’s woken up with a random plushie or action figure on his chest or head posed in hilarious ways whenever he falls asleep babysitting the kiddos, but other than that, nope. Do they sleep better with company?: Yes, actually. He does sleep alone more than you’d think, which when he does, he’s all over the place in his own bed. After all, he IS lonely under that bravado and vanity, so half his conquests may be some underlaying need to wake up with someone at his side. He doesn’t toss and turn at all if he’s got company---be it romantic or familial.  Does it matter where they sleep?: YES. Glad is a creature who loves his comforts. If it’s not just so, he’s a cranky bastard the next day. He’s extremely picky about where and how he sleeps if he’s on vacation with family and friends, infamously so. His bed at home is already tailor made to his specifics, and he knows which hotels fit his standards. Frequent dreams, nightmares?: He gets very vivid, happy, beautiful dreams. Of course he does. He also gets a lot of er...sexy dreams, too. But I digress. When he DOES have nightmares they are incredibly disturbing and horrific, showcasing family hells they’ve all endured or curses on the horizon, some are supernaturally caused nightmares. When he gets the rare nightmare, he ain’t falling back to sleep any time soon.  What do they do if they cannot fall asleep?: He’ll watch some late night TV like shopping networks and infomercials while sipping some liquor. Sometimes he’ll read through some biography books he has or magazines...Sometimes he’ll call an old girlfriend up and bug her, or try and get a booty call out of it. Or he’ll call a family member or friend that may be up or not, and fein false shame and be all: “Oooooh did I wake you?” and then go on to chat until he hears them fall asleep on the other line. Then, usually he can fall asleep again.  Deep slumber or naps?: Depends; he is a cat napper if it’s midday, he’s on a boat, an outdoor chaise, or hammock---and the sun’s warming his face and he has a cocktail or lemonade in hand. Because, hey, he can’t help it with THAT kind of set up. But, since he already gets an obscene amount of nightly sleep, cat naps are totally accidental and rare. When do they wake up?: Around 9 or 10am if it’s a normal schedule, but noon-2pm if he’s been out all night partying or on the gambling circuit. When do they sleep?: Whenever he feels like crashing. He doesn’t have a same-set time every night. Sometimes he turns in early around 10, sometimes he glances at the clock and it says 4am, and he’s just “WHOOPS. Bedtime.” What could wake them up?: He sleeps like a log once he IS out, so a lot of shoving or shaking ( or “adult contact” if you’re one of his ship verses ). But, ultimately, he has an alarm like anyone else. 
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Name: REDACTED. ( J/K: Drake Mallard, of course. Nega-versed but same name ) Ethnicity: ( Pecking duck ) “Euro-mutt.” Country:  USA ( Negaverse version ) Residence: St.Canard, Calisota ( Negaverse ) as well as St.Canard “Prime.” Average hours of sleep: 6-7. For an ornery bastard when he lays down, he conks out. Type of bed: Sometimes he falls asleep sitting up in his recliner watching TV, or if he’s too beat up and injured to lay down on a bed, and needs to keep his feet up. ( Like if his ribs are bruised too badly to lay flat. ) But when he sleeps in bed, depending on if he’s in one of his hideouts, hotels, or the Negaverse, it’s either a queen or king with loose, messy sheets and a couple mis-matched blankets and a 2 pillows that are not the same size or quality. If he’s in one of his fancy hotel spreads, obviously it’s super luxe accommodations as he smokes a cigar while wearing a haute bathrobe. Though, in his abandoned subway hideout, it’s just a twin-sized mattress on a prison-style cot with a fitted sheet and one blanket with a mushed-up small pillow. Honestly, he can fall asleep on concrete. Amount of blankets:  He can’t stand to be covered with more than a rumpled sheet unless it’s freezing, then he’ll also use one oversized thick comforter/quilt. Ship-verse wise, whatever her bed is like, he’s adjusted to THAT, and little else. But he will end up kicking the blankets off of himself some time during the night, regardless how many she uses. Amount of pillows: Honestly, it starts off with one, but he always ends up with his head flat on the mattress...In ship verses? Her chest. 🙄 Type of clothing: Boxers only, but if he’s with a lover, that’s nixed for nekkid sleepin’. Back in the Negaverse, he’ll fall asleep with his boxers and his robe on. Sometimes Gos crawls into bed if she had a nightmare, so he’s always dressed just in case. Do they sleep with company?: Sometimes....Ship verses, yes. Everywhere else, IF he’s worn out after a romp, he’ll stick around. But usually he vamooses after he’s sealed the deal, so she doesn’t get any bright ideas about them. If she’s sleeping over one of his hotel stays? Sometimes he’ll let her stay over...but he makes it pretty clear she better not stay past morning coffee. Cab faire is SOMETIMES provided. Otherwise? HE SLEEPS ALONE, DAMNIT!! Do they sleep with plushies?: Only if Gos left hers behind and got out of bed first. XD Do they sleep better with company?: It really doesn’t matter to him. Once he’s out, he sleeps like a rock. In ship verses he’s gotten used to his dame so he’ll begrudgingly admit to himself he’s gotta crash with her. That is, unless they’re fighting, then he’s staying the hell away from her. And probably sleep on the sofa. Does it matter where they sleep?: Nope! After being in prison where you sleep on terrible cots and have to watch your ass ( literally ) constantly, or being knocked out after a caper and waking up in filthy, uncomfortable places like warehouse floors or alleyways, he can pretty much fall asleep anywhere. Though, it IS nice to have his comfy chair or lady friend’s bed. Frequent dreams, nightmares?: Half the time he has NO dreams/nightmares, just black, blank sleep. The other chunk of time ( about a quarter of the time ) he has nightmares, which he takes to be “his normal” dreams. They involve a lot of his life in symbolism, disturbing metaphors, and warnings, and replays of past traumas that still haunt him. He denies openly that he has PTSD, even as it effects his dreamscape. When he has truly normal or pleasant dreams, he wakes up suspicious.  What do they do if they cannot fall asleep?: He takes a hot shower or bath, smokes a cigar while in the tub, maybe has a tumbler of whisky too. He’ll probably jack-off later if he’s still awake. Sometimes he’ll take a sleep aid or medication, because he will do whatever it takes to knock himself out without actually knocking himself out... Deep slumber or naps?: Deep, deep, deeeeeeep sleeps. Most of his naps tend to be “involuntary,” post fight. When he does nap it’s only because he’s had a LONG, hard job and he just CRASHES. If he crashes at home in the Negaverse on the sofa, Gos usually covers him with one of her princess blankets and puts a few of her plushies around him. When do they wake up?: Depending on the scene! On a job he pulls sleep shifts and wakes up as needed to his schedule. Normally, he’s up by 8 am, unless he’s been injured and accidentally finds himself in bed all day. Or, if a job made him crash in at sunrise, he’ll be up around noon. When do they sleep?: Whenever needed according to his work schedule. Sometimes he has to be asleep by as early as 7pm if he has to pull a big job by midnight, sometimes he IS in bed by midnight. If he’s on the run or a job is taking forever, he’s collapsing in bed around 4-5 am. He has the most chaotic sleep schedule EVER. What could wake them up?: Remember, he sleeps the sleep of the dead, so he needs ceremony. Soooo if you’re his squeeze du jour or a ship verse? Sex. Or, just violently shaking him awake, jumping ON him roughly, slapping him awake, having his alarm at high volume, or if you’re Gos, prying his eye open with her fingers and saying “DAD!...oh! Are you up?” while in his face...Also, brewing strong, good coffee down the hall will magically do it. Otherwise he has an internal clock that just wakes him up without an alarm. 
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