bitofthisandthat · 1 year
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Building on this blog’s existing meta where MY Negaduck was a foster kid that moved throughout the system because his mom was a negligent whore ( basically ), and his dad was a 2-bit crime boss that could only DREAM of having the power/rep Negs does now:
Adult Negaduck DEFINITELY knows where his birth parents are. However, he has successfully convinced the world and everyone in his life that they’re gone for good, either dead or so far away, that he doesn’t care where they are now.
Occasionally, he checks on his mom from afar, just to see if she’s still alive, and yup! She’s an old trash bag that lives in the slums, hoarding cash and living low even if she could live high. She is convinced everyone is out to get the money she’s saved after a life of cheap cons and tricking, so she pretends to be poor in order to throw everyone off her trail. She’s a chain-smoking bar-wench, and Negs can’t understand how she’s still alive. She gets one visit from him maybe every couple years at her favorite pub, but when he does, it’s always out of mask and costume, so no one is the wiser. She thinks he’s a deadbeat, and never misses a chance to belittle him for not having a job. ( ha ha ) She also thinks he’s just looking to get her money, and accuses him of waiting for her to drop dead so he can get it. She has NO idea who the hell he is, and how he can buy, sell, and execute her 100x over if he wanted. He visits his dad more...
His dad is wheelchair & cane bound, living in an assisted living home, still acting like he’s a big shot, wearing fancy robes and pretending he’s still a big wheel and a charmer. The staff all knows he’s just an old gangster that’s decrepit and all talk now, all his former associates disowning him or long gone. Other patients don’t know what to think.
Like Neg’s visits with his mom, he ONLY comes to see him out of costume, but unlike his mom, his dad is convinced “Drake” is someone bigtime. He constantly rags him about “using his power” to get him out or into a better home, and that: “You can’t fool me, a fisherman knows another fisherman, your mom is just a salty, old, stupid drunk.”
Negaduck is just as disgusted with him as he is his mother, but for some reason, he stomachs his dad better, because HE doesn’t talk to him like he’s a “nobody.” His dad definitely suspects Negaduck IS a dangerous man, and although he can’t prove it, he suspects his son is Nega-Saint Canard’s one and only Overlord, Negaduck. But the entire staff and the rest of the patients there think he’s just a ranting senile fool.
Negaduck hates checking in on either of them but he feels compelled to. A big part of it is not winning acceptance, but he wants to make sure they don’t ever say or do anything that could give away his identity. 
Gosalyn will NEVER meet them.
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bitofsin · 2 years
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
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                                            Smart until infected with stupid You think you're safe don't you? You are probably the responsible one in the group, perhaps even the mom friend. You are relatively smart but all it takes is one little thing to suck all your braincells out. It could be hanging around your fellow stupid friends, it could be being left alone, it could be having a bit too much fun. The stupid lives inside you and it just takes the right environment for it to show.
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                                               BASTARD stupid Swears are your language and crime is your profession. Your reason for doing just about anything is because you could, no matter how stupid it was. Why did you set that fence on fire? To watch it burn. Why did you put that bug in your mouth? To see what it tastes like. Why did you teach that kid to say fuck? Its funny. Keeping you around is like housing a cartoon villain but at least you know how to pick locks so that's a reason to let you stay.
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                                              Confidently stupid You think you are the smartest person on earth as you put your spoon in the microwave to make it easier to scoop ice cream. You give awful advice that sounds smart when spoken but terrible when executed. You insist on doing things yourself and are so absolutely sure you are doing everything right. Your confidence gives you charm, as well as the bravery to do the dumb things that you do.
tagged by : @heedingcalls​ & @minkroe
tagging : YOU 
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
💃to Negaduck and to Gladstone
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Ask muse how good they are at... 💃 dancing
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So smooth, it’s like he’s...professional or something.
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A master of ballroom, swing, etc. And clubbing of course. He IS The Gladstone Gander, after all. If it’s a talent that implies class and sociability? He’s got it in spades. The man doesn’t have a clumsy bone in his body.
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Does slam-dance/moshing count? He’s a MASTER at that.
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But, cute. He doesn’t dance. He stays in his booth or against the bar and WATCHES. If he’s forced on the floor, he finds every means possible to scramble away like a fat cat out of a candy-fingered toddler’s embrace.
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
Negaduck: Do you have a Nega-Morgana in your world? What is she like and are you two together?
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We don’t  s p e a k  o f  h e r.
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“...None of your damn business, no face.”
She is an off again, on again nuisance in his life. A lazy, kleptomaniac more interested in her ‘clients’ and gold-digging to be any real assistance to him in his crimes. He’d sooner never see her face again than deal with her backstabbing, cheating, useless hide. And there is NO way she’s coming within 10,000 feet of Gosalyn.
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“But if you see her, tell her she owes me 10 grand and I’m LOOKING for her.”
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
Dear Negaduck, as we know you’re not like other ducks. You are chaos incarnate! And you hate everything sweet and beautiful! But is there more? What other likes and dislikes do you have that are WAY different from the norm?
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Norm? Everyone hating everything IS normal now. What an annoying line of questioning. Who the HELL knows???
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“Snitches.” Click, click.
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“I also hate all flavors of j-ello and fruit cocktail. Sporks. Sectional plastic flatware. Syringes. UNENDING commercials about Medicare part C, snow-cones, music playing in the background at stores. PBS kids. When the road commission patches a fuckin’ road like a quilted nightmare but leaves the cracks unfilled. Flip flops. People that spend 10 minutes ordering a coffee filled with everything BUT coffee. Skinny pants on all body types. And I mean ALL body types. You all collectively look like shit. Social media. Lady G.aG.a. Target. Not the bullseye, but the franchise. And I mean the whooooooole store, and the dummies addicted to going to that burnt-popcorn smelling hell-hole. Everyone that eats loudly in a movie theater and gets up to piss nonstop. Cages around city trees. People that say Off-TEN not ‘offen’. The dumbasses that throw birthday parties for their fuckin’ pets...and Volkswagens. Yeah.” A sniff. 
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“That’s it for now.”
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
To Negaduck: Who were your parents and what was your childhood like?
“Fuck off.”
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“You honestly think I’d divulge any of that personal crap to a no-face, no-name chump I don’t know? You could be an enemy or worse, some loser that thinks they’re gonna get in my head and figure me out. Uh-uh. Get bent, dickhead. You have to be level 10 before you get to know that stuff, and I’m the the big BOSS at the end ya’ gotta beat to achieve that knowledge, so that means a spineless little no-face like you will  n e v e r  know.”
{ HE’LL never tell, but *I* will.
I don’t 100% follow fanon’s interpretation that his dad was a big time mob boss and his mom an equally threatening crook, I rather adapt that they were big time LOSERS that went nowhere with their life. Petty crimes, drunks, his mom was an occasional whor.e and both parents stayed in the gutter all their life. 
Negs was smarter than them from the start, a genius kid stuck in the hell of having loser parents that didn’t comprehend what they had. Social Services busted them many times over the years, and after a childhood of being tossed around the system, he jumped it when he was around 17 and went to mentor under a REAL criminal, a REAL mob kingpin. He learned all he could from him, became the perfect “student,” then backstabbed him and took it all, cleaned out the very mob that took him in, and became all in it for himself. He took over Nega! St. Canard in about 5-10 years. When he finally became the overlord of Nega! St. Canard, he ran out all the mobs and other criminals so he could be top dog. He allows lower criminals to keep their place, because he needs lackys, but if one gets too big or threatening...he deals with it. 
He never dwells on how embarrassing and low-rent his folks were, and he HATES the foster system to this day. 
...Which...would account on how he spoils Nega!Gosalyn so much and keeps her sheltered. It’s one of his FEW redeeming qualities.
To me, it makes more sense he’d have a complex about being born in the gutter and having to claw his way up to high crimes rather than be born into criminal royalty, so to speak.
Another headcanon I toy with is that...what if the worst criminal in Nega! St. Canard’s history actually came from good, functional people? What if he was a bad egg, and left a perfectly good family with loving parents, to become a monster? To me, that’s another angle that’s interesting to explore, but more realistic. I think it’s more disturbing to know he came from good people first.
BUT. I stick to the foster kid/mafia origins. }
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bitofsin · 2 years
Are Negaduck or Gladstone into spankings (sub not dom)?
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“Try it at your own risk.”
{ So that’s a BIG no. }
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“What? Why? No. No. If that’s what you’re into, fine. But don’t expect me to like it.”
{ He thinks it’s humiliating and silly to do to him, to be honest. Glad has no problem giving light spanks. But nothing over the top. Negs, on the other hand will go as hard as she’s willing/wanting.
Pro tip: both are more into org.as.m denial for their “punishment.” Spankings will end playtime instantly for both. }
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
Negs smells like smoke. Kinda bitter. He smells like cigarettes. A lingering scent of kerosine or gasoline. Sometimes he smells kinda metallically but that's usually because he was fighty and the smell of blood keeps lingering. He smokes, though. So that smell is pretty prevalent.
What do you think my muse smells like?
It’d be easier to say he stinks...
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// I will say you almost got it 100%; but I’ll give ya a 90%. Because he DOES wear cologne. He specifically wears colognes he knows will annoy--like Axe Body spray at maximum levels. Because smoke, kerosene and Axe will surely disgust everyone around him he hates, and keep them far away. Or, at least, piss them off and put them in sour moods for the rest of the day. Both are pluses.
We’ve all gotten a whiff of someone that smells like petrol or heavy smoking and gotten instantly annoyed and grossed out. So yeah, he’s got it down to a science.
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
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                                 you were killed by the hero, and they regret it it was raining, and maybe they couldn't see properly. everything was mixed together like mud and clay, and they just kept digging digging digging. they didn't mean to go this far! they thought they could change your mind! and now you're lying on the cold, wet ground, your blood mixing with the rain, and your hero holds onto your face and screams at you to get up.
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                     you succeeded with your plan, and you can see it playing out                                             as you succumb to your injuries... glorious, glorious, you think. you don't feel the pain anymore, you just see the blood seeping through your fingertips. you are a martyr for your cause, you think. you have won, you think. the world around you bows to your glory, and you cry. and you die.
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
Hey Negaduck! Do you want more kids? Or are you content with just the one?
Send my muse anons about their family.
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“I got a vasectomy 5 years ago. Too many close calls, and I ain’t no steady baby daddy, no-face.”
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
Hey Negaduck, on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your time in foster care? Were your foster parents good to you?
Send my muse anons about their family.
“....The fuck.”
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“Yeah. It’s great. You get treated like crap, the crash houses are filled with little shits that try to start stuff with you because of pecking order, and if you don’t get trafficked by some creepy agent, you get forgotten and passed around from one opportunist schmuck to another out lookin’ to bank their government check and profit off your ass. And thank you SO much for asking, you nosy sonavabitch. Everyone cast-offs LOVE talking about crap that we’ve gotten far, far away from. Honestly, I didn’t see anything wrong with stayin’ with my real parents. As shitty as they were, they were still better.
Arrogant dogooders with NO life experience need to get the hell out of our lives and mind their fuckin’ business. If a kid comes to you for help, that’s one thing. If they kick and scream and bite your face off trying to get away, they’re fine where they are. You just tore a kid away from where he belonged to make YOU feel better about yourself. 
Besides, I turned out the same way whether I stayed with my old man or not. I decided how I turned out, ya mooks, not the system. Idiots.”
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bitofthisandthat · 3 years
I think Negaduck smells like smoke, gunpowder, iron & blood.
What do you think my muse smells like?
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“....................sterotyping mooks. Blood don’t got a smell after it’s dried.”
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“Actually, I smell like gunpowder, whisky, sweat and KEROSENE!
Oh, and a little bit of Axe Body Spray because I know how much that smell pisses a LOT of people off. Adds to my brand.”
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bitofthisandthat · 3 years
❗ from Malicia to Negaduck: "Morgana seems to set you off. What exactly did she do to get on your worst side, hmm?"
Send a “❗” to force the truth out of my muse.
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“I just hate it when hot witches with all that power chose dumb boy-scouts over the real deal--it’s such a god-damned WASTE. It’s not some big thing, toots.”
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“But that gets into some pretty personal business of mine, too, alright? Let’s just say in MY universe, MY Morgana is a different kinda gal, and it’s veeeeeery complicated. Things got....messy. And when it comes to alliances, I don’t like things to get...messy. So seein’ that side-switching wench with the same face doing things I don’t like with power that exceeds the Morgana I know, I get a tad pissed.”
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bitofsin · 3 years
🍍 Gabby and Negaduck
Send me a fruit! - Dirty asks
🍍- What’s your muse/s secretly turned on by?
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Getting pinned down on her back in battle...though it’s very specific here, they have to be an ADULT and ( I can’t believe I have to say that at all it should be obvious ) and someone she already has some harbored or denied attraction to.
If someone she hates throws her on her back and knocks the wind out of her, and they pin her down somehow, she’s going to be horrified and disgusted. If it’s someone she may be secretly attracted to, ( double points if she is so in denial she doesn’t know she is ) she’s going be a tingly wet mess over it. Which....is usually how she knows she does want them, and that’s when her brain goes: “Oh no. No. No. No NOOOOOnonono this can’t be right. Stupid body!” Because she knows it’s just a matter of time before she succumbs sexually to them later.
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All the rough and depraved stuff? He has NOOOOOO problem letting you know it’s making him hot, and that he wants more. He has very little filters when it comes to expressing the kind of sex he wants. But soft stuff? Uh-uh, that doesn’t compute. Unless.......he is in a really intimate and trusting relationship ( which he denies he’s in that kind of a connection even when he is ) , and which case he craves the quiet coos at the back of his neck, and the gentle touches around his collar bone and cheeks. He’ll melt into mush be literal putty in her hands if they’re tight like that, and will pretty much go from feral to tame in seconds. IF. She is someone he has been with a long time, has connected to, and trusts. Flings and new relationships will get a growly: “what are you doing??” if they pull that soft intimate stuff, and it will have the opposite effect on him. 
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bitofthisandthat · 3 years
@Negaduck Why do you hate hugs? And flowers? And bunnies? And seemingly all things cute, cuddly and nice with the apparent exception of your daughter?
Send uncomfortable questions to my muse!
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“You’ve obviously never raised anything outside of an ornamental cactus you stick on the back of a TOILET, so let me make this VERY clear to you:
You put up with a lot of things you hate and make your patience crawl into an oblivion of madness---if your kid loves it. Exhibit A: alllllll those moms and dads that want to commit MURDER because their precious little brats are obsessed with those grating little Minion things or that caterwauling ICE QUEEN from hell. But they don’t kill anybody. Why? Because their damn kids love that monkey doo and it makes them happy and behave. 
Me, I get my crippling annoyance out on the job. Nothing like blowing up a warehouse or holding an entire city hostage to escape 9 hours of princess parties and SEIZURE INDUCING SOUNDTRACKS.”
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