#{ also god fuck i just realized they are both orphans. nanashi just has a good adoptive family unlike william... }
dagdasgodslayer · 5 months
@feralreason ❤’d!
[For a while now, Nanashi had doubted the accuracy of Cassidy's fuzzy memories. Purple men weren't exactly...common. As far as Nanashi knew, they didn't exist. He'd suggested that maybe her killer had just been wearing purple -- a suggestion he regretted when Cassidy then wanted to assault anyone wearing that color. The only way to calm her then was to remind her that they weren't British, nor did their voices remind her of her killer in the slightest. He'd been making progress with her, but curbing her violent impulses had always been near-impossible.]
[So today, when Nanashi actually SAW a man matching Cassidy's description of "a guy with purple skin," he felt Cassidy tug his limbs forward; he fought against it, but he stepped forcefully in the aubergine man's direction. A fire that didn't belong to him burned in his eyes. She insisted that this man HAD to be him, and frankly, Nanashi found little reason to disagree. Until today, he'd been sure that she was imagining the hue of his skin...weird.]
[Still, Nanashi painstakingly wrested control of himself from her. His violent glare dissipated, his limbs no longer tense, his stance no longer battle-ready.]
❝ Calm down, kid. We don't know that for sure. ❞ [She spat at this idea -- again, Nanashi couldn't blame her -- but he insisted on double-checking.] ❝ Let's just talk to him. You said his voice stood out. If this is your guy, then we'll... ❞ [Do something unsavory that he couldn't whisper to himself about. Not in public, anyway.] ❝ Y'know. ❞
[This finally pacified her. Nanashi got closer to the stranger, only to realize that he bore some painfully familiar scars. He felt at the ones on his neck; there was no way that they were both killed and brought back like that, right? There had to be a rational explanation, one that he'd only figure out if he actually worked up the nerve to speak. Just don't think about it.]
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❝ Uh...hi.❞ [Okay, so maybe in all of the chaos, he'd forgotten that he needed to make conversation. He cleared his throat, reaching for a viable topic.] ❝ So...the whole "purple" thing. What's up with that? ❞
[Okay, this was the worst subject he could have ever come up with. Hopefully it wouldn't matter -- he just needed this guy to talk.]
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