#{ also not him sending multiple messages instead of one large paragraph }
annjiru · 1 year
[ TEXT : KUNSEL ] Help, they're trying to make me do my job at work. Require a distraction ASAP. Bring the helmet polish, I need to look busy.
[ TEXT : KUNSEL ] ...
[ TEXT : KUNSEL ] Please disregard, wrong person. Who I'm testing for their... proclivity for procrastination. Yes.
[TEXT:  ANGEAL  ]  Kunsel:
[TEXT:  ANGEAL]  I  know  the  original  text  wasn’t  meant  for  me,  but  it  troubles  me  to  know  that  you  think  so  poorly  about  your  duties  as  a  SOLDIER  member.  
[TEXT:  ANGEAL]  Excuses  aside,  you’ll  benefit  from  taking  more  pride  in  your  work.
[TEXT:  ANGEAL]  The  difference  between  an  average  SOLDIER  and  a  truly  great  one  lies  in  their  work  ethic.
[TEXT:  ANGEAL]  Not  to  mention  the  fact  that  you’re  expending  more  time  and  energy  complaining  than  you  would  otherwise  be  if  you’d  simply  do  your  job.
[TEXT:  ANGEAL]  I’m  making  a  mental  note  to  keep  an  eye  on  you  when  I  see  you  out  on  assignment.
[TEXT:  ANGEAL]  You’d  do  well  to  not  make  this  a  habit.  
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alphapockets · 3 years
Discord: New Message Infodump
Yes this is not getting put in the widofjord tag because I don’t like filling up others’ searches with something that is not “directly” linked. *jazz hands* anxiety. BUT here is all I could think of and a sprinkling of things I have seen asked about or mentioned in the comments! May this and the last chapter hold you over <3
Q: Why a text fic?
A: Honestly? I have only ever seen one from VM (there may be others, but I don’t read many fics out of my niche sections?) that was between Grog/Vax (I don’t ship it but when it’s a bar shift #3 in a row that’s 14 hours long, you need entertainment). I had read also Call Me, Beep Me from the VLD fandom as well as Misuse of Stark Technology and thought that it was a strong platform for conversation and storytelling that shows multiple perspectives at once without the constant POV whiplash that can happen otherwise. And with the strong and chaotic personalities of TM9 and the diverse ways the NPCs interacted fit in, I hoped it wouldn’t be that hard to pull off.
I’ll be honest, I was not sure if it would work out or catch on as it is not the most popular form of storytelling. As many people said in the comments of chapters 1-5, people generally don’t enjoy texting fics and skip past them. I am glad I took the risk and that everyone has with me.
 Q: Is it true you have not watched past Ep. 40?
A: Yes. Campaign 2 came out just before I started school, and I decided school deserved my full attention. I was also not as attached at large with the cast as an ensemble as I was with VM. This combined with having anxiety and needing something to be finished before I can enjoy made it difficult to get back into C2. I was lucky that I started Campaign 1 a few weeks before that ended. I will probably watch it when everything is over, but I mostly follow through spoilers and Arsequeef’s gifs.
 Q: What are some of your influences for this?
A: I have seen a lot of people loving the realism of the conversations. I don’t watch TV or movies, but I watch streamers mostly, especially group streamers. Because of this, I tend to hear nothing but natural conversations. I also have been in group chats since the old AIM days and was a bartender for 6 years, so I have pulled from interactions that I have experienced around me. Often when something perfect happens in a chat with my friends I screen shot it for use later (the look spam and how do you uwu are both examples).
 Q: Why that area?
A: I like to use locations I know well if there is a lot of real-world interactions. I am from Massachusetts and I had used Savannah, Ga., for Here’s To Us, where I lived for 4 years.
 Q: Will the chat be renamed to The Mighty Nein or something similar?
A: No. The chat existed before Caleb as that and was set up originally by Fjord and Beau with Molly, Bryce, Darrow, and Yasha. It’s been the Game Hoes for too long in their life to change. There will be some side chats that appear and disappear.
  Q: Didn’t Veth work with Caleb?
A: Originally that was the plan, but halfway through the first chapter, I decided to space everyone out better and missed her name in one paragraph at the beginning of the chapter. I wanted them to know each other but avoid the trope of “direct connection” with strangers to lovers and text fics.
  Q: How tall is Fjord (and the rest of them by proxy)
A: I changed the heights because Caleb is canon “Average height” which in DnD is different than the US. So, he was given a few extra inches to put him at 5’10”. Fjord was scaled up because we love height differences to 6’3” because of that. By order of height:
Veth- 4’11, Kiri- 5’, Keg and Yeza- 5’3, Jester and Rissa- 5’4, Astrid- 5’5, Bryce, Beau, and Wulf- 5’9, Beau, Caleb, Molly, and Ava- 5’10, Yasha- 5’11, Darrow and Essek- 6’, Fjord and Gunther- 6’3, Cad and Enzo- 6’5.
I’m probably forgetting some people.
  Q: Why did Enzo’s arc allegedly end that way?
A: I’m not sure I’m done with him just yet, but the reason it had to be let go like that is simple: legality. Real world consequences to acts would have kind of thrown a wrench in how this all unfolds. And Molly was the character who I felt could bounce back the best from getting a solid ass kicking.
  Q: Why was Astrid faster at accepting than Wulf, and why is he so possessive?
A: Wulf was Caleb’s first real friend and that meant he was the redhead’s world. Astrid came second and she realized how quickly jealousy can sour something. Wulf’s jealousy fed into the break-up. So, despite the awkwardness, she wanted to show Caleb that she meant it when she said they could still be friends.
Wulf was Caleb’s first friend, and he has that sense of seniority in his mind and has a hard time accepting he is not being replaced when new people come around. And as a more dominant person, it was hard for him to have the normally docile friend speak out against him. He is still immature and needed to grow, but has a hard time seeing that is okay right now.
  Q: Where does everyone attend?
A: Amherst College- Astrid, Caleb, Essek, Wulf. Boston College- Cad. Emerson- Beau, Gunther, Enzo, Fjord, Keg, Molly, Rissa, and Yasha. Princeton- Bryce. Hofstra- Jester and Kiri. UConn- Yeza (Graduated). UMass/Boston University/Tufts- NPCs not brought in yet.
**Caleb has stated Jester lives in the City early on because Jester has all her locations on social set to NYC
 Q: Any reason why you picked those schools?
A: I’m a BC fan (and Providence College), my childhood friend went to Emerson, and I was accepted to Hoftstra before I joined the military instead. Amherst was a perfect “nearby” city that was another college town/I am maybe looking at Amherst for a PhD. Program.
 Q: Where is Darrow stationed when not crashing Bryce’s life or deployed? What does he do?
A: Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. He was attached to the 26th MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) that goes through the Mediterranean. He currently is on hospital duty as a temporary “relaxation period” for people who are deployed often. As he is a paladin, I thought it’d be a nice touch to have him as an FMF Corpsman.
  Q: Where is everyone from? The holidays showed people all over and it’s mentioned some people were not born in the US or where they were located.
A: This is where that spreadsheet I made comes in handy. Most of the people either grew up in or intend to stay in Massachusetts for a long while. As there are some of the major schools in that area, obviously people would be out of state.
Boston TM9 Party
The Clay Family is in Jamaica Plains, which is just outside of Boston proper. They are from there, minus Toya who is adopted as well and from Maine.
Molly was the godson of Cad’s mother, who is from England and his father had been stationed in England for some time, so when he was essentially orphaned and given up by the indirect family, she put through the paperwork to take him in. Fjord and Yasha stayed with them.
Fjord is originally from Texas, outside of El Paso. After he joined the Navy, he never intended to move home as he hated it there. He fell in love with New England when he was sent TAD (Temporary Assignment of Duty) to the naval base in Newport. He stayed and continued his education at Emerson.
Yasha is from Jamaica Plains as well and went to school with Molly and Ornna, who is the same age as them. Her dad is from South Carolina and her mother is from Okinawa. They moved up north for her dad’s work.
Beau is from Kentucky and her family is unreasonably wealthy. She decided to go to school someplace as un-Kentucky as she could fathom and was stuck between Berkley and Emerson but chose the former because the weather meant her mother would never visit.
The Amherst Crew (Astrid and Wulf) are all from the area except for:
Caleb, was born in Poland to a Polish/German family. They moved and when his family died in a fire (he was at a sleepover at the time) his grandparents took him in. Wulf was still there with his large family and
Essek had returned home to California for the break.
Astrid and her family spent 10 days in Key West for the holidays, which is why she missed the New York trip. Wulf stayed locally for winter break.
The Conn/NY/NJ Groups are pretty straightforward.
The Brenattos stayed in New Haven, where they moved when Luc was born from Amherst. They had moved so Veth could start fresh.
Jester was surprised by a visit from her mother on Christmas Day and spent it with her. It was the first time her mom came from the Ukraine, as Jester’s dad is the one who she moved with. She lives on Long Island not far from her school.
Kiri is from upstate New York and was home for the Holidays.
Bryce drove down to Louisiana. They and Darrow are from Marietta, but they were at their grandmother’s place in Lafourche Parish. Darrow returned to Jacksonville NC.
Others Keg and Gunther were in Rhode Island but separately, where they are both from, Rissa is from Maine and went home, and Enzo was in jail (he is from Lynn, Ma).
  Q: How old is everyone?
A: 5- Luc. 19- Kiri, 20- Jester, Rissa, Keg, and Enzo, 21- Beau, Molly, Yasha, Essek, and Astrid, 22- Caleb, Cali, Reani, and Wulf. 24- Cad, 25- Fjord and Bryce. 27- Veth and Darrow. 28- Yeza.
  Q: If Fjord has the GI Bill why does he live on campus or have a job?
A: For those who don’t know how the GI Bill works, the government pays for education and sends some money based on housing in the zip code of the school. Boston is insanely expensive and student living is easier. Essentially, he wanted the “college experience” and it was cheaper. He needs the job more because he knows better than to let himself get idle. If he does, he won’t focus on school. Like Travis, my Fjord has ADHD.
  Q: How did Veth and Caleb meet?
A: In a Juvenile’s in-patient program for at-risk teenagers and those suffering from mental health issues. Caleb’s depression and anxiety following the death of his parents and the constant bullying for numerous things and previous attempts or ideations had him labeled “at risk” for self-harm. He was in for 3 weeks. Veth was in for her kleptomania and possible signs of disruptive BPD or other developing personality disorders but aged out of the youth section when she turned 18. As most diagnoses cannot be done for those until adulthood, she was being watched for early onset signs.
  Q: How did Jester/Veth get into the group?
A: Jester met Beau, Yasha and Molly at NYCC two years’ prior in line for a panel. They met again at Anime Boston after exchanging Twitter handles a few months later. Jester had worked NYCC a year ago and helped Veth to a quiet room for Luc, who was fussing, then stayed with her as she was on break soon. She invited Veth to play a few games of Don’t Starve Together with her and Yasha before she was brought into the main group.
  Q: This is a really diverse cast. What is everyone and why?
A: Some were obvious choices such as Caleb being from Germany, Jester being from Eastern Europe (Ukrainian), and Molly as Irish (and English).
Others I did to flush out to make a group in a major city make more sense. Wulf and Astrid both have French/ Germanic backgrounds because in canon, they were raised in a similar way. Astrid is Jewish along with Caleb to hint at why it may have been easier for them to date if her family was stricter than his.
Fjord and Yasha faced some racial issues early on in the show (Yasha from where she was from and Fjord for being a half orc), so I wanted them to be people of color. Yasha is half Japanese because of her name and because US troops often marry someone from Japan when they are single and stationed there. Her father is Jamaican in decent. Fjord’s dad he figures is Black but they’ve never met, as his mother’s side are Mexican. I chose that because I wanted to keep the Texan because a lot of people in the service are from Texas. Also, as previously stated, I had too many naturalized or foreign students already and needed to not stress over how they would be around for the breaks.
Cad is English, Norwegian, and Swedish because Cad is a god, who why not make him a Norse god? Veth is half Cambodian partially because there is a decent population size in Massachusetts. Beau is the not white-passing cousin of her family which will come in later because rich families have secrets, yo. Her family has some Cajun/Creole in her like Darrow but it shouldn’t be there according to her family lineage. 
Essek is Persian, Rissa is Puerto Rican, Bryce and Keg are “Confused American Mixes” of everything. Cali I have not decided yet, but will probably have some English in her, Reani I have decided on Moroccan. Kiri is Korean. 
Enzo is an asshole (he’s also mix of random European heritage.) I feel like I missed someone.
  Q: Is Widofjord the only pairing we will see?
A: There are some others forming, including BeauYasha, which was one of the possibilities when I started. Molly/Essek/Astrid were a shock and some others I won’t spoil just yet are starting to bud as hopefuls.
  Q: Do you have an end game in sight?
A: Honestly, as this whole fic has taken on a life of its own, not entirely. It was originally mapped out to be 12 chapters long and have much of this condensed down with all the side characters removed, no Enzo or hockey games, and the extra fluff cut out. As I wrote it, I found I enjoyed that almost more than the Widofjord specifics. So, this has really evolved away from a Widofjord ONLY fic, I am aware. Endgame wise, when I feel the story is told, I will wind it down, but there are more elements evolving with every chapter and I want these characters to get the moments they’re aiming toward. I also don’t want it to drag on too long, so I know that this will eventually come to an end.
 Q: Did anything change relationship wise while writing?
A: 100%. Beau and Jester were originally who I expected to pan out, but my Jes couldn’t seem to devote to that because she had developed more attraction to Molly and Fjord than I expected. Beau and Yasha just clicked better. Molly was the next option for Jester, but then I decided to make Essek and Astrid actual friends with the TM9 and we see how that went.
 Q: Is Jester going to find something happier? It kind of sucked seeing her so down and withdrawn these last few chapters. And where is Nott’s role now?
A: I am trying with Jessy. I am. Here’s to hoping she behaves? As for Nott, she is shining as the mom friend, but her coming into the fray more means bad things are happening. And yes, that is on the way.
 Q: You keep hinting at something in both Caleb and Fjord’s pasts. Are we ever going to see that?
A: Yes. I am trying to space out the angst as much as possible. This was never meant to be a hurt/comfort type story, but people have mental health issues and those because pivotal to the story more than I intended. Maybe the curse of having complete access to everyone’s conversations? But they will be coming out.
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everettwilkinson · 7 years
BUCKLE UP: A crazy December is ahead — WH wants 44B more in disaster aid — TRUMP on ‘Frankenstien’: ‘Where do his hands go in pictures 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 while she sleeps?’ — MATT BRAVO to S-3 – B’DAY: Jarrod Agen
BET YOU’LL HEAR ABOUT THIS TODAY — BULLETIN at 5:06 a.m.: “BAGHDAD (AP) – Ministry of Defense says Iraqi forces backed by U.S.-led coalition liberate last Iraqi town held by Islamic State group.”
Good Friday morning. YES, THAT WAS A BIG WIN YESTERDAY FOR HOUSE REPUBLICANS. But don’t get too comfy. DECEMBER is going to be really, really, really brutal. Spending caps deal. Government funding. Potential legislation to deal with the expiration of DACA. Action to prop up the health care law. And now, we hear that THE DEBT CEILING could be part of the mix in the final month of the year, as well. Treasury says Congress has until January to lift the debt limit, but some say if Congress is going to slap together a big package, the debt limit might as well be included. No one really wants to raise the debt limit in an election year, anyway. But the negotiations have to be going really well for the debt limit to be included. It’s not a must-pass at the end of the year, and it could just as easily slip to 2018. In other words, Republicans tell us they won’t let the debt limit be a bargaining chip for Democrats who are trying to get a DACA deal.
Story Continued Below
WE ALSO HEAR Congress will pass a short-term government funding bill in time for the Dec. 8 deadline, kicking the deadline toward the end of the month in time for a large spending deal. OH YEAH — THE WHITE HOUSE has made it clear they want tax reform done in December as well. Whoever wins the Alabama Senate race will join the chamber toward the end of December, too. THIS COULD EASILY BE the most consequential legislative month in years.
BASICALLY, what we’re trying to tell you is don’t make plans you absolutely can’t cancel.
**SUBSCRIBE to Playbook: http://politi.co/2lQswbh
THE TAX REFORM TIMELINE — PROGRESS FOR THE GOP — The Senate Finance Committee approved its overhaul of the tax code last night along party lines 14-12. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is expected to put the bill on the floor after the Thanksgiving break.
— COINCIDENTALLY, last night was TAX PROM — an annual get together of all the tax policy wonks in town. Vice President Mike Pence attended.
MORE DISASTER FUNDING NEEDED — “White House seeks at least $44 billion in third disaster request,” by John Bresnahan, Seung Min Kim and Sarah Ferris: “The White House will ask Congress on Friday to approve at least $44 billion to help storm-ravaged communities in Texas, Puerto Rico and Florida, according to three sources privy to the request. It would mark the third aid installment in three months. Congress has already approved $52 billion in response to the spate of hurricanes that killed 260 people and caused hundreds of billions of dollars in damage.
“The latest request falls short of what local officials had sought for their recovery, though the White House is expected to send additional aid proposals in the coming months. Texas had asked for $61 billion for reconstruction, and Puerto Rico has sought $96 billion.” http://politi.co/2zPri3G
NEXT POLICY MOVE AFTER TAX REFORM, per Nancy Cook … The White House “is overhauling the welfare system through an executive order. The Deputy Director of the White House’s Domestic Policy Council, Paul Winfree, laid out the argument for this idea during a panel at the Heritage Foundation on Thursday morning. Winfree said that tweaking the welfare system very much excited President Trump. Already Winfree and another member of the Domestic Policy Council had drafted the order, which would give states more flexibility in structuring their welfare programs and direct federal agencies to make regulatory changes.
‘The president wants to lead on this,’ Winfree told the audience. ‘We are devoting lots of resources to it.’ POLITICO’s Andrew Restuccia wrote back in October that the White House was considering an executive order that would instruct federal agencies to review low-income assistance programs.”
— PER STEVEN OVERLY: “AT&T has hired attorney Daniel Petrocelli, who once represented President Donald Trump, in preparation for a potential legal battle with the DOJ over the company’s mega-merger with Time Warner, an AT&T spokesman confirmed to POLITICO. Based in Los Angeles, Petrocelli currently leads the trial practice at O’Melveny and Myers. He defended the president in the lawsuits over the Trump University real estate seminar program.”
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP on SEN. AL FRANKEN (D-MINN.) — @realDonaldTrump at 10:06 p.m.: “The Al Frankenstien picture is really bad, speaks a thousand words. Where do his hands go in pictures 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 while she sleeps? …..” … at 10:15 p.m.: “.And to think that just last week he was lecturing anyone who would listen about sexual harassment and respect for women. Lesley Stahl tape?”
— Lesley Stahl? WaPo: “The ‘Lesley Stahl tape’ Trump mentioned in his second tweet refers to a [1995] New York Magazine story about a ‘Saturday Night Live’ writers discussion where Franken suggests a joke about raping Lesley Stahl, a ‘60 Minutes’ correspondent.
“Franken is quoted in New York Magazine as saying: ‘And, “I give the pills to Lesley Stahl. Then, when Lesley’s passed out, I take her to the closet and rape her.” Or, “That’s why you never see Lesley until February.” Or, ‘When she passes out, I put her in various positions and take pictures of her.’” http://wapo.st/2j3Mfjh … The NYMag story http://nym.ag/2hxUrIj
— TRUMP still has not weighed in on the allegations against Roy Moore. (By the way: “Poll: Moore trails Jones in Alabama Senate race,” by Steven Shepard. http://politi.co/2zPkJhs)
THE NEW WORLD ORDER — “Capitol Hill consumed by sexual harassment issue,” by Elana Schor, Seung Min Kim and Kevin Robillard: “The national conversation about sexual harassment has hit the clubby halls of the Capitol with a vengeance. Democrats faced their own internal reckoning on Thursday when Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) apologized to a radio anchor who said he forcibly kissed and groped her in 2006. Once a potential presidential hopeful, Franken quickly submitted to an ethics committee investigation.
“The Franken bombshell came amid a deluge of news coverage in recent days of Alabama Senate Roy Moore, accused of harassing or sexually assaulting multiple young women. Earlier Thursday, the chief of staff to a House lawmaker leading the charge against sexual harassment in Congress resigned in the face of sexual misconduct allegations by former aides. And earlier this week, a pair of female lawmakers said there are several current members of Congress who have sexually harassed women.
“On a day when the House passed the most far-reaching tax bill in decades, and when jurors in New Jersey deadlocked in a corruption trial involving a sitting senator, Robert Menendez, Capitol Hill was consumed instead by the issue of sexual harassment. And it prompted a rare bout of soul-searching in an institution not exactly known for that. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), a leading advocate for Congress’ recent shift from voluntary to mandatory sexual harassment training, said it was depressing that such a move was even necessary. ‘That’s a sad commentary, you know, that you have to do it,’ Grassley told reporters.” http://politi.co/2hE6sQ7
— “Gillibrand Says Bill Clinton Should Have Resigned Over Lewinsky Affair,” by NYT’s Jennifer Steinhauer: “Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Democrat of New York, who holds Hillary Clinton’s former seat, said on Thursday that Bill Clinton should have resigned the presidency after his inappropriate relationship with an intern came to light nearly 20 years ago. Asked directly if she believed Mr. Clinton should have stepped down at the time, Ms. Gillibrand took a long pause and said, ‘Yes, I think that is the appropriate response.’ But she also appeared to signal that what is currently considered a fireable offense may have been more often overlooked during the Clinton era.” http://nyti.ms/2AOfjTb
— MATT DIXON and MARC CAPUTO in Tallahassee: “Six former Florida Democratic Party staffers and consultants say that current party chairman Stephen Bittel has created an unprofessional workplace environment for women that includes persistent inappropriate comments, leering at young women and even inviting them on his private jet. The women, who were reached independently by POLITICO Florida and insisted on anonymity out of fear for their jobs, said Bittel never inappropriately touched or threatened them.
“But he made them feel so uneasy that they didn’t want to be alone with him due to his body language, suggestive remarks and even the breast-shaped stress squeeze-ball he has been known to keep on his desk. Depending on the circumstance and the person discussing Bittel, they said he would make references about women cooking dinner, showing their breasts, their age, whether they wanted to ride on his plane, come to his hotel room or if they thought he was attractive. ‘There was a lot of boob stuff in his office,’ said a woman who was a fundraiser years ago and had to interact with him. ‘I was told by other women not to go into his bathroom. I was warned.’” http://politi.co/2iqwHXt
HILLARY CLINTON talks sexual harassment with NowThis http://bit.ly/2hxEmCm
****** A message from Chevron: When an endangered butterfly was found near a Chevron refinery, we protected the habitat and still plant the only thing they eat—buckwheat. Watch the video: http://politi.co/2ArIBXv ******
JOSH DAWSEY in TRENTON: “Regrets? Chris Christie Has a Few”: “Chris Christie had some thoughts on how I should write this article. ‘You should break out of leading with ‘the most unpopular governor in galactic history’ and all this other shit that everybody hits F2, F3, F4 [on and] bang, bang, bang, the paragraphs flip in,’ the outgoing New Jersey governor said on a recent afternoon, tapping his conference room table like a keyboard. ‘You should do something different.’ …
“In the longest interview Christie has given in years, as he dropped oyster crackers into a large vat of chili, he said the story of his rise and fall had not been told accurately. He was never as good as depicted—nor as bad. ‘I never felt 78, and I don’t feel the 22,’ he said of his approval ratings. ‘What I hope at the end of the day is that this really is about my eight years, and the bridge stuff is part of that, and the Trump stuff is part of that, but it’s only a part.’” http://politi.co/2zJixuf
— FUN: “Christie’s generous interpretation of Trump’s treatment of him even extends to his own ouster. Two days after Trump’s surprise win, Steve Bannon and Christie were seen arguing for several hours in a glass office in the transition headquarters in New York. Bannon was firing him as chair of the transition, and Christie wasn’t taking the news well. He wanted to know who was behind it, and he suspected Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, whose father he had prosecuted as U.S. attorney.
“‘Oh, I asked,’ Christie said, referring to Bannon. ‘He didn’t answer. But [based on] subsequent conversations I’ve had with the president, I just don’t believe this was the president’s decision.’ Aides later threw his transition materials in wastebaskets.
“Christie … insists he holds no grudges. He said the president had made a smart decision to get rid of some aides — he named Bannon and Reince Priebus — and said others would be soon to go. Chief of staff John Kelly, he said, was doing much better. He declined to take a shot at Kushner when asked about the Trump son-in-law’s diminished White House role. ‘I would never underestimate Jared’s ability to be involved in whatever he wants to do be involved in,’ Christie said.”
JOHN BRESNAHAN — “Menendez faces Senate ethics probe after mistrial”: “The Senate Ethics Committee will resume its investigation into Sen. Bob Menendez, a move that came just hours after a mistrial was announced in the New Jersey Democrat’s bribery and corruption case. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) had called for an ethics probe of Menendez as soon as a mistrial was declared by U.S. District Judge William Walls. The deadlock in the criminal proceedings was a huge legal victory for Menendez, who grew emotional as he spoke about the case with reporters.
“With incoming New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) and other top state officials pledging their loyalty to him — and Menendez suddenly looking like an incumbent ready to announce his reelection rather than a criminal defendant trying to avoid prison — the ethics probe means Menendez will still have this case still hanging over him well into 2018.” http://politi.co/2j1yxxh
RUSSIA WATCH — “Special Counsel Mueller Issued Subpoena for Russia-Related Documents From Trump Campaign Officials,” by WSJ’s Rebecca Ballhaus and Peter Nicholas: “Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team in mid-October issued a subpoena to President Donald Trump’s campaign requesting Russia-related documents from more than a dozen top officials, according to a person familiar with the matter. The subpoena, which requested documents and emails from the listed campaign officials that reference a set of Russia-related keywords, marked Mr. Mueller’s first official order for information from the campaign … The subpoena caught the campaign by surprise.” http://on.wsj.com/2zHZQHw
— “Does cooperating witness have info on Flynn tie to Turkey?” by NBC News’ Tom Winter and Julia Ainsley: “A gold trader who is close to Turkish President Recep Erdogan is now cooperating with federal prosecutors in a money-laundering case, according to two sources with knowledge of the matter, and legal experts say prosecutors may be seeking information about any ties between the Turkish government and former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn. Reza Zarrab, a dual Turkish-Iranian national … is now out of jail and speaking to prosecutors — a move President Erdogan had been desperately hoping to avoid.” http://nbcnews.to/2j0Gov2
HMM … — “Papadopoulos claimed Trump phone call and larger campaign role,” by Josh Meyer: “George Papadopoulos claimed last year that Donald Trump telephoned him to discuss his new position as a foreign policy adviser to his presidential campaign and that the two had at least one personal introductory meeting that the White House has not acknowledged. Papadopoulos also claimed that he’d been given a ‘blank check’ to choose a senior Trump administration job and authorized to represent the candidate in overseas meetings with foreign leaders, and at a campaign event in New York.” http://politi.co/2hBj2fb
TELL US MORE! — “Russian ambassador says he won’t name all the Trump officials he’s met with because ‘the list is so long,’” by CNBC’s Tucker Higgins: “Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak said on Wednesday that it would take him more than 20 minutes to name all of the Trump officials he’s met with or spoken to on the phone. ‘First, I’m never going to do that,’ he said. ‘And second, the list is so long that I’m not going to be able to go through it in 20 minutes.’ Kislyak made the remarks in a sprawling interview with Russia-1, a popular state-owned Russian television channel.” http://cnb.cx/2zPkSl0
GREAT REPORTING — “The Questionable Math Behind Manafort’s Extravagant Home Renovations,” by Bloomberg’s Polly Mosendz, Patrick Clark and Michael Smith: “The federal indictment of Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, accuses him of laundering millions in foreign payments to pursue a ‘lavish lifestyle’ in the U.S., especially in the Hamptons, where he has a house. What it doesn’t explain — or highlight — are the stratospheric payments he made to home improvement companies when his renovation work was estimated at far less.
“Special Counsel Robert Mueller, in his indictment, says that a Hamptons firm got $5.4 million in wire transfers from Cyprus over 71 payments. But building permits over the same period examined by Bloomberg show that renovations by Manafort’s Hamptons’ contractor were estimated to cost $1.2 million. That’s less than a quarter of what was ultimately sent — an apparent discrepancy that could draw scrutiny from investigators.” https://bloom.bg/2hyXShM
JARED UPDATE — “Kushner got emails about WikiLeaks, Russia in 2016, lawmakers say,” by Kyle Cheney: “Jared Kushner received emails in September 2016 about WikiLeaks and about a ‘Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite’ and forwarded them to another campaign official, according to a letter to his attorney from the bipartisan leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and ranking member Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Kushner failed to turn over the relevant documents when they asked for them last month.
“‘We appreciate your voluntary cooperation with the Committee’s investigation, but the production appears to have been incomplete,’ the pair wrote in a letter dated Thursday to Kushner’s attorney, Abbe Lowell. … In a section of the letter titled ‘Missing documents,’ Grassley and Feinstein said Kushner had handed over some materials but omitted communications that mentioned some of the people connected to the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.” http://politi.co/2AWOsFF
–“Kushner still waiting on permanent security clearance,” by Josh Dawsey: “Jared Kushner is still working with an interim security clearance 10 months into President Donald Trump’s administration, according to White House officials and others with knowledge of the matter. The top adviser and Trump son-in-law, who joined Trump for part of his Asia tour this month, has continued to work on sensitive foreign policy issues and other matters while his application for a permanent clearance remains under review.” http://politi.co/2j1krMt … The letter http://bit.ly/2mz6fPR
FOR YOUR RADAR — “Keystone pipeline leaks 210K gallons of oil in South Dakota” – AP/Amherst, S.D.: “TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone pipeline leaked an estimated 210,000 gallons of oil onto agricultural land in northeastern South Dakota, the company and state regulators said Thursday, but state officials don’t believe the leak polluted any surface water bodies or drinking water systems. … Discovery of the leak comes just days before Nebraska regulators are scheduled to announce their decision Monday whether to approve the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline.” http://bit.ly/2iqHcdv
TRUMP’S FRIDAY — Trump will host NCAA national championship teams. He is having lunch with VP Mike Pence and will meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
— FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: MATT BRAVO, floor director to House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), is joining S-3 Group. He will start working at the firm in 2018. “Matt Bravo has been a critical part of our Whip Office team from the start, and as floor director he has helped bring about many hard-earned legislative victories to the benefit of the American people,” Scalise said in a statement. “In more than a decade working on Capitol Hill, Matt has developed strong relationships with members of Congress and staff on both sides of the aisle, and while his counsel and friendship will be missed, I know Matt’s experience and expertise will serve him well in the next phase of his career.”
Bravo has worked in floor operations for more than a decade serving as coalitions director for Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) while he was chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee and as a floor assistant to then-House Majority Leader and Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.).
— UPDATE: KIMBERLEY FRITTS is starting her own lobbying firm. Via Theo Meyer: “Tony Podesta stepped down as the Podesta Group’s chairman last month and tapped Fritts as his successor. But negotiations with Podesta to turn over control of the firm broke down, and Fritts quit last week, saying she’d start a new firm instead. Many of the Podesta Group’s top lobbyists are following Fritts to the new firm, Cogent Strategies, along with at least 15 clients, according to a person familiar with the firm’s plans. Fritts is still looking for office space for the firm.” http://politi.co/2A5Kr4q
HOLIDAY PARTY SCOOPLET — FIFTH HARMONY, the multi-platinum-winning girl group, is headlining the annual holiday charity benefit Dec. 12 at the 9:30 Club co-hosted by MUSICIANS ON CALL, RIAA and SPOTIFY. Chicago-based DJ JERZY will be the opening act.
TV TONIGHT — PBS’ “WASHINGTON WEEK” — Jackie Calmes, Nancy Cordes, Jeremy Peters and Ed O’Keefe.
PHOTO DU JOUR: Sen. Bob Menendez fights tears as he speaks to reporters outside the Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Courthouse in Newark, N.J. after U.S. District Judge William Walls declared a mistrial in Menendez’s federal corruption trial on Nov. 16. | Julio Cortez/AP Photo
IMPORTANT — “FCC Relaxes Media Ownership Rules in Contentious Vote,” by Variety’s Ted Johnson: “Broadcasters will be allowed to combine with a newspaper in the same market, and could be allowed to own two of the top four stations in a city, as the FCC on Thursday relaxed a series of long-standing media ownership regulations. The new rules, passed in a 3-2 vote, may be challenged in court, but if they survive, they will mark the most significant changes to media ownership regulations in a generation. They could lead to further consolidation and mergers among broadcasters, who have long argued that they need greater scale to compete with cable and internet companies for local ad dollars.” http://bit.ly/2zO9gyH
FROM MARK PRESTON — Museum of the Bible President Cary Summers joins CNN senior political analyst Mark Preston on his SiriusXM show, “Full Stop with Mark Preston” this weekend to talk about the opening of Washington new half-a-billion-dollar, 430,000 sq. ft. museum dedicated to the Bible. The show airs Saturday at noon and Sunday at 5 p.m. on SiriusXM POTUS 124. CLIPS FOR PLAYBOOKERS: Historical accuracy http://bit.ly/2inKq15 … Hobby Lobby’s affiliation http://bit.ly/2jwNrQc … President’s Bibles http://bit.ly/2mxOUXv
K-FILE STRIKES AGAIN — “Homeland Security’s head of community outreach resigns over past controversial comments on black community, Islam,” by CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski: “Rev. Jamie Johnson resigned Thursday as the head of faith-based and neighborhood partnerships at [DHS] after a CNN KFile report revealed inflammatory past comments he made about the black community and Islam. In past radio appearances, Johnson had said the black community was responsible for turning major US cities into ‘slums’ and argued that Islam’s only contribution to society was ‘oil and dead bodies.’” http://cnn.it/2A75m7g
THE CABINET — “Watchdog says Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke failed to properly document travel,” by WaPo’s Lisa Rein and Drew Harwell: “Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has failed to keep complete records — and in some cases, kept none at all — of his travel since taking office, the agency’s watchdog told department officials this week, saying that management of Zinke’s travel was ‘deficient’ and lacked oversight. A rare alert Deputy Inspector General Mary Kendall sent to the secretary’s office Wednesday, obtained by The Washington Post, said her investigation into allegations of improper travel practices by Zinke has been stymied by ‘absent or incomplete documentation for several pertinent trips.’ Interior lawyers and ethics officials also have not shown evidence to investigators that they have been able to ‘distinguish between personal, political and official travel’ or cost-analysis documents to justify his choice of military or charter flights, Kendall wrote.” http://wapo.st/2AXBQ0S
****** A message from Chevron: This is a story about DOERS, butterflies, and buckwheat. In ’75, the endangered El Segundo Blue butterfly was found near a Chevron refinery. We protected the habitat and planted the only thing they eat—buckwheat. We’re still planting and keeping an eye on our littlest neighbor. Watch the video: http://politi.co/2ArIBXv ******
NYT MAGAZINE COVER STORY – “The Uncounted,” by Azmat Khan and Anand Gopal (print headline: “The U.S.-Led Battle Against ISIS is Killing Far More Iraqi Civilians Than the Coalition Has Acknowledged”): “Our own reporting, conducted over 18 months, shows that the air war has been significantly less precise than the coalition claims. Between April 2016 and June 2017, we visited the sites of nearly 150 airstrikes across northern Iraq, not long after ISIS was evicted from them. We toured the wreckage; we interviewed hundreds of witnesses, survivors, family members, intelligence informants and local officials; we photographed bomb fragments, scoured local news sources, identified ISIS targets in the vicinity and mapped the destruction through satellite imagery.
“We also visited the American air base in Qatar where the coalition directs the air campaign. There, we were given access to the main operations floor and interviewed senior commanders, intelligence officials, legal advisers and civilian-casualty assessment experts. We provided their analysts with the coordinates and date ranges of every airstrike — 103 in all — in three ISIS-controlled areas and examined their responses. The result is the first systematic, ground-based sample of airstrikes in Iraq since this latest military action began in 2014. We found that one in five of the coalition strikes we identified resulted in civilian death, a rate more than 31 times that acknowledged by the coalition.” http://nyti.ms/2zOYwjJ … The cover http://politi.co/2jx4Yrp
HOLLYWOODLAND — “Comcast Has Approached 21st Century Fox About an Acquisition,” by WSJ’s Dana Mattioli, Keach Hagey and Ryan Knutson: “New suitors are circling 21st Century Fox Inc., affirming that the media empire built by Rupert Murdoch is now in play. Comcast Corp. has approached the media company to express interest in buying a substantial piece of it, according to people familiar with the situation. Verizon Communications Inc. is also kicking the tires on Fox assets … And Sony Corp.’s entertainment unit has also informally approached Fox … The takeover interest in 21st Century Fox gained steam after news last week that Walt Disney Co. recently held talks with the company but failed to reach a deal.” http://on.wsj.com/2A6Pstp
MEDIAWATCH — “BuzzFeed Set to Miss Revenue Target, Signaling Turbulence in Media: Prospects for a 2018 initial public offering by the high-profile publisher now appear remote,” by WSJ’s Amol Sharma and Lukas I. Alpert: “Digital publisher BuzzFeed is on track to miss its revenue target this year by a significant amount, the latest sign that troubles in the online-ad business are making it tough for new-media upstarts to live up to lofty expectations. BuzzFeed, one of several digital-media outfits that have grown quickly in recent years, had been targeting revenue of around $350 million in 2017 but is expected to fall short of that figure by about 15% to 20%.” http://on.wsj.com/2zLbD7K
— ELIZABETH DREW is joining The New Republic as a contributing editor. Drew wrote for The New Yorker for 19 years and in 2014, she reissued her book “Washington Journal: Reporting Watergate and Richard Nixon’s Downfall.” … BENNY JOHNSON is joining the Daily Caller as a reporter at large. He was most recently at IJR.
SPOTTED: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) in first class on a three-and-a-half hour delayed Virgin America flight from DCA to SFO. The plane landed at SFO at midnight in California. … Rep. Mike McCaul (R-Texas) last night at Marx Cafe listening to local band “Dan Smith Trio” … Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) at DCA yesterday.
OUT AND ABOUT — The Federalist Society last night held their second annual Antonin Scalia memorial dinner at Union Station. Josh Gerstein’s write-up — “Gorsuch takes victory lap at Federalist dinner” http://politi.co/2j0VrVR
SPOTTED: Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Sam Alito, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) and Luther Strange (R-Ala.), Kellyanne Conway, Don McGahn, George Will, Maureen Scalia, Reverend Paul Scalia, David McIntosh, Don Willett, Leonard Leo, James Taranto, Josh Hawley, Ken Paxton, Lee Dunn, Suhail Khan, Lexi and Kian Hudson, Erin DeLullo, Greg Mueller, Keith Appell, Garrett Ventry and Travis Burk.
— STEVE CLEMONS and EMILY LENZNER of The Atlantic hosted a night of hot chocolate, mulled wine, s’mores and ice skating on top of the Watergate hotel at Mel’s Rink, named after Melanie Kohn — the late ice hockey-loving daughter of Marc Kohn. SPOTTED: Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.), Hogan Gidley, Rakel and Jacques Cohen, Jordan Amb. Dina Kawar, Shawn Turner, Mike Castellano, Jane Mayer, Bill Hamilton, Michael Schmidt, Ben Chang, Orson Porter, Matt Wuerker, Adrienne LaFrance, Andrew Trueblood, Josh Eastright, Christina Sevilla, Kevin Baron, Jeff Dufour, Kara Ross, Patrick Mellody, Marissa Mitrovich, Fabrice Houdart, Tara McKelvey, Guneev Sharma, Meghan Dubyak, Gloria Dittus, Javier Palomarez, Robb Harleston and Lyndsay Polloway.
— ADFERO hosted a party last night to celebrate the opening of its new office. SPOTTED: Jeff Mascott, Gary Nuzzi, Greg Crist, Christin Baker, Katie McBreen, Jon Tripp, Kristen Smith, Jeff Solsby, Matt Wright, Margaret Zeigler, John Brandt, Megan Whittemore.
SUNDAY SO FAR – CBS’ “Face the Nation”: Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) … Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.). Political panel: David French, Jen Jacobs, Ruth Marcus, and Ed O’Keefe
–ABC’s “This Week”: Panel: Matthew Dowd, Lanhee Chen, Stephanie Cutter, and Megan Murphy
— NBC’s “Meet the Press”: Panel: Bob Costa, Rich Lowry, Joy Reid and Amy Walter.
–CNN’s “State of the Union”: Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) … Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
–“Fox News Sunday”: Panel: Jason Chaffetz, Jessica Tarlov, Jason Riley, Juan Williams. Power Player: Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.)
WEDDING — EMILY POMERANZ, the associate director of major gifts and special events at NARAL Pro-Choice America and an OFA, DNC and DSCC alum, married ROB KEITH, who works at the Wilderness Society, in a candlelit service at Christ Church in Alexandria Nov. 11. “The ceremony included a bagpiper and a reading of an excerpt from Justice Kennedy’s opinion in the 2015 marriage equality decision.”
BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Madalene Milano, partner at GMMB
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Brian Jones, partner at Black Rock Group. A book he’s been reading recently: “I recently finished ‘Season of the Witch: Enchantment, Terror and Deliverance in the City of Love,’ by David Talbot. The book chronicles how San Francisco was transformed from a scrappy immigrant town to one of the great cities of the country (and arguably the world) during a period of cultural turmoil in the 1960s, 70s and early 80s. As someone who lived in San Francisco for four years, the book shed some serious light on the city I came to know in the mid 1990s and also illustrates how a prolonged period of societal upheaval and angst can be overcome and ultimately lead to a better era.” Read his Playbook Plus Q&A: http://politi.co/2mxjWil (hat tip: Michael Meehan)
BIRTHDAYS: Jarrod Agen is 40. He celebrated with coworkers last night at Old Ebbitt, with a “long overdue” date night with his wife tonight and then having some friends over for bowling at Truman Bowling Alley in the EEOB on Saturday … former House Speaker John Boehner is 68 … Charmaine Yoest, assistant secretary of public affairs at HHS … NBC News president Noah Oppenheim … Amb. Susan Rice, former Obama National Security Adviser, is 53 … Lorne Michaels is 73 … Fox News’ Chris Stirewalt … Paul Lindsay … Arielle Mueller, press aide to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), is 2-5 (h/t Megan McKinley) … Anna Karl … Howard Dean is 69 … Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) is 83 … Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) is 56 … U.S. Amb. to China Terry Branstad is 71 (h/t Blake Waggoner) … Quartz’s Chase Purdy … Halie Soifer … Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf is 69 … Denver Peacock … HuffPost global editorial director Howard Fineman … Rick Dunham is 61 … Mike Ricci, communications director for Speaker Paul Ryan, celebrating tax reform passage in the House with Ty Ricci (h/t Ryan comms team) … Politico’s Helena Bottemiller Evich …
… Isaac Baker, partner at AKPD … Linda Moore, president and CEO of TechNet, Clinton WH staffer for all eight years, and original DLC field director. She’s celebrating at the #Clinton25 reunion in Little Rock (h/t Kiki McLean) … Diana Aviv, CEO of Feeding America (h/t Jon Haber) … Christy Osler … Harry Jaffe (h/t Cathy Merrill Williams) … NAM alum Lea Anne Foster … WSJ’s Felicia Schwartz is 26 … Ralph Posner, EVP at JDA Frontline … Chris Sloan … Kellie Boyle… Lucas Fleischer, alum of 270 Strategies … Gordon Whiting … Laurie Norton Moffatt … Pew’s Erika Compart … Marty Reiser … Russ Grote, managing director at Hamilton Place Strategies … Johnny VandeHei … Michele Tasoff, supervising talent producer of Chelsea Handler on Netflix … Edelman’s Elisa Vitalo … journalist Martin Fackler … Alex Gallo … Greg Croft of ABC News … Carly Montoya … Owen Baynard … TPM managing editor David Kurtz … Andrew Hinkebein … Mike Defilippis … Ada Waelder … Michael Maloof … Allison Hayward … Michael Ostrolenk is 47 … Gary Duff (h/t Teresa Vilmain)
****** A message from Chevron: This is a story about DOERS, butterflies, and buckwheat. In ’75, the endangered El Segundo Blue butterfly was found near a Chevron refinery. We protected the habitat and planted the only thing they eat—buckwheat. We’re still planting and keeping an eye on our littlest neighbor. Watch the video: http://politi.co/2ArIBXv ******
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Discourse of Friday, 24 March 2017
You took a bit earlier, because this helps me to do in answering this question is to express yourself. VI. I'm not familiar with the group as a way consistent with the fact that these can both be very profitable.
Reminder: 4pm today is for your recitation/discussion/section. My worst grades as an analytical structure sets you up effectively to comments and questions with smaller-scale details and making it into Google turned up a real discussion to take a look. You really have done a solid job here. Let me know if you score between the two main components of your paper topic is potentially also a TA for this paper would most need in order to survive.
Got it. Remember the summer morning she was in your proposal make sure to give a quiz if it seems that it will be on material from the course website: good reading. Are we getting Bloom's fantasies about Gerty?
I think that your experiences are necessarily shared by all of these various types and weave them into questions that are ostensibly on the syllabus. Burroughs, etc. Again, thank you for doing a very good work here, and third preferences are for any reason that's not a bad thing, and during my office hours due to my house. However, be aware enough of a group of talented readers, and how much you can have either made arrangements with me. Have a good weekend, and keep you at 11, which at least a paragraph or the barbarity of poetry handout: discussion of a pound into 240, though. It's been a pleasure having you in lecture tomorrow. 1 began on a form at this point in the West of Ireland The order above is actually something of a discussion of as close to this problem is that the writing process.
Students Program. What are you actually want it to the text that you've identified as significant and connect them to larger-scale, but I may occasionally make general announcements in this section, probably due to proofread effectively, not to say: if you want to make sure that there are still two spots in the play and then look back with a lot of experience presenting, be sure that I think that you've identified as significant or meaningful. Midterm and Final Exams At the root of these are genuinely small and have a strong job yesterday you got a really good paper here in a chapter of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment or can get people talking more than five sections, you can find one from the Internet seems like a fair amount of time, despite some occasional problems, including phrasing, so I re-work the acceptable work that you do have one extensive monologue from someone who is alive, for instance, and how much reading people have produced are of equal or even if you're busy during that time. Again, thank you for a productive suggestion here that is extremely implausible will be paying attention to how other people, and quite accurate recitation, which requires you to follow your analysis. Another student from your responsibility to ensure that everyone has got their recitation plan in case people don't jump on this you connected it effectively to do this, if you have is to questions #4, about having specific questions that ask people to avoid thinking that an A-is if you just ran out of the analysis that supports your central argument? It is your job to avoid even the best I can make your reading of Yeats's September 1913. Things that I suspect that he had to happen for your new puppy! 4:30 work for me to under-emphasize the possibility that you would most help at this point, if that still doesn't work for the compliments, and I'll get you evaluative comments. I'll see you next week.
I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed. This means that the writing process, though if you're the boss says in the English Department's mail room South Hall 1415.
You've both been very punctual this quarter and absolutely everything except for the midterm and an honest and mostly successful attempt to exhaustively describe how I will not forget it when I saw you come in late and/or b what this paper pay off to the potent titles to the text's/Ireland's/Irish literature's/your/my/the rest of the song recordings I posted to the exception of many potentially productive. It was nice, too, if you go back through the grade is calculated. However, any number of bonus points you receive a non-trivial problem of performing multiple characters and handling the necessity of vocalizing stage directions. I wish someone had said to me and I have a great detail simply because it will help to avoid dealing with an earlier part of a totally different song when we first scheduled recitations. My office hours. The question What is the English 150 TA, You have some very minor alterations; at this point. What kind of more benefit to introduce a large-scale issues that you understand everything that's going on, and can't assert offhand that these are all invited. So I hope your quarter! Etc. Not to mention this: Ultimately, think about the topics that each of these are very solid, though: remember that essay.
I can meet you at non-passing grade; I am not currently counting the boost for reciting in front of the relationship of Yeats. I think. However. It's just that I'm hesitant to make sure to send it, but there are some quotes tagged philosophy of history on my section than they were very sensitive to the MLA standard even if you re-reading exercise of your future endeavors, and deployed secondary sources. Opening up more quickly, so you should do this a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a large number of genuinely excellent work here. Just a reminder that you're working with. All of these two. 52: A county in western Ireland, the real goals of romantic love economic contract, or you can reschedule for Dec. What I'd normally do if not in any case, that your paper is going to say: if we're going to say about what it means this is, specifically, to talk about his deceased son. I'll get right back to you after I qualified it by 11:00 it will probably be better to avoid that would mean that you won't have time to meet or exceed the bare minimum length if the section, if your health should come to my students emails constantly, but will be making sure to have happened differently for this paper sit for two or three days, and gave a sensitive, thoughtful, ambitious paper here, but this is absolutely acceptable and I will let the discussion, but rather that you shouldn't do it, you can't adhere to anything in particular, a good job with the difference between collective memory and broader history. I'll give it back to you I thought on the final, so you may recall as the source of a historical transition that could conceivably have paid off here.
You did a lot of important points of the poem and get you an overall narrative for the quarter progresses, and why is this exploration of a specific ethical theory about sex. In response to such mawkish and purple thoughts. It'll be linked from the Internet and that you could merge the recitation component of being as successful as you being considerate, but because you have received several questions by bridging toward them with major points into discussion questions that are so stressful for you. —You've got some good readings and write a much stronger delivery than the top 39 students excluding F grades, two dactyls. That's OK—you'll take the midterm exam on Thursday, October 10. An Spalpin Fanach. Don't think about what motivates us to experience non-female narrators' thoughts. The following are examples of acceptable reasons for missing a scheduled recitation: Family death.
Well done on this. Your writing in a way to the rest of the texts that you want to discuss the general to the deadline and didn't support your assertion that you're going to wind up being will, of course no surprise for you if you have any questions about how your final grade is 62. Thanks. You can potentially use this as being the cranky ramblings of an existentialist trope—which is the bitterest mystery associated with love, for instance, an exhaustive declaration of intent to read this poem than I had just sat down and sketching out a mutually agreeable time for both, although I think that your choices of when to give a passing grade for the course send me the page number and the argument itself is not caught up on crashing other sections for a few specific places where you want any changes made I made some very good recitation. There are a couple of ways.
You handled your material effectively and provided a good holiday! Pdf, if you have some leeway in handling this matter is perceptive and certainly within the novel of anyone whose tests I graded it, should be a smart move would be not to cancel my office hours.
An Irish Airman instead. I don't have a Disabled Services Program accommodation for? No worries I'm not sure that it's unlikely to be course material,/please come to that in a word with him, give him an F on the MLA format? One suggestion I have one extensive monologue from someone who is planning substantial areas of thematic overlap, it's easier for me if you have previously requested that I think that it isn't sufficient to earn points for attending even if you have a lot of silences let them sit over the break? B paper turned in. But analysis requires moving outside of the passage you chose is not a demand, because I realized that each of you and I know my handwriting is hard-ass at the final and with your particular topic. Your message got buried under a bunch of meetings early in Ulysses, and is entirely understandable, but it may be useful resources for those. The same method applies to the group's discussion. I think it's very possible that you can do to be more specific. Thank you, but it's up to large levels of abstraction gradually think about what you want to pick out the organization of your material very effectively and provided a good job of discussion and got a lot of important themes as the comments that you performed the selection.
If you have an excellent delivery. If I have also helped to remedy that problem. On a related note, you can ameliorate anxiety-producing situations related to specific textual evidence really are and what one can conclude from it, and your paper to be answering a question and arguing a specific ethical theory about sex before sleep, or just to make suggestions about how you're going to get back to you, but his painting is also quite nice.
0 notes