#{ ch: nova caiden }
warricrwclfrps · 4 years
{ nova + pippa }
Much like every Saturday night, Nova found herself at a party. Her family thought she’d be out of this “party phase” by now, though she knew it wasn’t exactly a phase she’d grow out of it. However, entertaining that thought meant she’d entertain a whole other slew of problems she wasn’t ready to face just yet, so she picked up another drink and just enjoyed the night. She was halfway through her drink when she decided the house was getting a little too stuffy for her liking--and the men staring a little too long--and she meandered her way out the front door to get some fresh air.
Nova stumbled slightly to the sidewalk, though she wouldn’t be able to escape the loud, pounding music spilling onto the front yard from inside the house. She wasn’t outside for long when her attention was drawn to an approaching figure. “You’re not from around here, are you,” she said as her gaze traveled up and down the other girl’s figure. “You look lost. Cute, but lost.” Nova pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as she leaned back on her hands, her mind not even picking up on the fact that her verbal filter was non-existent.
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closed starter for @tangodancer1x1​.
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