#{ holden rochester — starter }
angeldcgs · 21 days
closed: @thcophagy who: holden rochester, 29, he/him, bisexual, reanimated corpse
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"angry," holden observed simply, brows furrowed in an attempt to make sense of the other's emotional response. "why?" even with his limited understanding of social cues, he wasn't stupid. he'd been alive once— truly alive— and liked to think of himself as pretty intuitive. as such, he could tell when something was bothering someone, especially seeing as he'd become so in tune with his new companion. what kind of a gentleman would he be if he'd just sat around and watched them suffer in silence? his tendency to stick his nose where it didn't belong had gotten him in trouble in his past life, and apparently it was still a problem now, seeing as his valiant attempt to rid his beloved of the main source of their ire didn't earn him the gratitude he'd been hoping for. instead, they seemed upset at him, when all he'd wanted was to help. albeit, his form of help was a bit more grisly than what most folks would think up, but it was the only solution that made sense to holden, and now they wouldn't have to worry about being bothered by them ever again.
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angeldcgs · 17 days
closed: @blcssom who: holden rochester, he/him, 29, bisexual, reanimated corpse
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holden didn't even have time to think before he reacted— he saw his beloved in danger, and he responded swiftly with a rock to their assailant's head. not the most graceful form of defense, but it seemed to do the trick, causing the man to slump to the ground, blood beginning to pool from his head wound. he could only hope they wouldn't be upset with him for following them when he was meant to be staying put at home; though holden was trying to be obedient, he just couldn't stand sitting around waiting for them to come home all day, worrying about where they were, or if they were safe.
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angeldcgs · 19 days
closed: @vileintcnt who: holden rochester, he/him, 29, bisexual, reanimated corpse
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they weren't supposed to be home yet. though clumsy and oftentimes clueless, holden was trying to be careful which is why he'd planned to have everything taken care of and cleaned up before the other came home, having memorized their schedule just like he soaked up every bit of information about them like a sponge. of course, today just had to be the day they came home early, right as he was in the middle of dismembering a body— someone who'd wronged them, and therefor, in holden's eyes, deserved their fate. startled, he stood up to greet his mortal companion, forgetting that he was still holding his victim's severed hand until he went to wave hello and raised the bloody appendage instead.
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angeldcgs · 19 days
closed: @silencedmoths who: holden rochester, he/him, 29, bisexual, reanimated corpse
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though he had still yet to fully regain his senses, or come to any sort of understanding regarding where he was, or how he'd gotten there, holden was driven by an innate need to find the one who'd brought him back. whether inadvertent or not, the strange subject who enjoyed spending time in the old decrepit cemetery had helped awaken him after over a century of dormancy, a love that stretched beyond the grave. it was that same unexplainable instinct that drew him to their home after a lightning storm had brought him back to life, drawn to them like a moth to a flame. what a sight he must've been, shuffling down the street in the middle of the night caked in mud and plant matter, his body in a clear state of decay. once he made it to their home, he had no other way of entry than a rock to the window, shimmying his way in and landing with a thud on their carpet. and that's when he heard them scream. in his haste to scramble to his feet, holden accidentally bumped his head on a shelf and knocked over their trinkets, a few clattering to the ground and shattering at his feet. the barrage of sights and sounds overstimulated his senses, and all he could think to do was hold out the makeshift bouquet of flowers he'd picked on his way there, dirt still clinging to the roots and the petals crushed from his less than graceful entrance.
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angeldcgs · 21 days
i added some new muses because i don't know the meaning of self control so like this for a little starter from one (or multiple) of them <3 i included mini descriptions for them but let me know if you'd like to know more!
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giuseppe "gg" giordano (a.dam d.imarco fc)- he/him, 30, bisexual, switch, magician/street performer
a little pervy weirdo who uses close up magic to pick up women (unsuccessfully). needs to be slapped in the face.
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logan baranski (k.risten s.tewart/k.atherine m.oennig fc)- she/they, 32, lesbian, dominant, contractor
based on corky in b.ound (1996). a private contractor who's usually hired for home renovations. a bit of a womanizer and a loner.
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toby schaffer (d.ominic s.essa fc)- he/him, 19, bisexual, submissive, journalism student/aspiring music journalist
based on william in a.lmost f.amous (2000). he grew up with a helicopter mom who had very high expectations for him, which he usually had no problem exceeding. while he graduated high school a few years early due to skipping a few grades in elementary school, he ended up going to college for journalism rather than law, much to his mother's disappointment. since he grew up so sheltered and was always younger than his peers, he hasn't had many life experiences and is still quite naive.
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holden rochester (m.ike f.aist fc)- he/him, 29, bisexual, submissive, reanimated corpse (former musician)
based on the monster in l.isa f.rankenstein (2024). in his former life he was an accomplished pianist and certified loverboy until his untimely demise. brought back to life by the power of love (and a conveniently timed bolt of lightning). very fascinated but also somewhat frightened by the modern world, is driven by the desire to protect the one who brought him back from the dead.
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felix ackroyd (j.osh o'.connor fc)- he/him, 31, bisexual, switch, card shark/con artist
wins most of his card games by counting cards/cheating, and as such has a amassed a great deal of enemies who are out for blood. because of this he's constantly traveling, and since he doesn't have the best money management skills, he starts long distance online relationships with people to get them to fly him out, give him a place to stay, pay for his meals, etc. he keeps up these relationships for as long as they're convenient, but he ghosts once they stop sending money or start to get suspicious of his intentions.
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vivian dunne (z.endaya fc)- she/her, 27, pansexual, dominant, former olympic track star
based on tashi in c.hallengers (2024). you know the vibes... former athlete, incredibly talented, dedicated, competitive, passionate, etc. until a career-halting injury. now she's turned to coaching/commentating, anything to stay involved in the sport that her whole life once revolved around, though she's still holding onto a lot of bitterness and resentment that she can't help but project onto the people she coaches.
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