#{ interaction: jaejoon }
bbqhooligan · 1 year
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I know I'm being so annoying posting about every single scene but it's MY sleepover and I get to choose the obsession.
So Dongeun just got out of one of the worst confrontations in the show, it seems while everything else healed over her mother is still an open wound in her soul, and at her most vulnerable, in the middle of the night with no one around, the worst possible one of the gang shows up. Now to make it clear, her hatred might be focused on Yeonjin as the leader and culprit of everything that was done to her, Jaejoon and Myeong-o dealt her wounds the girls did not. How much of it was unclear but her reaction to his touch and proximity and So-Hee being pregnant when she died, says enough.
So there she is, shaken and not prepared for this confrontation and he is all in with his jealousy and anger flaring because of Yesol and Doyeong. He seems to hold all the power in the scene, this is the first time in their adult lives Dongeun is being bullied again but she won't give up and get out of her car, she revs up, a bluff both of them are painfully aware of it. He isn't even slightly fazed, he has no doubt in his mind she can't do it, and he seems sure he'll be able to get her out of her car to put his hands on her as he wants.
THEN, as if the roaring of her cars engine was a call for her executioner, his car swerves in between them, putting Jaejoon in the mud. A perfect demonstration of him completing her 1%, what she won't or can't do, he will. He buys her time and room to get out of this situation, asking Jaejoon "Be careful. You don't want to die, right?" and then "If you keep standing there I'll hit you this time" which are perfectly in line with his banter but Jaejoon feels gaslit by their interaction, no way feels threats from the speech of some drunk kid who can't drive. Right?
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hcliumcite · 5 years
Ámame aber.
STARTER para @brovvnie​
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“Dime que no estás muy ocupado.” Fue lo primero que mencionó, después de pasar por el umbral de la puerta. Se había estado debatiendo sobre si lo que estaba haciendo era correcto o no, pero al final su impulso terminó ganándole. No necesariamente debía ocurrir algo extraño--- ni siquiera sabía si Steven dejaría que algo sucediera. “Quería ir a este nuevo sitio en Hongdae pero ir solo no es como que me convenza demasiado. Dudo que Minkyu y Yohan aparezcan por ahora.” Y era así, cuando se trataba de compras en el supermercado, ese par parecía tardar toda una eternidad... tiempo que ahora, a él, le servía mucho.
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lastblossoms · 5 years
‘ ♡ ‘ « @vliants »
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      ❝ what the HELL are you saying ? what makes you think that i’m interested in you ? tch .. nothing happened last night --- absolutely nothing. i was drunk, you were ... whatever. you were obsessed with me, followed me home, and apparently passed out beside me. ❞
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illcgal-archivos · 5 years
✧ › SEUNGWOO & JAEJOON [  @springdciy ]
‘   I never stopped thinking about you.   ’
Había sido un día pesado, tan cansado y abrumador que en medio del caos decidió darse cinco minutos de descanso. Media hora, tal vez. Sus pies se arrastran lentos y perezosos, con dolor ante los músculos agarrotados de su cuerpo que respingan ante cada paso que da en dirección a la cafetería del hospital. Necesita cafeína para despertar, algo de azúcar en su sistema también por que con casi cuarenta y ocho horas de guarda ya comienza a verse más como un zombi andando que como un doctor; ojos rodeados de pronunciadas ojeras, piel pálida y sin brillo, labios resecos y una hambruna que se refleja en el dolor de cabeza que martillea desde la parte trasera de su nuca. 
Gracias al cielo y dada la hora que marca el reloj, pasada de las tres de la mañana, la cafetería se encuentra considerablemente vacía. Solo son unos cuantos los que se dedican a observar las televisiones suspendidas en las esquinas del lugar, donde transmiten el noticiero local y en otras, un programa de variedades. Suspira y se frota la parte trasera de su nuca con la diestra, aflojándose de forma simultanea el nudo de la corbata con la zurda. Siente que en cualquier momento caerá rendido y que tendrán que llevarlo en camilla hasta su oficina, por que jamás ha tenido una guardia tan exhaustiva y agobiante como esa. 
‘   Un café americano. Doble.  ’ Pide a la amable mujer encargada de la cafetería, que ya le conoce y siempre le regala pequeños bollitos de azúcar para animarlo. Seungwoo los toma, así mismo como su café al que enseguida le dedica un trago largo a pesar de quemarse la lengua en el proceso. ‘  Justo lo que necesitaba ---   ’ Murmura más para sí que para cualquier persona en general, mientras sus cansados ojos buscan un lugar donde sentarse. Hay muchos espacios vacíos pero, entre su vistazo al panorama, encuentra a la distancia una figura que le llama la atención. Una persona. Un chico. Un rostro que jamás olvidaría. Frunce el ceño y casi de manera automática ( casi sin querer ) sus piernas comienzan a avanzar en dirección al muchacho, cuyo padre en algún momento pasó por sus manos. 
‘  ¿JaeJoon-ah?  ’ Cuestiona, un poco dudoso por que aunque no olvidaría ese rostro nunca --- también debe de admitir que se ve bastante distinto a tres o cuatro años atrás. ‘  ¿JaeJoon-ah, eres tú?  ’  
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blutsamt · 7 years
( joonie @ jungsik! ) “I’m going to protect you.”
random sentence starters – open!
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Hearing these words makes his heart flutter in the most pleasant ways, but at the same time, he can’t help the worry forming in the pit of his stomach while his mind conjures pictures and possible scenarios he hopes will never come true. Being a member of Kakumei, Jungsik is aware that there will be times when his fiance has to fight if the need arises - and the fact that he can’t even imagine Joonie being able to even hurt anyone doesn’t make him worry less. 
He exhales softly as he slides closer, both his arms finding their way around the other’s frame to hug him close to himself. “I know you will. You’d never let anything happen to me,” he mutters out, each word dripping with emotions as he buries his face against Jaejoon’s shoulder. “I’m going to protect you as well, you hear? No way am I just going to stand by and let you take care of everything on your own. I’ve got your back, too, Joonie.”
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longsighs-blog1 · 7 years
jaejoon & jisu. @flxrvl
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jaejoon breathes an impatient sigh, muffled by the black mask covering the lower part of his face. he’s looking forward to going home and ordering take out after finally finishing his ‘business’ - a process which had not gone quite as smoothly as he’d hoped. he’s hastily elbowing his way through the crowd; rowdy and obnoxious as they anticipate the next fight. jaejoon hates places like this, always has. despite what many would assume, violence for entertainment purposes really isn’t his thing. he’s almost reached the stairs leading to the exit when a flash of dark hair catches his eye, causing him to turn his head and see the absolute last person he would ever expect to see at a fucking underground fight club. his eyes widen, pushing his way through the crowd with newfound purpose. “jisu? jeon jisu?” he says in disbelief, pulling the mask from his face and letting it settle under his chin. “what the hell are you doing here?”
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tvcitvrn · 6 years
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Hello, hellooo! this is Vi here and I’ll be playing the lovely loner, eun jung! feel free to like this and I’ll go to you for plotting <3
Full Name: kim eun jung Nickname: Eun Age: 19 Birthday: October 4th Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Orientation: Bisexual Occupation: Student, works as a lobby pianist at a hotel
Physical Appearance
Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Dark Brown Height: 5′8 Tattoos: None Piercings: None Clothing Style: Neutral colors, white shirts, jeans, timberlands Distinguishing Characteristics: bunny teeth, messy hair, prescription glasses.
Label: The taciturn Positive Traits: Intelligent, Dedicated, Good moral compass Negative Traits: Shy, low self steem, easy to manipulate Goals: Make his family proud Fears: Loosing the ones he loves Hobbies: Playing piano, drawing, learning languages Habits: wrinkles his nose when he smiles, rubs his neck when he’s uncomfortable, stutters when nervous
Color: Blue Music: indie rock/pop Movie: Whiplash Sport: None Beverage: Coffee Food: Rabokki Animal: Dog
It’s hard to be the perfect son, but Eun have always tried to take that role. He’s the youngest son of Jaejoon and Hyegi Kim, two of the most recalled surgeons in Korea. When Eun was born, they were told that Eun was meant to be a bright kid, with an IQ higher than the average and his parents were thrilled. They were ready to make their son reach his full potential.
 Eun was meant to spend all his time learning, soaking his mind with books, piano lessons, math exercises, everything that would assure them he’ll be a genius when he got older. Eun wasn’t allowed to go out like his brother, he was meant to come right after school for kumon lessons and his life was basically just studyng and learning.
 Eun became a really shy kid. He was so used to be around books that actually interacting with someone was hard for him. He barely talked unless he was asked to; he didn’t join clubs, he didn’t went to prom, he just dedicated his time to fulfill his parent’s dreams.
After high school, Eun moved to seoul to study to become a surgeon, just like his parents. He’s really good at memorizing things and he’s actually top of his class but that’s not what he wants to be. 
Eun did has a passion though: he adored music. Piano lessons were Eun’s favorite thing in the world. He loved the sound of the keys beneath his fingers, he loved how he could combine them however he wanted and he loved how music made him feel. He was good but this was never taken serious by his parents. 
So he goes to school for his parents but took a part time job as a pianist at a lobby, that’s where he feels the most happy.
Eun is a soft spoken kid. He is nice and sweet to whoever that approaches him, but the simple idea of social interaction makes him itchy. It’s not that he doesn’t like people, on the contrary he wishes he could be as outgoing as his brother, but he finds it hard to connect with them. Even though you’d probably have a hard time breaking his shell, Eun is a caring and loving friend who’d be willing to pick you up whenever you’re feeling down.
Kim Eun Jeong, my soft baby.
Srsly, he’s a smol bean.
But can be a bit of a jerk without noticing.
He gets distracted easily and can be forgetful sometimes.
When his mind wanders, he is gone. He usually comes back with a blank look on his face when that happens.
Books, books, books. He reads them all. From a book about quantum theory to a paperback young adult novel.
Music. He prefers classical music over everyting but he also likes indie bands or small music groups.
His favorite color is blue.
He has a great memory when it comes to languages, he can learn almost everything in a small amount of time.
He’s a stuttering mess when nervous.
He just wants to make friends and be happy.
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nixus-nitor · 7 years
Dead or Alive
Jaejoon was casually sipping his drink, some kind of wine that was definitely old and alright, but not the best the Nix would have ever tasted. Nonetheless he would compliment it among the guests, knowing they would all think it is amazing. As a 1200 plus year old Nix, he knew how to fit in with a crowd. Especially of humans.
“There, that’s him. You can do it right?” The tall buff man next to him, almost looking odd in a suit, spoke to him. In return Jaejoon just nodded, eagle eyes following the older male that moved across the floor to talk to his guests. He wasn’t the main host, but he did invest a lot of money in the party, as well as staying alive. Who knew there were still people using that magic ritual that would keep a grim reaper away. Not that it helped a lot, yu would die anyways. Just the grim reaper couldn’t get to you so it was typically way worse. The ones selling the rituals always tended to fail to mention that.
Despite his suit not being of the most expensive variety, the tall Nix was stunning, looking like a million bucks in not just his features but also in how he moved. Graceful hands took another glass of wine from a tray as an ober passed by and without further ado with a walk of air that cost him no effort he went up to a group of people. Although the Nix general had a frozen face, at once he smiled and interacted happily with them. He gave the glass of wine away, praising it and talking about its history. However, his ears were mostly focused on the conversation of the group next to him, including Park Jae-wook, the man who used ill-advised magic. From research it didn’t seem for evil or ill-intentions, simply superstition and as a way to try to protect himself and therefore his family. However, that didn’t mean the Hyun-Oh the grim reaper would allow it, nor Jaejoon who was asked to help break the magic curse. Jaewook was right about protecting himself in superstition, but not in his ways as he accidentally picked what would be described as a curse.
When the businessman then moved and left the party hall of his own hotel to go somewhere, Jaejoon also moved. He spoke under his breath in chanting and in passing he touched the male his shoulder. The spell although just simple magic, effectively had him follow Jaejoon as he pretended to be in a good conversation with him regarding business. Without any effort they came to the director his office, and Jaejoon closed the door behind them. The spell dropped, causing Jaewook to realize something was going on. Jaejoon his face also was frozen and stoic again as always, one hand casually along his side as he stood in front of the door. “My apologies to bring you here like this, however you carry a curse that i’m obliged to break.” He bowed his head politely but then focused. Although he naturally didn’t use magic, Jaejoon had learned and this time he would cast the powerfull spell that could break the barrier curse, though rather than a barrier it was isolation. Slowly drifitng people away from Jaewook in general till he would die some horrible, likely unexplainable death. He spoke louder now and raised a hand at Jaewook, who was panicking but also seemingly scared and astonished, unsure what to bealieve probably. His fist clasped and he pulled his arm to him, effectively pulling the curse out so he could destroy it without harming the human. His eyes were focused steadily as he begin the second part of the spell, hand then going up but instead of anything harsh, he made a set of graceful moves and patterns and then waved his hand. With a light wind that cause his fringe to move just a little the curse was eliminated. Jaejoon his eyes steadied on Jaewook again now. “It’s done. However, i’m afraid there is some bad news. But don’t worry, you have taken good care of your family.” With that he bowed his head, and hardly a second later the grim reaper appeared. Hyun-Oh had left the venue, waiting till he could finally get to the businessman and when the chance came, he teleported in.
Unlike Jaejoon, he was more expressive though and not as nice about it all. “It’s been a long while since i had come across that curse! Nice work, Jaejoon. You can always be counted on as expected.” A light grin was on his face. Jaejoon just bowed his head again lightly. Jaewook already seemed to be dying just from the shock, so it wasn’t much longer till Hyun-Oh finished his work, taking Jaewook his soul and transporting it. He was gone, while in front of Jaejoon now lid the lifeless body of Park Jaewook, business and family man with a great estate. Died of a heart attack. Jaejoon stepped towards him when he heard the door suddenly open behind him. His gaze turned to the one who was entering.
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