lastblossoms · 5 years
‘ ♡ ‘ « @vliants »
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      ❝ is it .. is it so WRONG that i dressed up for you ? jace wouldn’t stop judging me ..  ❞
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lastblossoms-arch · 5 years
‘ ♡ ‘ « @vliants »
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        he’d just barely made it to her, overwhelming anxieties nipping at his heart, reminding him that he couldn’t do it. he couldn’t be out, couldn’t handle the swarm of people buzzing about. and it’s exactly why the moment he sees her, his arms are curling around her shoulders, and his face is burying itself into her neck. ❝wh-why .. why didn’t you a-answer your texts? i-i didn’t .. and there’s so many --- people .. c-can we go? can you .. can you come?❞
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carvedsin · 5 years
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shoulders heave with the sheer force it takes to catch her breath -- a flurry of hair and dust swirling around in the slanted lighting from the blinds as she looks upon the mess she’s created. the canvas she’s worked on torn to shreds, barely holding onto the frame as the tell tale signs of wet paint stain her skin. hands, cheeks, the pretty shirt she’d really liked -- it’s everywhere, emotions playing out on her face as she turns on her heel only to see him standing there. “h...how long have you been there?” she asks, voice an odd mixture of both anger and hurt. the call from her parents had left her with the urge to destroy and so she had...but had he seen the way she’d lost it? taken it out on her hard work instead?
starter for @vliants ( 4/4 )
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vienroseda · 6 years
♡。 ░ ▒ ╰   ┈⋅   @vliants.
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❛     i  didn’t  get  the  part   .    ❜     danny  should  be   used   to  rejection  by  now   ...   and  all  too  often  the  reason  is  that  his  voice  doesn’t   suit   the  parts  he’s  going  for  or  his   appearance  is  too  cute  and  adorable  for  the  mature  roles  he’d  like  to  fill   .   he’s  always  offered  a  smaller  role    ,   never  many  lines  which  gives   little   opportunity  to  shine   .   and  maybe  he  shouldn’t  take  it  too  hard   ,   after all  it’s  just  school  plays    -----    but  danny  wants  to  star  on  any  stage  no  matter  how   small  it  may  be   .   he  sighs  heavily  but  the  weight  on  his  shoulders  remains  burdening  his  soul   ,   head  resting  against  the  adjacent  wall  of  his  bed   .   cuddles  his  stuffed baby seal  toy  he  calls  mandu  close  to  his  chest   ,   gaze  cast  downward  because  truthfully  all  of  this  makes  him  feel  ashamed  of  himself   ,   embarrassed  by  his  apparent  lack  of  talent   .    ❛     all  i  want  to  do  right  now  is  eat  a  bunch  of  ice  cream  and  watch  spongebob  and  maybe  just   never   sing  again   .    ❜    he’s   just   being  dramatic   ...   he’ll  be  back  to  singing  his  lungs  out  to  his  favourite  showtunes  in  the  shower  in  no  time   .
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drawsgore · 5 years
“i wish it could always be like this.”
MEME REPLY / @vliants - for youngsoo
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Julian loved moments like these the most. Moments where he didn’t have to think so much, where neither of them had to think so much. He’s laying with his head in Youngsoo’s lap, eyes peering up as they talk about everything and nothing. For once his mind is CALM, for once he feels like himself and like it’s OKAY that he is. They had just been laughing about some dumb joke, just coming down from their giggles when he hears the other’s words. Julian smiles up at him, tries to ignore any heaviness sitting in his chest. ❝Me too.❞
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eojjjeona-blog · 6 years
CLOSED STARTER !   /   @vliants   .  —  with philip ‘ pip ’ moon.
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“ don’t look at me like that. ” his bottom lip quivers a little as he shivers against the cold; hair messy and exposed skin painted with dirt. he’s been in another fight with the other wolves in his pack, and once again he LOST. being the smallest — the proverbial runt of the litter — wasn’t exactly a gift. “ like i matter to you. just ... don’t. ”
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drunkens · 6 years
@vliants​ / based: muse a is fresh out of prison, solitary confinement to be exact, and hasn’t truly seen the light of day for at least a couple of years. they’re adjusting to the real world; they barely speak anymore, and they haven’t experienced gentle human contact in what seems like forever. insert muse b, their new super soft neighbor.
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            still clad in her pajamas   ( a vintage eazy-e shirt & bear patterned pants ),   seung yeon slid on her slippers and stepped out into the hall with the intention to grab today’s mail. however, just as she was closing her door, her eyes fell on the person across the hall--- her new neighbor, to be specific! a soft squeak fell from her petals as her mind scrambled to conjure up something to say,   “ wait---!!! ”   and, as fast as she appeared, the girl is disappearing back into her room, leaving her door open behind her. moving with a purpose, she grabs the neatly wrapped plate of cookies from her counter before turning back around. dashing out of her apartment once more, her door is hastily closed behind her as sunny makes her way towards them. stopping a few steps short of where they were, the brunette holds the platter out in front of them with both hands.   “ these are for you! i meant to give these to you when you moved in, but ever since i saw you move in, it’s almost as if you’ve been eluding me! ”   passionately spoken words are complimented with a soft giggle before she continues her happy tone.   “ anyways! i wasn’t sure what kind you’d like, so i made a plethora... i’ve got cookies coming out the wazoo, so just let me know which ones you like and i’ll give you the rest of my batches! my brother does NOT need to eat that many cookies. ”   again, a giggle spills from her petals, interrupting her words,   “ i hope you don’t have any food allergies! if you do, just let me know and i’ll make new non-poison cookies for you-- no problem about it... but, YEAH ! these are for you, specially made by sunny! ”   a smile beams from her face as she looks up at them, thinking up another quick retort.   “ that’s me, by the way. if you couldn’t tell... you look smart though, so i’m sure you connected those dots by yourself. ”
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blvckvelvets · 6 years
just ur daily reminder that ilu to pieces
ok but the love of my life forever??? i love u sm,, this made me the happiest ♡
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lastblossoms · 5 years
‘ ♡ ‘ « @vliants »
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      ❝ i, um .. i really WANT you to spend the night --- i seriously do. it’s just ..  you’ve been spending so much time here, and, well .. little daewon-ah has kind of started been assuming that you’re his second parent. i didn’t want you to freak out or anything if he said anything tomorrow morning, so .. yeah, that’s why i’m being all weird and awkward right now ! ❞
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lastblossoms-arch · 5 years
‘ ♡ ‘ « @vliants »
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       ❝oppa -- .. oppa! stop it! why are you being so mean?❞ fell the sudden emotional explosion, her anger directed solely at youngsoo ( the person who had only ever received her love ). ❝what did liam ever do to you? he’s none of the things you keep saying he is! he’s .. omo -- he’s so kind, and loving, and nice .. and .. and you know what? he NEVER says such mean things about you. you’re the one who’s the jerk here, oppa. not him!❞
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herayth · 6 years
  // @vliants
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          a  scoff  gets  thrown  out  carelessly   ,   her  attention  focusing  back  on  the  messy  heap  of  onions  she  had  been  cutting  and  yah  ----   she  was  not  crying  ,   as  a  matter  of  fact   .    her  eyes  were  just  irritated  ,   that’s  all  ;   her  cheeks  red  and  nose  runny  all  because  of  a  stupid  vegetable   .    kiran  would  sniff  again  ,   wiping  at  the  tears  with  the  back  of  her  hand  ;   refusing  to  look  the  other’s  way   .     “    yah  .   make  yourself  useful  and  grab  me  a  tissue  ,   would  ya  .    ”
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mutedsins · 6 years
                    she’d  spent  her  day  off  work  shoving  all  the  furniture  in  the  living  room  to  the  sides,   piles  of  blankets  and  sheets  laid  across  the  couch.       ❛   let’s  make  a  blanket  fort.  let’s  do  it.   ❜       the  female  says  as  soon  as  the  other  is  home,   quite  literally  bouncing  over  just  to  look  at  them  with  hope  in  her  eyes.                    /                    @vliants  ! 
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carvedsin · 5 years
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a groan easily finds it’s way past full tiers, thin digits rubbing against his eyes in an attempt to clear the sleep away from them. he’d said he was going to take a nap and get back with the other but that had been two days ago and his form had hardly moved away from the questionably hard dorm mattress that had been his for the last year or so. he had classes and other things and yet none of it had been motivation for him to get out of that room -- not that he had motivation much anymore, anyways. “water...” he croaks, voice thick with sleep as he reaches out for the other in hopes that maybe they’d bring him something to drink. 
starter for @vliants ( 3/4 )
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vienroseda · 6 years
♡。 ░ ▒ ╰   ┈⋅   @vliants.
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❛     lately  it  feels  like  you  don’t   want   to  be  around  me  and  i  can’t  figure  out  what  i  did   wrong   .    ❜     doe  -  eyed  gaze  scans  the  other’s  countenance  in  search  for  an  answer   .   mickey  lives  her  life  always  on  the  defense  she’s  always  dumbfounded  when  she  realises  that  she  might  be  the  reason  someone  else  is  upset   .   she  wouldn’t  even  dream  about  intentionally  hurting   ANYONE   ...   okay   ,   maybe  there’s   one   person   but  that’s  all  in  the   past   now   .   and  sure   ,   mickey  may  know  how  to  fight  but  she’s  rarely  ever  the  first  one  to  strike   .   and  just  to  let  it  be  known   ,   she  didn’t  go  out  of  her  way  seeking  the  other   ...   it’s  pure  coincidence  that  their  paths  have  crossed  on  this  very  day  at  this  particular  hour  and  she   figures   it’s  a  better  time  than  ever  to  finally  confront  them   .   it’s  closing  in  on  two  weeks  since  they  had  an  actual   conversation     ...    she  doesn’t  recall  saying  anything  then  that  would  result  in  the  other  giving  her  the  cold  shoulder   .      ❛     can  you  please  stop   avoiding  me  and  tell  me  what's  going  on   ?    ❜
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drawsgore · 5 years
@vliants liked for a LYRIC STARTER ! ( song: everybody’s watching me by the nbhd )
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❝I told I would tell you everything you want to know.❞ But truth be told he’s still scared. Because even now he doesn’t fully believe he won’t scare the other away. ❝But how much is too much, you know? I think these thoughts---they’re just getting worse. I don’t know what to do sometimes.❞  
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highstrvng · 6 years
text to: 😳.
SAMSOO: i have to cancel for tomorrow, something came up :(((
SAMSOO: i'm sorry!!! can we reschedule for later in the week maybe?
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