#{ my Rick got really flustered there with all of what your Rick wrote xD }
advnterccs-archive · 2 years
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Valentine’s Day Application || accepting
@countlessrealities sent;
Name: Rick
Age: 70
Do you like to cuddle?: With you? Fuck yeah, baby. I fucking love it. I could spend the whole day cuddling with you...as you know 'cause have done it, more than once ;P
Can we make-out?: I'm gonna be fucking disappointed if we don't
A night in or dinner out?: Out. I want to take you somewhere special and I have the perfect place in mind <3
Whip cream or chocolate syrup?: I can't pick both? Dammit. I guess the syrup then. It takes more effort to lick it off, if you get what I mean~
Chocolates and roses?:  I'm gonna say "roses" because I want to get you flowers, but not the Earthen kind
What makes you a good Valentine?: I know you, inside out, more than anyone else. I know exactly what you like and what you need and I'm ready to go to the end of the multiverse and back to give it to you. You're the love of my life, and if you agree to spend the day with me, I'll make it so fucking special that you'll never forget it. And this is a fucking promise, baby
Would you cook for me?: Always. I'll make you breakfast in be the next morning because I know that you love it, but I can make us dinner too. With candles and the good plates, silverware and all. Go big or go home, right? And I never go home <3
Would you let me cook for you?: If you insist. I'd rather dote on you, but I'm very open to letting you dote on me. Maybe we could compromise and cook together. That's always a lot of fun~
Where would you take me on a date?: There's this asteroid chain a few galaxies away and it stretches around a triple star system. They are fucking rare and this one is particularly beautiful because of the shades of the suns. Especially when they flare. I want to be there and watch it with you
Who’s paying?: I guess we split the bill as per usual. At least for the shit we need to cook us dinner. But hey, I can pay for everything, if you want me to ;)
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: Damn, I'm not answering this. It would kill the point of making it a surprise, pfffft
[[ my Rick for your Rick || he had to send one in, since yours did with the meme I reblogged x'D ]]
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The note from the envelope certainly caught Rick's attention. After all, he filled out something similar, only to hand it off to his boyfriend as a cute little surprise. Though, receiving one back wasn't anything he thought could happen.
And good thing he decided to sit down for this one because, not only did the length of it become something longer than a few second read but, the fact that each word caused him to melt. Soft, fuzzy emotions swirling in his chest. Damn, it was always so strange how easy his counterpart could make him fall so in love with him at any given moment.
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Sinking further into the chair, he held the written on paper closer to himself. All he could do was feel how lucky he was. That he could be loved this much. So much that they both could set aside their usual pride and do cute things like this. Something that wouldn't have been expected from either of them if they were with anyone else.
They were each other's exceptions and that was enough to make his heart flutter.
"Well, fuck," He sighed out, smile ever so wide on his face.
Without any second thought, he set the note onto the coffee table. His portal gun out and opening up the swirling green hues. One that would send straight to wherever his boyfriend was. It was time to give a little surprise visit.
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