#{ thread | mavis vaduva }
invisiiblestrings · 10 months
closed thread for @thouscndcuts / ft. mavis + logan.
mavis had gotten good at reading logan and it was pretty clear he was on the fence by the og that came from him. maybe she shouldn’t have said anything. they were just friends right? you don’t ask friends to meet your parents… you don’t tell your friend you write home about him… that’s just weird behavior mavis. she thought to herself. “i mean i tell him about all my friends.” mavis said trying to back pedal but it wasn’t true. she didn’t talk nearly as much about her other friends as she did logan. why did she talk about him? because he was kind and didn’t judge her. he was sweet when he wanted to be. he listened to her tell century old stories about things that interested her. he snuck her into abandoned buildings just because it was fun. taught her how to pick a lock and always held the door for her… he was just good. a human who was good through and through. something her father would have never believed… so yes, she wanted to have him see with his own red eyes that logan was human and logan was good. even if he didn’t always act like it to others. “he won’t hate you.” mavis said with a soft smile, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. “if i like you then that will be enough. and there isn’t anything to hate about you, logan.” she added, “except for how cute you look when you laugh. it’s sickening.”
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nosilenzio-giulia · 3 years
who: mavis vaduva ( @vaduvaisms​ ) where: main st ? literally the road
        something unexpectedly interesting about working at a car repair shop was that, sometimes, they let you drive cars. not the broken ones, of course - but the ones that sat in the back untouched, hopeful for a sale in ways that rivaled alberto and his vespa ... those were drivable. those were fair game. but that didn’t make it any less nerve wracking when her boss shoved her in one and asked her to get coffee for the crew. it would just be her, six cups of coffee, and a brand new car that absolutely should not - in any way, shape, or form - get coffee in it. like at all. but she went! she had every order, highly specific in demand, listed neatly in her phone, ready to rattle them off like a pro. but she got there, well rehearsed and ready to go, for them to be closed. 
        well, fuck. what was she supposed to do now ? it wasn’t like she knew where else to get coffee. idea struck like lightning as giulia drove past a girl walking down the sidewalk. it was dreary out, almost raining, and she was hoping maybe the girl would want an excuse to get out it. “ hey ! aspetta ! know anything about coffee ? ” perhaps that was a strange question to ask, well, a stranger. “need a little help finding a good, uh,” she looked down at the list and grimaced. “ americano ? from ... a place other this one. full disclosure, i am prepared to road trip it out to prevent going back to work. ”
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mcrphs · 3 years
Mama Ode’s Cafe // @vaduvaisms​
WHEN TIMES GOT TOUGH, Mollie knew there was always one person she could go to. Whether it was the usual girl talk or discussing this new world around them, Mollie could always rely on Mavis to give an honest opinion while never judging her. Besides, Mavis could always bring a smile to her, even if the topic would suggest otherwise. Which was why she had invited her friend to a lunchdate at Mama Ode’s, enjoying the southern comfort food they had many times before. Mollie tried to keep the conversation light, but it didn’t last long before she brought up, vaguely, what was weighing on her mind. “Have you ever known something you didn’t want to know?” She couldn’t help but bite her lip a bit, lip that was slightly coated in powdered sugar from the beignets. “Like, things would be easy if you just didn’t know? But you do, so it sucks?” She knew she was being vague, but the truth was something she couldn’t share with anyone. Instead, she was simply forced to suffer in isolation with the piece of information. Hopefully talking about it in a roundabout way wouldn’t get her in trouble. Her eyes were downcast, looking to her lap.
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invisiiblestrings · 1 year
closed starter for @thouscndcuts​
mavis wasn’t sure how to ask what she wanted to.. it was such a weird to ask of someone who was just a friend. but, she knew deep down her and logan were more than that. that it wasn’t just friendship. there was something there. something she couldn’t put a finger on.. but she wanted to keep this going. she sighed as she sat next to him. “i have a weird question...” the raven haired girl started up, “but before i ask you have to promise not to get weirded out.. and you can say no it won’t hurt my feelings, okay?”
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