#{/leonard like ''wow he sure doesnt give a fuck about me; 10/10 what a lad''}
blindedguilt · 3 years
😰 (pate lol)
😰 - something about your muse that worries mine Leonard is only vaguely familiar with Pate, enough so that he could put a face to the name and... Perhaps a memory or.... Two, but he wasn’t even entirely sure if that was him. He supposed he just had to trust his gut on this one... “I have little to hold against one such as him,” Leonard’s voice was slow and contemplative. Would he really have to state his worries about a near-stranger for the sake of a game...? He knew he didn’t have much say in the matter, but... “I have little relation to him. Though I have noticed... He seems a very nonchalant sort. He regards matters with such indifference that I find the idea of his being in battle worrisome. I fear... That lightheartedness may not serve him well.”  He felt rather bad for saying it, as Leonard was actually rather fond of him because of his indifference to everything, because they were still half-strangers to each other. He enjoyed that distance that made himself feel... A somewhat bearable person to live as. Pate didn’t know about his... Issue, he hoped, and so he was truly.... Nonchalant to him. That, and they weren’t necessarily even acquaintances as they were a familiar face (Or voice, in Leonard’s case) to each other, so he doubted he would really grow suspicious nor ask any prying questions about him... He hoped. He really hoped. And for that, Leonard also truly hoped this man (Who’s name he had already unfortunately forgotten by now) could keep himself alive through the battles so he could have some sort of company who’s nonchalant shrugs could keep him alive, even if it was a distant sort kind of.... Friendship? .... No, he didn’t like that word. It didn’t fit. Well..... It truly did worry him a little, but overall he just appreciated Pate for not... Seeming to care at all.
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