#{{ mun is not muse. Please remember that
((I, truly and legitimately, need reasons against me just deleting this blog and none of that vague, impersonal 'oh people might miss you!' or 'but you're great!' shit either because generalizing things doesn't help and I'm stressing this point not to be mean but because it already feels like I'm wholly ignored and that people don't care enough to actually involve themselves, comment, care, and whatever else directly. This has been the prevailing feeling for months now and while I know it's mostly my anxiety and depression twisting things to be something unrecognizable it's not the only thing or reason (nor is it an entirely baseless feeling) and I'm incredibly worn down by it all.
I can only do so much under my own steam and I've finally reached a threshold that I cannot reconcile so I'm asking for help even if you just like....gush or something. I'll take fuckin anything at this point, so long as you don't hide when you do it and be genuine. Do it for me, if you please. It's not much to ask for and I rarely ask for such things, especially in such a personal and honest manner.))
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⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ INTRO ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘
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WSG CHAT!!!!???? 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I'm Kon, well my pookies (friends) call me that, my dad call's me 'Kon-El', but the other one calls me 'Konner' so like, take y'alls pick I guess🤷‍♂️ (and yes I have two dads..)
I'm 17 yrs old! and use He/Him pronouns (I'm Pansexual chats 😏)
I'm in high school called @tripolishigh and these the stuff I usually take :
Chem!! (I'm not a big fan... took it cause Tim was)
Econ (I HAVE to take this since my dad's makin me)
Video Games (Cod , Resident evil , last of us , rise of kingdoms etc etc)
FootBall (VARSITY!!!)
Anyways! My roomie is my pooks : @totally-tim-drake
and here are my gyattalicious Friend group!
@totally-tim-drake , @barthallan , @Cassandra-e-sandsmark
I'll see y'allz around campus 😘
This might be OOC as this is a revamped version to Kon's character and my first time playing him EVER
here is a brief summery, mostly his relationship with his parents (clark and lex)
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This au was made by 2 of my friends (@jaimereyesbug and yuno <not sure for their acc> )in discord and these are the other people in the au!
@b4TTl3 b0t cH4mP
Mun and Muse is a MINOR! no nsfw please BUT don't be afraid to ask this blog shit!
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z-v06instance · 1 month
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" NO ONE HOME, BUT THE VOID IS LOUD " a z-v06 (pressure, roblox) ask blog
you've been in blacksite long enough to confidently say you know how this place works. you learn more and more with every painful retry of the same mission: gather the crystal. so, yes, you can confidently say you understand this place, that you know how each of the creatures that lurk the halls of blacksite function. or so you think, for in front of you sits an open locker. you've seen these lockers, infested and plagued by that sickly darkness that you can feel the gaze of lingering on you. it preys upon the ones who are more idiotic than others; the ones who see its eyes and still run to it for safety. you've seen this before - you've seen all of this before. you've looked the void in the eyes, and it has felt like death. yet here you are, looking the open locker in the eyes, waiting for the suction cups of those octopus-like tentacles to latch onto you and pull you in. yet it does not try to grab you. it does not try to harm you. it simply watches you. for the first time you call out to the void. the void answers back.
for your first visit to this blog, it is recommended that you look under the cut. please note: currently this blog is on an indefinite hiatus. i apologise.
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" THE VOID BREAKS US, THEN RESHAPES US. " the following sections are ooc ;; dividers by @/saradika
📼 ⎯ hey hey heyy welcome to my lil rp askblog :3 this is like. my first askblog in 5-6 years im rusty as fuck n barely remember shit. 🎬 ⎯ im the mun, itris, but haley works too! after seeing all the pressure askblogs pop up i decided to be a so called "free thinker" and make one myself. 📼 ⎯ how old am i? what's my main? what are my pronouns? what are you, a cop? i'm not tellin' you that! (all jokes aside, i only feel comfortable answerin one of these: just use it/its or ey/em!) 🎬 ⎯ considering there's like jack shit regarding the lore of the void-mass puddles (afaik), a lot of this blog will be headcanon heavy! (..mun is also neurodivergant and that may slip through so mun is sorry if it does. muse is not intended to be neurodivergant) 📼 ⎯ english is not my first language and i have dislexia so. im so sorry if shit i say doesn't make sense or my spelling is wackers 🙏 i also make up words sometimes without realising it. i am so sorry 🎬 ⎯ i dont usually use tonetags, so ask me if you need me to clarify my tone! 📼 ⎯ aaalright i think this is enough rambling. ya think it's time for us to hop onto the actual muse info?
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" PLEASE, PULL ME FROM THE VOID. " this section is about the askblog. it includes muse info, rules, and anything i think is neceserry.
* buckle in, this section may be long. as if this entire thing wasnt already longer than i intended...
🌌 ⎯ this blog will contain profanity and mentions of canon typical death/violence. other possibly triggering topics may come up along the way, so please, view this blog with caution. feel free to ask me to tag things. 🔮 ⎯ please, and i mean PLEASE, no sexual stuff (i know why some of you people like tentacles). mun isnt interested in rp-ing that. the only exception are sexual jokes as long as they don't go too far. threaten to fuck the void's mom if you want! (i am not going to question how you'd be able to do that) 🌌 ⎯ ANY interaction is fine by me! feel free to interact as any muse, whether that be an oc, another pressure character, or someone from a whole other fandom! 🔮 ⎯ feel free to claim any anons and ill make a special tag for you (if you aren't on anon ill give you one too)! i may forget to tag some posts tho so if i ever do just. lemme know LMFAO 😭 🌌 ⎯ if im uncomfortable with an ask, ill delete it. but honestly there's not really much that im against. 'nd also lemme know if i ever do somethin that makes ya uncomfortable too!! 🔮 ⎯ unless stated otherwise, anyone who sends an ask will be treated as an expendable ! :3 actually on the topic of asks pls make it clear if ur ask is towards me and not the z-v06 instance otherwise ill answer ic 😭 🌌 ⎯ im alright w/ m!a's i fucking LOVE m!a's 👍 🔮 ⎯ if i randomly stop posting one day assume the void got me.
MUSE INFO [written ic, but not as the z-v06 instance]
🔮 ⎯ this instance of z-v06 answers to anything you use to refer to it. it has no sense of identity, therefore does not have a name or pronouns. it is up to you to call it whatever you'd like. though, i'm not sure if it has the ability to care. ...note to self, see if the verbal z-v06 instance is capable of emotions and feelings. 🌌 ⎯ fascinating.. the instance you've stumbled upon appears to be showing no signs of hostility. though, i'm sure that, just like the rest of the monsters that roam blacksite, if you provoke it, it may become more violent. 🔮 ⎯ it seems to be capable of remembering things you tell it. perhaps it can remember faces too.. 🌌 ⎯ not much else can be said. i suppose you'll have to interact with it in order to find out more about it.
( OOC )⠀ ⠀||⠀ MUN HALEY ( ANON )⠀ ⠀||⠀ UNNAMED (^ the "unnamed" will be replaced by the anon name if there is one provided) ( BLOG )⠀ ⠀||⠀ [INSERT WHATEVER BLOG NAME HERE] ( IC )⠀ ⠀||⠀ WITHIN THE VOID WE ARE UNDONE ( ASK ANSWERED )⠀ ⠀||⠀ THE VOID ANSWERS BACK
tws will be tagged as 'tw [triggering thing]'
i prolly forgot some tag ideas or whatever the word is tbh so expect this to be edited 👍
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isolaradiale · 3 months
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This is an event rerun. For more information on how to participate, please check our EVENT RERUN GUIDE! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask! Keep in mind that this event has already been rerun before, and any form of past participation in the other runs means you cannot claim it again.
“GOOD MORNING, FAIR RESIDENTS OF SPIRALE! DO YOU REMEMBER ME? OF COURSE YOU DO, HOW COULD YOU NOT!?” Regardless of what one was doing at the stroke of midnight, a booming voice echoed throughout the minds of every resident of Spirale in tandem. “IF YOU’D KINDLY TURN YOUR EYES TO THE NEAREST SCREEN, I HAVE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!”
Every screen in the city - be it a television, a phone, the digital screen on the fridge - all tuned into the same image. Rudimentary camera work pointed at a barely-lit visage. A three-eyed beast, each eye sporting a gleam as its feline features became more apparent. For many this was a beast that had appeared once before, but for others? “I AM THE MAD MERRYMAKER, THE PRINCE OF– AH, I’VE DONE THIS BEFORE. SIMPLY CALL ME K’HORII.”
As the cat beast spoke, throughout the city those that came from other worlds began to feel peculiarly disoriented. They couldn’t tear their eyes away from the screens but neither did they feel rooted on the ground. Almost as if it were an out of body experience. “MY ATTENTION WAS CAUGHT BY THESE HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES OF YOURS! AREN’T THEY PECULIAR? YOU LOT SPEND THE OTHER 11 MONTHS OF THE YEAR ARGUING AND FIGHTING, BUT AROUND THE HOLIDAYS YOU PRETEND TO GET ALONG! DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND ONE ANOTHER? NO! BUT THAT IS THE POINT OF MY BUSINESS HERE.”
The screens all flickered off in tandem, leaving the out-of-worlders in completely different forms. At least for now. But… what could he have possibly meant by the situation not being as straightforward as it seemed?
Welcome to our next rerun event, EMPATHEOREM!
As you’ve surely gleamed from the above text, this event is based around the idea of living in another’s skin and coming to better understand people in ways you might not have otherwise. Here’s a general overview of how things will work mechanically:
characters can only swap with one other character at a time. the duration of the swap is up to the muns involved, and it could last the entire event, a number of hours, or even less. do what you’re comfortable with!
the characters do not to be within close proximity of one another to swap nor does it have to be with someone they know. it could be with someone on the other side of the city, leaving them to try and figure out who they are.
swapping must be done with mun permission. please respect the boundaries of other muns!
you cannot swap with an animal / pokemon unless they are a character on the masterlist. if there’s a pikachu on the masterlist for example you could swap with them, but not the pokemon of a trainer on the masterlist.
powers remain bound to the body regardless of whether they are physical or mental along with the unlock limitations. so if muse a were to swap with muse b, they would be able to use all of muse b’s unlocked powers provided they could figure out how to use them.
it isn’t merely a physical swap however, and there are side effects to being in another’s body that become more and more prominent the more time they spend swapped.
swapped characters may be prone to acting more and more like the owner of the body they are in. so for example if muse a and muse b swap, the longer they remained swapped the more they may begin to act like one another.
swapped characters may also experience one another’s memories. with mun permission, feel free to have them remember experiences only the host body might have known. this is a great way for characters to learn things about one another that might otherwise have gone unsaid!
the former two points are optional. you do not need to utilize either if you are not comfortable with it.
if your character has any special biological traits to note, please make sure to include this information in an info post or on your ad! in cases where characters have a fatal weakness to something mundane (in cases like being weak to the sun), you can choose to have anyone in their body subconsciously realize this for example. please do not kill anyone else’s muse without permission!
a posted mini will not count as participation during this event unless it is replied to before the event period ends. likewise during this event, drabbles will not count. this is because the event is very dependent on bond building interactions and we would like you guys to reach out and write with each other.
if you are not comfortable swapping with another character you are free to avoid doing so for the event! however to earn participation you must interact with at least one character who has swapped with someone else!
in regards to icons: if you’d like to offer up icons for people to use you can, but it isn’t mandatory at all!
you can use an info post to list things like unique biological characteristics, unlocked powers, and what kind of things like memories or personality traits a character in their body may come to expect if you’re okay with them experiencing these things. you can also provide a sampling of usable icons if you’d like! we recommend you tag these info posts with ‘#iremp info’.
even if you have mun permission we will not allow nsfw to be written during the event (unless it takes place outside of the event of course!). we also ask that you do not write any content picking fun at your new body in any form, even lightheartedly, for the sake of member comfort (for instance, if your muse does not have breasts and ends up in a body that does, do not joke about “having boobies”, or if they are a different weight do not draw attention to and mock it). if you are at all unsure if something crosses this line, we ask that you refrain.
the event officially ends at 11:59:59PM EST on july 5th.
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Hello users!!! We’re very excited to make a very special announcement today!!!
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In the spirit of our remodel, we have decided to start daily themed posts to boost engagement in the community!!! Each day of the week will have a different theme, and the posts for each week will be unique and occasionally themed for that time of the year!!! We hope that users will see this as an opportunity to have even more wonderful interactions together!!!
The System will now list the themes, so everyone understands what the plan is!!!
Monday - Mun-days
-> The System will provide asks, questions, or polls for users to interact with OOC! For those who choose to participate, this will give us the opportunity to learn a little bit about the amazing Muns behind our favorite accounts!!! (Ex: Tell us about your first RP acct! Why did you start it?)
Tuesday - User Poll Tuesdays
-> Just like we've been doing, we'll post a couple of interesting Riordanverse polls on Tuesdays for you all to answer and share around! (Ex: Which Riordanverse Character has the best sense of humor?)
Wednesday - What's going on Wednesday
-> The System will provide an open starter for users to use! Either reblog the post from us and @ someone, or copy and paste it to your own blog to use! (Ex: You wake up to find there's a monster under your bed! How do you react?)
Thursday - Tithing Thursdays
-> It's time to show your love to your favorite gods and goddesses! Send them a message! Offer them a gift!!! Tell them how much you love them!!!
Friday - Campfire Fridays
-> Camp Half blood resident or not, all users are invited to the Sing-along! Share your favorite songs of the week! Show us what your muses love to listen to!!! (The System will post an anchor post to remind everyone when it's time to share your favorite tunes!!!)
Saturday - Say Hi Saturdays
-> It's time to make use of our resource!!! Come in and find a blog that's new to you and send them a hello!! It's time to make new friends... or maybe even enemies >:D (The System will post a reminder for you to go find someone new!!)
Sunday - Magic Anon
-> M!A is an old RP tradition here on tumblr! Usually, users receive an Anon who blesses (or curses) your muse for a set amount of time!! The System will post Sunday's Magic!Anon here on the database, and any users who want to participate are welcome to take it and add it to their Bio or about page for 24 hours!! (Ex: For 24 hours, your muse can only speak in Rhyming Couplets >:D OR for 24 hours, your muse can hear the thoughts of Birds in their near vicinity!)
We hope all users will enjoy interacting with our daily posts, and please remember not to pressure anyone to participate! It's all fun here, and we only want to help you all have a good time!!! Thank you for your continued support, users!! We appreciate you so so so much!!!
Disclaimer: of course, as always, users are in no way required to participate in the daily activities. Please do not feel pressured, we will keep posting even if there isn't much interaction! Daily posts will be queued in advance. _________________________________________________
Graphics are graciously provided by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more as always. Thank you so much!!!
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maya-nobody-ducard · 14 days
⋆.˚✮˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ INTRO ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗✮˚.⋆
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⋆.˚✮˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗✮˚.⋆⋆.˚✮˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ★ˎˊ˗✮˚.⋆
HII! I'm Maya! Maya Ducard ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) !
⤿ But people call me Nobody too! {mostly family members bcause it was mi papa's nickname} ( •ᴗ• )
✮ I go to @tripolishigh (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
✮ I'm 16 yrs old! I use She/Her pronouns and I'm Sapphic!! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
✮ I am french from my dad's side and Fil-Am from my mother's side (๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑)
✮ I'm currently in Highschool and in the honours program more or so! (≧ᗜ≦)
✮ I joined the debate last quarter and has been in the Volleyball varsity for 3 semesters! ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ
✮ I like playing videogames, badminton as my hobbies! ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )
✮ I am more focused on Science Tech//Robotics and Math (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡
✮ I'm roomie's with @corus-lim-w (´。• ◡ •。`) ♡
Uhm... I can't think of anymore but- ANYWAYS! I HOPE TO SEE SEE YA AROUND CAMPUS!! (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡(づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡
This au was made by 2 of my friends(@jaimereyesbug and yuno <not sure for their acc> )in discord and these are the other people in the au!
@percieve-me-dont-forget-me @forget-me-not-percieve-me-never
@b4TTl3 b0t cH4mP
Here is some other and brief lore to Highschool Au Maya Ducard!
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Please REMEMBER! The Mun and the Muse are MINORS! no nsfw please BUT don't be afraid to ask this blog shit! I AM VERY OPEN TO RP'S!!
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helluvasins · 15 days
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This server is HELLAVERSE only. No crossovers from other places may be used here. So yes--you MUST convert your ocs/canons into Hellaverse to RP here! Keep in mind that this server basically acts as a hotpot! If your character wants to go to the Hazbin Hotel, the one they're referring to will always be the one in this server. This is to keep things in one place so confusion won't occur!
So yes--this means that this server is DUPLICATE FRIENDLY and DUPLICATE ENCOURAGED!! Have duplicate anxiety? Well--this is the place to get through that!
DOUBLE TROUBLE started as two hells that have been combined into one. The original alts are the muses belonging to Rags & Zero. This means that the hotel--the one that muses frequent today belong to the alternatives, Ember & Poppy [Two Charlie alts belonging to Rags & Zero] - This does not mean that these alternatives are the /original/ versions of the characters, it just means that this is the SETTING of the server, and the origin of the Lore of the server.
Each time a new muse gets added, that hell combines into theirs, creating an expanding Hell & Heaven. Places like Hotel, Vee Tower, etc--get bigger to compensate for the new members who join the timeline. Whatever your Lore is for your Hell gets combined into this one, creating a giant super hell & heaven full of shenanigans.
This server is meant for muns and muses 18+ in age! No minors!
Fill in ⁠⁠mun-info so you will be able to see the rest of the channels. This is mandatory!! ⁠muse-info is Mandatory to fill in when rping here! Don't just raw the chats!! Fill in the pinned sheet!
Do not abuse the @ functions. Don't repeatedly @ someone OOCLY
If you are having any sort of discomfort or issues, please message a mod or message the person you're having problems with in private. We won't know if something is wrong unless you speak up. Keep drama out of OOC. And remember, IC doesn't = OOC. [ People can not read minds. /Please/ communicate if there are issues.
Please do not talk over others in the commentary channels when it's actively being used. If you have something to say that's not on topic within those channels, please use another one that's available, or talk to the mun through dms.
If you have art for your character that's not yours/commissioned, you MUST source the art. If the art in question is of someone's oc, you MUST ask permission for it to be used. In general, don't post unsourced art. That's not allowed here.
HellaVerse is a mature series that dives into topics that are uncomfortable! Be aware that if the topic is triggering, please censor and warn people of the topic before posting it!
Don't talk OOCLY in IC channels. If you have commentary, please use the appropriate ooc channels to ask questions.
The chats!! Move fast sometimes!! And it's okay, to not be able to engage all the time. Be aware that because things are fast paced, stuff will be missed, and sometimes assumed. Use OOC chats to settle things if people misstep. People aren't doing these things out of malice, and more so out of excitement and engagement.
IC Actions have consequences! IC ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!! (I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH.) If your muse acts or says certain things another character may disagree with, don't be surprised if they have something to say about it! Don't have muses start fights and engage aggressively with characters stronger than them, and act shocked when they get shit for it.
Violence is allowed. Suggestiveness is allowed to an extent. NSFW heading rps are to be done in private. Be mindful to use spoilers or warnings for certain triggers/squicks.
God-Modding, Metagaming and Power Playing isn’t allowed. Muses shouldn't know specific information unless they know each other/learned things through the muse. Please allow space for the other character to react.
NON-PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Characters that can NOT be rped here due to comfort reasons:
Ocs that belong to others without granted permission
Children Characters
Blatant fetish characterizations [ Example being you take a character like Moxxie, and hit him with a fat-fetish kink and try to get him bullied ic or oocly ]
Pedophilic Characters / Incest Characters
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dogslosing · 2 months
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welcome to toujours, an experience of a lifetime.
bare with me as it's been a while since i did something like this, but it's that time of the year where i'm itching to write, develop and world-build and there's no better place sometimes to do that then in a group verse.
that said, there are a couple of rules. pretty self explanatory of course but if anyone has any questions, feel free to message me!
no god modding.
ic interactions do not equal ooc. if something happens in character, it is important to remember that it is not personal nor directed at the mun, it is the reaction of the muse only.
inclusivity is important. no one should feel left out. this is a group effort.
that being said, just because something is plotted does not mean it is set in stone. sometimes chemistry happens between muses when you least expect it and everyone should be able to explore connections without feeling tied down / fear of upsetting someone.
try not to bubble rp. we understand that our muse can fluctuate and be stronger for one connection over another sometimes. sometimes, you feel like writing one muse over another, but please use your best judgement and be open to others.
life can get busy, but please don't join if you don't think you can be on at least 2 days out of the week. in order for a group to thrive, the group needs to be active.
you can apply for a max of two muses.
taken fcs: lucien laviscount, leah halton
reserved fcs: amataalp, matheus claus, madison beer, jacob elordi, olivia holt, justin bieber, sophie nelisse, chico moedas, cindy kimberly, austin butler, lexi wood
app count: 14
application: [ fc, gender, pronouns ] is that MUSE NAME i just saw checking into the hotel ? the AGE IN LETTERS year old is known as TROPE, which makes sense given they’re both + POSITIVE ╱ - NEGATIVE and associated with 3-5 AESTHETICS HERE. don’t tell anyone, but i heard SECRET HERE. i wonder what will happen now that they’re in paris … [ alias, timezone, url ]
applications will close on sunday, july 21st. if anyone needs an extension, please let me know. when the time comes, i will send through the server. please submit your applications here. if you're afraid it won't go through, feel free to dm me!
general plot: the verse is set in the south of france. bennett is a renowned hotel that doubles as a sex club called toujours.
the feds have been tipped off for corruption and are now keeping a close eye -- curious about what could be going on behind closed doors at the hotel. so be careful, not everyone is your friend and not everyone knows how to keep a secret.
the hotel is an infamous spot where the 1% come to visit -- whether to have lunch, use the pool, or grab a couple of drinks at the rooftop. they could be a guest of the hotel, work for the hotel, or work for the club. they could also be a member of the club. the options are endless!
listen here.
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noctuagoetia · 2 months
----------------------Promo Post---------------------------
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-------------------------> Carrd <----------------------------
Indie roleplay blog for Stolas, Prince of the Ars Goetia. 15+ Years of roleplay experience, selective-crossover, multiship/verse friendly. Prefers partners that are literate and understanding that this can be quite canon divergent. Muse =/= Mun, please remember that.
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lcverrpc · 1 year
voodoo , witchcraft and the rpc
or  why you should think before including voodoo in your roleplay . ( this will contain discussions of slavery and racism , for my own comfort i will not be going into true detail of these and the other dark topics surrounded with the stereotypes )
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now , i would like to preface this by saying i am not a practitioner or follower of the voodoo ( vodou but for the sake of this post we'll use voodoo ) religion , however i am black ( caribbean specifically ) and after seeing an uptick of voodoo in the rpc lately , it's occurred to me that this puts me in the position to say something . so lets get into it .
witches and magic have been a staple of both the horror and supernatural genres for years and voodoo has worked its way into the entertainment industry alongside this but lets get into what vodoo actually is : a religion with its own spiritual hierarchies , ritual ceremonies, customs and practises .
a closed religion at that .
unless you are invited into it , you can not and should not practise it . it was developed by african slaves - it's entire foundation incorporates blended religions , cultures and sufferings of african slaves . it's commonly known that enslaved people were separated from their religious and spiritual identities , the only way that this knowledge and religion still exists is from being passed down from generation to generation .
'what if my muse was invited into it?' in my opinion , you as a mun who has not been invited into this religion who does not practise it , can not fully understand the weight , traditions and complexities of it . even with research , you will be missing pieces of the information .
closed religion aside , lets now talk about the stereotypes surrounding voodoo and magic .
the term black magic was often used in regards to african spirituality and in media it's not uncommon to see voodoo be used and misrepresented as something backwards , perverse and downright evil . where does this come from ? well as simple as i can make it , it's racism . voodoo and hoodoo were used to further demonise black people , it gave us the reputation that we could enslave you , that we would take away your will and autonomy and force good innocent white people into doing things they didn't want to do ( ironic isn't it ) think of media such as ahs or even princess and the frog for modern examples of how this stereotype continues .
when portraying black witches who dabble in the stereotyped portrayal of 'voodoo' , or white characters with 'voodoo' superpowers it's important to be aware of the history and of the image you will be projecting with your character .
this is not to say you can't play black characters as witches or other magical species , but you can do so in a way that doesn't enforce damaging stereotypes and tropes . ( bonnie bennet from tvd is a witch the same as her many white counterparts , the most recent reboot of charmed features black female leads as powerful witches - although both of these are not perfect depictions )
tldr : this is no where as detailed as i wanted it to be as im saving my energy and i can't tell you what to do but voodoo is a closed religion that should not be used in roleplays as a source of magic or witchcraft . please respect it and it's roots . if you want to play a black character with magic , do so the same way you would their white counterparts but be aware of stereotypes ( particularly the magical n*gro stereotype )
as always im open to questions and comments on this . my knowledge is not absolute so i'm happy to amend things in this post . keep discussions civil and polite pretty please and remember that people of colour do not owe you education , especially at their own expense so be patient and listen .
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mister-blueeyes · 6 months
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Info + Rules!! || Gojo - He/Him / Mod - She/They/He
- This blog is mainly focused around a silly little crossover idea of Jujustu Kaisen x Identity V, meaning that this setting for the blog will take place in the manor - similar to an in-game crossover event
( Because of this, there might be mentions of other JJK characters in the manor! wouldn’t be a proper crossover “event” without others <3 however, Gojo is the only muse available on this blog at the time )
- ( Crossover Reasons and all that jazz, Gojo is getting thrown into the Prospector role. Congrats Norton, you’re getting another (hypothetical) skin )
- Throwing it out here now that this is a shitpost blog, so by no means will this actually be taken seriously seriously. This is mainly for shits and giggles and due to the mun being impulsive <3
- Despite being a shitpost blog (/lh) it is also both a roleplay and an ask blog. Which mean any type of interactions ( oc, canon, anon, go wild) are fine! Any responses will, for the most part, consist of written responses
- Something something please remember that muse does not equal mod. That being said, there is a chance that dark topics will arise in the future! You have been warned in advance
- There is a good chance that this blog will contain JJK spoilers (mainly towards season 1-2, I’d assume we wouldn’t go into manga territory. I hope we don’t go into manga territory that is a whole another can of worms that I don’t wish to deal with /lh)
- Oh and this IS a SFW blog. suggestiveness and flirting is fine (I guess, I suppose) but please don’t go overboard, I have a right to not answer things that’ll make me #uncomfortable
- Finally, this blog is pretty HC-heavy!! hcs are just a little. too silly not to include
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Current events!! : None (for now. teehee.)
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lewdiverse-archive · 2 years
Fetish Alphabet ask
After seeing quite a few of these floating about I've decided to make one myself, though for more taboo/extreme kinks as well as situations not commonly found on asks like these~
These are designed to be asked for both Mun and Muse/Muses alike (at the discretion of the person reblogging). Each letter comes with questions though feel free to ask more as well as ones which are already stated~
Please remember that anything discussed from these are purely based within kink and fantasy, not a reflection of the views of myself or anyone whom reblogs this. As such the receiver has the right to refuse to answer.
A - ageplay: Do you enjoy it? What kind specifically? Do you prefer playing older or younger?
B - bimbofication: Is this something you enjoy? To what degree? Are you the Bimbo or the one making them?
C - cuckold/quean/cake: Which of the four roles are you; Cuckold/quean or Bull/Cuckcake? What level do you enjoy this to? Who do you enjoy cucking/being cucked by?
D - dehumanisation: To what degree do you enjoy this? What do you enjoy being instead?
E - events (raves, festivals, ceremonies): Are there events you particularly enjoy being lewd at, such as weddings or ceremonies? What about raves or festivals, both small and large?
F - foodplay: Is there any food you particularly enjoy?
G - gags: What's your favourite kind of gag? Do you use these purely in the bedroom or elsewhere?
H - hypnoplay: Are you the hypnotist or the patient? What do you enjoy being made to do/making your patient do? Is hypnosis about control to you, or more?
I - intoxplay: What's your pick of poison? Is there such thing as taking too much?
J - jizz: Do you enjoy giving or recieving cum? Is there a favourite place you like shooting/taking cum? Do you enjoy cumplay?
K - knife play: Do you prefer holding the knife or having it held to you? Do you have a favourite blade, if so what is it like?
L - licking: Do you enjoy using your tongue/having a tongue used on you? Where do you enjoy being licked/licking?
M - molestation: Are you the molester or the molested? Where do you like to feel/be felt? What kind of setting do you enjoy?
N - nails: Do you enjoy natural or fake nails? Do you prefer good looking fingernails or toenails? Do you enjoy a particular colour/pattern?
O - orientation play: Do you enjoy your orientation being involved in kink? Do you enjoy changing a persons' orientation/having yours changed?
P - powerplay: Do you enjoy the changing of power in a scene? Do you prefer going from top to bottom or bottom to top?
Q - question: A free space to ask about a kink not listed here (because what kink starts with a Q anyways)
R - raceplay: Do you think there's one superior race or that one in particular is inferior? Do you enjoy using your race as a reason for dominance or submission? Do you enjoy any particular race, either real or fictional?
S - somno: Do you enjoy being the sleeping person or using the one who is sleeping? Do you enjoy purely sex or teasing?
T - tattoos: Do you find tattoos attractive? Are there any in particular you like? Would you get/have somebody get a tattoo for purely kink/sexual reasons?
U - unusual toys: Do you enjoy using objects that aren't exclusively designed as toys? What are some things you've used? Do you have a particular favourite?
V - villains: Are you a whore hero or a sultry villain? Do you enjoy breaking heroes/being broken by villains?
W - worship: Do you enjoy being worshipped or worshipping? What is your favourite thing to worship/have worshipped?
X - X rated places: Have you ever been to an X rated place i.e. sex shops, adult cinemas, brothels, ect? What is the Likelihood you would go to one? Where would you want to go?
Y - your choice: The reciever of the ask picks one of the letters to answer. The one asking chooses who the ask is for.
Z - zombie apocalypse: Do you enjoy the idea of a lewd apocalypse? What creatures would you want to see besides zombies? Would you rather be a survivor or part of the horde?
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truearchangel · 15 days
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First thing you should know about Inu, I've played the violin since I was six and am terribly obsessed with instrumental music. I will absolutely post and tag people in songs I feel suit the muses. Positive note aside, I do need to extend onto my rules a bit.
For all that I love reblogging memes, I am very slow with actually answering them because I turn them into creative writing assignment half the time. Memes don't expire, but if I forget what they're meant for I will just delete them. If I can't figure out how to answer them at a length I'm happy with, they'll sit there forever and a year. I am sorry, I have always been like this.
On that same note, please be mindful of how many asks to threads that things get turned into. I never know how far something is supposed to be carried and then before I know it I have 109 drafts and am panicking. My ADHD tends to make me lose things and I can't keep up with threadtrackers so I tend to drop things without realizing it when I have so many things to keep up with.
Another thing to note. While I don't mind Michael being dragged into other muses relationships, this can cause confusion (especially for me) when there's suddenly a whole other third muse/mun now tangled up in a conversation. I like to keep everything in a seperate verse so aside from silly little ask box things, I'd rather not have a whole thread in a three way conversation. Especially when I'm not familiar with whatever the other dynamic between those two muses are. Does that make sense?
I've been around for a while, a lot of certain things have been burned for me because of people. One of those things is three-way threads. I won't do them. I can't. In that same line I don't do group chats or servers. They scare the life out of me and give me to much anxiety.
Just remember I'm only human and if you ever have any questions just come ask! I might be slow with IM's (especially if I'm socially overwhelmed) but I'll get there eventually!
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mayhemhq · 12 days
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please note that no engagements, pregnancies, or elopements should be mentioned or carried out without prior approval from us. additionally, do not post about these events on the dash without approval. while we want to support creative freedom, it’s important to maintain order within the group. if you blatantly ignore this rule, you will be removed as we have mentioned this three times thus far. ( * we have one couple who have already reached out to us prior and have approval. )
this event is set up to provide a wealth of writing opportunities with both friends and foes. we encourage you to step beyond your usual circles and connect with new characters. take advantage of this rare chance to reach out, plot, and write with as many people as possible, as it’s not often that all characters are gathered in one place. there are so many possibilities!
drama is welcome and can add to the fun, but let’s keep it balanced and enjoyable for everyone. we’re all adults, and the aim is to have a great time. please be considerate and communicate openly about any drama that could impact a significant number of people. let’s ensure the event ooc remains fun and positive for all involved.
you may now post ooc plotting calls, but please ensure you only do so if you plan to actively engage in the post in a timely manner. posting and then disappearing for days, leaving others hanging, is a common issue we’d like to avoid. we understand life can be busy, but please respect your fellow mun’s time and commitment to this event.
weekends typically see lower activity due to various reasons. we’ll begin posting the event winnings and other updates around 8 pm cst. each round will feature a randomized win, and there will be some fun, silly awards for each event, one per each team. we’ll post the trophy winner and personalized awards as soon as possible, as we only received the lists on friday night. thanks for your patience!
the games are set to start around 4 pm pt on saturday. however, due to time zone differences and the need for admins to gather names, work on graphics, and manage their own characters and real-life commitments, which is why we’re scheduling them a bit later ic.
saturday, feel free to start posting about the games, your team and whatnot. we might try to throw in a meme during this too, to encourage some random interactions, but feel free to post photos, start your writing or whatever you’d like to do during this day!
canon time of games: 4pm pt irl time of games (when your muses can talk and reference the games!): 6pm cst
sunday’s masquerade ball will take place around 9pm pt on the venetian casino floor to celebrate the ending of the event and a good send off for us all. we’ll post around 9pm cst time to start the event. remember it’s a dress coded event. you are encouraged to wear elaborate masks, whether they’re classic venetian styles or more modern interpretations. all guests should dress in formal, black-tie attire. think classic tuxedos, stylish suits or dress shirts, and glamorous gowns, complemented with sophisticated accessories such as elegant gloves, glasses, and statement jewelry.
sunday you are encouraged to post your looks, writings and whatnot, but also, we’ll throw up a dash meme of drunken truth or dare to fit the vibes and encourage some interaction. please do not reblog the old one, we’ll create a new post. however, fill free to post about the party and chaos then too!
canon time of ball: 9pm pt irl time of ball (when your muses can talk and reference the party!): 9pm cst
all posts are to be tagged m.event (mayhem on the strip) to reference the timeline of what is happening. you have until friday the 20th to cut off all posts regarding the game, as it will be wrapped. doesn’t mean it can’t be referenced as past tense, obviously, but this gives more than enough time to post about it.
the overview of teams, games and more will be posted after this one tomorrow morning.
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high-seraphims · 8 months
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High Seraphim Sera is here! Top seraph of Heaven, advocate of her people and the worthy souls of mortals residing in heaven. Sweet Seraphim Emily is also here. Joy bringer of Heaven, advocate of Charlies' ideals of redemption.
Indie roleplay blog for Sera and Emily, Seraphim of Heaven. 15+ Years of roleplay experience, semi-crossover friendly, multiship/verse friendly. Prefers partners that are literate and understanding that this can be quite divergent. Muse =/= Mun, please remember that.
-> Carrd <-
-> Meme tag <-
Follows from Main Blog
Main verse, residing in heaven as the High Seraphim and for Emily.
Tag: Fully fallen sera; au Consequences of her actions indirectly leading to Adam's death, made her be cast down, still quite powerful considering who she was.
Tag Fully fallen emily; au - appearance under 'au swap' tag For Emily, she has been cast down for her questioning and for trying to fight for Charlie's beliefs.
Tag for Sera: Beelzebub's new toy; au Sera made a deal with Beelzebub after her fall, now works for her in the Ring of Gluttony, at her gluttony palace.
Tag for Emily: Vox's new toy; au Emily sold her soul to Vox, now she's his media puppet.
Tag: Prefall sera; au The prelude to the fall of Lucifer and the story of the wonderful Eden.
NSFW tag for blocking is: fallen angel; nsfw
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peculiarbeauty · 4 months
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◈ NAME  ⋯ ��you can call me rose !
◈ PRONOUNS  ⋯  she / her / hers
◈ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?  ⋯ so my main muse will always be belle but i also write in the persona fandom. <3 i absolutely do have other blogs but they are currently inactive and i really have no idea when my activity will pick up again on them. this blog and my other most active are:
peculiarbeauty : you are here !! welcome.
fatedprincess : this is haru okumura. she is my little meow meow.
◈ RP PET PEEVES?  ⋯  &.
people reblogging callouts for unjust reasoning between friend groups that really should stay within a friend group. people dogpiling one person and assuming the position of a good human being for that. people overall spreading vagueposts , gossip , and other slandering things. in my opinion , unless people are threatening your very life or are a sexual predator , you should keep drama between you and the person in question. sort it out !! stop dragging the entirety of tumblr into your feud. i only learned this big lesson about tumblr callout culture over a year ago.
burnbooks : gross behavior to make a blog centered around talking badly about people.
elitism : people who believe that they are the only one out there who can write a muse and try to slander another person who likes the muse just as much as they do.
copying people's blogs and then preaching about how people should stop stealing from you : it's gross and i just find it so so hypocritical that anyone can say that they have been stolen from when they straight up are doing it themselves. look in the mirror , please.
autoshipping and forceshipping : first of all , if i did not agree to a ship , please do not suddenly act like it's okay to ship with me. it's okay if we build up to it but instantly shipping makes me question where our threads are going. not everything is about shipping , we can write many threads together. i would like to write many threads together before we instantly ship as some muns have chemistry with their writing more than others. forceshipping is gross and being a victim of someone attempting to forceship with me pretty continuously as well as stalk and harass me for years .. i'm really really not okay with it.
◈ EXPERIENCE/HOW MANY YEARS  ⋯   i have been writing on platforms since 2008. i started on youtube back in the day ! i joined tumblr , however , back in 2015. i wrote in the disney fandom when it was CRAZY busy with blogs. i wrote for snow white very briefly around that time but had no true idea of how tumblr worked lol. it really was an experience. i remember roleplay groups were HUGE and there was one particular roleplay group in disney that was super popular. <3 i'll always remember that.
◈ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT  ⋯  FLUFF AND ANGST IS MY GO TO. i do not write smut.
◈ PLOTS OR MEMES  ⋯  it depends on the day you ask me this question tbh. most of the time it is memes because i am a teacher and i am perpetually tired when i get home. it's hard to think after work for me. on weekends though ?? i say plots. i am in a good headspace at that time.
◈ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES  ⋯  this ALSO depends. i am someone who can write a TON if the thread strikes me. like , angst ?? an ANGSTY long thread ?? i'm so there , girl. sign me up.
◈ TIME TO WRITE  ⋯  i throw everything in the queue. i tend to find my writing habits existing more in the early parts of the day.
◈ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES  ⋯  if i said i was like my muse , i would feel like i need to humble myself a little. belle is an amazing , empathetic , intelligent woman. she is such a wonderful human being. am i a wonderful person ?? i definitely can work on that a little more. i will tell you though that i am very close to my father like belle is with her own. i love reading , literature is everything to me which makes it easy for book talk in threads. belle and i have a similar taste in stories too. belle and i are also empathetic towards people for better or worse. we love people and try to make the best decisions for them if they need advice or help. i just try to keep it real ?? there is a lot we can learn from disney princesses about how to live. so YEAH she inspires me truly. <3
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tagging : @guujies / @adversitybloomed / @revoeu + you ! tagged by : @historiavn ( thank you my love ! )
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