#{{ ~ interactions. ~ carinna bronwell. ~ }}
wintcrstcrfall · 2 years
@pristinaluna said “can i touch you?” - Shane to Carinna
The way his question echoed inside Carinna's flower shop created a shiver running down her spine. It was late in the evening, so the closed sign was in place, but she still had to finish preparations for two big bouquets for tomorrow - hence staying up this late. But with the company she had, the redhead did not mind at all. "Are you asking for permission?", she teased, looking over her shoulder. It was still surreal to see him in the shop with her, a small, worrying feeling lodged deep within a part of her brain. It was a question away for Shane to wonder what was behind a certain closed door and then, she would've been faced with the decision to lie or to deflect, like always. But just having him there meant that she trusted him enough to entertain the thought of him staying with her despite the full truth. What a heartbreaking concept. "I'm not touching anything poisonous. You can always touch me, Shane. In fact, I encourage you." Her dark eyes turned to him, shimmering with love.
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wintcrstcrfall · 11 months
@pristinaluna sent: Shane & Carinna - "We make a pretty good team, don’t you think?"
The little comment caught her a bit of guard, just as Carinna was leaving the new plant (a gift from her mother) at a free corner in her living room. Both of them had just returned from their first dinner at her mother's place and to say that it had went smoothly would've been an understatement. And now, with Shane's words warming their way through her body, she had nothing left to do but smile and slide back in front of him, hands sneaking around his body. "Have you doubted that before? I'm hurt," the redhead teased, her voice a purr as she buried her nose at the crook of his neck. "Are you sure you're okay? I know you were nervous, but I couldn't have asked for a better evening. Thank you." Pulling back she ignored the subtle vibrations of her phone in her back pocket and instead reached, fingers brushing away that one particular curl away from his handsome face. She had never felt more at peace than at that moment. "But I think its finally safe now and you can dare to kiss me, don't you think?"
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wintcrstcrfall · 2 years
closed starter for @ofbookshelves​
Carinna hadn’t slept well for numerous of reasons but she had tried really hard to hide all of it - a subtle touch of make up, bright red lipstick and a smile that didn’t touch her eyes were able to fool mostly everyone. Because no one really cared about people they didn’t know. Everyone who walked inside of her shop were mainly nothing but polite in a way that had made her get used to the same cliché words over and over and over again. Here or there popped people who broke that vicious cycle but mostly things never changed. That was why she had always preferred flowers anyways - they were all different.
Now lifting her head from the bouquet she was making for a client coming to pick it up later, the woman couldn’t help but stop for a moment, taking the newcomer in. The other woman surely came for the first time, that much Carinna was certain of. “Hi! Can I help you with your choice?”
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