the27percent · 2 months
Hot springs had been something Atieno had come to appreciate the value of. Something about the heat of the water had an oddly satisfying effect. And being able to enjoy such places incredibly late at night was all the better for them to have a bit of privacy.
That being said, they didn't mind company as they glanced at someone with a look of curiosity.
Besides, it was easy for them to notice when someone had been staring which seemed to be the case here. Fascinating really.
"Hello, hello. It is a lovely evening for a soak - and it's nice to meet you Dio Brando. You can call me Atieno.. " They offered a slight smile as they took in some more of his features in return.
As he looked, he would notice that Atieno although some what curvy - especially when it comes to their legs and thighs, they had a bit of an ambiguous form, not pinned down to any particular gender in particular.
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you're trying to get a sense of what to make of me." An easy joke for them to make - not seeming too bothered by his apparent observation.
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straycatherine · 2 months
New starter for : @diotheworldus Practically yawning herself awake, the woman propped herself up, bringing herself into a sitting position before taking a moment to look to her side. There was something about seeing the man whom she considered herself to have strong feelings for, wrapped up in the pink satin blankets of her bed. The sight both caused her to let out a soft laugh, one of both amusement and one of being content. Catherine leaned inwards, placing a soft kiss to his cheek before moving to practically pin him to back to the bed by sitting on him with yet another laugh. "You do know it should be a crime to be so handsome?" Holding his hands down gently, she gave a slight smirk. "Also, it could be considered a crime for you to still be sleeping."
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liecoris · 10 months
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@diotheworldus sent:
💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋
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The moment he showed up, her lips were instantly on his, Mukuro's arms not fully wrapped around him as her lips pressed multiple kisses against his lips。 The kisses start off quick and transition into something more heated and passionate。
Soft moans escaped her throat and melted into the kiss before she'd have to pull back for air。
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「You are gone too far often, my darling~」
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【 get a kiss ( or multiple ) from mukuro 】 ♡ 【 accepting 】
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icecoldwilliams · 5 months
𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑼𝑬𝑫 | ✲・*:✲・*:・゚
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His hand skid smooth fishnet stockings like amusement skid across cold cyanic pools. Observing him. Luring him... Drowning him and every sweet worded buoy tossed from his mouth.
No reprieve from his little faux pas now ricocheted off a beautifully wicked brain.
❝Alright... Secretary~..❞
Bystanders could call her what they'd like. The diminished title just another key to playing their naivety like a grand Steinway . — But when uttered by the same ally sitting with her, side by side at the bench.... It rung.. frayed.
Attention seizing yet as off kilter to her ears as the title likely was when wielded against his own. Whether with truth or mirth. ; Apathy, or the smirk now painted across ivory as she leaned back against the oak, even tilted her head.
Well If the vampire couldn't play nice and share the key bed, then his Queen would just play his nerves like treble strings all her own. One- ❝Why do I get the feeling someone just wants to hear me call him 'boss'..? Or no wait... I know..❞ - after the other.
❝He prefers 'My King~...' ❞
| @diotheworldus ✲・*:✲・*:・゚
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wanderxdusk · 7 months
@diotheworldus asked:
Chained (Dio captures her in order to try and turn her to his side)
Send “Chained” to have successfully captured my muse for a thread
Her body struck the ground with a dull thud, knocking the wind from already struggling lungs. The woman wheezed, a string of saliva slithered from the corner of her gaped mouth. The wild struggle and reeling mind tore away any composure she had left. Freshly freed blood pooled beneath her skin, forming purplish bruises from where the chains' weight struck her. Finally Shikoba pulled from her daze, her head jerked to stare up at the person who ripped away her freedom.
Her heart leapt to her parched throat. He was huge, and clearly could swing those chains with ease. Terror ran through her like an unrelenting current. Cold realization that this could be her end gripped her; was she to keep fighting the inevitable, or simply give up? Did a drowning animal stop thrashing to the ever-distant water's surface? She attempted to roll out of his reach. She chose to grasp desperately at her frayed bravado. "Ya got some fuckin' nerve!" She growled, hoping the feigned fury would mask the tremble in her throat. "The hell's all this 'bout?!"
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twopieceworld · 11 months
Moonlit Encounter
Nico Robin was certainly having a fun time exploring her new surroundings as she walked through the crowd. How she ended up here in Cairo, Egypt was a rather… bizarre set of circumstances. Perhaps it was the work of a Devil Fruit user that sent her here. It wasn’t out of the ordinary. At least her Flower Flower Fruit allowed her to pass off as a magician to earn money and pay for all the essential needs a human could need. But yet she couldn’t shake off the feeling she was being watched and it wasn’t human.
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misterixn-islands · 1 year
@diotheworldus Liked for a Starter~!
Lilana gave a slight stretch, walking out of her home to gather some supplies that she would need later on that day. Humming slightly, she then headed out to sit down upon the docs, waiting to catch some fish for breakfast later on.
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straycatherine · 3 months
Sender sticks a hand out to receiver and invites them to dance.
With it being a gloomy Monday afternoon, Catherine found herself at desk fitted comfortably in her room and scrolling through a few of her work emails. Though, with all honesty, she was not giving them much attention. Hearing a few creaks of the floorboards, she turned to look at the male who seemed to appear out of nowhere. "I lost track of the time didn't I?" She sighed softly, a slight nervous laugh escaping afterwards as she brought her hands up to rub her own temples. It was mid reply Catherine noticed the males extended gesture towards her which caused her to pause her motion and show a sweet smile as she stood up from her desk chair. "How are you always knowing what to do to cheer me up?" Catherine reached out for his hand, taking it into hers gently as she gave a gracious courtesy, as if they were about to partake in a royal ball. She couldn't help but laugh when bringing herself in a few steps closer, wrapping her free arm around him and resting her cheek against his chest. Everything just felt right.
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rosebudpotion · 1 year
@diotheworldus cont {x} He was lost in thought when suddenly he heard her walk in. Small yet incredibly beautiful, his eyes were locked on her from the moment he saw her. He quickly noticed she was blind as we as how she used magic to see in a similar way to bats in the darkness of the night, how interesting. He stood from his seat to answer her.
“That is I Dio Brando, a newly appointed professor at this school. It’s a pleasure to meet you professor Roseline.” He reached out his hand offering a hand shake, surely she would be able to notice thanks to her magic. “I take it your the one who is going to show me around this school? I hope so, never in my wildest dreams did I expect someone so lovely to be my guide.” His tone was charming, but just that, while the sun was out he could not use any of his vampiric powers, those were the restrictions of that spell that allowed him to survive the deadly rays of the sun.
However this didn’t mean Dio couldn’t gain alot of information from simply looking at her, he could tell she was in her early thirties, has most likely been blind for a long time and from the lack of a ring on her finger that she was not taken. Thou that last part may yet to be confirmed considering he knew very little about the way of life for a wizard.
🌹"It's a pleasure Professor Brando and please; Professor Remington or Miss Remington will do just fine." There was being polite and then there was being to formal. Dio was more than likely just being kind but even the small women had rules to follow and boundaries.
Based on the handshake and the magical marking his body produced she could indeed tell he was of an occult nature. Though it was hard to tell given his body was warm from the sun. Odd, something wasn't right but she pushed the thought to the back of her mind.
"I am indeed, many of the other teachers shall be settling into classes. This will free up the halls of students so our path shall be far clearer." There was a pause as she seemed to ponder, " Did the headmaster settle you into a house dorm or assign you to the teacher's wing? The dorms I would imagine.....we can start there if you wish so you know where you'll be staying and who you'll be caring for. Most aids are given a house to look after with the head of house. I myself work alongside Professor Severus Snape, head of Slytherin dorm and Potions Master. "
Rose clearly spoke fondly of this other man but continued," Several classrooms are on this basic level but we can go one by one so that you can familiarize yourself with them.... though I did hear you were to help mostly with the Dark Arts? Teaching Occult crafts and speaking of older races of the magical realm? If that's the case then you should really get together with Professor Quirrell. I do suggest that you please be soft-spoken with him...he's a bit of a jumpy fellow...."
Turning on her heels her curls danced behind her a note in her voice, "This way then~" 🌹
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stripclub-elysium · 11 months
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Thank you for reading my Rules
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tenebristhequeen · 1 year
Closed starter for @diotheworldus and @streetwisetemptress
(Non-Canon Tenebris)
After a long day of work and stress due to her royal duties, The Queen takes her time to prepare herself for the night.
Two dear friends are about to come to her castle, and she wants to look her best for them.
The night might even turn itno something rather fun, you never know, so Tenebris requested that the no one goes to the castle for the entirety of the night and following day, just to be sure.
After a while, The Queen can feel the presence of her two friends at the castle doors, which makes her walk out of her room, and she goes down from the stairs, the doors open.
“ Welcome, my dears! Was your journey here good?”
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Her tone is tender for them, and surely quite joyful. The doors will then close once they are inside.
The 20 feet tall Queen then stops a few steps away from them, bowing slightly before speaking again.
“ I prepared something to eat and there are plenty of drinks if you wish, please, make yourself at home. ”
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virulentharlot · 1 year
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@diotheworldus || continued from || xx
Ah, shit. He'd heard opens like that before, but it was the way it was said...that rugged whisper--
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"S--Since you obviously have enough, we have to talk about what you want to do, and for how long. Nevermind...if I can handle it...you."
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littlemissleapyear · 1 year
It had been a few months since his captain gave him the task of gathering information about some sort of large treasure in the area. It took Dio months but he finally tracked it down. A small island in the middle of nowhere, all by itself. Very hard to navigate to without a map, something he had managed to steal from a low time pirate that was trying to get to the treasure. Sure it most likely would pale in comparison to the One Piece but he was sure it would still bring them all lots of great riches. All he had to do was let his beloved captain know. It had been far too long since he had seen her. After a few days he finally tracked down the ship and arrived at the same port. Within minutes he was stepping into the vessel he now co side red his home, looking forward to seeing his captain once again and I forming her of a successful mission.
🕷So many things were changing on the winds it almost seemed like a tidal wave wished to take everything out and start new. Too bad that Layla was determined to keep in the game. Maybe not for the title pirate king but the treasure was still treasure even in these hard times.
The spider didn't mean to send Dio out for such a long mission, honestly, she'd thought that if it was found it was found but if it was just a story then the blond would return to her.
Too many months had gone by and Layla started to wonder if her second mate was in jail or worse. No, she had to believe in his return even if it was empty-handed.
There came a call from the ropes telling of the blonde's arrival. Rolling up her map and pocketing her compass she turned heels to meet the vampire.
"Dio~! It's so good to see you and that you're well. I take it the Maries gave you a hard time? No trouble. Shall I have a meal prepared? Or perhaps you'd like to rest? The treasure can wait ...." An odd statement but clearly, the crew had all been worried on the other's behalf. 🕷
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misterixn-islands · 8 months
@diotheworldus Came to the Island~!
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"You look surprised to see me. I told you I would show you around the island tonight." Lilana cocked an eyebrow and chuckled a little, leaning against the entrance of the cave where Dio was staying.
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chronicparagon · 6 months
Marry, kiss cheek AND ravish~
“Dio!” Harmony’s hands cover her cheeks, though it is a terrible attempt to conceal the flush tinting her face. Lips part but no words come out. How can she from Dio's confession?
Dear Dio, darling Dio,
Ever so forward with his desires. Even now when she is familiar with his brash nature, he would catch her off guard from time to time.
“Is that what you want? And with me of all women?” It’s no surprise that with his wealth and success, Dio could choose any woman as his wife. Someone beautiful, absolutely flawless. He could do that but no, that is not what happened. It's hard to say why he would pick her out of all women.
He confessed to her, willing to go as far as to make that sacred promise of love and loyalty. Hands lowered from her face and she stepped closer to him. “I mean, we…well, we’ve been together for some time now, haven’t we?” Her hand reaches for Dio's and holds it closer to her. "There were times when I think about taking those next steps...The ones you mentioned. However, I'm a bit nervous about that. Well, other than the kisses. I've been okay with that. It's just anything more...It's new to me." She blushes when she admits this to him.
"It's not a no. I love you. I know I do and I want to move forward with our relationship...I just need a bit more time. Is that all right?"
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straycatherine · 3 months
💋 a kiss on the lips and chest~
Send 💋 and a spot to kiss my muse!
Catherine could have sighed to herself upon seeing the man and her reason was non other than he was simply almost too handsome for her to handle. Tilting her head with a smile as he approached her, she couldn't resist but to place her hands on his broad shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze before she blinked, the kiss to her lips came to a slight surprise, though she allowed her eyes to flutter shut as she softly returned it, even placing a few kisses to his cheek afterwards. Wrapping her arms this time around his waist, she couldn't help but use the moment he placed a kiss upon her chest as an opportunity to hug him in against her with a laugh. "You know how much I missed you, right?"
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