#{馃獩} morgan h. stark ; v. grown into the name
painofhumanity 9 months
@redstarsandnightmares gets a (semi)plotted starter
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"You know, it really is impressive how advanced your original arm was. I mean, the one you got in Wakanda, sure, their tech is more advanced than anything the rest of the world has--even Stark Industries is still about a decade behind them. But. The first one. . ." Morgan swiped through images and schematics on her tablet, eyes lit up with excitement and curiosity. "How they were even to build something like that, at that time, with the limited resources and limited understanding of engineering--"
Morgan caught herself and looked up with an embarrassed little laugh. "I'm rambling. Sorry. I just get really excited about this stuff. Rhodey's let me mess around with his braces since I was like. . 12, and I've just kinda been obsessed with this kinda thing ever since. Though. I guess I shouldn't be quite so. . complimentary, when talking about anything HYDRA did," she added, more to herself, as she grew even more embarrassed over her rant.
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painofhumanity 2 years
@sah1x1s gets a plotted (sorta) starter!
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"Hi!" Morgan greeted too cheerily the moment she saw Nico. Not that she wasn't always happy to see him--even when she came in with a particularly painful injury--but this was exaggerated, forced. "I, uh, I wasn't-- I wasn't sure if you were working today. That's lucky." She normally would've checked before making her way to the infirmary, but Morgan wasn't exactly thinking clearly at the moment. She wasn't even really sure why she'd come to him, why he was the first person she thought of when she felt the panic attack coming. Maybe it was because she knew that he could, and would, take care of her. Still, Morgan tried to act naturally, as if nothing was really the matter and she was just there to pop in on a friend.
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painofhumanity 2 years
While Morgan doesn't actually have to work for a living, she starts working with S.H.I.E.L.D. and S.W.O.R.D. when she's an adult. She's not technically an agent, but she does a lot of work as a contractor, helping out with upgrading tech to make sure agents have the best equipment possible to work with.
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