#{I'm hesitant on tagging the Survivor Trio in this because I'm making an observation but fans would probably take this as an attack}
lotusdiscussthis · 5 years
The 4 colored lies
Sort of a continuation from the “Monotaro’s Red lies” post I made. While making that, my friend Anzu had pointed out something really interesting. There are apparently 4 separate colored lies that I’ve never heard of until just recently. Black, White, Red and Grey..... Don’t these 4 colors remind you of some people?
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And there’s also the fact that Ouma is dressed in white as well. 
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But let’s address as to what exactly the 4 colored lies represent...
Red lies are made for spite and revenge at the cost of other peoples well-being as well as themselves. Makes sense cause red would associate with things like blood or red hot rage in a way.
Black lies are made for selfish reasons through the sacrifice of other people’s well-being while benefiting the liar.
Grey lies are the most common. The best it can be described as is that they are lies that would benefit both people is some way.
And finally, White lies are made for the benefit others at the cost of the liar’s well-being.
It’s amazing how the colored lies are associated with the supposed “antagonist” and the final three survivors of the 53rd killing game.... in a game with themes of “Truth and Lies”. But the meaning of the motivations behind them are the truly interesting part! With Maki and Ouma, the color association for them makes total sense. Maki would represent the Red Lie, because she was willing to lie and sacrifice her friends for the sake of taking down Ouma. And Ouma did claim that half of his lies were made with good intentions, so he would be the White Lie. Of course, with that being said, there’s the other half to take into account, so I think that’s why his scarf has the checkered pattern. But seeing how he has more white shown on his clothes, I think it’s to signify he’s mostly selfless with his lying. (Honestly, I don’t know if he really *did* say half of his lies were good, because I’m mainly referencing the English translation so I could be wrong)
Now, on the matter as to why Saihara and Himiko are color coded with Black, Grey and Red, I can’t say for certain. They are the hardest ones to decipher any meaning from. But I think the fact that Monotaro talked about one of the 4 colored lies to show that they exist, and that the supposed antagonist and survivor trio were representing these 4 said colors should be some indication of what they were designed for.
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