#{Moonlit Musings}
gleamingsuns · 11 months
These Takis really hit. God knows they're gonna hit even harder later
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peaceinthestorm · 9 months
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Fred Appleyard (1874-1963, British) ~ The Artist and His Muse, n/d
[Source: LotSearch]
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starlit-eudemonia · 5 months
Recently, I was learning abt birds came across the fact that most birds have a syrinx as their voice box responsible for vocal production. This can allow them to harmonize w/ themselves. I think that would be really cool if Mhin has that ability in both their human and monster form?
And they just- have the ability to speak in two different pitches at the same time and they kind of just resonate it as one voice when speaking. Also, when out of control their voice box is more distorted or harmonized? Just a thought.
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amongemeraldclouds · 4 months
april recap
As a journaling and planner girly, I was going to make this for myself and thought why not share it here as well. Just fun to keep track of things and look back later ♡
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Readers' Favorites
✿ Sweet Dreams | Theodore Nott x f!Reader | 2.9k words
✿ The Slytherin Boys as Disney Princes | 1.8k words
✿ Chasing Highs | 18+ only MDNI | Mattheo x f!Reader x Lorenzo | 2.6k words
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Personal Favorites
I write what I love to read so I generally love all my fics, but if I really had to choose and exclude readers' faves, it would be:
✿ Not Being Romantic | Jess Mariano x f!Reader | 3.3k words I'm a slut for dialogue so it was really fun writing for two sassy characters. Had me giggling most of the time! Also glad I finally completed this WIP from March.
✿ Spoiler Alert | Mattheo Riddle x f!Reader | | 1k words This was therapeutic to write and it was fun to do a choose your own ending. It's so much more self indulgent than it may appear and I'm obsessed with magical AUs!
✿ But Daddy I Love Him | Mattheo Riddle x f!Reader | 872 words It's so fun to merge my obsession for TTPD and the Slytherin boys. This song is so Mattheo coded! The boys being chaotic had me grinning like a fool.
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Other April Fics
✿ The Fall | Lorenzo Berkshire x f!Reader | 395 words
✿ No Take Backs | Jess Mariano x f!Reader | 2.4k words
✿ The Slytherin Boys as Bridgerton Brothers | 808 words
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✿ Got married to my lovely wife during boop day @pizzaapeteer 🤭💚
✿ Published a total of nine fics in April.
✿ Milestone: reached 5k likes.
✿ Started writing for two new characters, Jess Mariano and Theodore Nott.
✿ Other firsts
✩ Expanded from fluff to sadder pieces with The Fall and Spoiler Alert. ✩ Had enough fics to create individual masterlists for characters. ✩ Updated my writing style from "I" to "you", I generally feel like I grew as a writer last month. ✩ Did a request as an exception, they are generally closed. ✩ Started writing my own anthology of TTPD inspired x Slytherin boys fics. The ideas mostly come up at random times when I'm listening to the album. Here for all the fluff! It's been therapeutic.
✿ It’s my second month here!
Grateful for another wonderful month. Excited for all the lovely things May has to offer! Already off to a great start.
Hope you have a great May ♡
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richincolor · 1 year
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We have seven new books to share with you this week. It's a great way to wrap up the month. Which ones are on your TBR list?
The Melancholy of Summer by Louisa Onomé Feiwel Friends
Doesn’t she see? I can do this on my own.
Summer Uzoma is fine. Sure, her parents went on the run after they were accused of committing a crime, leaving her behind. Sure, she’s been alternating stays with her friends’ families. Sure, she sometimes still secretly visits her old home. And sure, she has trouble talking about any of this. But she’s fine. She has her skateboard and her bus pass. She just has to turn eighteen in a few weeks and then she’ll really and truly be free.
So it’s extra annoying when a nosy social worker gets involved. Summer doesn’t expect any relative to be able to take her in, so she’s very surprised to hear that she’ll now be living with her cousin Olu—someone she hasn’t seen in years, who’s a famous singer in Japan last she heard, and who’s not much older than Summer.
Life with Olu is awkward for many reasons—not least of all because Olu has her own drama to deal with. But with her cousin and friends’ efforts, maybe Summer can learn to trust people enough to let them in again? — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Rhythm & Muse by India Hill Brown Quill Tree Books
Darren Johnson lives in his head. There, he can pine for his crush–total dream girl, Delia Dawson–in peace, away from the unsolicited opinions of his talkative family and showboat friends. When Delia announces a theme song contest for her popular podcast, Dillie D in the Place to Be, Darren’s friends–convinced he’ll never make a move–submit one of his secret side projects for consideration.
After the anonymous romantic verse catches Dillie’s ear, she sets out to uncover the mystery singer behind the track. Now Darren must decide: Is he ready to step out of the shadows and take the lead in his own life? — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
You Bet Your Heart by Danielle Parker Joy Revolution
A riveting, swoon-worthy teen romance centered on two high achievers fighting for the title of high school valedictorian and falling in love along the way, from debut author Danielle Parker.
Sasha Johnson-Sun might not know everything—like how to fully heal after her dad’s passing or how many more Saturdays her mom can spend cleaning houses. But the one thing Sasha is certain of? She will graduate this year as Skyline High’s class valedictorian.
At least, she was sure before the principal calls Sasha and her cute, effortlessly gifted ex–best friend, Ezra Davis-Goldberg, into his office to deliver earth-shattering they’re tied for valedictorian and the scholarship attached…
This outcome can’t be left to chance. So, Sasha and Ezra agree on a best-of-three, winner-take-all academic bet. As they go head-to-head, they are forced not only to reexamine why they drifted apart but also to figure out who they’ve become since. With her future hanging in the balance, Sasha must honor her family’s sacrifices by winning (at all costs) or give her heart a shot at finding happiness? — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Her Good Side by Rebekah Weatherspoon Razorbill
Sixteen-year-old Bethany Greene, though confident and self-assured, is what they call a late-bloomer. She’s never had a boyfriend, date, or first kiss. She’s determined to change that but after her crush turns her down cold for Homecoming–declaring her too inexperienced–and all her back-up ideas fall through, she cautiously agrees to go with her best friend’s boyfriend Jacob. A platonic date is better than no date, right? Until Saylor breaks up with said boyfriend.
Dumped twice in just two months, Jacob Yeun wonders if he’s the problem. After years hiding behind his camera and a shocking summer glow up, he wasn’t quite ready for all the attention or to be someone’s boyfriend. There are no guides for his particular circumstances, or for taking your ex’s best friend to the dance.
Why not make the best of an awkward situation? Bethany and Jacob decide to fake date for practice, building their confidence in matters of the heart.
And it works–guys are finally noticing Bethany. But things get complicated as their kissing sessions–for research of course!–start to feel real. This arrangement was supposed to help them in dating other people, but what if their perfect match is right in front of them? — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
When the Vibe is Right by Sarah Dass Balzer & Bray
There are two things Tess Crawford knows for sure:
• She’s destined to be a great Trinidadian Carnival costume designer like her renowned uncle, Russell Messina, and will one day inherit leadership of the family’s masquerade band, Grandeur. • Her classmate, the popular social media influencer, Brandon Richards, is the bane of her existence. Everything about him irks her, from his annoying nickname for Tess (Boop) to his association with David, her awful ex.
But when the future of Grandeur nears the brink of collapse in the face of band rivalry, Tess finds to her chagrin that she must team up with Brandon in a desperate attempt to revive the company.
As Tess and Brandon spend more time together, Tess begins to wonder if everything she thought she knew might not be so certain after all. . . .
Set in lush, gorgeous Trinidad, this is a novel about finding love in the most unexpected places. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
The Moonlit Vine by Elizabeth Santiago Tu Books
Fourteen-year-old Taína just learned that she is a descendant of a long line of strong Taíno women, but will knowing this help her bring peace and justice to her family and community?
Despite her name, Taína Perez doesn’t know anything about her Taíno heritage, nor has she ever tried to learn. After all, how would ancient Puerto Rican history help with everything going on? There’s constant trouble at school and in her neighborhood, her older brother was kicked out of the house, and with her mom at work, she’s left alone to care for her little brother and aging grandmother. It’s a lot for a 14-year-old to manage.
But life takes a wild turn when her abuela tells her she is a direct descendant of Anacaona, the beloved Taíno leader, warrior, and poet, who was murdered by the Spanish in 1503. Abuela also gives her an amulet and a zemi and says that it’s time for her to step into her power like the women who came before her. But is that even possible? People like her hardly make it out of their circumstances, and the problems in her home and community are way bigger than Taína can manage. Or are they?
A modern tale with interstitial historical chapters, The Moonlit Vine brings readers a powerful story of the collective struggle, hope, and liberation of Puerto Rican and Taíno peoples.
Also available in Spanish! — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
The Books of Clash Volume 1: Legendary Legends of Legendarious Achievery by Gene Luen Yang illustrated by Les McClaine and Alison Acton First Second
Based on Clash of Clans and Clash Royale and penned by superstar graphic novelist Gene Luen Yang, this first volume of this action-packed eight-volume series brings the characters from everyone’s favorite mobile gaming sensation to life!
SEE! The illustrated exploits of one young Hog Rider and his trusted companion in an unpredictable tale of fantasy and adventure!
READ! Their journey from no-good warriors on the battlefield to true heroes of the Royal Arena!
BATTLE! When danger strikes the village of JazzyPickles and its colorful cast of characters in this heartwarming and hilarious graphic novel based on two of the world’s most popular video games.
In this epic new series set in the world of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale , experience a laugh-out-loud tale of friendship and fun! –– Cover image and summary via Goodreads
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Philippe Jacques de Loutherbourg - A Philosopher in a Moonlit Churchyard, 1790.
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adorablegorilla · 2 months
Despite their vast love for the Zee and all the research they've done The Inescapable Professor know absolutely zilch about the gods of the Unterzee. They've heard the names of Stone and Storm and Salt from the Zailors of course, but they have no clue as to anything regarding their nature or anything else about them, and none of the research they've done into the Unterzee has provided any clarity on the matter. So they just Zail around with the (fairly reasonable) assumption that they're PROBABLY real and offer a few prayers here and there for them.
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umbralsound-xiv · 8 months
The First To Remember.
The night had been an uneasy one, Sayuri vaguely tossing and turning in her sleep as if she struggled to get comfortable without making too much of a fuss about it. A prolonged stillness lingered, the only movement she offered being an irregular twitch here and there - seemingly having finally found her peace nestled against Eir. Only that she hadn't.
Her breathing grew shallow, the sound of it almost sounding strangled - a choked whine leaving her as her features contorted in clear discomfort. With it came the usual stir of her aether, accompanied by the pain its activity yet caused. Sayuri's body tensed up to the point of trembling, the arm that laid across Eir's frame to curve around to his side tightening its embrace significantly while her other arm's hand let her clawed fingertips sink into the mattress.
Ice began to emerge upon the Seeker's frame, dotting up across various areas upon her body with the most notable patches being upon her arms and neck. The more the element began to show, the more the Seeker's pained sounds increased, both in volume and frequency.
Soft plump pillows and silken sheets had drifted Eir into an easy sleep, cradling his now wife in his arms. The first sound of discomfort was responded to with a small pull closer; still asleep, it was simply something he did reflexively, now. But as her distress grew, the gentle cold he'd found comfort in now became a biting signal; a warning - Not for any displeasure to her aether, but a herald to the unpleasantries that often visited her in the dark. Eir is wrested from his slumber, brow knitting at the sudden wakefulness only to furrow deeper at the sound of her distress, he holds her all the more close, cold be damned. "Shhh… Shh… I am here, i am here…" Quiet, uttered words of reassurance that often calmed her, though his sleepless silver eyes now moved for her own, worried.
Nightmares, again... I was not unused to them. They plagued both of us, and with all we had been through, that was hardly a surprise. I am only glad i can offer her comfort... That she need not endure them alone.
The otherwise pinned back ears offered the faintest twitch in response to his voice, even if she didn't fully seem to stir - not until a whimper turned into a faint cry and her mismatched eyes finally batted open as she drew a deep, struggling breath in response to the pang of agony that shot through her, arms withdrawing to instead wrap around herself as she curled up in some attempt to press against the areas that hurt even if she was unable to, due to the sheer amount of them. Tears welled up in her eyes, both from the pain and that which caused it, coaxing the faintest sob from her.
The suddenness of it all and subsequent tangle of limbs as she retreated and he reached for her still ends with him sitting, having pulled himself up and around her, over her; cradled in his embrace as she curled in on herself. Eir rocks her gently, a careful hand reaching for her tears. "You are safe…" He speaks, to remain present in her ears, as soft and gentle as his motions, "It was just a dream… Just a bad dream…" Eir visibly wilts at the sound of a sob, pulling her in a little further but not so far she couldn't see his face. Moonlight had poured into the room from a silk-veiled window, it had illuminated them enough to see, even if not by so much. "Shhh…."
Her eyes shut anew, pinching shut while he brushes aside the tears that are on the verge of turning into droplets of ice. Her body leans against him, ice-clad arms cramming in between her stomach and thighs in her curled up position. Each breath is inhaled shakily and exhaled heavily, body offering the occasional flinch as a particularly sharp stab of pain assaults her. Sayuri's head turns to press against Eir's frame, seeking out his offered comfort with slight desperation.
Head dropping to settle atop her own, he kisses her crown, one hand raising to slowly rub at the base of her ear, while the other that cradled her more closely seeks to brush where ice met skin at her shoulder. "Breathe, love… I know it hurts." Eir's very words were tinged with sadness; there was nothing he could do to take the pain away, and the best he could do was dampen it. "You are safe…"
Sayuri's ears twitch faintly, her head pressing up against his - taking solace in the closeness he gave her. She fought to correct her breathing, and despite her own distress.. she withdraws an arm from it's captured spot, raising a shaky hand up to him to gently curl it against his head at the sorrow in his tone. "..I--.. mh.. o-okay.." She mumbles, not sounding particularly convincing - considering her sentence barely left her.
Eir turns his head into the touch of her hand, smiling as much as he could muster. Skin prickled and the cold biting more than comfortable, if it hurt he never showed it. "You are…" He encourages, shifting her so she sat a little less horizontal. "…We are here. On our honeymoon… In Thavnair. Together, just you and me." Soft, warm whispers are replaced with a kiss to her fingers, though it's hard for him to hide the worry in his expression as he did. This was much worse than usual, and he clearly knew it.
Something felt... Wrong. Her nightmares are frequent enough that i am used to their severity, but i do not recall the last time they were so... Bad. Her aether cannot be helping matters. Her ice is always present in difficult moments, but when it pains her...? ...I wish there was more i could do than simply hold her and tell her it was going to be alright...
A nigh incomprehensible mumble left Sayuri, but it certainly sounded as if she echoed Eir's words. With twitchy fingers, she sought to cup his cheek and gently brush her thumb along it. A sharp flinch signals another, worse stab of pain, the ice upon her person becoming more jagged in response even if she did her utmost to calm her volatile aether, which seemed to have very little intent to listen to her commands.
"Hey---! Hey…" Eir sounds half panicked at the flinch, looking over her with worried eyes. "I have you, I---…" Eir swallows, briefly looking over the room for anything that might help. "…I am not going anywhere. I promise. I am here, always. No matter how bad it gets." His words were a whispered oath, as he set his head to her own. "Breathe, love. Talk if you need to. I am here, however i am needed…"
The panic in his voice, however slight, is definitely not lost on her. She forcefully pulls herself from the curled up position she had held, stretching out her legs and moving her arms to wrap them around him a touch awkwardly, refusing to settle her icy forearms anywhere near him and keeping them stretched out behind him. "..H-hurts.." The word is a whispered whine, her head pushing back against his. "..A-.. l-lot.."
"I know… I know. You have had a fright, love. But it is okay. It is okay…" He doesn't care that the ice is pointed, embracing her fully in hope that soothing her mental distress will help with her physical affliction. "I love you… I love you…" He swallows the waver that creeps up his throat, but something steels him. "…I will not let anything hurt you…" Slowly rubbing at her ear, he aims to soothe her, cradling her all the while.
I... ...I would try, at least. Were someone to come for her, i would fight until my last breath. I promised. I promise i will never leave.
She allows herself to sink against him in an attempt to relax, her breathing slowly but surely beginning to turn more normal, if not a touch heavier for the strain. Her eyes remain shut for the time being, head slightly canting into his palm in response to the ear rub. ".. I l-love you.." She echoes back, her elbows lightly squeezing around his sides in her awkward embrace.
Turning his head, he settles a gentle kiss to her forehead, not stopping the affectionate rub at her ear for a moment. "I love you… So much." The soft curl of his lips against her skin is felt, where a quiet, more relieved sigh lingers as she seems to steady. "My wife. My Moon…" He gazes to the window, watching her namesake in the sky, a little further beyond over her; beyond midnight. "…Happy Namesday."
...I had plans, this sun. Her namesday. The first she would remember proper, having had the date stolen away from her for so long. I wanted it to be... Special. ...I had intended to wait, but now just felt... Right.
The ice upon her person slowly begins to thaw in the heat, and with Sayuri's inability, or unwillingness, to attempt to control her aether to aid in it's dismissal, she is simply left to wait for it to disappear on it's own. With the jagged edges less sharp, she finally moves her arms to wrap them around him, albeit carefully. Her ears twitch faintly at his words, a slow exhale leaving her. ".. W-what a.. start.. t-to it.." She mumbles.
"…But it is just the start. Just the start." Embracing her, Eir shuffles on the bed to face the window, bathed fully in the moonlight. Though not wearing a thread, the silk sheets are still half covering him; he seeks to wrap the remainder around the both of them, comforted by the softness of the fabric. He takes a breath… And some waver steals his words, as though anxious, unsure. It takes only one look at Sayuri in her state; teary eyed and curled around him, laced with jagged frost… But he begins. It is soft, and barely more than a whisper, but Eir begins to sing; a lullaby-like melody in Thavnairian tongue. All the while, the hands settle at her shoulders, slowly brushing at the edges of the ice in a hope to aid in dismissing it. His eyes don't dare look to hers through fear he'd stop if he caught her gaze, fixated on the moon above.
Sayuri keeps herself clung to him as he shuffles about, the only movement she offers being to place herself a touch more comfortably and further nestle herself against him. Her eyes peel open as the foreign words in shape of song grace her ears, quietly listening to him as he peels away the ice upon her shoulder, the skin slightly reddened beneath where it had just clung to. She seems to have been taken a little off-guard at the signing, but swiftly sinks herself against him with a drawn-out exhale once the surprise settles.
A verse continues; it isn't called out loudly, a song for her ears only. Very gently aiding her with the ice, each removed lump is settled off and away, though he's careful not to force it. He pulls the sheets over her shoulders to embrace her, head nudging briefly to her own as he continues, a free hand seeking her own; to run a thumb over her knuckles and settle over the digit that held the ring.
Her own hand begins to peel at the ice clinging to her arms, much less gently than Eir did, certainly. It abandons the frost as his hand seeks it, gently seeking to coil her fingers around his while her other arm pulled her a little closer to him. Her ears flick faintly at the sound of his voice, even if she did not understand a single word that left his lips.
In that moment, he simply held her. Slowly swaying ever so slightly, each verse a memory. He'd practiced it silently, mouthing the words when she wasn't looking, but it had been some time since he'd sang it, however quietly. He fills his lungs…. And hesitates, as the song draws to a close… And finishes the last two lines in Eorzean. "…So look to the skies and the moon above; It reminds me of me and you, my love. As sure as day follows night, and night before day; I am here with you always, and always i will stay." As the song drifts, the silence lingers, and Eir is quick to divert his gaze from the window, from her; anywhere that sees him able to dismiss the red at his cheeks even in this low light.
It... Had been so long since i had sung for someone... I dare not even think the amount of cycles that had passed since. ...But i hope it helped, in some small way.
The lines in a tongue she definitely did understand made her ears twitch twice before tilting back. Had she been able to feel warmth, she certainly would have in this very moment, her arm tightening further around him to tug herself closer while her hand squeezed his. Her head shift enough for her lips to graze his chest, settling a soft, chilly peck upon his skin.
His skin prickles; though the heat of Thavnair and the cold of Sayuri waged a war over the temperature, the small, soft affection is enough to send a little shudder dancing over his skin. Finally steadying himself enough to take a breath and break the silence, his eyes look for her own in the dark. "I… Planned to do so tonight, to sing for you. I… Did not know what to get you as a gift. You could buy anything you ever wanted. A meal would be perhaps… Too daunting. So i…" He looks away again, fleeing to a dark corner of the room. "…Wanted to give you a memory, instead. To keep with you, always."
She gazed up at him, one ear remaining tilted while the other straightened itself. While she had certainly calmed down, it was clear that she still held some discomfort, her breathing remaining on the heavier side for the time being. ".. I would.. treasure anything.. you gave me.." She murmurs, leaning her head down to nudge it against him faintly. ".. I will.. treasure this.. Thank you, my love."
His smile warms as her head brushes to his own, hands in hers. "…This is your sun. Yours. The first of many happy namesdays to come." He plants a kiss on her cheek, soft and sweet. "…We could do anything, or nothing. I care not so long as you smile."
A faint, weary hum leaves her, a small smile managing to take to her lips as he kisses her cheek. ".. When you.. are with me.. how can I not?" She murmurs, squeezing his hand.
His eyes find hers then, even in what little light shone, he could faintly see their hues. Slowly, softly, his lips brush against her own, reminiscent of the first kiss they shared, one hand in her own, the other slowly returning to her shoulder to remove the ice.
She stretches herself up with some strained effort to meet his lips with her own, the agony and terror which had previously been in her eyes forced down by affection for the Viera, even if the former two were not quite gone yet. Thavnair's heat serves well to aid Eir in his task, as the half-melted ice is peeled away with more ease now that she had mostly calmed down.
Eir works to remove all he could from her form with the same gentleness he'd kissed her with, more of an act of affection rather than the desperation he'd done it with previously. "…I am here, my love." Reaching to caress her cheek, he quietly asks. "…If there is anything i can do, you need only ask."
Sayuri's head tilts into his palm, a soft sigh leaving her as she nuzzles her head against it. ".. Mmh.. You.. already are.."
Slowly tracing his thumb over her cheek, he smiles, leaning to peck her on the lips again. "Which part? The ice? The singing? Having you close? Kissing you?" Eir beams, "Or all of the above?"
Her ears offer a faint but joyous wiggle in response to the peck, a small, weary smile resting on her lips. "All." She murmurs. ".. I didn't.. know you could sing.."
"…You have caught me only once, i think. I did not hear you return into the room. But suppose i was not singing for very long." Shyly holding her gaze, he admits, a little bashful. "…It is not my greatest talent, but i am glad it was enjoyed. My plan was to… Sing later. Perhaps after a sun full of lovely little things of your choosing, when we would return here for the night, but… I think that you, perhaps, needed it now. We need not go anywhere should you wish… This sun, it is entirely of your choosing. What would you like?"
".. O-oh.. I-.. mh.. Sorry.. my head feels.. a little off." She mumbles. "..I forgot." She huffs at her own forgetfulness, nudging her head into his hand anew. ".. I like it." Her smile grows a little wider, eyes lidding ever so slightly. "..I-.. I am not sure I.. can make that decision right now.." Her gaze lowers a touch, offering a somewhat accusing stare at a tiny fleck of ice clinging to her bicep.
"Then you need not make one." He follows her gaze, making an attempt to dismiss the small fleck with a brush of his hand. "…It is late, still. A rare time the city is so peaceful…" Eir slowly reclines to the side, slumping into the pillows; taking Sayuri with him in a gentle embrace. "And i am in no rush to get out of bed… Unsurprisingly. Even if we do not sleep. We will have plenty of time for rest, later."
Sayuri sinks into the pillows with him, dragging herself closer to him in the process. She simply lays there for a moment, ear slowly tilting back as her gaze wanders his frame. "..You.. did not get hurt, did you..?"
"No… No. You did not hurt me, love. You were cold, but it is nothing compared to how it would be not to hold you." His arms loosely wrap around her, allowing her to move if she needed, covers hitched to his chest. "Even if you did, you would not have meant to. Much as you would blame yourself…"
Her ears flatten a touch, opting to pull herself closer to him instead. ".. Just.. making sure.." She murmurs, settling her head against him. ".. And yes. I would."
"I know. That does not mean you should." Eir tucks her a little closer, head buried in the pillows. "…I cannot imagine you want to try sleeping again so soon, but i am here if you wish to. I… Do not know what manner of horrors visited you in your sleep. But i will always be here waiting, for when you wake."
She shook her head faintly. A small frown takes to her features, her arms tightening somewhat protectively around him as she keeps herself close. "..Compound.." A single word, something which explains so much and yet so little, considering the wide array of horrors that happened within those walls.
...Of all the horrors she has endured, this one i understand the most... To think such a horrible place exists. To think she... She came back for me there. Knowing how it haunts her. How it plagues her memories, i almost feel guilty, and yet... I know she would have never done anything different.
"Oh, love…" He embraces her tightly, arms wrapped around her, hand lacing through her hair to gently rub at her ear to offer some form of comfort; anything he could manage. "…Sometimes when i sleep. I find myself there, too. But not this sun…" Eir quietly fills his lungs, exhaling a waver of a sigh. "…You deserve a happy life, Sayuri. I will see that it happens. I promise."
She buries her head against him in response to the rub, exhaling a slow sigh while her arms squeeze around him. ".. I know you will." She murmurs. "..And I will do my best.. to return it."
"Then you must always be doing your best. I am always happy with you." Eir beams, leaning to kiss the crown of her head. "…I did have a few ideas this sun. We can do all, some, or none of them. I just…" He pauses, if only to give her a small squeeze. "…Want your first namesday in memory to be a nice one, no matter how it started. A poor night does not make for a poor sun."
Sayuri's ears wiggle softly, her head pushing up to meet the kiss gently. ".. Mmh? What did you have in mind..?" Her head tilts slightly, gaze lingering upon him. ".. It will be. You're here."
"…If we are not to sleep… We can watch the sun rise…" Through Eir's idle suggestions, he slowly combs his fingers through her hair, smiling faintly as his gaze met her own. "I could braid your hair with the flowers we picked yestersun. Then, if you feel like going out, we can go to the market. Perhaps a persimmon to share for breakfast?" Eir pauses then, thinking. "…Then, a walk. To the beach, maybe. We could dance, perhaps take a few things for a picnic?" A smile, then. "…I could carry you there. Later, we can watch a performance. Or visit a perfumery, or the markets again. And when we are home… Well. I was going to sing for you, and…" Eir trails off, leaving something unsaid. "…We can do as much or as little. I would be happy staying in bed, too!" Eir chuckles softly, humming.
Her head leans back slightly as his fingers comb through her hair, ears twisting and turning slightly as she listens to his suggestions - a soft smile settling on her lips in response. ".. It all sounds very lovely. I.. can't promise how much energy I will have, but.. I'd like to try it. All of it."
I promise you, Sayuri... I will make this sun a happy one. I will do all i can to ensure it is so... This sun, and every single one that follows.
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spiderwarden · 9 months
So between the Bhaal Temple Baptism in Blood and the Shar Baptism, I half wonder if Selǔne has the same going on too. Especially with the sisters being mirrors of one another.
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gleamingsuns · 9 months
I really need to get insurance but like. For free
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astralix · 11 months
〖answers〗♈ 『filing orders』
chat/dashboard commentary
〖chat〗♈ 『chatting while knitting』
Ic replies
〖replies〗♈ 『playful replies』
〖aesthetics〗♈ 『crimson sunset』
〖musings〗♈ 『anguished sobs』
Quizzes & questionnaires
〖quizzes〗♈ 『results clear as diamond』
〖soundtrack〗♈ 『soft music in the background』
Character tag
〖aya tsunobue〗♈ 『aries blood diamond power make up』
〖story〗♈ 『writ in blood』
Shipping headcanons
〖shipping〗♈ 『blossoming red』
〖nsfw〗♈ 『hunt during the blood moon』
〖headcanon〗♈ 『crowned princess of ares』
Verse tags
Main verse
〖main verse〗♈ 『neo queen ares』
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aylin ✶      ┈      event      :      ana & max's baby shower.
ft. gift basket filled with stuffed animals, monthly milestone markers, rattles, booties, a bedtime story, and a girl mama coffee mug for ana.
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starlit-eudemonia · 5 months
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amongemeraldclouds · 3 months
request rules
Requests are closed.
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Please be mindful of the guidelines below before sending your request.
✿ Characters I write for: The Slytherin Boys mainly Lorenzo Berkshire, Mattheo Riddle, and Theodore Nott.
I only write for fictional characters and will never write for real people.
✿ Content I write: I love writing fluff! Angst and smut are welcome too. I mainly write x female reader because it’s what I know and am comfortable with.
I enjoy coming up with magical AUs as seen in Mattheo's Gamble, Spoiler Alert, and Sweet Dreams.
✿ Topics I will not write: parenthood, pregnancy, character de*th, extreme kinks and violence. Though you can check kinks with me as I have written about bondage, blindfolding, and daddy kink before.
I reserve the right to reject requests that do not meet these guidelines or for any other reasons.
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✿ Please be kind, remember it is a request and not a demand.
✿ Please be patient, writing fan fiction is done outside my full time job and other adult responsibilities. I will take time to fulfill them.
✿ Please be as detailed as possible and mention the character and scenario you'd like to see in your request. While I will do my best to be faithful to your request, I reserve the right to add or change details based on my writing style and ideas.
Vague requests such as “Mattheo smut” or “Enzo friends to lovers” will be deleted.
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✿ Please do not send your request twice or follow up. As mentioned, it will take time so please be patient.
✿ Please do not send the same request to multiple writers. Doing so puts writers at risk of plagiarism, please help keep this community safe.
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✿ Main masterlist ✿ Slytherin boys ✿ Lorenzo Berkshire ✿ Mattheo Riddle ✿ Theodore Nott ✿ Jess Mariano ✿ About me
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draconicmayhem · 1 year
( @moonlitwanderers ) 14. A memory of a relationship for Draco?
(putting under a read more to be polite to the dash)
The Beast remembers little of her original life in clear, proper detail; after all, what use was there to remember more than what was important to the foundation of her being a Beast? But...
She could remember something; a shadow, ever loyal, no matter how far she fell, no matter what she ended up doing, that shadow would be there.
.......This was not her sword, not originally, though its current form is certainly her own; she remembers making it as a gift for that shadow, it was his, how did she end up with it? (She remembers taking a knife from him; how could she forget that knife after she used it to mark her own end.)
Where did he go? Why was he not at her deathbed, even in that Testament World?? Her beloved shadow, lost and forgotten by all but the Beast of Depravity, his sword now the only thing that remains of his will to protect her.
For such fidelity to someone so depraved as her, he deserved to at least have his wish to be by her side at the end granted, but fate is cruel, and not even the chalice in her hands could call upon that which was forgotten.
She wonders now if he ever realized just how much she truly loved him, and how grateful she is for his sword.
......Her poisoner really never changed, did she? Still a gigantic amount of love for both her Emperor and mushrooms.... Hopefully they meet again soon, the Beast is now craving mushrooms and Locusta always had the best ones.
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dandeliondee · 2 years
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more assorted doodles featuring @fluffernauto again
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