inunotaishou · 2 years
I hate to turn away a real potential new follower, but with the bot issues on tumblr getting worse by the day I might have no choice. If you are a new blog I highly advise you to set up that blog with information before following!
Blank blogs look like bots. 
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loneinuyasha · 7 years
// Four days till the Inuyasha stage play premiers! Hopefully we see some more promotional material or at the very least some more back stage pics coming out soon! 
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inunotaishou · 2 years
5. What keeps your muse up at night? An embarrassing thought, a dark memory, a funny memory, a loving one, or maybe even a sad one.
A list of casual, yet obscure questions for you to answer about your muse~ _______________
When he was younger he had worries that kept him up at night. Sometimes the horrors he faced came back to haunt him as well.
But now a days the only one who keeps him up at night is Izayoi. For many reasons, but primarily for that reason. And he is fine with that!
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inunotaishou · 2 years
4. Does your muse have an unconscious habits that could be considered embarrassing?
A list of casual, yet obscure questions for you to answer about your muse~
Very , very, very few things embarrass this dog demon, but one of those things is how his own Mokomoko's will betray his feelings.
I headcanon that his furry cape is a part of his body - what all the extra fur and his tails turn into when he is in human shape. Therefore it can move and react just like a dog's fur and tails.
Which undermines him at times as it will unconsciously puff up when angry, the ends will wag while he's amused and they'll even lazily flick back and forth in a smug manner while he's trying to keep a straight face.
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inunotaishou · 2 years
Of all my blogs, THIS one gets the most pron-blog attention! My inuyasha blog gets far more notes, but it barely sees any pron following. However Inupapa here gets inundated every few days.
I'm not sure if I should be flattered or annoyed.
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inunotaishou · 3 months
Not sure if this warning is even necessary these days, but here goes. Tomorrow is father's days and thus I will be leaving a queue running with several bad dad jokes. If you do not want to see this, then please black list tag #DogDadJokes2024.
Otherwise, Happy Father's Day to all dads and those who play them!
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inunotaishou · 2 years
A Devil in a Dog’s skin.
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An independent Inupapa/Inunotaishou (aka Tai), this muse is made up of Magic, Mythology and Mystery. Mostly headcanon driven with roots in what little information is available in the manga and a little bit upon youkai folklore.  Mun is 30+, with 20 years RP experience. 
Quick Rules for Mobile Users: 
1:  18+ mun’s only please!  
2: OC’s are welcome with 1 restriction: No long lost children/wives/girlfriends/boyfriends/fleas.
3:  Cross overs are accepted within the fantasy realm. With some exceptions, but please message me first to discuss them.
4: Muses from Hanyou No Yashahime are welcomed, however I refuse to recognize any of the lore presented by the series. You’re welcome to message me with any concerns before interacting. 
5: No Omnipotent characters please. 
6: Rules of engagement (Battle): No instant kills. No forced damage. No infinite parry/evading. I strongly recommend talking to me first before your muse attacks mine!
 About the Role Play:
Modern, Heian and AU verses available. 
Unless stated in the tags, open starters are just that - Open. Asks are always open! 
Horror and gore elements are fine. However no smut. 
Duplicate muses are welcomed! 
Open to RP on Discord.
Lastly, this is a side blog to @loneinuyasha. My other, less friendly, muse!
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inunotaishou · 2 years
Your post about the "lord of the western lands" thing made me giggle just thinking of some elderly demon the crew runs into being like "Lord of the Western Lands?! More like NOSEY ASSHOLE. Just tryna live on my mountain and that JERK... "
Yes! I never bought into that idea that he was overly respected and honorable to anyone outside of those he cared for.
Everyone else, including his neighbors got to experience the Terror that was the Great Dog Demon...
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inunotaishou · 3 years
Wanted to take a moment to wish my friends and followers a Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful eve! Spent mine with my love, watching The Witcher and drinking sake.
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inunotaishou · 3 years
//Hope your having a good holiday.
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I did! Spend a good part of it with my love and our friends. I hope that you and the rest of my followers also had a wonderful holiday!
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inunotaishou · 3 years
No, I didn't stalk or harass anyone. At least I hope I didn't come across like that, if I ever did I am extremely sorry as it was not my intention. I have always been cautious , even more so now, and unsure about a lot of things that have/will happen. I've been known to be blunt and over-friendly sometimes, but that's about it. Thanks same to you too! So you know my old account name was silverhairedhalfbreed, I role played as Inuyasha.
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We've not interacted since 2016. If you did something to upset me back then, I honestly don't remember it. Looking over my timeline back then, I don't see anything that would have?
Well my friend, if you ever wish to come back to RPing, I'd welcome an old rp partner back!
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inunotaishou · 3 years
Art by Lenbarboza is always good. Sad art thieves have made things hard for her.
It is a shame. Unfortunately art theft is the price of posting works online, there is no way that I can see of it ever being stopped. So it’s up to each artist to decide how they want to deal with it. All we can do is support their decision. 
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inunotaishou · 3 years
Writer: you probably get this a lot but what's your canon? Was he brought back to life, never died in the first place, what point he's at in the continuity, etc.
The default Main Verse happens before his death.
The Modern Verse happens long after his death where he's been raised as an Inugami.
However there can be AU verses where his death is negated entirely.
I will confess though that I am lazy about tagging my AU verses. Because more often than not it's either crack or very casual RP.
My headcanon involving his death is that Ryukotsusei was the one who managed to kill him. He did seal the dragonbone youkai, but was cooked from the inside out for the effort. It was a very slow agonizing death that took weeks before he succumbed. During this time he went into hiding with Izayoi and their infant son, where they could be at peace during his final days.
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inunotaishou · 4 years
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I feel I should address this regarding my muse and why he wont answer to the Fan-name Toga. Simply put, I never liked it. 
It sounds like a name you'd give a pet rabbit or a hamster not a (what should be) scary and powerful Great Demon. Not to mention it lacks meaning or thoughtfulness unlike Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha. 
The pettiest reason though is that giving him a name ruins some of the mystery surrounding the character. To me anyway. 
For my headcanon, he only goes by titles and occasional nicknames, much like The Doctor. His real name is kept a closely guarded secret that only his ladies know. And they’re not telling. 
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inunotaishou · 3 years
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To the anon who keeps bothering @izayoi-hime and @twistedpurity...
I asked you once already you stop harassing my RP partners! I'm not going to answer any of your asks. Stop it. Understand me? STOP IT!
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inunotaishou · 4 years
Main Verse head canons about my Papa Dog muse.
+ He and Sesshoumaru's mother parted on mutual terms. They drifted apart over the years until one day they both came to the understanding that it was over between them. They continue to live together as friends but keep separate lives.
+ Only his Ex-mate and his Wife know his real name. Otherwise he goes by titles and nicknames. None of which are true. The reason he protects his true name is due to the power it could hold over him if ever it fell from the lips of the wrong person.
+ One title is the Great Demon who Prowls the Western Lands. Which is not entirely true. He lives high in the mountains as many Okuri-inu do and prowls the lands west of those mountains all the way to the sea. Hunting for food or crossing paths with humans who he either helps or hinders depending on the encounter.
+ He is no Lord of Youkai, unless they happen to live under the same roof as him. All his interests lie in resources and not diplomacy, thus he doesn’t care about treaties or agreements. Youkai who raise his ire tend to become his next meal. Wise youkai keep clear of him while bold youkai meet a brutal end. 
+ There is a reason however for him to be interested in the fates of humans. Dead villagers attract lesser youkai like vermin while armies and large groups of bandits can become a nuisance. There are tales of villages plagued by violence or cruelty leaving oxen out as offerings to draw his attention to their plight. 
+  Other dog spirits are not welcome in his territory. Being an Okuri-inu makes him a loner to begin with, but in general he feels no kinship for other dog youkai. Aside from his own family of course. Outsiders are intruders and are either chased off or eaten. Wolf youkai included. 
+ Yosuzume, or Night Sparrows have a unique relationship to Okuri-inu. They look like ordinary brown house sparrows, aside from their red eyes and taste for flesh and blood. One always travels with him on his prowlings, a valuable extra set of eyes that he repays in protection and food. (The bird is also quite invaluable for finding Myouga when the darn flea runs off!)
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