#{ooc tbt;}
bloodthirstyflower · 1 year
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ooc: so i’m wondering if i should move on from dollie or not. i’ve been in the aa rp scene for a looong time (and i’ve also had dollie’s blog for a looong time, too), but her blog never really took off (this is not complaining or blaming anyone, but i’ve found it kinda hard to write threads with her in the past and sometimes still now). since it’s been so long, i also feel like i’ve forgotten a lot about her character and that i’m not exactly doing her justice anymore which feels bad. i also don’t really have the time or capacity to go back and replay or watch the games or anime either me thinks. i guess i just wanna know if y’all are still interested in having my dollie blog around to write with??? i’m also in the process of trying to revive my phoenix wright blog (@forthelaw) that i’ve had for a very long time too, but i feel it would be a bit easier to slip back into writing him. anyway, idk what the point of this post was, lol, i guess to get you guys’ opinions on this so i can find a way to move forward. it’s always hard moving on from a character, but idk if the spark or the talent is there anymore to continue with her :’ ) thanks for reading and i hope you’re all having a good day!!! 
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alphxori · 2 years
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lalaluuz · 1 year
scarlet, ruby, bumblebee, azure!
𝑪𝑶𝑳𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑭𝑼𝑳 𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑾. ( send one or more of these to get to know the person behind the blog a little better. )
[ scarlet ]  what is one thing you wish you could do?
God, I wish I could draw. I can't get my hands to cooperate at all, and it's so frustrating. I've been trying for years and I just. Can't. I wish I could, if only for like. fanart purposes. bluh.
[ ruby ]  give one random fun fact about yourself.
At my library, we have an annual comic fest (think a mini comic-con), and I took charge of the cosplay contest this year, and it went over so well I think I'm going to be in charge of it from now on, and I'm really proud of that (:
[ bumblebee ]  where have you always wanted to travel to?
I'd love to see every Disney Park at least once in my life. my family goes to Disney once every like 5-ish years or so, and we've been to Disneyland once. I'd love to see Disneyland Paris, Tokyo Disney Sea, and Shanghai Disneyland in particular.
[ azure ]  is there a specific character or type of character you want to write but never have? why?
I have a handful of characters I'd love to RP but I've never picked up. For now, I'll just mention one: Silco, from Arcane. I love his character, from his design to his demeanor. He's so... skrunkly, you know? I have absolutely no confidence that I'd even know where to start when it comes to writing him, beyond how he'd interact with other Arcane characters. If I ever did anything like... making a multimuse? I might toss him onto that. But I don't see myself making a multimuse.
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generalzelgius · 2 years
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[   *sends kisses to all of you* i hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season~ !!!   ❤️ 💕   i’m so so so grateful to be here with all of you. i’m really hoping for my interactions in the new year to bloom with everyone !!!!   i wanna spread my love around as well as my boy zelgy, hehe.  ] 
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writtenbytifa · 1 year
adding Alucard (from castlevania) onto the roster !!!
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handgiven · 9 days
hi, you guys should absolutely send me your character playlists if you have them. i eat that stuff up and i have been living off my own oc playlists for far too long-- i mean i love them. but i need Variety. you know how it is.
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hopeled · 16 days
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PLEASE NOTE: this is NOT an event, but just a fun party for the fall that muses can use for starters and interactions!
upon waking this morning, many of spirale's residents would find numerous pieces of paper carefully placed alongside poles and bare surfaces, in the windows of numerous shops, placed in a way to draw attention. with closer inspection, they would learn that it's an invitation to a ball being thrown by two of the city's residents, one Ritsuka Fujimaru and The Count of Monte Cristo. a ball to celebrate the change of the season with promise of food, entertainment, and dancing with a promise to amaze at their personal home. the ball will be held over the course of three nights to give those who wish to come plenty of time to do so, given how....sudden the invite is.
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hey hi hello!! so, i had a very strong urge to have ritsuka throw a little ball party and decided hey why not do it? below i'll list what you need to know should you want your character to attend or even comment on it!
it'll be held at the Count's Chateau located in the City of Glass, which means that yes there will be a grand ballroom to accomadate the guests and the like! don't break anything though. if you do then you'll be invited to come down to the cellar to check out this cask of amontillado--
it isn't a costume ball in the sense of going dressed up in a halloween costume but rather something of a mix between the venice carnival and the ball scene in the movie van helsing. the scene of which you can see here ( just without the vampires and fighting!) it is recommended to dress to fit the theme, but should your muse prefer something not as extravagant for their own personal comfort, then that's fine! the only requirement is that they don a mask. for the mystery. spooky.
live entertainment is in the form of an opera singer NPC who during the duration of the ball, will be wearing a veil over her face as she serenades everyone. the music will be more classical rather than pop
most of the chateau's more private areas WILL be off limits, but the ballroom, the gardens, and the outside areas are free to explore!
IC wise it will be held across THREE NIGHTS starting at 6pm EST today and ending at midnight, but ooc wise, you have until the 16th of september to use it for threads just to give people time to have a chance to participate if they want to!
in regards to threads or starters for the event, please use the tag #isola equinox ball just to make it easier for those interested to find starter calls and the like!
again, this is NOT an event of any sorts, just something fun to give characters a chance to relax and be fancy!
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dreadwxlf · 4 months
Solas watching the Evanuris appear in the portal after Rook screws everything up
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bloodthirstyflower · 2 years
like this for a starter with prison verse dollie   !!!   capping at 3 for now. 
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brightblessed · 1 month
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Not making a real promo yet -- But like / reblog this if you are interested in writing with Roi Coello, an indie original character based in the Final Fantasy XIV universe (primarily as the Warrior of Light). He also has a Final Fantasy XVI verse. This blog is remade but was originally established in 2019. If you damaged angry boys who use big swords and magic --- Please enjoy my son here.
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lalaluuz · 1 year
cherry and blonde!
𝑪𝑶𝑳𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑭𝑼𝑳 𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑾. ( send one or more of these to get to know the person behind the blog a little better. )
[ cherry ]  what is one thing you love about yourself?
I love my words. I'm not sure how else to say it. I've got a... wordiness about me, when I talk and when I write, where either it turns into a stream-of-consciousness clump that somehow makes sense, or I pull the absolute perfect word out of nowhere to describe something. I think I used the word "behoove" once in D&D and Mack was like "damn nice word choice" and it made me really happy? idk lol. I know sometimes the way I talk can be roundabout and annoying, but I also know it's what makes me a good writer.
[ blonde ]  what is your favorite type of music? favorite artist? favorite song?
I like upbeat pop music the most. I can listen to slower songs, especially if the lyrics work for a character or something, but music that's fast and bouncy and bright is my favorite. I have many favorite artists, but I think I can safely say Fall Out Boy is at the top.
My favorite song right now is "I'm Just Ken" and I'm not even being ironic about it.
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shrineofprophecy · 2 months
Do you ever look at someone and wonder, "what is going on inside their head?"
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ausrache · 3 months
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consider this a mains & affiliates call for this blog ❤️
if you simply ❤️ this, I will take this as a sign that you want to become a main. mains generally are prioritized in terms of interactions & are generally people I feel most inspiration when writing with.
however, if you want to become an affiliate — please comment on this post for said thing. some ic interactions are required for this as well as plotting! affiliates are people that I’d consider having become a substantial part of mali’s canon in either her main verse or alternative universes. ( an example for this would be a shipping partner becoming the main ship for Mali in a verse or her main timeline. )
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handgiven · 1 month
hi, i'm not doing particularly well mentally so i thought i'd ask my mutuals who come across this -- put in the replies whatever one thing that made you happy today? it can be a silly little thing, it can be a huge personal achievement, i don't care. i'd just love to hear something lovely about other people's days .)
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comhedge · 5 months
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hey , hey ! do YOU want to interact with your god SONIC.EXE ? Well , this is the blog for you ( this as much of a promo I can give. ). i’m scari and this is comhedge !
give this a ❤️ or ↻ and i’ll check you out !
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lalaluuz · 1 year
5 & 19
♡ Munday Meme ♡
5. Least favourite thing about roleplaying?
I think right now, it might be that my preferred method of RP is on tumblr, but doing so requires so much.... extra. And it requires me to get on a computer which, since my job literally has me on a computer all day every day, gets a little tiresome, and it's nice to not need to sit at a desk to have fun, and so I end up putting off doing any RP until like... forever. lol. Executive dysfunction also plays a big part in it all but I also know that I'm enjoying not needing to be on my laptop most of the time when I'm putting off RP lol
19. Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music?
I actually don't, lately, though that's mostly because of one of 3 reasons: I've forgotten to turn anything on and instead am just listening to the 3 separate fans in my room; I'm at work and therefore cannot listen to music; or I'm listening to a youtube video running in the background.
I do have character playlists, though! I just mostly listen to music while driving lately, rather than any other time.
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