#{ooc: obv this is all just ideas for yyh-universe gods. im not claiming any gods irl are actually demons or anything lol}
thekingofthieves · 2 years
Building on your response to the ask abt demon gods: are any of the gods of human religions (Yahweh, Shiva, Ahura Mazda, etc.) actually just powerful demons who humans became somehow aware of and mistook for gods? Or even were actual ascended gods? I'd be interested to know how many of those were "real" in some capacity vs. just being human inventions.
I'm afraid I won't be able to give you a very definitive answer- apologies for that! I just can't really say for certain on most since many have existed for longer than even I have. Plus, I haven't personally met a ton, so I can't confirm upon many of their existences or which ones are of demon origins.
I can say though that most of the demons mistaken for gods or have ascended to godhood are more likely among eastern countries, as I've stated before that the main gateways between the worlds are centered in and around Japan. I'm sure some have ventured out to other areas though- especially the more competitive and power-hungry ones looking for more people that'll worship only them. Honestly... the more a god enforces monotheism, the more I suspect they're from the Makai. That's only a theory though, I haven't done any sort of research to back that claim. It's simply a gut feeling I have due to the mannerisms high class demons tend to have.
I believe that Inari might have been a Youko who ascended to godhood, but I haven't discovered confirmation of that yet. Their energy feels like it might be a bit demonic... but it's honestly hard to tell because the energy of gods often feel so... warped. That's the best way I cant think to describe it, because it gives off such a strange sensation. Perhaps it simply feels so distorted because the power is too intense for non-gods to properly comprehend... Hn, and I've tried asking Inari about their origins before, but they haven't given me an answer yet. They seem to enjoy being secretive with me, and tend to laugh when I ask questions. 😅 I suppose I deserve that, I never was very respectful when they've helped me in the past.
On the other hand, King Yama I'm quite certain was never a demon, considering his... very apparent distaste towards all demons. I'm unsure if the Hindu idea of his origin is entirely correct, but I wouldn't be surprised if he truly was once a human that ascended to godhood in his afterlife. It'd easily explain his favoritism.
For demons who are simply playing god in the Ningenkai, however... I hear they tend to be targeted by those who have actually ascended, especially if they're not S class yet. It's potentially because those gods find it insulting for humans to consider them on the same level as the demons, even though they were once demon as well. Or, perhaps they simply want less competition, and demons are easier to take out than fellow gods. I can't say for sure as I'm fairly apathetic to the doings of gods. I'm only attempting connecting with Inari to try making amends for some of my past actions. Other than that, I stay out of the business of gods when possible.
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