#{spot x oscar} {tomorrcwsnews} let me hold your shattered glass heart in my bare hands
voiceofmany-a · 5 years
💏 Liam/Oscar
[random kisses meme] - accepting!
…after a small rejection.
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Whatever it is that Spot and Oscar are - this weird, dangerous, bloody, addictive thing they have going - it always stays in Brooklyn. Always. Makes sense - too many people know who Oscar is in Manhattan, and very few of them ever wander into Brooklyn.
Even so, it’s…it’s been a full two weeks since Spot has seen Oscar, and…well. If his kids are going into Manhattan for the union meeting anyway, then he might as well look around, right?
He catches sight of Oscar when he’s marching his kids into the city, and Spot sends them on ahead so he can change paths toward him. Yeah, maybe he’s being obvious. Yeah, maybe he’s walking a little fast. But when Oscar turns his head and sees Spot, there’s only a second before Spot grabs him by the shirt and pulls him into a nearby alley.
His heart’s already racing. It’s weird to say that he missed the guy, but he did, he fucking did, and as soon as he gets Oscar against the wall he leans up on his tiptoes for a kiss.
And misses, because Oscar turns his head away immediately with a gruff word or two.
Shouldn’t hurt. But it does. Spot found himself worrying what Manhattan might’ve done to him, if that’s why he hadn’t been showing his pretty face across the Brooklyn bridge, and it’s like Spot’s favorite knife went straight through his own chest as he lingers, mouth an inch away from his cheek instead.
His lips thin. Jaw tightens. And Spot lets out a low growl as he grabs Oscar by the face, jerks his head to face him, and presses a searing kiss to his mouth. “Sick’a me already, Delancey?” he hisses, narrowing his eyes. “Or y’only like me when I got my knife out, huh?”
He doesn’t trust what else he might say after so many lonely days wondering, fantasizing, wishing. So he gives Oscar a pat on the cheek and pushes away from him, turning on his heel and sauntering away. Just…yeah, he’ll just adjust his hat, smooth down his shirt, and go do his fucking job, and…and that’s it. And that’s fine.
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voiceofmany · 4 years
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@tomorrcwsnews​ asked:
💋 - …pin my muse to the wall, kissing them on the lips (liam/oscar) [x]
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There were dry spots sometimes. Spot got that. He pouted about it, but he got it. Getting a Delancey off wasn’t going to fly anywhere, whether it was in his borough or Oscar’s, and the delicious little power play had to end eventually.
Just...sometimes he wasn’t sure if it was gonna end for real this time or not.
Lost in his thoughts as he was, it made it easy to be preyed on. Hands grabbed him, dragged him into an alley, and Spot was already snarling at whoever had the audacity.
And then there was Oscar himself, swimming out of focus for only a second before he was kissing him.
Spot hummed, the vibration shifting to a growl as he bucked his hips forward, eager to feel contact between their bodies. He’d let Oscar hold his wrists against the wall for a moment. Fine. Let him feel powerful.
He didn’t mean for the faint “Thank fuck,” to slip out the moment Oscar broke the kiss, and it sounded far more relieved than it should.
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voiceofmany · 4 years
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@tomorrcwsnews​ asked:
[ make out ] to make out with my muse. (liam/oscar)
[smutty interactions meme - closed!]
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At the end of the day, this was when Spot knew he was fully fucked.
It was that a single glance at Oscar got him off his game for two whole fucking hours. He had no idea why the Delanceys were sniffing around Brooklyn - likely had somebody there they needed to meet up with or whatever - but Spot had one look at him while selling papes, and his sales had plummeted immediately after.
He already knew if anybody knew precisely what the two of them got up to sometimes after hours, his credibility as Spot would be thrown into question. But that wasn’t going to stop him from being hot under the collar just thinking about him.
After a while, Spot gave up on sales. He’d satisfy his curiosity, then he’d be able to get back to business. Took him five more to find where Oscar and Morris were heading back toward the bridge. Thirty seconds for Oscar to catch sight of him too.
A minute and a half for Oscar to murmur something and double back, and for Liam to catch his wrist and tug him away. It looked rough, because it was - because Liam had a reputation to maintain - but once he got Oscar in the shadows, Liam did something strange.
He went soft instead.
With featherlight fingers on Oscar’s jaw, painting a tickling touch along his skin, Liam furrowed his brow and brushed their lips together. Not a kiss - not fully - only a whisper. A taste. Something roared in his chest, but he didn’t want to burst this time, because once they took from each other, Oscar would leave, and it would no doubt be another long two weeks without catching sight of him.
For once, he wanted to take his time. Learn Oscar. Keep something gentle in the back of his head to think about in those long hours.
But Oscar shot him a scowl and yanked Spot in, and the roar escalated.
Spot got it. No gentle. No soft. No delicate. No love. Just...give and take, scratch and bruise.
Spot wouldn’t be satisfied with it for long, but today he’d try.
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voiceofmany · 4 years
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Tag Drop - Liam “Spot” Conlon
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