#| *      floating amongst the stars. star trek verse.
elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      “  24th century still hasn’t found a cure for insomnia  ?  ”  blue eyes stared down at the small pill shaped item that doctor bashir had placed in her hand.  lips pursed in thought  ,  she hesitated  -  before ellie placed it in her mouth.  trying her best not to move it around her mouth  ,  she swallowed.  quickly taking the offered glass of water from the doctor’s hands.  her nose scrunched up  ,  followed by the rest of her face and a cough left her.  eyes lifted and she gave julian a look.  “  they even still taste as bad as i remember.  ”
╰   ––––––– ✧   @dimensionalspades​      :      liked      ❨        for a starter         ❩˙
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respondedinkind · 8 months
Main Verse: Mixed Alien/Star Trek Into Darkness Verse
Khan Noonien Singh, a name that's well-known amongst most people; A former absolute ruler of more than one-quarter of earth, including areas from Asia to the Middle East, conquered by him and his people during the late-20th century Eugenic Wars period, with Khan having been the most powerful and successful genetically-engineered human augment of them all.
... Or was he?
It is told in almost every book, explained within in every document that's openly accessible to mankind - and yet, one small part of what's known is a lie, carefully constructed to hide the mentioned man's true identity: Because yes, Khan Noonien Singh was genetically-engineered, could be called an Augment of sorts...
But he has never been human to begin with.
Over 300 years ago, a shuttle had crashed upon earth; After finding the vessel, approaching and opening it up, a cryotube was found, holding a young, frozen boy within its cold grasp. The boy was still alive, his vitals weak but stable, and brought back to a facility controlled by the government, where he was unfrozen and successfully held alive.
A series of tests were performed on him, blood- and DNA samples taken, body scanned, catalogued; The resuls left no doubt that the boy was not human, despite his very much human-like appearance. He belonged to a race which called themselves 'Korul', the same name they'd given their home planet - a race feared amongst the ones who knew about them, including the most important people on earth, the information about said race existing kept strictly confidental back at that point. Korul were known to be highly advanced and superior in every way compared to humans, a serious threat which could have eradicated the planet Earth without much struggle if desired.
However, Korul, the planet, had long gotten destroyed in one of their own greatest wars - causing some individuals to flee, others to send out their children in hopes to have them survive while others were forced to stay behind. Khan was one of those children, floated through space for decades before having entered the solar system.
Seeing his existence as an opportunity, one to improve upon mankind, he was kept within the facility and risen there - eventually becoming the reason for 'Project Khan' to exist. He received years of training, his incredible intellect and physical strength developing further and further the older he got - his DNA was taken and crossed with other children solely produced to become super soldiers eventually, while Khan's own genetics were also altered and changed to improve his already superior existence in almost every single way possible.
This, eventually, led to the happenings of the mentioned Eugenic Wars; Khan was deemed to be the leader, and that he became, gathered a following of his genetically-engineered, augmented humans which followed him and stayed loyal to the very last second. Khan did, eventually, rule over one quarter of earth; His reign was ruthless, but also known as the most benevolent and peaceful one of them all - free of most problems that plagued Earth back then, and he never engaged in massacres, genocide or wars of aggression. However, the Augments had started a war amongst themselves after a while, forcing a lot of other nations to join in ('Eugenic Wars') and Khan as well as his people were, in return, declared war criminals. However, Khan as well as eighty-four of his men and women managed to flee before they could be recaptured; Khan managed to take control over a ship which he christened the SS Botany Bay, fled into space and put himself as well as his people into cryotubes in hopes of being asleep until, at some point, they would be able to live another life somewhere else, far away from Earth.
... That didn't happen, though.
They slept for 200 years, longer than expected - Khan's own cryotube had malfunctioned and did not awake him in time, which resulted in the two-century slumber of him and his people. Unfortunately, ten of his people perished because of the prolonged cryosleep, their bodies unable to handle the extended time of being frozen.
Admiral Alexander Marcus was the one to, one day, find the SS Botany Bay floating in space, closer to Earth than expected. He recovered the seventy-five still functioning cryotubes, brought them back to Earth and only awoke Khan, knowing of his past and who he was, since he, as a high-ranked Admiral, had access to the otherwise strictly confidental partners telling about the man's true identity.
Marcus kept Khan under control by holding his people, his beloved crew, hostage; He forced Khan to design weapons and warships while simultaneously having him being experimented and researched on - Marcus' had planned to create his own army of super soldiers, based on the ones from 200 years ago, just better and more controlled, and therefore needed to figure out as much about Khan's unique biology as possible. Khan, whose mind was fierce and not easy to tame, fought against most things that the Admiral wanted him to do at first - that's how two more of his men died, with Khan himself being forced to watch Marcus cut the life-support of the ones that once had sworn eternal loyality to him, promised to live and die by his side, to which he in return had sworn to protect them with his own existence.
This broke him, caused Khan to give Marcus what he wanted; He was held hostage himself this way, used for almost a whole year, before the pain, the sorrow, the exhaustion as well as the mental and physical torture he'd needed to go through made him come up with a plan, one that would allow him and his people to try and escape...
[This is where the plot of Star Trek Into Darkness begins - everything is canon-compliant, the only exception is that Khan is an Alien and not an augmented human, but most people - including Kirk and his crew - do not know about it.]
Possible 'Continuations' of STID:
Version 1 (canon for this Verse): Not canon-compliant. Everything happens as it does in the movie, up to where Kirk and Khan fly through space to infiltrate the Vengeance. Once on board, Kirk does not stun Khan - but Khan does jump into action and tries to kill Marcus because of the anger he feels, the hurt that still sits inside him. Kirk and Scotty as well as Carol Marcus try to stop him, to which he breaks Carol's leg and knocks Scotty out, then punches Kirk until he is also unable to intervene as quickly; Admiral Marcus tries to flee, but Khan gets him before the door can be opened. Khan tries to kill Marcus in the same way as in the movie (by squeezing his head), but Kirk intervenes by talking to him: Telling that Marcus will face trial, will be held accountable for what he did, and that he promises to make sure it happens - simply because Kirk had also planned to allow Khan to go to trial instead of using his own torpedoes on him.
Khan, who has, by then, started to trust the Captain in a few ways, growing to respect him for his actions, can actually be convinced to not execute his plan on turning the man into mush; He does, however, for good measure, spit him in the face before breaking his kneekap with his boot, rendering him unable to move.
Version 2 (not canon for this Verse but can be used with plotting): Canon-compliant. Everything happens as it does in the movie and Khan is being frozen again. Interactions can happen right after - or whenever wanted, really.
Wished for Ending:
Khan faces trial, but receives a milder sentence due to all the evidence that is being offered to court - recordings of Khan being experimented and researched on, recordings of him being forced to watch two of his people die, recordings of Khan needing to work on the vengeance as well as advances weaponery, recordings of Marcus talking about his plans to create a new army of super soldiers to win a Klingon War...
Because of that, and because of Kirk acknowledging that Khan had been willing to help, not betrayed him - or his crew - in any way, it all leads to Khan becoming a (tentative) new crewmember of the Enterprise. He is on probation, of course - but his superior intelligence as well as impeccable body are deemed of good use for the upcoming 5 year mission, so he is allowed on board and from there on 'jumps' in between engineering and security, whatever is more needed at a given time, to offer his knowledge as well as muscle strength either on board or during landing missions. What happens to his crew can be individually discussed: Do they join as well? Are they kept frozen as a 'requirement' first to see whether Khan can adapt to the new world and really does not plan to betray / destroy anyone / anything? Maybe they'll allowed to live on a planet somewhere far away? This will be figured out with each RP partner!
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      fingers are wrapped around...  pavel’s forearm  ,  ellie can’t help but tug lightly  ,  as a laugh escapes her.  both have their heads turned to focus on the scene that was happening just on the other side of the bar.  ellie turns to look at pavel  ,  a surprised look crossing her features.  “  i take that this happens often ?  ”  ellie had heard the rumours that captain james kirk had a habit of making a DEEP impression on any body  -  human or alien but ellie had never seen it happen in person. 
                          the enterprise was docked at one of the many space stations littered around earth  ,  where the ship was under going some maintenance  ,  which meant that the crew were on a sort of short shore leave.  and for once everything was actually going as planned.  sat up on a bar stool  ,  ellie’s leaning against pavel’s side  ,  as she couldn’t keep her eyes off the captain.  “  ugh it’s gross  ,  is what it is.  ”  he was right though  ,  it HAD been impossible to look away.  but letting out a laugh  ,  she turns her head  ,  letting her chin push into pavel’s shoulder  ,  as she focus’ on the other side of the small bar area.  it was like seeing your brother make out with someone in front of you.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @ensnchekov​​​   :      asked     ❨      it's impossible to look away.     ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      “  you didn’t have to come down with me.  ”  hands reach up to fix the beanie that rests on top of her head.  the planet was chilly  -  snow fell lightly around them and littered the ground.  gaze lingers on pavel  ,  who was a couple of feet ahead of her  ,  before they fall back to the stall next to her.  ellie enjoyed visiting alien markets  -  not only for ingredients that she could use for meals  ,  but always meeting new people.  “  but i’m glad you did.  ”  cheeks are flushed pink.  ellie will blame the frosty air if its mentioned.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @ensnchekov​​    :      liked      ❨      for a starter.     ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      “  it’s just a cough  ,  doctor  ,  i’m not dying.  ” a hand presses to her her chest  ,  her asthma was just flaring up.  “  i’m not dying right ...  ?  ”
╰   ––––––– ✧   @dimensionalspades​     :      liked      ❨        for a starter           ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      if it wasn’t one thing.  it was another on board the enterprise.  scotty was losing his mind over why the environmental controls on board were suddenly going hay wire.  life support hadn’t been affected but the engineer was panicking that it could be next.  for now  ,  the temperature control had been the only to go kaput. 
                           a weary grin crossed ellie’s lips as she handed sulu his mug of hot chocolate.  “  i’m not built for this kind of temperature.  ”  ellie grumbled  ,  adjusting the beanie that rested on top of her head.  she had her hands full in the mess hall  -  the amount of cocoa powder she gone through that morning was incredible and star fleet would probably have questions about why she ordered so much of it when they next dock.  she was just lucky that both the coffee AND tea hadn’t been depleted yet.  “  but i’ve got you covered.  soup on the menu for today.  did you want any  ?  ” 
╰   ––––––– ✧   @he1msman​​​      :      asked      ❨        i'm freezing.         ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      “  cupcake. ?  ” this was how ellie passed the time.  she knew that the crew would sometimes miss out on meals.  so she usually goes to them.  it was a little later in the day  ,  so it was something a little bit sweeter today.  “  i know you’ve probably eaten but ...  ”  a grin as she held the container in her hands towards captain batel.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @cptnbatel​     :      liked      ❨        for a starter           ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
                little headcannons about elenore on board the enterprise.                        yes i will totally update these the more i rewatch.
1. she 100% would have to spend a solid couple of days in the decon chamber. considering no one really considered all the illnesses and viruses that she hasn’t been exposed too yet. she actually happened to get deathly sick her third day on board. phlox was beside himself trying to keep her alive. 2. she hoards her inhaler with her life. the way that she probably doesn’t know if they could synthesize anymore. so she’s just wheezing every so often because she doesn’t want to waste it. until she fucking passes out in the hall and phlox is literally just “ ????? bitch????? its simple. “ 3. ellie does sometimes go poof. she disappears for a couple of days before always returning back to the enterprise. it’s almost like home base for her. she’s safe there. 3.1. she disappears to future ships. she can’t tell her enterprise crew, but it does help her get the upper hand on learner about new species. 4. but it also means that her and daniels have beef. 4.1. she also promptly stole his quarters. 5. she actually impresses chef when she’s finally cleared to roam the ship. she brings her a game and he actually lets her work a little bit in the galley. 6. which means she also proves her worth to archer. she does his dinner some nights. while also ripping it with desserts , for the little senior staff dinners. but she’s finally feeling useful after pretty much taking up space in sickbay for two solid weeks. 7. ellie introduces the crew to the wonders of 21st century reality tv. she finds shows like big brother , married at first sight (australia bc there is no better version) and even the bachelor. 7.1. t’pol is very very much into the bachelor , even if she would never admit it. she lets ellie eat from her popcorn bucket. 7.2. trip is very much into big brother. 7.3. hoshi adores a good singing contest. 8. ellie and trip bond over sun , surf and florida. well for ellie its mainly bonding over the fact that disney.world still exists. the idea that it does has ellie bouncing out of her seat (and a little terrified). 9. ellie has a four legged shadow.  she fed porthos cheese once and that dog follows her everywhere. 9.1. if he’s a good enough dog , she will feed him something more nutritious than the bagged dog food archer always seems to give him. 10. ngl when i say the four of them , i mean archer/trip/t’pol/ellie , all somehow end up joined at the hip. maybe its just a senior staff type of thing. the only ones to know of ellie’s special ability or something else. who knows. :)))))
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      the PADD wasn’t working right.  ellie had prided herself on being technologically sound back home  ,  she wasn’t an ipad kid but more so a dial up internet kid.  though being two hundred years in the future  ,  ellie was starting to feel like her grandparents. 
                             smacking the device down on the table  ,  the brunette let a huff leave her  (pushing herself back into her chair) before she spotted the figure sitting at table next to her  -  ellie couldn’t help the blush that spread across her cheeks  ,  she hadn’t interacted with many klingons.  “  sorry  -  i just  ...  ”  brows furrowed and eyes narrowed down at the PADD once more.  “  can’t get the hang of this thing.  ”
╰   ––––––– ✧   @kangthedaharmaster​   :      liked      ❨      for a starter.     ❩˙
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elencr · 2 years
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ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚    ―      ㅤ‘ JENNA MARBLES. ’   | ACCEPTING !                                                                               ❛      Don’t expose me like this.      ❜
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* .  ♡              standing with her hands on her hips  ,  ellie stares down at @ensiignchekov​  ,  who was sat in the middle of the table.  eyes narrow before her hand is held out towards him.  “  i can and i will.  ”  she’s teasing of course  ,  everyone knew that they would never argue and in the end were finding their exchange rather humorous.  “  pavel come on  ,  ”  she groans stamping her foot like a child.  “  gimmie my phone back.  ”
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elencr · 2 years
ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚    ―      ㅤ‘ @tripletucker​ ’   | STARTER !
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* .  ♡           “ you’re lucky i was awake. ” ellie said as she finally finish putting together trip’s dinner. it was nearing midnight but the man had only just finished up doing whatever it was that caused him to miss dinner. “ and you’re lucky that i like you - ” there’s a snort as she sits down in the chair opposite him, sliding the plate of her mum’s famous lamb korma over to him. “ i don’t do this for just anyone. ”
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      feet come to an immediate stop.  body almost smacks into his back.  lollipop is pulled from her lips with an audible POP and she clears her throat.  stares up at hutz for a couple of seconds.  the tall nausicaan was intimidating when you didn’t know what a giant softy he truly was. 
                           head shakes back and forth as her body curls in on itself so that she wouldn’t have anyone bump into her  ,  this section of the promenade was crowded  ,  ellie didn’t think that he would notice.  “  uh  ,  no  ?  ”  it was framed as a question almost.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @varhanas​      :      asked      ❨      ....where you following me ?      ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      she doesn’t mean to cut him off.  but she could tell that he was going into another tangent  ,  if she didn’t distract him quick enough.  her slender body had easily slipped between his thighs  ,  her arms coming to wrap around his neck and her lips pressed against his.
                            fingers quickly found the hair at the base of his neck  ,  and intertwined with the strands  -  tugging lightly but strong enough so that she could move his head back and she could press against him even more.  for a couple of seconds  ,  they were both still  -  both silent  ,  until ellie pulls away.  a soft smile crosses her lips as one hand moves from the back of his neck and comes to cup his jaw.  “  sorry.  ”  was all she said.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @paramounticebound​​      :      asked      ❨      💋      ❩˙
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elencr · 2 years
ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚    ―      ㅤ‘ STAR TREK STARTER CALL ’   |  ELENORE & DATA.
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* .  ♡              she’s always been way too curious for her own good.  there had been plenty of times that she had gotten into trouble with her mother and the captain about her sneaking off where she shouldn’t be.  but elenore couldn’t help it  -  that was just in her nature.
                         so she’s lingering near the bar in ten forward  ,  watching @my-timing-is-digital​ for a couple of more seconds before she finally perks up the courage.  she walks over to him and gently tugs on the sleeve of his uniform.  the seven year old was never one to shy away from a conversation.  “ my mum says that you’re super smart ! and that if i did my homework  ,  i could end up AS smart as you ! ”
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elencr · 2 years
ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚    ―      ㅤ‘ STAR TREK STARTER CALL ’   |  ELENORE & JACK.
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* .  ♡              her hand immediately comes out of nowhere and smacks the other that had been reaching for a freshly iced cupcake.  blue eyes focus on not fucking up the frosting on the last one that she was making but elenore instantly knows that @shoulders​ was the culprit.  “ stooop. ” she groans  ,  finally finishing the tip and turning her whole body to look at jack.  “ you can have the rest of the frosting when i’m finished. ”
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elencr · 2 years
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ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚    ―      ㅤ‘ TOL & SMOL. ’   | ACCEPTING !
       ❛  [ URGE ]  for the taller muse to tilt the shorter one’s chin up so they can look at their face.   ❜
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* .  ♡              her jaw hurt.  her cheek.  she hated being useless.  but she knew that there was no way that she could have fought back.  they were taller  ,  stronger  ,  everything that she wasn’t.  while she had her ability  ,  she couldn’t control it like she wanted too  -  there was no way that ellie would have been able to get away from the group of orions without a little bit of bruising.
                         she thought she had been sneaky  ,  avoided looking at @paramounticebound​ properly  ,  keeping her face away  -  but really  ,  there was no keeping anything from khan.  he used his height against her as well  ,  but she didn’t feel as intimated as she did out in the market place.  he tilted her chin upward  ,  tilting her face to the side slightly  -  he would be able to see the purple skin start to spread over her cheek.  “ it’s nothing. ” she mumbled trying to move her chin out his grip  ,  but he’s strong.  her own hands came up and rested underneath her chin.  “ doesn’t hurt that badly. ” that was a lie  -  if she didn’t know any better  ,  she would have thought her jaw was broken.
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