#| a path in falling snow ; a prelude in violet
yafaemi · 2 years
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In other news, have an Amandine
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You ever just.... have a lot on your mind..... so you just take pictures of your oc to feel better
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yafaemi · 2 years
So. In the aftermath of Endwalker, Amandine finally came to the decision to move away from her adoptive family's name. From here on, she's chosen the name Amandine de Vallain.
In the aftermath of the final duel, after returning to Sharlayan, Amandine fell into a brief coma for about a week and a half. During that fight, she was drawing on her own internal aether to cast spells and to heal what wounds she could. It took a considerable toll on her, hence her body shutting down to try and replenish itself.
When she woke up, however, one of her adventuring companions, Kairos, noticed something odd about one of her eyes. It had lost nearly all of its color, going from purple to silver. Their working theory is it was some kind of consequence of pushing herself so hard. Her sight is a little worse in that eye now, though it's not much of a concern to her.
After being told by pretty much all of the Scions to never scare them like that again with regards to her return to the ship and subsequent coma, Amandine finally started learning how to actually use a blade other than a greatsword so she'd have a reliable means of fighting without use of magic. Her blade of choice is a rapier! She isn't a fully fledged Red Mage, though. (...not yet, at least. Gods know that where there's magic to master, Amandine will be there.)
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yafaemi · 3 years
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Junelezen Day 5 : Fancy Clothes.
The day that Amandine doesn't make it a goal to look good as possible 24/7 is the day the world ends, frankly.
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yafaemi · 3 years
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#Junelezen Day 7 : Day.
Amandine refuses to swim in anything that isn't cleaned at least once daily/semi-daily. But that won't stop her from lounging near the water. (The seaweed probably will, though.)
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yafaemi · 3 years
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yafaemi · 3 years
which soulmate are you?
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it rises up your throat. let it be known that your friends are safe by your side as you're willing to fight whatever is necessary for them, but self-destruction is always around the corner waiting to pull them out to sea. you go with the flow of things but it's sometimes hard to stay within the banks of the river. people may see you as calm and relaxing, yet a flood is one misstep away. or perhaps a tsunami. you don't get to choose, and they'll love you either way.
tagged by: @under-the-blood-moonlight (much appreciated ^-^)
tagging: anyone who'd like to do this! i... honestly dunno if this is an older one or not. i need to get my bearings on tumblr again lol
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yafaemi · 3 years
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She's gonna be the death of me, somehow. Mark my words.
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yafaemi · 3 years
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Junelezen Day 4 : Weapon.
Amandine's staff has a name: Faith Unbound, named for her relationship to her faith. It's a reminder to herself of how she's never let her faith in Halone come between her goals.
It was originally a gift from her mentor- the one who taught her all she knows about magic. She's treasured it ever since.
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yafaemi · 3 years
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#Junelezen Day 9 : City State.
There's only one place that Amandine's heart belongs, really. Through fire and misfortune, she's always been proud to call herself a daughter of Ishgard, and that is unlikely to change.
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yafaemi · 3 years
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Junelezen Day 2 : Landscape.
Sydessin and Amandine both prefer to be alone when they have a lot on their mind. A good view, some peace and quiet... it certainly does them a world of good.
Twelve only know what it is that they're thinking, though. Probably better not to ask.
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yafaemi · 3 years
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better with age : amandine du aubrieault
describe your muse at ages of 20, 40, and 60.
20 -- Having only some few years ago learned of her adoption into the Aubrieault family, and her mother's desperation to keep that fact a secret from her, Amandine's early 20's are plagued with uncertainty. Everything that she thought she was, that she was so certain to be true— even her name— all a part of this grand lie. Already dealing with the struggle of figuring out who she is, amidst the constant criticism of her extended family, and her mother's sky-high expectations, it's a troubling matter which really makes the question of who she is even harder than it needs to be. A matter which is dealt with prematurely, through no will of Amandine's own.
40 -- 15 years after the end of her so-called 'self exile' from Ishgard, Amandine has come to true acceptance with the still-unresolved secrets of her lost biological family. The knowledge is there— protected fiercely by her brother, the only other surviving member of the family— and she is content to let it stay untouched. Though, the same cannot be said of the situation surrounding her adopted family— of whom Amandine has had no contact with for the better part of 17 years. A chance meeting with the newly appointed Lady of the house saw her at least acknowledged as a member of the family again. And— while Amandine vehemently refuses to see it as such— as a mentor to said Lady. Amandine is a strict teacher, yet a patient one nonetheless. She remembers well the lessons her mother imparted to her, and would see them put to some use. (Ironic as it is, that she's teaching the daughter of the woman who usurped her position in the first place.)
60 -- Through the passing of decades, Amandine remains as quick-witted as ever. Not that there really was a doubt— she herself has proclaimed that not even death itself will put a stop to her journey. It ends when she's ready for it to, and thus far, that isn't any time soon. Not when she has so much left to do. Having put down her staff some time ago, Amandine has instead raised a quill in its place. She writes all manner of things— though her true passion, she's found, is in poetry. Her works mostly focus on the importance of the self: discovering who you are, and the strength it takes to remain as who you are through whatever the world may throw at you. The importance of staying by one's convictions, to protect them with every fiber of your being. The dedication in those books are always the same: 'I would not be who I am today were it not for all of you. Wherever you are, whatever paths you walk, you remain in my heart now and forever more. Thank you.'
-- tagged by: no one! I think. o.o I just saw this going around and thought it'd be interesting to do with Amandine, so ya! ^-^
-- tagging: anyone who would like to join! This was really interesting to do, so I definitely recommend it. :D
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yafaemi · 3 years
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Junelezen Day 1 : Portrait
You ever just look at two characters and think 'wow, if you guys weren't so stubborn, you would literally be best friends for several reasons'? I'm doing that right now. :)
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yafaemi · 3 years
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yafaemi · 3 years
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Got the Peacelover's attire for Amandine. She's adorable and I dunno how to feel about this in a way
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yafaemi · 3 years
how do you die
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betrayed in the plot twist.
That shady ally you and your buddies have turned out to be a rotten egg after all, and you're their victim. The audience saw it before you did. Being stabbed in the back hurts like a bitch; I don't envy you, but take solace knowing your death was the single most pivotal moment in the entire story.
tagged by: @under-the-blood-moonlight (thanks ^-^)
tagging: anyone who'd like to join!
quiz here!
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