#| and played a [redacted] in Flower of Evil. he's gender but it's the extra slut-esque genre of gender iykwim
hallasimss · 1 year
hello! i am very shy so i will stay on anon but 👀 and 👂 for Sun-wook pls 👉👈
👀 : Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?
i don't want to say he uses it to his advantage as much as other people do it for him? he picks up so much attention even when he isn't trying to (Woosung said it i didn't *cough*) so if some of the said attention givers are willing to do him a favor and get a few things done for him that he asked for...... in his career or otherwise....... he isn't going to say no. not in this economy when people are usually so stingy in the first place sksksksk
👂 : Does your OC have an attractive voice?
Sun-wook has,,,,,, picked up several of his exes in the past by simply talking at the other end of room and then waiting for them to come and investigate so i mean uh. i would like to think so bc have you heard this man. tw for food during the rest of the video if you'd like to avoid that kind of thing but he has the kind of voice that needs to do asmr post haste. and anon i do mean post haste. when Hozier says he tries to talk refined 'for fear that you'll find out / how i'm imagining you' this is what he meant. anyway i may or may not be completely projecting here ignore me
send me piping hot oc asks!
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Vaughn Verdigris
Full name: Vaughn [middle name redacted] Baker Verdigris
Age: 30
Gender: Male (cis)
Pronouns: He/him
Alignment: Mostly good. His whole family is about 25% evil on their mother’s side.
Sexuality: Heterosexual/romantic
Species: Human/?
Race/Ethnicity: White (Irish and ?)
Nationality: American
Hair: Brown, short and straight
Eyes: Brown with flecks of green
Other: Goatee, will wear necklaces.
Fashion: Dresses like a very unfortunate lumberjack. Typically wearing outdoor boots, long patterned socks, and a rugged sort of indoor style.
Signature items: Wedding ring partially made of wood.
Body mods: Ocular implants for congenital eye defect.
Magic?: Yes
Magic: Emotional invocation, specializes in love magic. (As in, making the experience of a wedding extra magical, *not* as in making people fall in love against their will. Consent is important.)
Craft: Floral arrangement
Occupation: Owns and runs a flower shop.
Profile: Vaughn Verdigris is at a good place in life. He’s got a big family he loves, he’s married to his soulmate (figuratively--as far he knows literal soulmates aren’t a thing), and he’s a successful small business owner at the age of thirty. And he only cheats his finances with magic a little.
Despite being somewhat of an earnest dork, Vaughn is a pretty popular guy, especially in local magic circles. His mother is, after all, a pillar of the community and he’s inherited all of her people skills including the literal empathy. His magic, much like hers, is a form of emotional invocation, though he does so through the craft of floral arrangement. Of all the emotions Vaughn’s powers can invoke, he has a personal reference towards happiness, affection, and the affirmation of love. It’s the kind of magic that occasionally leads people to underestimate him. But never for very long. People always seem to forget that having a preference for softness doesn’t mean that’s all one’s capable of.
A challenge with magic like Vaughn’s is the constant temptation to simply “help” people through their emotional problems, whether they ask for it or not. Fortunately, he’s had a lot of practice balancing the natural urge to help with respect for people’s individual autonomy. There are times his priorities seem a little skewed (especially when it comes to finding friends for his introverted little bro), and there are times he strays into meddling (*especially* when it comes to etc etc), but he has a good heart and genuinely wants to help people be happier. Especially in a romantic sense (#GetHisBrotherABoyfriend).
Fam(ily): Oldest of the Verdigris kids. Happily married to his wonderful wife and trying for a kid.
Fam(iliar): A topiary phoenix (or “tophoenix”) named Sessile (ze/zem). Despite its name evoking a phoenix, the tophoenix is not usually shaped like a bird. Once a month, the majestic tophoenix sheds zer leaves and reforms in some entirely new topiary animal shape. Sometimes that shape is even easy to carry around. RIP Vaughn’s back.
Fun facts:
Loves to matchmake, knows every fanfiction trope. Keeps ice cream in his freezer for when his ships sink.
One time an assistant spent a whole hour awkwardly talking with a crush instead of spraying the flowers like they were supposed to. Vaughn’s response: gasp “Flowershop AU.”
Unconditionally supports aromantic, gray-romantic, and other aro-spec people. Romance is awesome *but only for people who actually want it*.
Big Harley/Ivy shipper, he just loves Ivy’s ecoterrorism and their two-messed-up-people-finding-a-better-way love story.
It’s normal to write Captain Planet/Self-Insert slashfic, right? (Narrator: It was not.)
A vegetarian, but not a jerk about it. Tells people he photosynthesizes when they bug him about his diet. May or may not be serious.
Owns a ukelele, likes to offer to play it when customers notice. He doesn’t know how to play. That’s his secret, Cap: no one asks him to play the ukelele.
Has an email list of people he trusts to take him down if he ever, like, goes mad with power and builds a moonbase or something. He’d like to think he’d build a moonbase.
Can perceive ultraviolet light which is really cool for looking at flowers.
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