#|| ' suffer no evil to live ' || { zerith }
morethanthedarkness · 9 months
A LOLTH-CURSED FAMILY // @morethanthedarkness / @neredoesnotfail
So here's a random backstory headcanon while I'm at work;
I have already posted something explaining how Zerith became Kar'niss. Or, at least, vaguely so. But here's a little extra that I decided upon yesterday while talking to two of my friends.
Zerith is Nere's older brother.
I already mentioned that Zerith bailed from the Underdark and that he only returned once he became an Oath of Vengeance paladin. This was largely out of the guilt and anger of what he knew his siblings were still trapped in. Anger at himself and Lolth and that entire monstrous system drove him.
Not only did Zerith return, but he tried to get Nere and Xalyth—their younger sister—OUT but they were caught, and that's when Zerith openly denounced Lolth.
Xalyth was young, likely. Confused. Didn't understand what was going on. But Nere was just old enough. Old enough that he had no choice but to denounce and condemn his brother, or to suffer the same fate.
[ The last thing Zerith said to Nere before he was taken away to face his punishment was, "I'm sorry that I failed you." ]
So, Nere doesn't say "Nere does not fail!" because he's being pompous. It's partially because he's not far from having a total meltdown.
He's had all this pressure placed on him for so long, because he was a second son to start, when being a son at all is bad enough. And on top of that, his older brother was a Failure and a Heretic. So he has to prove he's not either of those things. He has to prove he's WORTHY of serving Lolth. [ And then the Absolute once he's been stolen away from Lolth by the tadpole. ] He can never ever fail because his parents made clear the further SHAME that would bring them. And the CONSEQUENCES of such failure couldn't be more apparent. So he can't fail. He can't, he can't, he CAN'T.
As for why Nere never realized Kar'niss was his older brother, how could he with how entirely changed and warped he was? And Kar'niss? His mind was so utterly shattered by the transformation process and subsequent years in isolation and then the Curse, he certainly couldn't pull anything more than maybe a vague feeling.
But consider that perhaps the drider was subtly more protective of Nere than others… How odd considering, in canon, driders are extremely wary of drow who view them as abominations and will betray them in a heartbeat…
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tiifalockhart · 4 years
Pairing: Zack x Aerith
Warnings: mentions of death, alludes to depression and grief
Word Count: 1k 
A/N: Zerith is one of my all time favorite ships, and I really wanted to write something emotional for them. I hope you enjoy the angst hehe, feedback is always appreciated!
Ao3 || Masterlist
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It had been years since his death. The moment she felt a shift in the lifestream, Aerith knew that Zack was gone. Her heart broke, nothing would ever be the same again. All those letters she had sent... All those prayers she prayed... It had done no good in the end.
The emotional burden of loss was terrible to deal with, especially when the locals of Sector 5 questioned her about it. She avoided the conversation, responding with "I'm okay" in her usual bubbly voice. Elmyra knew that she hadn't been feeling the same, she even offered to help Aerith fix the wheel on her flower cart... But Zack was supposed to help her... It hurt too much to even think about, so she declined the offer with a sad smile, saying that she'll manage.
Aerith's heart had grown heavier and heavier with each passing day. Every day, she woke up expecting a letter or call from Zack, anything letting her know that she was wrong, that maybe he was okay. But nothing ever came. It was... Really hard to let go.
But then, she met a new boy. He looked similar to Zack, he wore the same clothes, had the same sword, he even had spikey hair. It was... So familiar, yet so vague at the same time. She learned that his name was Cloud, and offered him Zack's favorite flower, before parting ways with him in Sector 8. She didn't know if she was ever going to see that boy again, but the feeling of familiarity hung in her heart.
She didn't see him for another couple days until there was a loud crash in the morning after the Sector 5 reactor blew. Aerith leaned over the boy, calling out to him to wake him up. He was so familiar... So much like Zack. He even fell through the roof like Zack... What a coincidence.
So, Aerith stuck with Cloud, hanging onto that vague familiarity that she associated with Cloud. She went with him everywhere. They went to the orphanage, her house, even to Sector 6 (which she avoided like the plague). Suddenly, she heard her heart calling out to her, it told her that he was the one. She felt herself falling for Cloud, and she knew that was wrong.
She was still waiting for Zack, after all.
Eventually, she was taken away by Shinra, finding it a worthy sacrifice to keep Marlene out of danger. She knew that Sector 7 was going to fall that day. She prayed that Cloud, Tifa and Barret had made it out okay. When there was no disturbance in the lifestream, she knew that it worked, and they were just fine.
Eventually, she found the energy to come visit Cloud in his dreams, waiting for him as she tended to the flowers in their dreamscape. Even in this mystified world, they were still beautiful.
Finally, she heard Cloud's footsteps approaching. She stood slowly and turned towards him, offering him a sad smile. After discussing his next plans, she let out a heavy sigh.
"Whatever you do, you can't fall in love with me."
Those words held a heavy tone to them, as if she wasn't sure if she meant it. Aerith swore that she was serious, that she was still waiting for Zack. She didn't want Cloud to fall for her, just as she did for Zack.
After their meeting, Aerith awoke to find that disgusting scientist staring at her, his sickening, obsessive glare watching over her. She was safe behind the glass with no evident route of escape. Once again, she was trapped by Shinra.
She didn't worry, though. She knew Cloud was on his way, along with Tifa and Barret. There was nothing to worry about, Shinra couldn't hurt her no matter how badly they wanted to. Aerith simply stayed silent behind that glass, refusing to acknowledge any of Hojo's questions or threats.
Eventually, Cloud showed up, along with Tifa and Barret. They had come to rescue her, she felt so grateful. After a long and tedious process of escaping Hojo's lab, they made a run for it from Shinra, with the help of the Whispers.
Those Whispers were Arbiters of Fate... They were always with her. Maybe now, she could change what had happened. As she turned back on the road and looked up at the Shinra building being engulfed by thousands of Whispers, she silently hoped that this change made some kind of impact on their future, or past.
Everything went semi smoothly (if you ignore the whole Shinra army being sent after them). Aerith knew that they would make it... until she felt his presence. The suffocating evil sent chills down her spine as she turned to face the dead war hero. His wicked smirk, his hand clasped around the sword that had slain many beasts and humans, the way his cat-like eyes flicked between the five of them, holding a distinctive look of... Disgust, perhaps? It sickened her.
By now, she could hear the planet screaming out. It suffered because of him and Shinra, it wouldn't stop screaming as the giant beam of light blinded them. Sephiroth disappeared into it, silently inviting them to face whatever was beyond it.
This could very well be their last battle. This single battle determined the fate of many. Aerith was terrified to face it, but maybe... Even if this was where her story ended... She could save everyone.
She turned to face the other four members of the team, offering them a confident smile even if her eyes betrayed her. "We can beat him." Aerith stated, clutching her staff.
She didn't really know how wrong that statement would be until they entered the void. This was when it became clear. Everything would change after this battle.
And she was right. After fighting for their lives and risking everything, they ended the battle, defeating Sephiroth and Arbiter of Fate. Everything from now on would be different.
What she had not realized was that their past had changed as well. Unbeknownst to them, they now lived in a different world.
Aerith hadn't realized it until they returned to the church for extra preparations for the next step. What came next was unknown, and the team suggested that they take some time to prepare before setting off.
She returned to take care of the flowers one last time, her fingers brushing over them carefully as she smiled to herself. Suddenly, the doors flung open, causing Aerith to jump from her spot and turn quickly.
It was an unbelievable sight.
At the door, a tall figure stood, leaving against the door frame. He struggled to stand on his own, clearly beaten and injured. Confusion was evident on her features as she took a hesitant step towards the figure, before freezing. The world around her stopped completely, just as her heart stopped when realization hit her. A shaky breath left her lips as her eyes widened, a hand coming up to cover her mouth as tears welled in her eyes.
His voice... So familiar yet so unfamiliar.
He reached out to her, his hand shaking as it pulled her closer. He embraced her tightly, ignoring how she hesitated, still unsure if she were dreaming or not. Tears ran down his face as he gripped onto her, holding her tightly against his body as he cradled her.
"It's been so long..." He whispered, his voice rough, as if he'd been screaming for hours.
Aerith pulled away to stare up at him, cupping his dirty cheeks and feeling tears of happiness and relief fall down her cheeks. "You're home." She whispered, wrapping her arms around his shoulders tightly and crying into his neck. "I-I've missed you so much, I... How?" She asked, pulling away and looking over his body.
Zack smiled down at her, his expression softening significantly. "Thought you could get rid of me that easy?" He joked, which only made Aerith cry more. "Wait no- I-I was joking!" He stated, a look of panic forming in his eyes.
"I know." She whispered, wiping her face. "I'm just glad you're home." Aerith murmured, pulling him into another embrace.
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morethanthedarkness · 10 months
‘ i will either find a way, or i will make one. ’ // @dryadalismagicae { Na'elle }
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It has not been long that Zerith was returned to himself, a mere two days indeed since he was brought from that dark and twisted form that had skittered about in the shadows, clutching the light of that accursed lantern and ceaselessly uttering his praises of the Absolute.
His mind is still healing from being so fractured, so shattered, his body still feeling somewhat clumsy and unnatural after so many years with several more legs, yet even so…
He'll be damned if he will allow this horror to continue now that he is himself once more, now that he has been told how this nightmare might, at last, be brought to an end.
[ He owes it to Eilistraee—does he not?—and to the adventurers within this party that the broken Oath of Vengeance paladin turned Cleric of the Absolute had been rescued from his curse rather than simply struck down. He would not allow that debt to remain unpaid. ]
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"As I will see this finished and set right. If it is the last task that I do before departing to the hereafter, then at least this second chance will have been well-spent."
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morethanthedarkness · 7 months
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Astarion, I think, has the only canon, dialogue-confirmed height, which is 5'9".
Taking into account most of these people can't stand up to their full height to save their lives...
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Astarion is 5'9"
Gale is at least 5'9" because he slouches the worst of any of them, knees, shoulders, and neck. Might be closer to 5'10".
Thraeya is 5'11
Halsin is 6'5" or 6'6"
And then there's Gortash who I'm pretty sure is around 5'7" or 5'8".
For my other drow, I think I am going to ignore the game models because 😂 otherwise they're all WELL above-average height. Several will just be a little over average.
SO! Here we go.
Thraeya 5'11", as above-mentioned.
Szaryn 5'7"
Rhysedryn 5'8"
Tecothy 5'6"
Moy 5'8"
Zerith 5'10"
Selakiir 5'9"
Nere 6'0", at least
Xalyth 5'1"
Halisstra 5'5"
I do have more that I'm going to add soon. Once I do, I'll include them here as well.
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morethanthedarkness · 10 months
How It Begins // ZERITH
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tw; for transformation from drider to drow once more
It had been agony all over again, excruciating in a way he would never be able to articulate. Perhaps there are no words for such a feeling as to be twisted and broken into a form of horror and nightmare… or to be returned to what once had been…
Yet, the demigoddess of Eilistraee had been so careful with him… soothing… at least, as much as she could be with what needed to be done.
She had held him in her arms as though he were some dear, precious thing rather than a monster. She had worked her magic and all the while murmured soft reassurances to him in the gentlest voice he had ever heard and he had anchored to that even through his agony and his screams that no doubt drew the shadows nearer, the suffering of another such keen temptation to their appetites.
He clung to her and he listened to the tone of her words, even as he screamed himself hoarse, even through the feeling of flesh and muscle and bone being set back into place, reformed to its original shape.
His original shape.
Kar'niss the Drider no longer, but instead… Zerith, the [ former ] paladin who had denounced the Dark Mother and been punished for it, who had been ensnared within the web of the Absolute and made her cleric…
When all was said and done and he was himself once more, the demigoddess—Halisstra—had taken her own cloak from around her shoulders and wrapped it about his bare and trembling form, still holding him to her.
[ There now. You are past the worst and now need only afford yourself the time to heal. How brave and strong you have been to endure as you have. Breathe. All will be well now. All will be well. ]
It was only then that he had realized he had been sobbing, whether from pain or relief or the total overwhelm or maybe all of it and more. He had turned to hide his face against her, one trembling hand clenched into the material of her tunic.
She had not pushed him away. Had not cursed the display of weakness. Had not said that she clearly had wasted her time on one so useless. She had simply held him closer, wrapped in her cloak, and rubbed his back, pet his hair, reassured him again and again that he is safe now and there is nothing to fear, no further torment he must suffer.
He had closed his eyes and listened to the steady beat of her heart and the soft hum of her voice as she had addressed the others.
[ You should make camp. He is in no state to travel even a few steps this night. ]
It had been agreed amongst the other travelers and, even as she continued her efforts to calm and to soothe, the camp had been set up around them…
Only once one of the others had retrieved spare clothes and a bedroll for him had she at last released him that she might see to the others, though not before first pressing the softest of kisses to his temple.
He does not understand.
Sitting now—so near to the campfire with his [ borrowed ] bedroll itself wrapped around him and yet still feeling as though he freezes—he watches them all, strange pink-tinted eyes shifting from one to the next, only to snap back to another when they move too quickly.
What game are they playing? More importantly, when will it turn against him?
[ And why does that stupid little voice in the back of his mind try to convince him that it is not so? ]
If he could only get his [ overwrought and still healing ] mind to clear, if he could only pick up all the fractured and shattered pieces and bring them once more to a whole… surely he would be able to figure it out. He could plan and prepare for whatever the next step might be in this twisted game, but it all keeps slipping through his fingers…
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