#|| (sh.) tamaki x togata ||
Disillusioned | Mirio Togata x Reader
AN: This one’s got a lot going on! Normally, I have the reader’s synopsis (like age, quirk, and hero name) at the top, but this time, I’m gonna put it at the end of the story! Pronouns: She/her. Length: 4.3k words.
WARNINGS: Anxiety attack, gore (I describe a murder in detail) POOR TAMAKI TT^TT I'M CRUEL.
Summary: Mirio and Nejire find Tamaki during a panic attack and he tells them it’s your fault! But you’re innocent and your own boyfriend won’t believe you.
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(y/f/n) was dating one of the big three, Mirio Togata, and pretty much everyone knew about it. She seemed to bring the best out in him. Everyone always mentioned how they had rushed the relationship, they only knew each other for a few months before they started dating. At first, both Nejire and Tamaki thought the same, but as they got to know the (f/n), their minds were changed. They didn't believe that anymore, the two were practically meant to be.
So what went wrong?
(f/n) was always the sweetest, she was encouraging, supportive, and always striving to bring out the best in her friends. She was always cheerful, doing her best to bring smiles to her friends' faces. Whether it would be with silly stories, terrible (or good) jokes, with compliments- it didn't matter. It seemed like her goal in life was to make her friends laugh and smile.
So why? Why was she doing this right now?
"I-I c-can't!" Tamaki yelled, tears spilling down his cheeks that were bright red, his heart beating faster than ever before as he clung to (f/n)'s arm. "P-please do-don't ma-make me!" He begged, tear-stained cheeks getting redder if it was possible. The (h/c) haired girl scoffed as she walked Tamaki to a nearby alley.
"God, get a hold of yourself!" Shoving his hands off of her arm, she pushed him, making his back hit the wall. He cowered away from her, pulling his shaking arms into his chest in an effort to comfort himself.
(f/n) had brought Tamaki to a nearby cafe, telling him she just wanted to hangout. He went, against his better judgment, where she'd asked him to bring her some napkins, in a rather full cafe. On his way back, he accidentally bumped into a waitress carrying drinks, which immediately spilled. His anxiety spiked, apologizing profusely as everyone stared at him. He looked towards (f/n) who stared at him in shock... no... her face showed shock. Her eyes showed amusement. He panicked, frozen, unable to move or run. The waitress asked if he was ok multiple times, but he wasn't able to answer. Finally, (f/n) approached the two, hiding Tamaki behind her, holding his hand, as she explained to the waitress that he was just a bit shy. She quickly took him away from the scene, where he was thankful. That's not where it ended though.
Then she demanded he goes back in and gets their orders. He was terrified, already being humiliated once. When he refused, she commanded him to go back and his anxiety built up too much, finally ending in a breakdown.
So here they were. The girl glaring at the taller male, who was crying, shaking, terrified out of his mind. This wasn't her... she was so supportive and she... always protected him like Mirio. So why was she doing this to him?
"I'm leaving." She muttered, turning to exit the alleyway. Tamaki's heart sank as he fell to the ground and grabbed her hand.
"N-no! W-wait! D-do-don't go!" His chest was tight, it felt as if there was rope tightening around him, constricting his breathing. Everything was starting to close in, the walls and the sky. He couldn't breathe, his heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to explode, his mind was fuzzy, his body shaking uncontrollably, and the only source of comfort was (f/n). B-but she was leaving him!
She scoffed, a scowl taking over her face as she kicked his shoulder, knocking him back. The look of pure fear in his eyes would've made anyone stop and wrap their arms around him. But not (f/n), she just glared at him.
"You're pathetic." With that, she left. Sobs racked Tamaki's body as he clutched his chest. His extremely shaky hand reached for his phone, where he desperately searched for Mirio's name. Due to his panic, it took him longer than usual. But he finally got it.
"Hey, Tamaki!" His cheerful voice came through. All Tamaki could do in return was let out a loud sob, his words caught in his throat. Hearing his distressed best friend, Mirio's mind immediately went into defensive mode as he tried to get his friend to talk. "Tamaki?! W-what's wrong?! Where are you?!"
"H-h-help!" Was all the dark-haired boy could say as he covered his face with his arm, feeling so pathetic, alone, and terrified.
(f/n) frowned as she checked her phone again, not one text, NOT ONE. Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire all hadn't responded to her all weekend. She tried, desperately, to talk to them, but no one responded. It even seemed as if Tamaki had blocked her. She shook her head. Maybe it was wrong, they were busy students, with their work studies and everything. So they didn't always have time to talk to her, but she'd been busy this weekend too. She'd been helping her (parent/guardian) out with some errands and sadly, she didn't have time to go physically meet Mirio. She tried calling him a few times and every single call was sent to voicemail.
She walked to school, putting on a smile, in an attempt to make herself feel better. She wanted to calm herself, but she had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She went to her locker, normally where her friends would be waiting for her. They weren't there. She didn't have a class with them, since she was a second year.
She finally saw them at lunch, sitting in their usual spots. She immediately felt her heart calm when she saw Mirio, he just always did that to her. No matter how bad her days would be, no matter what turmoil she felt in her heart, he always soothed it. Just... his wonderful smile. She approached them, but her smile was replaced with a confused look when she saw Tamaki look up at her and immediately start shaking.
"T-Tamaki? Wh-what's wrong?" Both Nejire and Mirio turned with an icy glare, that shook the girl to her core. "H-hey g-guys. Di-did something happen to Tamaki?" As she tried to approach the terrified male, Nejire stood up, holding her arm out to (f/n).
"Don't come closer." She practically growled.
"W-what's wrong?" Mirio stood up, a glare of his own trained on the young girl.
"How could you?"
"What are you talking about? What's happening?" (f/n)'s confusion only frustrated the two standing in front of her. "Tamaki?" The (e/c) eyed girl look towards her shy friend, but her vision was blocked by both Nejire and Mirio.
"Stay away from him."
"What happened?!" (f/n) finally yelled, having enough with the cryptic messages.
"You know! You took him to a cafe on Friday, humiliated him, and then just left him alone in an alley during a panic attack!" Mirio yelled, but a quiet yell. He knew the last thing Tamaki needed was more eyes on him. (f/n)'s confusion morphed into horror.
"What?! No, I didn't!" She argued.
"Why would Amajiki lie?" Nejire asked, her hands on her hips.
"I-I'm not saying he lied! I-I'm just s-saying it wasn't me." The girl stuttered, scared of the two in front of her.
"Where were you on Friday?" Mirio asked.
"After school, I went to help my (parent/guardian) with (insert errand), I was gone all weekend. I told you guys!"
"Amajiki says you asked to go to a cafe before that." Nejire countered.
"I didn't do anything! I haven't seen him since lunch on Friday."
"Don't lie to me, (f/n)!"
"I'm not lying, Mirio! Tam-" The girl tried to go around the two to approach the male, who let out a squeak, making his two friends grab her arms and push her away.
"O-ok!" (f/n) yelled, as panic spread through her body. She held her hands out defensively, as if to protect herself, and backed up, pulling her arms from their grip. "I-I won't g-go near him."
"Why did you do it?" Mirio asked, the glare still in his eyes. She only looked up at him, desperation and fear in her eyes.
"I-I didn't do anything." Both Nejire and Mirio could still remember how badly Tamaki was sobbing. It took them hours to calm him down before he could partially explain what happened. They'd never seen him in that state, not only did it infuriate them, but it scared them too.
"Stay away from him and me too," Mirio said.
"Stay away." He warned. The girl looked away in anger, clenching her fists as she ran out of the cafeteria, bringing attention to herself. Of course... no one went after her.
"Sh-she's gone, Amajiki," Nejire said, in a much calmer voice, rubbing Tamaki's back, who was still shaken up from the incident on Friday.
The next few days, (f/n) didn't bother the group. They'd only seen her in the cafeteria where she came to buy lunch and left. Well... not really even lunch. She only bought (bag of chips/fruit), nothing to keep her healthy. They could see how what had happened affected her. She was pale, her eyes were red, she wouldn't look at anyone, and no matter how much her other friends tried to reach out, she'd shrug them off.
Of course, Mirio felt just as awful. He was practically in love with the girl. She made him better. All her support and encouragement made them better. Sure, she encouraged Tamaki, but never to push him to extremes. And she would, just like in the cafe, hide his body with her own if he ever felt overwhelmed. Now, she was just gone. It all ended so suddenly, so viciously.
If only... they'd paid more attention.
On Wednesday, the three saw (f/n) walking through the hallway. She didn't look at them, but they could see her face. She was pale, she had dark circles under her puffy red eyes, and her nose was red, as if she'd been constantly wiping it with tissues. She... looked so broken, but neither of them approached her.
However, on Thursday was a completely different story. They were getting ready for class, when (f/n) came rushing through. They all looked up at her, shocked when she looked back at them. She had a cruel smile on her face, her eyes locked with Tamaki, only getting bigger. His eyes widened in fear, he recognized the monstrous look in them! Before anyone could stop her, she zoomed past them, but not without the three noticing she had something in her hand.
What... was it?
The next week and a half, no one saw of her. Neither of the Big 3, none of her friends, no one. It's safe to say that the Big 3 were beyond shocked when they saw the news Saturday night.
"A young UA student by the name of (y/f/n) was found in an alley by two young women. The girl's body had been completely mutilated in a large garbage bag. Her murderer cut off her fingers, cutting them into multiple pieces, cutting her arms and legs at every joint, and cutting her torso into numerous pieces. Her head was decapitated and thrown into a separate bag to seemingly preserve it. Here's is what the witness had to say." The news anchor reported.
"I was walking past the alley with my sister. My quirk allows me to sense if something's wrong and when I saw that trash bag, I just knew something was wrong. I went to open it," The woman choked back a sob. "I o-opened it... and the first thing... I saw was the poor baby's head. Sh-she was so young! HOW COULD THEY?!" Her sister was right next to her, crying. The news reporter next to them continued to explain the situation.
"The police were called onto the scene immediately, where they called the forensics team. Although, young (l/n)'s body had been mutilated, it seemed as if she had bruises and cuts that had healed over a period of two weeks. Police suspect that she may have been kidnapped and tortured by a villain. According to her teachers and (parents/guardian), she had been here the whole time. Police are currently on the lookout for a villain with a quirk to clone or transform into someone else. That's all, back to you, Yuno."
Tamaki, Nejire, and Mirio's entire world shattered. Especially Mirio. It... wasn't her. The girl that hurt Tamaki, it... wasn't (f/n).
So who?
The school offered grief counseling for all of (f/n)'s classmates and friends. Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire were also offered the same and they chose to accept.
~A few Days Later~
The three were walking to (f/n)'s favorite cafe (not the one where she humiliated Tamaki). On the way there, Mirio spotted a familiar head of (h/l) (h/c) hair, pointing it out to his friends. The three immediately followed after the figure, who realized she was being followed. She took off, making the three chase her.
She entered an alley, where she zigzagged through the buildings, until she finally came to a halt. Her stamina must've been something else, because all of that running and her breathing was just fine.
"(f/n)?!" Mirio yelled, as the three stopped behind her, exhausted from the running. The girl turned around, with a bright smile on her face.
"Mirio! What's up?" Almost immediately the blond teared up, attempting to approach the girl, who's smile fell.
"Tch tch," She treated him like a dog. "Don't touch." Her (e/c) glanced at Tamaki, who could feel the fear return to his body. This was definitely the girl who humiliated him. "Tamaki baby! I missed you!" Her cheerful voice held a bit of amusement in the back. Slowly the cheerful look melted into that of lust... or what seemed like it. "Not gonna lie Tamaki, you're cuter on your knees, especially with that look of fear in your eyes... ooh that riles me up!"
"You're not (f/n)!" Nejire declared as the three took a step back. (f/n) would've never said something like that, something so disgusting.
"I'm not? Well... then who am I?" The three were defensive, especially Tamaki.
"Who are you?"
"Well, I think it's pretty obvious, I'm (f/n)!"
"No, you're not. (f/n) would've never done something like that." Mirio declared.
"Oh yeah? You seem like you know, (y/f/n) so well... but ever heard of a disguise? Did you know, some people can lie." She mocked. "Now, I'm well aware the term is new to you, so let me explain it. Some people, not all, can do this thing called lying. That's where they hide the truth from others. Ever wonder... if (f/n) was a liar?" She laughed.
"No, I would know it. She... never lied to me." Mirio said, with full confidence.
"Oh yeah? You didn't seem to believe her when she told you, truthfully, that she wasn't the one who hurt Tamaki." Mirio's heart clenched at those words. Not only him, Tamaki and Nejire too. "You know, Suneater. I thought you'd be smart enough to tell the difference. I guess anger isn't the only thing that can cloud your judgment. Fear can too."
"What did you do to her?" Mirio demanded.
"(f/n)? Oh, sorry. That doesn't concern you."
"Where is (f/n)-chan?" Nejire asked.
"Well, you heard on the news right? I mean if you really want to see her, I can try to help, but I guarantee that you'll throw up was you see the liquid goo that she's become." The villain laughed. "You won't even recognize her. Well... maybe the head. Did you know they placed her head in a separate bag AFTER they cleaned it? We wanted the police to be able to recognize her." Mirio clenched his fist- he was livid!
"Calm down, Lemillion. You can't fight me." She warned.
"Watch me!" He countered.
"Mirio Togata, hero name: Lemillion. Quirk: Permeation. Neijire Hado, hero name: Nejire Chan. Quirk: Wave motion. Tamaki Amajiki, hero name: Suneater. Quirk: Manifest." The villain stated.
"So you know about us, big whoop," Mirio responded, still glaring at his "ex". "Plenty of other people know us too! That doesn't stop us from kicking their asses!"
"Now tell me, what's my quirk? Maybe if you know, you might have a chance at defeating me."
"Probably cloning or something," Nejire answered, readying herself.
"Maybe. Maybe my quirk lets me create clones, maybe it lets me alter my appearance, maybe it lets me bend time, space, and reality. Maybe, I'm not even real. Maybe you're in a coma Mirio and you can't even distinguish reality from fantasy."
"We're here!" Nejire responded. "Amajiki and I know we're here."
"Yeah, you know you're real. How can Mirio be sure? Maybe all of you are in a coma and you're having your version of this dream, or I've brought you here in fantasy land to punish you. Or maybe," she smiled at Mirio as she touched her chin. "I've always been a villain." It was a hard thought to admit, but all three were just so damn sure (f/n) wasn't a villain! She couldn't be! She just wasn't like that.
"H-how dare you hurt an innocent girl like that!" Mirio raged, followed by Tamaki and Nejire. The villain scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"Maybe if you were a better boyfriend, maybe if you were better friends- better HEROES, maybe, just maybe... you'd notice that your precious (f/n) was being targeted by villains, but no." Her icy glare and words struck their hearts at an indescribable level. "I think you should just give up on your dreams now. Any other hero would've been able to tell that wasn't (f/n). I would know, I've tried that trick a few times and only you fools fell for it. Nicely done, if I do say so myself." She saw that look of anguish cross their face again. "Oh! Don't feel bad now! You helped me accomplish my goals! Hey! Maybe you'd be better villains than heroes! Ever think of that?"
"W-we'd never!" Nejire responded through her tears.
"As I said, I guess fear and anger both cloud judgment. Maybe if you weren't so angry at what I'd done to Tamaki, you'd be able to see that your (f/n) was telling the truth and that she was in danger." The villain repeated.
"You killed her." Nejire remarked.
"Let me tell you what really happened, Big 3."
(f/n) ran out of the lunchroom and kept running until she was out of the school building. So what if she missed some classes? She didn't really care. She... didn't do anything! She was innocent! Why would she ever hurt Tamaki? He was her friend, she always protected him. The girl rubbed her arm as she walked down the street, tears streaming down her cheeks. As she walked past an alley, an arm pulled her in.
Her mouth was covered when she tried to scream as she was pulled deeper into the alley. Once the assailant was happy with the distance between them and the main street, he pressed the girl against the wall, letting her look at him.
(f/n)'s eyes widened as she stared at glowing indigo eyes. The man was taller than her, extremely handsome. He had long black hair, pale skin, and a really, really pretty face. His hand gently wiped away her tears, but the girl winced at the touch.
"Shh, it's ok, love." He whispered, leaning in closer. He was already pressed up against her, it didn't seem like he could get closer. She couldn't really tell what he was wearing, but out of the corner of her eyes, all she saw was black. His clothes matched the darkness of the alley. No doubt... he was this close to conceal her body. More tears spilled from her eyes as she felt something stab her side. She looked down to see a syringe and immediately attempted to use her quirk to push the male away. "I don't think so, beautiful." Slowly, her vision went dark and she fell into the male. The villain smirked as he picked her up and carried her away.
"You're awake." (f/n) heard, making her heart sink. She opened her eyes and looked down, she was strapped to a bed, with that same guy leaning against the wall.
"P-please... do-don't hurt me." She begged, her voice hoarse. He smiled, approaching her and gently running his thumb across her lips.
"Trust me, I wouldn't. But that's not up to me. Now... maybe that could change if you joined us."
"Our little villain group." (f/n) shook her head as tears slipped down her eyes.
"Listen, hero. I know your dream is to be like All Might, but even he knows when to quit. Look at you, I can do anything to you. Now if you were to become a villain... I could let you out right now. Work with us and we'll keep you safe. At least... we'd believe you if you told us you didn't hurt someone." (f/n)'s mind immediately went to the incident between her and Mirio earlier.
"I-I didn't hurt him."
"I know, miss pretty, I know. Now look, a villain- a stranger- believes you but not your boyfriend. What a shame." His finger slid up to her forehead, moving her hair out of her face and pushing it away from her neck.
"Pl-please don-"
"Shh..." He whispered, watching as the determination from her eyes died. No one would come to save her, she knew it. He kissed her temple as a sob escaped her lips. "Don't cry now, I like it when beautiful girls like you do that. I usually like my victims on their knees." He laughed, making her face contort as she tried to move her head away from his finger. His tongue slid across his lips as he leaned closer. "Don't worry. You won't even know what happened."
She felt something pinch her arm and knew it was another syringe. Her vision started to get darker and her hope faded along with it. No one was coming to save her. No one.
"I love you Mirio... p-please h-help me..."
The man pressed a kiss against the unconscious student's cheekbone, her tears slipping into his mouth. Slowly, his body transformed into her.
"Now I can look just as cute as you." He whispered, walking out of the room as another man entered with a multitude of tools.
Mirio could feel his stomach turn as he heard the villain explain what really happened to (f/n). It was clear that she enjoyed their turmoil because when she saw their faces she laughed.
"Now, maybe I'm lying about all of that. Maybe I'm (f/n). Maybe (f/n) never existed. Maybe what you all dealt with was just a clone, you don't know what my quirk is. Well, you can't be sure. I'm a villain, you can't trust what I'm saying. I don't think any of you three will ever know if that body the police found was a clone or actually (f/n). I'll let you suffer from that forever." Silence reigned through the alleyway, making the villain laugh as he turned and walked away.
It didn't matter... either way... they were too late.
What if? What if they'd believed (f/n)? What if Tamaki had looked into the real one's eyes? What if... they'd just trusted her word. In her entire time being around them, she never gave them a reason to not trust her. So why did they just... throw her away like that? If... if they hadn't... what if she was still alive?
"Hey, guys!" The girl skipped towards them. "I got a great joke! Wanna hear it?"
"Of course!" Mirio responded with a bright smile.
"What did one plate say to the other?"
"Wh-what?" Tamaki asked.
"Dinner's on me." The three burst into laughter, watching as (f/n)'s eyes lit up with joy. This was what she loved. Making people laugh and smile, it fueled her own happiness.
"GUYYYYSSSS!" (f/n) squealed running to the three, jumping into Mirio's arms. "GUESS WHAT!"
"What's up, (f/n)?" Nejire asked, with a smile of her own.
"I passed my test!!! I got 100%!" She cheered, her face red from the happiness. They all looked down at her, their genuine smiles showing nothing but adoration for her.
"You did great, babe!" Mirio added, kissing her cheek.
The group sat at the table, waiting for (f/n) who had told them not to buy any food today. They were just talking to themselves when they saw the radiant girl skipping towards them.
"Someone's happy!" Nejire commented, making the girl nod.
"I made you guys lunch today!"
"Oh, you didn't have to!" The blue-haired girl responded as (f/n) slid them their boxes. they opened it up, smiling wide. It was their favorite food.
"Woah! Babe, you really didn't have to." Mirio commented.
"I know, but you guys are such great friends. I love you all and I wanted to do something nice for you." She smiled. Tamaki took a bite, smiling shyly.
"It's great, (f/n)."
"I'm glad!"
The three stared at the empty seat in front of them at the lunch table. Usually... that's where (f/n) would sit. She'd sit there and tell them jokes or something. She always kept the conversation going and truth be told, even Tamaki would agree, her smile... her radiance... it was brighter than Mirio's. She was truly a blessing, something God or the Universe, whatever, had sent to them. They... just didn't realize it. Not until it was too late.
Full Name: (y/f/n) Age: 16 Quirk: (y/q) Hero Name: (h/n)
Full Name: Unknown Age: 19 Quirk: Morph; able to morph into any animal or human granted they can see them clearly. Transformation can be perfected once the user has acquired the target’s DNA. Villain Name: Anonymous/Anon Villain Rank: S
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