#|| beerus muns you don't have to accept this as canon for your muse
sixth-destroyer · 4 months
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The blow wasn't hard, but it still knocked him flat onto his tail, which was still sore and healing. Champa looked up at his brother, who looked back at him strangely. Angrily. Loathsomely.
"You're not coming with me, Champa. You're staying here."
They'd been in so many fights before, but somehow this one was different. Beerus had effortlessly dodged and countered every swing of Champa's fist, every kick. When had he gotten so strong?
There was suddenly a startlingly bright light behind Beerus, and a tall blue man with shockingly white hair smiled pitifully down at Champa as well.
"Th... That's what you've been doing every night then? Sneaking away with that guy to learn how to fight?" Champa clamored to his feet, and pointed accusingly at Beerus. "Who is he? Where is he taking you?"
"It doesn't matter, you're not coming with me. Not this time." Beerus turned and waved. "Take care of yourself, brother. Goodbye."
Beerus had gotten a few steps away, before a rock clipped his shoulder and he spun around with gritted teeth.
Champa, shaking, reared back another. "You're not leaving! I won't let you!"
Before Champa could let it fly, he hit the ground, numb. The man had moved, striking against the back of his neck, and Champa crumpled to the ground.
"Lord Beerus, we really should be going now."
"... Did you hurt him, Whis?"
"No, my lord. He'll come back around."
Beerus wasn't Beerus anymore, and Champa could see him walk away, but he couldn't move. He couldn't stop him.
The collar seemed a little big on his shoulders, but Champa was still proud of his reflection. This collar had been passed down for eons. The stand where it had been lifted off of dusted and crumbling.
God of Destruction Champa. Lord Champa. He liked the sound of that.
He wasn't just the little brat that hid behind Beerus everywhere they went, he was going to have a title, an assistant, and best of all: power.
Power to make Beerus regret ever leaving him behind.
"Well? Shall we begin?" Vados waved her arm towards the door.
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