#|| gaevano | headcanon | shattered and revived.
badmusejail · 1 year
Shipping Status / Availability
Most people love shipping, right? Here's a quick summary of each muse and their interests! All ships are built on chemistry and while I don't mind you saying you'd be interested upfront, I will not force any muse into a situation that doesn't suit them. The muse ultimately decides what does and doesn't work. Please note that even if it isn't explicitly stated I will not ship adult muses with minors and it's a shame I have to say it.
Gaster: Although Gaster considers himself an aromantic asexual, he'd be happy to engage in such activities for the right partner and, in fact, is quite vulnerable to 'romantic' gestures. The exact type of partner he seeks is unclear, given that he's burdened by a heavy amount of trauma and anxiety and feels wrong sharing that with anyone, but he does appreciate empathetic, loving people that still know when to stand their ground against him. Given the nature of monsters, he's able and willing to carry a child for a loving partner. Shipping with a human isn't impossible but would require a great deal of development. Will not ship with: Frisk, Chara, Asriel, Sans, Papyrus Unlikely to ship with: Toriel, humans Likely to ship with: Asgore, variants of himself
Giovanni: Self-proclaimed as straight but also self-proclaimed as willing to fool around with men if it's entertaining enough. Willing to have both one-night stands and longer relationships and doesn't believe that a long-term relationship should be based solely on sexual attraction. Seems to be attracted to confident, intelligent types that are emotionally independent and respectful of Giovanni's choices and need for space. Will not ship with: Protagonists Unlikely to ship with: Members of villainous teams, including members of Team Rocket Likely to ship with: Professors, neutral parties
Surge: Straight. May participate in one-night stands but unlikely to ship long-term.
Oak: Generally unavailable as he's married.
Gaevano: ??? Probably not but I genuinely don't know.
Iroh: Straight; available, but more likely to simply goof around with the ladies rather than engage in any long-term relationship.
Ozai: Generally unavailable. Uninterested even with his canonical partner. It just doesn't end well. Arranged marriages / etc. are possible but don't expect anything other than disdain.
Weird Octopus: No.
Gemuse: Biromantic sex-repulsed asexual. He tends to be extremely skittish in regards to romantic situations (ask his primary ship partner) and shipping can be especially tricky given his job but it can work out in the right situation.
Giothornéc: Maybe?
Quentin / Major: Both are best described as demisexual but also more than willing to just fuck for the sake of it, with impressively low standards. They tend to prefer women but shipping with men isn't impossible. That being said, they're both incredibly traumatized borderline psychopaths, so ... I guess that's your choice. Will not ship with: Peter
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badmusejail · 2 years
giovanni’s 200+ year old ancestor is more literate in technology than he is
gaevano be over here like “i upgraded my phone to be 5g compatible but there’s still no news of fiber optic lines being brought into my city so i can stream my favorite shows at 4k”
and giovanni just like “the fuck are you talking about”
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badmusejail · 2 years
Marianelle Family Curse
I've talked about the origin of the curse in other posts, so this post is going to focus more on the effects.
In summary, though: the curse is a result of a grieving mother stealing the life of a forest to revive her son. The process was successful, but invoked the wrath of the forest's guardian, who cursed the son and his descendants to pay back the stolen energy for the rest of their lives.
Although the first couple generations were well aware of the situation, as years went on the story faded from memory; the symptoms simply considered an illness that runs in the family.
If you don't want to read about the details of a fictional illness, this is your single warning.
Some members are affected worse than others and there are those that go their entire life without having any effects from it.
The curse generally presents with a few major symptoms, but it can vary to some degree between those suffering from it.
Once the curse presents itself for the first time, it never goes away but it does go dormant and flare in its earlier stages. Those that have only recently developed symptoms only have episodes of illness and are asymptomatic the rest of the time.
As time goes on, the length of time between episodes decreases and the severity of the episodes increase; and eventually, instead of fully recovering from episodes, they begin to feel lasting effects.
The exception to this rule is Gaevano. As he was the original sufferer of the curse, he began with his symptoms in a progressed state, chronically fatigued to some degree.
The symptoms that most commonly present are as follows*:
*Gaevano, the resurrected son mentioned above.  Doriano, Giovanni’s older brother; deceased.  
Fatigue: The largest and most prominent symptom and a logical result of the curse's purpose to sap the life force from the sufferers. The fatigue can vary between simply getting winded easily all the way to being too weak to move; usually spiking in intensity when the curse flares. Chronic fatigue is common as the curse progresses.
Difficulty Breathing: Although the curse has no real influence on the lungs, it's a common symptom, normally manifesting during flares. Specifically, it's a psychosomatic feeling of being unable to breath; oxygen levels and lung function are normal. Doriano was prone to having this issue even in youth.
Trembling: Usually manifesting later in the curse, many individuals begin to experience trembling in their extremities. Gaevano suffered particularly strongly from this, but it seems less common in the newer generations, but sometimes manifests as an aura.
Disjointed Thinking: Many suffer from an inability to think straight, commonly as an aura ten to fifteen minutes before a full flare. For Giovanni specifically, realizing that he can't structure his thoughts and is shaky is an indication that he's going to have an episode soon. It also acts as an external indicator; as he and others tend to zone out as part of the symptom.
Unconsciousness: A less common result, some individuals do drift in and out of consciousness, usually at the peak of the worst episodes.  Giovanni passes out prior to the onset of a full flare; but due to the aura has learned to sit or lay down first.
Vision Disturbances: Some individuals report lights, lines, spots, or other disturbances in the field of vision. Gaevano, Doriano, and Giovanni do not have this.
Restlessness: It's not uncommon for the curse to make it difficult to sleep or otherwise disturb the relaxation of the individual. Both Gaevano and Doriano have issues. Giovanni does not.
Pain: The pain most commonly associated with the curse is described as a burning, electric pain streaking throughout the chest, sometimes radiating towards the shoulder and down the back. Even Gaevano only had pain in the worst flares; but it can be brutal; sometimes mistaken for a heart attack but lacking any biological indications of it.
Secondary Symptoms: An elevated heart rate and blood pressure are common during flares; two of the few measurable symptoms, and generally a result of the body's stress reaction to the flare. Similarly, the elevated stress can lead to a variety of other symptoms not directly related to the curse; such as a loss of appetite or unprompted aggression, or more drastic reactions such as triggering a genuine heart attack. It's unclear what exactly killed Doriano as his family declined to investigate (given that they already knew it was related somehow to the illness) but a heart attack is entirely possible.
The exact onset of symptoms varies.  Gaevano’s symptoms were cyclic; predictable to such a degree that he could generally tell how long he had until he had a debilitating flare, allowing him to plan his journey accordingly.  Giovanni’s hit suddenly and ferociously; usually incapacitating him within a half hour of the first symptom.  Doriano’s fluctuate wildly; spiking and receding without any indication of how he’ll be feeling a day or even twenty minutes from any given time.  
Although the symptoms are easily observed and reported, finding actual physiological evidence for them is difficult, even with modern medicine.  For Doriano, doctor’s guessed that he suffered from some sort of autoimmune disease; but never specified any one in particular; instead opting for symptom management as best as possible.  For Giovanni, seizures have been suggested.  In both cases, blood work, EKGs, MRIs, and other tests all return normal.  
As mentioned above, the family just believes that its some sort of genetic illness that’s passed down.  In general, the family is very sympathetic and does what it can to ease the burden and care for its ill members.  That being said, it’s still a very private matter and the family is unlikely to discuss it with anyone outside their medical providers.  It’s likely they, or at least the older generations, feel some degree of shame.  
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badmusejail · 2 years
So a potential concept / verse for Gaevano is that he never actually died.  (Or, well, not a second time at least.)  Essentially, the magic that bound him back into life restricted his aging -- he really hasn’t changed a bit since that fateful day.  In fact, it’s questionable if he’s even alive at all and not simply something walking the line between life and death.  
It was years later; after he had given up on finding a cure, after he returned to his home; after his children had grown, still around but fully independent adults.  He loved his wife; he loved her as she aged; as wrinkles began to set into her face and gray streaked through her hair.  In fact, it was her who pointed it out, laughing, cupping his face, you haven’t aged a day since we met, she said, and Gaevano shook his head with a smile and kissed her.  
(It was a few days later when he caught his reflection in a stream and realized she wasn’t exaggerating.  He genuinely looked exactly the same, and it was a revelation that struck terror deep into his heart.)
After all, he never did understand the full consequences of his condition, no one did, he never found anything on his journey, nor did he ever again find his mother after telling her to stay out of his life.
Of course, his wife and children knew about the curse; the circumstances in which it came to be.  But the world was a superstitious place; Gaevano had learned this time and time again, and he didn’t know how long he had before the greater population began to get suspicious.  
He stayed by his wife until she passed.  He watched, reclusively, over his children, until they too passed.  And once his daughter died, leaving behind her own children, and Gaevano looked no different than he ever did, he left Kanto for good.  
Where he went varied; he avoided places that seemed overly superstitious; he revisited his home of Kalos.  He travelled the world some years, settled down some years, and through it all, Chansey remained by his side.  He’s not sure how--if the species is just exceptionally long-lived or if his mother had done something--but he’s thankful for it, and couldn’t imagine losing her too.  
Years and years passed; so many that he quit keeping track.  So long later, almost certainly beyond a lifetime, he finally found some answers; found the people that his mother hailed from (or perhaps it would be more accurate to say they found him) and learned more about the curse he suffered through.  
Unfortunately, the answers weren’t exactly what he wanted.  The general consensus was that the curse was a part of him now; no less integral than his very heart, and ripping it out would have a very similar effect to ripping out said heart.  Certainly, though--ending it was an option if he wanted to die.  
Which prompted a serious question:  did he?
For sure, he was tired of suffering through the curse.  He missed his family dearly.  But...his grief was years ago, soothed by time, and in general, he enjoyed living.  Was his strife really worth ending it all?  Did he truly want to give up on life?
No.  He didn’t.  
But, these experts offered him a different solution; a way of understanding; encouraging him to embrace the situation he was in rather than fighting against it.  Allow the curse to take what it desires and take advantage of the connection at times it’s dormant.  
He still has periods of illness, some mild, some extreme; but exploiting the nature of the curse offers him some abilities; furthering his precarious balance between life and death.  They were abilities he never asked for, in a second life he never asked for, but he harnessed and used them nonetheless.  
It’s easily to summarize it as being Ghost-type; just as Ghost-type Pokémon aren’t necessarily deceased but rather having a fundamental connection to the line between life and death, Gaevano too walks this path.  Sometimes, walls are simply optional, and he can even call upon moves if he desires.  The crux of his magic, however, resides in spoken word; which evokes a subtle sort of hypnotism on the people he speaks to.  People are more inclined to agree with what he says or, his most common use for the power, simply forget he exists after he leaves their sight.  
Really, these abilities are secondary; he’s happy to just feel better and not always be on the verge of collapse.  He’s still a decent person at his core, and has no interest in using his powers to exploit others; simply wanting to exist in a peaceful life with his Chansey, seeing the world and watching how things change.
He’s still aloof and reclusive--arguably even more so--but he and Chansey will still do whatever they can to help the people they come across.  
(Unlike what would happen if a certain someone else figured out how to access these powers.)
Gaevano has no idea who Giovanni is; he can make a guess that he’s a relative, but he never returned to Kanto, never returned to that cursed forest, never returned to his place of genesis; left his family to live in their own peace.
He has been mistaken for Giovanni on a few occasions; and modern DNA testing has greatly supported his claim that he’s not who you think he is.   (Excluding the times he just walks through the walls and leaves prison at least.)
He just wants to live for himself; enjoy the second life that he was blessed with.
Unfortunately, it’s only a matter of time before unfinished family business catches up with him.  
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badmusejail · 2 years
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Much like the other ancestors we've seen, Gaevano looks a lot like Giovanni; hell, he looks more similar to him than his own twin brother! However, he has an unhealthy pallor to him, usually with dark circles under his eyes, and his hair tends to be messier. It's not easily noticable, but he's scrawnier too, and of course, has different scars.
The time period he lives in is flexible as "a long time ago." The details he mentions about early Kanto are easily discussed if something doesn't work for you.
I'm more than happy to play him in modern settings. Due to the nature of his revival, it’s entirely possible that he’s simply still alive.  If that’s something you’re interested in, let me know.
He's grouchy and he has somewhat of an anger problem, but he's a good guy. He and Chansey both will do whatever they can to help someone.
Unfortunately, he's doomed to never find a cure for the curse, because Giovanni's Canon says so. But, tragically, it is possible for him to find a cure for himself, but not his children. His children were born with the curse, which makes it more complicated to break compared to him.
He's usually bundled up in a hooded robe, carrying a large backpack. Chansey has her own backpack.
His full biography can be found here.
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badmusejail · 2 years
Gaevano Marianelle
"It's funny how the people brought back from the dead are never asked for permission."
Trigger warning for vague descriptions of grief, death, divorce, illness.
For all intents and purposes, Gaevano was an ordinary, hardworking man born long ago in Kalos to Walter and Mirabella Marianelle.
They lived a simple but pleasant life, in a village that coexisted with Pokemon but did not go out of their way to tame or train them.
Unfortunately, as humans were wont to do, Gaevano's village was attacked. An obedient young man, he quickly joined the effort to fight off the attackers.
But not all men return from battle and Gaevano was struck down, killed by a larger and more skilled opponent.
As such tragedy commonly does, it split a rift between Walter and Mirabella--but nay, not because of the death of their son, but because Mirabella refused to move past it. Walter begged his wife to mourn with him, to make peace, but Mirabella instead turned to whispers of forbidden arts, secrets her family had passed on for generations, dark magic that could possibly bring her son back.
By all law, Walter should have killed her.
He could not.
And so started a several year long hunt--Mirabella travelled the world, sought every corner, found every obscure piece of information. After all, if it was easy, everyone would do it. Along the way, she found the company of a Froslass and a Marowak; she learned all the secrets she could, and finally, she found her answer.
A vein of magic, pulsing with life, a ritual that could bring her son back.
In another continent, in an unassuming forest in a region called Viridian, she scorched her will into the ground, she called upon the strength of the damned, and demanded that reality bend to her.
The forest screamed, the ground trembled, the sky bled as nature was defiled, as life was stolen from its proper place and forced into a lost soul.
And Gaevano screamed too.
Aye, but thievery goes not unpunished--the guardian of the forest awoken by such grievance roared with unmatched rage. A guardian of life, nay it could not kill the newly revived man, but it could do much worse.
For when Maribella cast her spell, she had entwined her son's soul with the Life of the Forest and the guardian did not allow that bond to close.
What was taken would be given back.
Minute by minute, year by year.
As the effects of the spell disappeared, Maribella collapsed beside her son, and they cried. They were not both crying of happiness.
Gaevano was confused; years had passed, his father was gone, he was in a completely different place, magic was tearing through his veins, and the last thing he remembered was dying alone on the ground.
He was conflicted about the events that had transpired. Of course, he was glad to be alive, but everything felt wrong; every breath was undeserved; his body trembled with life that wasn't his, life that was slowly being taken back where it belonged.
Some days were worse than others. Some days he felt fine, almost as well as he did before, with only phantom aches of old wounds, while other days he writhed in agony, unable to stand or even sit upright, heart racing, every breath a struggle, mind trapped within a failing body.
But, they made it work.
Mirabella doted upon the child she worked so hard to bring back (to his mild annoyance) and Kanto was new and unique.
Such as the Chansey that Mirabella hunted down, presenting to Gaevano to help with his episodes of illness. Gaevano never had a Pokemon before, but the Chansey stayed loyally by his side.
It was a few years later when Gaevano met Izumi, a woman living in the mountainous area to the west. Gaevano wasn't sure how he felt about the growing tensions around the border given his past experience with war, but he he understood the passion of wanting to protect your home and was enamored with Izumi's gentle, loving personality.
They married, living within Viridian to help support the growing population and first had a daughter, followed by a sickly son a few years later. Such was a relatively peaceful life, only interrupted by Gaevano's own intermittent illness, until ...
When his son was about seven years old, Gaevano realized that his illness wasn't standard childhood sickness, but rather an extension of his very own curse.
His anger got the better of him. He blamed it on his mother--everything--and told her to get out of his family's life, proceeding to move his family back to Izumi's home village.
He couldn't handle the grief. He could accept his own illness, tainted by stolen life he never deserved, but to know his son would suffer for something entirely beyond his control broke his heart more than anything else ever had.
So did leaving them.
It was a hard choice to make.
But when his son was ten and old enough to help with some basic tasks, he knew he had to do so; that he had to find a cure.
So with a carefully packed bag, a set of warm clothes, and his Chansey by his side, he set off; on a mission to save his child, just as his mother did years ago.
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badmusejail · 2 years
Gaevano’s relationship to Hisui is ... interesting.  
On the one hand, the Galaxy Expedition (or at the very least, their leader) seems to be highly superstitious and that’s not a mindset that Gaevano wants to be hanging around. 
But on the other hand, the region has no shortage of legends and myths that could easily tie into his condition; quite possibly the biggest lead he has and he can’t honestly afford not to look into it.
So it’s probably a matter of stressed necessity. 
But he’s always stressed, so--
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badmusejail · 2 years
so some miscellaneous details since I'm not on my computer
Not every descendent is affected by the curse and those that are can be affected at various degrees. Giovanni's twin has never had issues with it while their older brother had issues since birth and later died due to complications from it, and Giovanni only started having issues into adulthood. It seems to favor men.
In general, once the symptoms manifest, they gradually worsen. Strictly speaking, the curse itself isn't lethal, but can cause secondary death, especially if the host is too pained or unconscious to eat and drink.
The family has forgotten that it's a curse, with no one alive remembering. It's mentioned a few times in some older records, but most people pass it off as superstition and blame the symptoms on genetic illness.
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badmusejail · 1 year
how would you describe your oc’s core aesthetic?
I don't have a sense of aesthetic which is why I never reblog aesthetic posts LOL.
But, uhhh... If I had to quickly give them something?
Gemuse lends himself more to rustic themes; sometimes but not always plantlife; especially more muted colors. The rough and ragged sort; ivy climbing up a vine. Homeliness. Belonging.
Octopus lends itself more to bright vivid colors, in the way that wildlife shows off how poisonous it is by how bright it is. Knives. Sharp edges. Seabeds.
Giothornec by nature is constantly changing and growing. Mirrors; shiny surfaces. Prisms. Perpetual change. Anything and everything. All colors. The motivation to be and do anything.
Gaevano plays into the theme of a lost ghost. Faded memories. Monochrome. Curled edges of a book. Frayed knots. Transparency. Emptiness. Loss. Passing through but never staying.
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badmusejail · 2 years
I've only had Gaevano as a character for a few days now but I'm already seeing some interesting similarities and differences between them.
If you want to start with the meta, of course their names are intentionally similar, and by coincidence, the beginning of “Gaevano” sounds like “Gaia” much like “Giovanni” sounds like “geo,” adding to the earth theme.  They both have a Normal-type partner Pokémon that stands at around 3 foot tall and weighs around 70 lbs.  
The war was a major turning point in Giovanni’s life.  However, despite literally being killed in his, the war didn’t have much impact on Gaevano.  Giovanni became obsessed with the idea of revenge, while Gaevano became obsessed with the idea of healing and fixing past mistakes, even if they weren’t his own.  
They both became distant with their parents due to their own choices, and they both came to regret the decision.  Gaevano tries to rectify it, but Giovanni never does.
They’re both distant to their children.  Gaevano eventually comes around and realizes that spending time with his family is more important than his own personal goals.  Giovanni, of course, never agrees with this.
Gaevano lacks Giovanni’s charisma.  He’s a polite and friendly guy, but he’s not going to be amassing a following anytime soon.  He could almost be described as aloof and reclusive.  Admittedly, most of it is because of his condition.
Gaevano has a temper, close to even being considered hot-headed; but his body rarely lets him follow through on whatever he gets pissed about.  But recklessness isn’t exactly an uncommon thing for him.  Giovanni is similarly passionate, but getting him angry is a rare event, and Giovanni never loses control even when he is angry.  
They’re both stubborn to a fault.  Giovanni has gotten better at accepting his flaws though and apologizing to those he’s wronged (at least on his side of the law).  Gaevano tends to resist any sort of change; even when he knows he’s in the wrong, pride keeps him from wanting to apologize.  
Giovanni finds relaxation incredibly important.  Gaevano is almost always uptight and stressed.  Time is very important to them both; but they have conflicting opinions about what’s important enough to use it on.  
Giovanni is more than happy to go into gruesome details about what happened in his past and in the war.  Gaevano is much more uncomfortable with the idea, and usually skirts around it as much as possible.  
They both share similar opinions that Pokemon are beneath them.  For Gaevano it’s more a result of the time he lives in, though.
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