#|| ianassa
Imma take you on that offer with the ROs family baby reaction -sarah
ROs families react to RO and MC's baby
The Emeraudes (Alceste's family) would be so happy to see Alceste and MC's baby! Claudia and Regina would be happy to give advice to MC and Alceste as Alceste's siblings entertain the baby. Eirene would be very stressed over the baby, freaking out when it sneezes or rolls over. Orin is going to manhandle the baby, causing Eirene to lose her shit. Lyssa's really the only one I would personally trust out of the Emeraudes with a baby (minus Claudia and Regina)
The Cornalines (Larisilla's family) would be happy, if not a little surprised, to see Larisilla and MC's baby. They really didn't expect Larisilla to become a parent at like... all and, honestly, they're not sure how long she'll last before she's had enough since she doesn't like kids. Deimus and Eunomia had really come to understand that they probably won't have grandchildren, so Larisilla's baby is pretty surprising. That said, Eunomia is the best with the baby, fawning over it and being a good grandmother. Deimus is an asshole and will use this to tell Larisilla she could've become the next Head of the Council if she just put her mind to it. Lachesis is pleased to see/meet her nibling. They won't see much of her and vice versa since she's in the temple but she finds the kid cute.
The Topazes (Dionys' family) would be thrilled to meet Dionys and MC's baby! I'm talking like a whole ass party, thrilled. Erato is excited to have a grand-nibling and spends the whole time weaving an intricate tapestry MC and Dionys can hang in the baby's nursery. Galatea is very interested in the baby. She and the baby would grow up to be relatively close friends since their age difference isn't too far apart (7-10 years, I'd guess). Atlas and Carya are shocked to hear Dionys had a child, although they do miss meeting the baby since they're off doing research. I'll be honest, Atlas and Carya won't be super present in the baby's life, similar to how they weren't a huge presence in Dionys and Galatea's life as they were growing up.
There's only one Disthene alive besides Somnia and that's her mother Ianassa. Ianassa is so happy to meet her grandchild. Part of her honestly didn't think she'd live long enough to see it because of her weak constitution and poor health. Ianassa is probably one of the best grandparents for MC's baby since child-rearing comes naturally to her. She does express regret that Somnia's father, Mache, isn't able to meet the baby, but she's happy enough to focus on the baby. She enjoys knitting and will knit the baby blankets, hats, little booties, etc.
... So I can't really tell you how Enyo's family would react since it's pretty spoilery and actually changes based on what the choices you make... But, I will say, that most of the time, they're either indifferent to the baby or don't care at all.
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bloodcursecycle-if · 3 months
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(may be updated as the story progresses)
Somnia's Mother
Name: Ianassa Disthene (née Pantelle) Gender: Female (she/her) Age: 50 Status: Alive Appearance: Pale skin with freckles, Long Curly Auburn Hair, Light Blue eyes Cursebearer Status: Unknown Bio: Ianassa is Somnia's mother. Like most in Somnia's village, she's nice, kind, and welcoming. She has a weak constitution and is often in the healers' house for one thing or another. She either doesn't know or refuses to speak on whether or not she has a Curse. Similarly, she was also against Somnia focusing on Blood Curses and potential temporary treatments. She did eventually come around to it as Somnia proved to have a natural affinity towards it.
Somnia's Father
Name: Mache Disthene Gender: Male (he/him) Age: 37 at the time of his death Status: Dead Appearance: Light Tanned skin, Medium-Length Loosely Curly Blonde hair, Green eyes Cursebearer Status: Yes Curse Name: ??? Curse Result: Cursebearer's lungs fill with water Bio: Mache is Somnia's father. He died from his Curse when she was 13 years old, which sparked her interest in Blood Curse medicine. He was described to be a kind and helpful person, often going into the wilds to hunt for meat when the village was running low on food and it was a bad growing season.
The Second Healer
Name: Ladon Jacin Gender: Male (he/him) Age: 26 Status: Alive Appearance: Tan skin, Medium-Length Wavy Light Brown hair, Pale Blue eyes Cursebearer Status: No Bio: Ladon is one of the other healers in Somnia's village. He's her childhood friend and they often work together. He's a polite and nice person and very dedicated to his work as a healer and his patients. He often takes care of Somnia's mother when she has to leave the village for jobs or gathering other herbs or ingredients or to study the affects of a Curse. He's a big supporter of her decision to focus on Blood Curses and her treatments and tries to help out when he can.
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gwensparlour · 1 year
Some Nereids design from the "Achilles, but Thetis raises him" retelling
AKA Homer gave me a list of name and so I can take them and give each one a personality
Clockwise: Callianassa, Melite, Ianassa
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glowsquidgod · 3 years
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[I made new characters]
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alicerozen · 6 years
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Poor sad, lonely mermaid baby....
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punkbuckybarnes · 4 years
reminder that when achilles heard of patroclus’ death, he cried so loudly the gods at the bottom of the sea heard him :) 
While he pondered thus in mind and heart, there drew nigh unto him the son of lordly Nestor, shedding hot tears, and spake the grievous tidings: “Woe is me, thou son of wise-hearted Peleus, full grievous is the tidings thou must hear, such as I would had never been. [20] Low lies Patroclus, and around his corpse are they fighting—his naked corpse; but his armour is held by Hector of the flashing helm.” So spake he, and a black cloud of grief enwrapped Achilles, and with both his hands he took the dark dust [25] and strewed it over his head and defiled his fair face, and on his fragrant tunic the black ashes fell. And himself in the dust lay outstretched, mighty in his mightiness, and with his own hands he tore and marred his hair. And the handmaidens, that Achilles and Patroclus had got them as booty, shrieked aloud in anguish of heart, [30] and ran forth around wise-hearted Achilles, and all beat their breasts with their hands, and the knees of each one were loosed be-neath her. And over against them Antilochus wailed and shed tears, holding the hands of Achilles, that in his noble heart was moaning mightily; for he feared lest he should cut his throat asunder with the knife. [35] Then terribly did Achilles groan aloud, and his queenly mother heard him as she sat in the depths of the sea beside the old man her father. Thereat she uttered a shrill cry, and the goddesses thronged about her, even all the daughters of Nereus that were in the deep of the sea. There were Glauce and Thaleia and Cymodoce, [40] Nesaea and Speio and Thoë and ox-eyed Halië, and Cymothoë and Actaeä and Limnoreia, and Melite and Iaera and Amphithoe and Agave, Doto and Proto and Pherousa and Dynamene, and Dexamene and Amphinone and Callianeira, [45] Doris and Pynope and glorious Galatea, Nemertes and Apseudes and Callianassa, and there were Clymene and Ianeira and Ianassa, Maera and Orithyia and fair-tressed Amatheia, and other Nereids that were in the deep of the sea. [the Iliad, book 18]
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thierry-facon · 4 years
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Confinement edition
                       //             Inventaire
« Et autour de la Déesse étaient rassemblées toutes les Nèrèides qui sont au fond de la mer : Glaukè, et Thaléia, et Kymodokè, et Nèsaiè, et Spéiô, et Thoè, et Haliè aux yeux de bœuf, et Kymothoè, et Alkaiè, et Limnoréia, et Mélitè, et Iaira, et Amphithoè, et Agavè, et Lôtô, et Prôtô, et Phérousa, Dynaménè, et Dexaménè et Amphinomè, et Kallianassa, et Dôris, et Panopè, et l’illustre Galatéia, et Nèmertès, et Abseudès, et Kallianéira, et Klyménè, et Ianéira, et Ianassa, et Maira, et Oreithya, et Amathéia aux beaux cheveux, et les autres Nèrèides qui sont dans la profonde mer. »  
( Homère, L'Iliade )
My portfolio
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telekineticseer · 4 years
💋 but from Ianassa~
Send 💋 if your muse wants a kiss from mine
Will blinked before smiling at the mermaid’s request, she wanted to be kissed by him huh? Well how could he possibly say no when she asked so cutely. Wrapping his arms around her waist, the tall metahuman pulled her into a warm embrace and leaned his head down until his lips were pressing against her soft ones in a warm, passionate kiss. Letting out a soft hum, he tried to keep it going as long as possible, greatly enjoying kissing the silver haired mermaid. “Mmmm~”
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mothermishy · 4 years
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IANASSA by Carol Hannah
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spannycattheogony · 4 years
Alternative Theogonies 1: Homer’s Theogony
Chapter 1: Homer’s Theogony  (c. 750-725 BC)
Homer Iliad 14.200: Okeanos, whence the gods have risen, and Tethys our mother who brought me up kindly in their own house, and cared for me and took me from Rheia, at that time when Zeus of the wide brows drove Kronos underneath the earth and the barren water. {p. 168}. 
Homer Iliad 14.255: Night who has power over gods and men… Zeus let be, though he was angry in awe of doing anything to swift Night’s displeasure. {p. 169}. 
Homer Iliad 5.898: dropped beneath the gods of the bright skys ouraniones]. {p. 66}.
Homer Iliad 14.295: that time they [Zeus and Hera] first went to bed together and lay in love, and their dear parents knew nothing about it. {p. 170}.
Homer Iliad 8.479: The undermost limits of earth and sea, where Iapetos and Kronos seated have no shining of the sun god Hyperion to delight them nor winds' delight, but Tartaros stands deeply about them. {p. 95}.
Homer Iliad 14.277: all those gods who live in the Pit, and who are called Titanes. {p. 170}.
Homer Iliad 13.361: Indeed, the two [Zeus and Poseidon] were of one generation and a single father, but Zeus was the elder born and knew more. {p. 155.}
Homer Iliad 15.187: We are three brothers born by Rheia to Kronos, Zeus, and I [Poseidon], and the third is Hades, lord of the dead men. And in three-fold wise are all things divided, and unto each hath been apportioned his own domain. I verily, when the lots were shaken, won for my portion the grey sea to be my habitation for ever, and Hades won the murky darkness, while Zeus won the broad heaven amid the air and the clouds; but the earth and high Olympus remain yet common to us all. {p. 178}.
Homer Iliad 5.370: Aphrodite fell at the knees of her mother, Dione. {p. 56}.
Homer Odyssey 8.305: Aphrodite daughter of Zeus. {p. 378}.
Homer Iliad 18.37: along the depth of the sea were daughters of Nereus. For Glauke was there, Kymodoke and Thaleia, Nesaie and Speio and Thoe, and ox-eyed Halia; Kymothoe was there, Aktaia and Limnoreia, Melite and Iaira, Amphithoe and Agaue, Doto and Proto, Dynamene and Pherousa, Dexamene and Amphinome and Kallianeira; Doris and Panope and glorious Galateia, Nemertes and Apseudes and Kallianassa; Klymene was there, Ianeira and Ianassa, Maira and Orithyia and lovely-haired Amatheia, and the rest who along the depth of the sea were Nereides. The silvery cave was filled with these. {pp. 221-222}.
Homer Odyssey 8.310:  I [Hephaestus] am misshapen from birth, and for this I hold no other responsible but my own father and mother. {p. 379}.
Homer Odyssey 11.576: And I saw Tityos, Earth's glorious son, lying in the plain, and sprawled over nine acres. Two vultures, sitting one on either side, were tearing his liver, plunging inside the caul. With his hands he could not beat them away. He had manhandled Leto, the honored consort of Zeus, as she went through spacious Panopeus, toward Pytho. {p. 417}. 
Homer Iliad 4. 440 (c. 750-725 BC): And Hate [Eris] whose wrath is relentless, she is the sister and companion of murderous Ares. {p. 47}
Source: The Iliad and The Odyssey of Homer, translated by Richmond Lattimore, published by Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1993.
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kimsonvalon · 4 years
Écouter / acheter: Ianassa Alga Miraggio de Francesca Heart
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art-now-usa · 4 years
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Ianassa, Stevyn Llewellyn
Ianassa, a rendering of a mythological nereid inspired from Greek mythology
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xdragonsofavaloria · 5 years
@alicerozen (Ianassa)
The Emerald Coast was sparking pretty big that day when Gabriel decided to go. His sister was in school, grouching and groaning at the fact that she stole a ring and had to be punished for it, but he had to let her do it. So he shifted into his dragon form, a rare White Dragon, and flew off towards the Emerald Coast. He landed near the water and curled his wings up to go to sleep, letting the water lull him to sleep. He couldn’t remember how long he slept, because he opened his eyes and looked into a pair of beautiful multicolored ones. “Hello?” he said slowly, blinking and raising his head.
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alicerozen · 4 years
🎥 Who is my muse’s celebrity crush? (for anyone)
OOf hmmm, I think. (All of the ladies like Henry Cavill though...uwu) Alice would like Chris Evans, Emme stone Sabella would like Ryan Reynolds, Anna Kendrick Ethine would like Jared Padalecki, Taylor swift Alexander would like Sophie turner and Emilia Clarke. Amarantha wouldn’t have one and Ianassa has no idea what a celebrity is XD
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wiintersoldierrps · 5 years
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Hey guys !! Sorry for the erupt leave, some shit happened but it’s all good now. Now, I present a list of well over 50 names you could use for mermaid characters, or any character, really !! Here you guys go. Enjoy !! Adella Adva Alana Amarine Amberly Ambra Ambre Amphitrite Amatheia Anahita Anaitis Aerwyna Andrina Aqua Aquata Araxie Ariel Arista Asherah Asia Asrai Attina Ava Avalon Azalea Beatrice Brizo Bahia Beste Bethesda Binda Cadence Cadenza Calder Calista Caniad Cannia Cappella Carmita Carmya Chalsie Chantel Cora Calypso Ceto Cleodora Coralia Daryah Deema Delphin Diana Dione Dominique Doris Dorie Dover Esther Faridah Fisher Fisk Fontaine Fontana Gatha Genevieve Greata Galene Halia Havelock Hydra Iaira Ianassa Ianthe Imogen Inna Isla Jemma Jule Jewel June Kai Kendra Kyma Koral Koralline Lola Laguna Lulu Lyra Lorelei Luna Madison Maira Maeve Maraja Marina Maris Mazu Meimadeline Melite Melody Meltem Memory Miranda Mishell Moana Molly Muirgen Muirin Nabia Naia Nereida Nerida Nerissa Neso Nimiane Nix Nixie Ocarina Oceane Odelette Ormanda Ondine Oona Pearl Pasha Portumnis Raga Rani Reeta Riva Rosemary Sabrina Salacia Sedna Senara Sequana Sereia Shellina Sinann Sirena Sirene Susanoo Sybil Tethys Thaleia Thessalonike Thetis Thoe Triteia Una Ula Valdete Valmira Vanora Vela Vevay Vilmaris Venus Viviane Waterford Wave Waverly Whitney Yara Zale Zimra
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redbirdonatree · 4 years
Francesca Heart - Ianassa Alga Miraggio (2020) FULL ALBUM
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