hirako5hinji · 2 years
random non-contextual drabble of a conversation between aizen and shinji post!TYBW:
          Once again, that Aizen is being so forthcoming is…difficult to fathom. The tendency to overthink when it comes to this man is strong, as always. Layers upon layers of silken deception and subterfuge over the centuries has rendered Shinji unable to simply, blindly, trust in his senses anymore when it involves all that comes from Aizen. Every word, every gesture, every unspoken nuance. The urge to reexamine and carefully pore over it all, turn them around and around in his mind, mulling them over like maybe they will reveal hidden secrets if he looks hard enough. But that is also dangerous. Sometimes, the truth is as is. It is really not that deep. There are no buried depths to unearth.
               “ Yes, barely. The Quincy sure kicked our asses good. ” Shinji does not deny, because Aizen is right. Woefully unprepared and taken off guard, struck repeatedly again and again in quick succession by a shattering series of turbulences that had shaken the Gotei to its core in recent times, the biggest of which was the audacious coup d’état perpetrated by none other than this man before him. Yet he still has the gall to sit there and talk about how he was the one who saved the day (true and undeniable, for without that strength surely they would have been destroyed), but Shinji cannot help but think that a lot of those lives lost as collateral damage could also have been preserved, if this man who claimed to only want to help had done so in a way that hadn’t weakened the Gotei to the point where it was finally advantageous for the Wandenreich to attack in the first place. The resentment is real. The simmering anger, impossible to ­mask. “ Are ya seekin’ praise or credit for yer meritorious deeds? Isn’t this- ” he gestures vaguely to the quasi-pleasant surroundings of the man’s paroled residence; it is at least head and shoulders, hell, an entire torso above the black pit of despair that is Muken. “ - already a nod of recognition towards yer merciful intervention, even when ya provided it with such great reluctance? ”
          The thread of sarcasm that leaks from his tone annoys him, because the control of emotion is something he very much desires to keep a tight rein on whenever Aizen is concerned…but that is slowly unraveling too, in frustration. A weapon of war, Aizen had bitterly labeled himself, but aren’t they all? This is the type of world they exists in; fight to live or perish by the wayside, and Kyouraku had dragged Aizen out kicking and screaming to perform his duty. He pauses, takes a deep breath and holds it, counting the seconds for as long as he can until the disquiet is silently strangled out of existence, his lungs starting to burn. Then, he exhales…and breathes.
               “ …Yer right. Yer strength saved us all. I’m grateful ya fought on our side. ” And he is. He really is. There was true hopelessness and despair, the day the Wandenreich invaded. He can still taste it now, the raw acridness of smoke and fire and destruction, the sharp tang of blood and terror and wailing grief in the air. They were so close to losing it all, until Aizen’s power surged and he pulled off that spectacular act of sacrifice completely out of the left field, buying precious time for Ichigo to finish Yhwach. Even now, Shinji wonders at the other’s motive, wonders why the other chose to do what he did, even if he knows that he will likely never get a straight answer. His eyes continue to seek Aizen’s firmly, trying to read beyond what the other allows him to see. His voice…softens. “ Why couldn’t ya have chosen to do that from the start? Ya already knew that ya couldn’t convince Yamamoto, of course ya wouldn’t be foolhardy enough to seek that direct path. There are other routes; did ya even try? How could it be that yer immediate conclusion was to plan a bloody coup? What the hell were ya even thinking? ”
          Kyouraku, Ukitake. Even Unohana. The previous Soutaichou was notoriously rigid and unyielding, but even a leader would not be able to lead if his followers refused to follow. And Aizen have proven himself charismatic and strong. Inspiring, even. He had been told that the younger Shinigami had idolized him, during his tenure as Shinji’s successor and predecessor. Yet oddly enough, he steered clear of the older Captains and kept his activities low profile. “ I mean it when I say that ya’ve got no faith in yerself. I ain’t referrin’a strength and intelligence, because in those yer excessively proficient and we all know it. I’m talkin’ ‘bout yer inability to establish genuine connections with others, in a way that exposes yer vulnerability. ” All his followers were younger…and depended on him to a certain extent. Even Gin and Kaname. Even his ranks of arrancars and espadas, who were all beholden to him in a way that placed them in a lower position below him, however powerful they were independently. “ Rather than not botherin’a establish trust because ya’ve got no need for it, isn’t it more because ya’ve got no faith in yer own ability ‘ta earn trust, in a way that does not involve using yer power as a crutch or a bargaining tool? ”
          He wants to hunch up like some tortoise, defensive and protective, as if Aizen will take something of value otherwise. Tensed…but also knowing all too well that the other man is not wrong with his pointed remarks. But neither is Seireitei, at least not in the ruling that had resulted in a one-hundred-year long exile for them who have been maligned and tarred, their reputations dragged through the mud and blackened…for a sin not of their choosing. Once upon a time, he was angry. Once upon a time, he raged, and he roiled with seething hatred. He was through with it all. In denial. In bargaining. In grief. And then, finally, acceptance. The past was the past. The years have tempered his fury and smothered the helpless impotence of being abandoned by the very organization they are meant to die for, that will also leave them to die unyieldingly. But this and that, are two different things.
          Shinji glares exasperatedly at Aizen. “ Funny ya brought that up, seein’ as YOU were the whole main cause of our miseries. Ya wanna be thanked again, is that it? ” If Shinji is still disappointed in Seireitei and the Gotei, it is not because they had once been deemed dangerous and had to be exiled for their conditions. Because that was the truth. Back then, they had been out of control, completely out of their minds and irrational, driven by howling instinct and violence. Dangerous and corrupted beings entirely unknown as a new, forbidden hybrid of powerful entities. They were a high-risk peril not just to themselves, but to everyone around them. Those were all true. Until they had been stabilized, until they learned that it was possible to control the feral, corrupted entities that lurked in their souls…there was no telling if they would go berserk and destroy everything in their way until they had to be put down like rabid animals. Coming from the Gotei’s purview, Shinji understands that trepidatious reservation.
               “ I don’t disagree that Seireitei is too entrenched in tradition and unyieldin' laws…and I don’t disagree that a fresh start might be ideal…but so what? ” he scoffs, gaze still hard, voice still low. “ How will yer leadership be any better? You, who turned us against our will, you, who made use of anyone and everyone like expendable pawns just for yer own agenda. You, who could not even spare yer own allies and the innocent. A hundred years passed, and in all that time ya managed to do more harm than good to the people whom you were s'posed to look out for. Is this yer definition of a better system? Seireitei as she is now is full of monsters, true. ” 
          Because even Shinji, himself, has to become one whenever it is necessary. 
               “ But do not think, not for even a second, that yer not also one of them. ”
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donner-katze · 2 years
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          she’s eyeballing jimmy choo’s new sailor moon crystal boots 
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acrins · 5 years
tag drop.
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grcysns-blog · 6 years
imma pick the world up and imma tagdrop  it on yo fuckin’ head.
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kimcrv-blog · 6 years
tag drop.
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unbittxn · 6 years
“You asleep?”
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❝ no. i tried, it’s just.. ❞
「 𝙨𝙝𝙚 sighed, shifting awkwa--rdly where she sat. clementine definitely appreciated james’ com-pany -- hell, she felt almost indebt--ed to him at this point -- but thatdidn’t help ease the anxiety shewas currently feeling. she had toomany fears in her mind to be ableto sleep right now. 」
❝ i don’t think i can tonight. ❞
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valdezmisfits · 6 years
sabrina tag dump.
to look up a specific sabrina with someone else interaction just put in ( isabrina!and the other character’s full name ) and phone stuff will be ( psabrina!and the other character’s full name )
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hirako5hinji · 2 years
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these two are exactly the same image and nobody can tell me otherwise
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hirako5hinji · 2 years
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          Today is Wife Appreciation Day...but he has no wife to appreciate at the moment...
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hirako5hinji · 2 years
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@shinsaki​ i cannot believe ya never heard of crayon shin-chan; yer dad, aunts and theirs friends prolly grew up watchin' the series-
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hirako5hinji · 2 years
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          He’s decided to keep the pink hair...for now. It’s just in time for autumn, anyway-
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hirako5hinji · 2 years
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What type of love do you embody?    
Love As Light
[ love as a luminous force—warm, radiant, and golden ]  when mary oliver wrote "light of the world hold me” and when charles bukowski said “I look at her and light goes all through me” and when david viscott said “to love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides" and when e. e. cummings said “lovers alone wear sunlight”
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               “ Love as light? I s’pose if you don’t see all of yer lover and still love ‘em regardless, is it still considered love? ”
tagged by @soulxfragments [ thank you, lunar! ] Tagging: @oftagetes, @endhell, @mccncutter, @stovthearted (for kensei!), @desuetmort​, @semplicementerojuro​, @sphaeraa​, @codename-freya​, @lieu10nant​, @keikakudori​​, @gotthcit​ (for nnoitra!), @jaegrjaquez​, and whoever wishes to do this, just tag me! 
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hirako5hinji · 2 years
thinking about the palace cats that live in the forbidden city today!!! - they are neutered strays that come and go as they please but the palace groundskeepers know all 200++ of them by sight and they are fed and regularly brought to the vets to ensure they are healthy. they help control the rat/vermin population and the museum curators say that not a single piece of cultural relic has ever been damaged by cat claws!! these kitties have a strong fanbase amongst the palace enthusiasts and have their own social media accounts, it’s also kinda cool that some of these cats are the descendants of the felines that used to be the pets of the imperial family uwu
so now we’re thinking of the stray cats that wander around the gobantai rent free - they are also allowed to come and go as they please, and the daily feeding of the cats is an official duty listed on the duty roster-
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hirako5hinji · 2 years
the one and only time momo left shinji to do up the annual gobantai recruitment poster: 
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hirako5hinji · 2 years
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whats your red flag
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          Opens mouth. Closes mouth. Opens mouth agai-
               “ I’ve zero idea what you mean. ”
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hirako5hinji · 2 years
You look good wearing what?
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               “ Well, I see absolutely nothin’ wrong with this tastefully curated list- ”
Tagged by: @hismama​ [ thanks for the tag, fwen!! <3 ] Tagging: @kyuubantai (Kensei!), @strcngered (Mashiro!), @oftagetes, @sphaeraa, @codename-freya, @madaramee, @softmortem​, @kisshuns, and whoever wishes to do this, just tag me! :D
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