#Β° ☩ 、 𝐈𝐍. ΒΈ there is a heart of a knight inside that body 、a body of a corpse.
crusaderce Β· 1 month
β€œ Please don't leave me. ”
⁽ @soverina ⁾ ― : meme - prompted ( not accepting )
How long has it been since he heard such a plea- one that was meant only for him to hear, one that was meant to persuade and convince him to turn back. Perhaps it has been a few years, hundreds, centuries- so long ago that the whispers of those who had said them before were long gone. A tiny speck in a pile of ash- and yet even so ... one would think a VAMPIRE would be able to continue walking- the plea of a human was something that should fall deaf to his ears. And yet Crowley found himself stuck, no longer could he will his boots to continue moving nor could he force his stance to remain faced away from the voice that called to him- perhaps the regret shall come later as he would turn his body.
He would hate to admit it, but he knew when he would see those crystal blue eyes that he would be rendered helpless. Others would laugh at such a sight, the very IDEA that he- Crowley Eusford, a Ruthless Progenitor- would turn at the plea of a human woman. And yet here he was, eyes settling on her form and confliction in a hear that has long sense stopped beating. But if that was the case, then why must it twist in his chest so painfully ?
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The WHISPERS OF WAR- chanted in his ears, to turn and continue down the path that could very well lead to self destruction. Such a world like this has become, a world that was ready to drag everything it could seize its claws into. And Crowley finds himself weak, but not to the thorns that would pierce into his skin. Wishing to drag him into hell, but instead he found himself weak against a woman that has chipped away at a wall- watching it crumble and standing on top of the bricks and declared her desires for the world to hear. Crowley cannot remember when he has seen someone so BRAVE & yet so f r a g i l e appearing ...- she was an enigma on its own. Someone that could face the cruelest of words and retort. Someone that would beg a monster like him not to leave, and Crowley found himself wavering.
Maybe he was pathetic, or maybe he was allowing desires that had been covered in layers of dust and cobwebs to finally crawl up to the surface. Just as when his large hand would go about cradling the side of her head- she could so easily fit in the palm of his hands.
He could crush her with one hand, but she could destroy him with a single sentence.
His body bends as his forehead presses against her own- the clashing of harsh scarlet against the water blue eyes made him wonder just how someone could ask him to stay, " It's quite frightening to know how much a word from you can make me bend ... " It was scary to know how much influence she had over him, and how much he allowed her to have.
" ... Ask me once more, and I won't be able to leave you ever again. "
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crusaderce Β· 8 months
β€œDon’t worry Lord Crowley, I’ll beat up Ferid for you!” Rin proclaimed as he confidently placed his hands on his hips. β€œAfter all that training you’ve helped me with, I’m sure I can beat him easily!”
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" Uh .... " For a moment, he says nothing- finding himself a bit loss of words. Then a sigh, soon followed by a chuckle as a hand would reach out and drop onto the blonde's head, fingers ruffling the hair into a mess.
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" I'm sure you will, kid. "
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crusaderce Β· 1 month
❛  how stupid do you think i am?Β  ❜ { from Rin <3 }
⁽ @childoflegend ⁾ ― : meme - prompted ( accepting )
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" I don't think you want me answering that, kid. " Crowley has always known to have a blunt tongue- often times not caring for the lack of decorum when he could afford to get away with it. This, was one of those situations. With such a blunt question, he briefly wondered if this was suppose to be something rhetorical. A question without the want of an answer, and as Crowley would tower over the boy, his eyes looking over the rather ...- stubborn expression on him. Crowley assumed it was one of those situations.
Taking this into consideration, Crowley instead changes his approach. Instead, his hand shall reach out- before plopping right down onto the blonde head before giving the locks a ruffle. Making the once styled hair- a mess. " Listen, sometimes its better to keep your nose out of things that you don't understand, or that you don't wanna get wrapped up in, yeah ? Do yourself a favor and stop trying to figure everything out. " Maybe that was a bit too ... sincere. Crowley had to admit, he hasn't had to do anything like this for quite some time, he was rusty. Instead- in order to overlook the rather affectionate outlook his words could mean, he goes about another ruffle of hair- strong enough to dip the kid's head down for a moment before pulling his hand away, " Don't let that head of yours get too big.~ "
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crusaderce Β· 1 month
[ collapse ] sender collapses into receiver's arms
⁽ @ofichinose ⁾ ― : meme - prompted ( not accepting )
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" Oi oi- ! Don't tell me that's all you got ! " Amusement laced into his voice, eyes beaming with unexpected e x c i t e m e n t- its been so many years since someone has been so bold as to actually ATTACK him- much less actually facing him alone. Foolish, but exciting nonetheless.
With BLOOD in the air, the battle itself was long since decided the moment a blade was drawn towards him. Although he would admit, it was quite a fight that was put up ! It was rare for a human to show such resilience after all, an the effort to place himself into harms way in the selfless act of protecting his own comrades. Perhaps, at some point, Crowley could almost relate. But instead, now he was simply enjoying the last ditch efforts. The clinging of metal smacking into one another rung in the air- the force behind the blade weakened and it didn't take much effort on his end to overwhelm the already fading strength of the human commander. Sending the blade flying- Crowley's arm snapped out- a body weight nearly nothing to him would collapse in his arm. Blood soaking the white sleeve as he would glance towards where the blade had embedded itself into the wall.
A whistle escapes him as he would look around the destroyed room. Having now just finally noticed the surroundings. What a pain, he actually liked this place as well, " Hm, well gotta admit, you sure do know how to wreck a place. " The amusement hadn't faded as he would look down towards the collapse body in his arm. With little effort, Crowley shall adjust the body- he could still hear him breathing, good.
" Well, as long as you're still alive, I gotta few questions for ya, so try not to bleed out on me, yeah ? "
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