#» | × | Renji&Artem || I Thought I Was On My Own But We Are Howling :: I Love You So ||
nvrcmplt · 10 months
∗ 17﹕ sender  and  receiver  cook  together . (Artem)
It was like a dance, in the kitchen where the house was warmed through because of the countless ovens on baking and cooking through plentiful of dishes. Renji moved with Artem's guidance, allowing the larger man guide his hands with the knife, slicing through vegetables and leaves to dice and slice things together to add to the silver pot simmering away in a thick broth. Renji hummed in delight for the scents in the air, Artem's teaching him how to prep healthy, flavour filled meals throughout the afternoon. A quiet house, the pack elsewhere with Katia leading as usual. Bon and Robbie at school, Tatzel even visited only to throw hands with Tyler which made Renji laugh a lot. Motoharu even peeked his head in which made Renji eye the polar bear with familiarity until it was spoken of Renji being saved a couple of times as a wolf in Motoharu's clinic when he was under the abuse of dog fight clubs.
It was probably what bought on the needs of his alpha, to keep him close and scenting him in the kitchen as the meats marinaded in sauces and spices. It was a curious question that sparked the rest of the evening, now they moved with ease. Chopping, grating, rolling dough - testing each spice, stirring pots and sampling broths. It was a wonderful experience to be shared. It went by quickly too, with large pots of stew, a table filled with different meats seasoned to the brim and sides all over the kitchen counters. Renji couldn't help but smile as he tore a piece of fresh bread between his hands and dunked it into the cream potato soup, raising it to Artem's lips with a need to watch him eat just the same as his lips were neared with a torn piece of chicken.
Eating the morsel with a lick to Artem's fingertips, Renji felt warmed through to the core, chewing with noises of appreciation and asking for another as he too, fed his lover once more in the kitchen side.
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"Delicious, Artie. All of it, it smells so good in here."
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
Renji's guide to the pros of having a bigger mate ::
Oversized clothing for Renji.
Can hide behind them completely when He doesn't want to be seen or spoken much too.
Hugs are heaven, squishy and firm and just consume him completely making him feel utterly safe.
Kisses go on forever, so much skin to get his lips over.
Big spoon privileges, Renji will big spoon his mate every night and Artem thrives in it.
Amazing food sharing - what Renji can't finish his mate will. What his mate gets, he gets enough to share with Renji at all times.
Never ever enough time in the day to worship everything Artem wears and takes off.
Perfect weighted snuggling sessions, the anxiety rolls off him in waves when he can bury himself semi-underneath Artem in their bed. Melting into the safety and touch he so much needs.
Can barely hurt his mate with accidental elbows to his arms or tummy.
Artem's bulk really keeps his legs wide open for him to do his magic between. 10/10
Renji loves Artem's strongman look, he knows he wouldn't be as attracted if Artem was a lean-green 6ft muscular man. Renji loves the chub.
Many don't look at Artem with lust, so it's all for Renji to do and take when he riles his mate up just right. ;)
Just so much of Artem to love and Renji's got so, so much to give!
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
Since's Renji's return to the White Pack's main home. He's never left its foundation or walls, in the fears of succumbing to the old ways of his life. After his long stint in detoxing from his drugs and sex addictions, he's been on the mend for his eating disorders and mentally looking after himself in the best methods he knows.
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With the aid of the White Pack on his back and their love in his heart, his mate at his side - Renji's dependency on them as lessened to the point he doesn't fear being left alone. He doesn't feel like he needs to have at least three of the pack in his presence at all times to feel welcomed or watched over. Just in case he finds a needle or something silly. His mannerisms over time have been secluded from the majority of the pack but Artem, Katia and Alicia know exactly how Renji's been throughout his new-found life here.
A lot of doubts and breakdowns behind the scenes, the reassurance and using sex as a copying mechanism to keep Artem at his side. His bonding with Katia over the drugs and abuse they've both been at the hands of from those once trusted and now including the aid from Alicia to sort himself out all the more mentally - Renji's growth doesn't seem to be stopping.
Fixing himself physically is the easiest part, as his eating disorders were never because he could never eat food, but because he couldn't get food to eat. He had a lot of trust issues with food, resulting in binging to the point of vomiting, panic eating, food aggression and possessive over Artem's talents which would result in him giving Artem's meals the cold shoulder and ignoring his needs. Again, things like these are worked on and over time, Renji's gotten better and knows his own mind and how to make himself know it's a silly idea to not eat and is able too.
Another part of Renji is able to adapt to his situation of being the Pack's Head's mate - a role he didn't know he liked to focus on. Though not at all anyone's mother or brother, he's taken a leadership role of the nurturing kind. Happily taking overlooking after the young pups of the family at any moment, looking after the actual wolves that pass through, the dogs and the non-wolves kids whenever they come by for visiting.
Renji allows his inner wolf to heal and show itself around these times. Listening to the instinct of the tundra canine inside of him and in turn, he welcomes his protective streak, his observer and watcher, learning as they both get along with the rest of the pack. He has more than once, snapped at another member of the pack for being too rambunctious near his wards and has scolded older members of the pack for not being safe around his little pack.
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nvrcmplt · 5 months
"I love you." Artem's voice was gentle through the phone as he leaned against the window speaking to Renji on the other side. He was relaxed, his shirt halfway undone as if he was getting ready for bed. He always loved to call his mate closer to the time that it would be for bed.
He wasn't sleeping well, frankly, he was sleeping like shit but he always did when his mate wasn't around.
"We are coming home in a day or two. Everything is almost handled here." Hearing the door he waved, knowing it might be someone that had a key, which was a small list of people. Probably Katia waiting for him to braid her hair so that she didn't have it messy when she woke up the next morning.
"I miss yo-" There was a loud bang through the phone, it dropped, Artems growl vibrated through it, then a scream, a loud one and something returned, fire maybe. It was muffled and loud through the phone.
It was quiet, a moan of noise on the other end and Renji's name being said over and over again, a gurgling noise ended one of the sounds of Renji's name and then nothing. A sob quiet and female before the phone was picked up.
Katia was shaking as she took in the way Artem's chest had a huge ass hole through it. She was covered in blood, her body attempting to figure out how to stop the bleeding, but his body was already attempting to heal. To fix it.
To get to his mate.
"Renji." Her voice was soft, gentle even as she swallowed a little. "I need you to listen to me carefully, can you do that?" Her heart was feeling like it was slowly being crushed, but she had to do this. She was-Taking a deep breath she turned her feelings down, and turned her Alpha on and up.
"A car is coming to get you, Liam is driving. I need you to get into that car as quickly as you can." She tried not to sob into the phone, tried not to let Renjiknow what was happening. She was sitting in the floor of their hotel room, covered in blood as her brother was attempting to breathe, unable to, choking on his own blood.
"Do not tell anyone where you are going. Okay-" Noises as she spoke to someone in the room, Liam and Dacian who were attempting to move Artem. "He's-He's gonna be fine okay. So just get here as fast as you can. Eva knows the protocol. We are on lockdown okay. I can't say more than that." She didn't want to.
She felt the pain of losing a mate once and she was going to do everything she could to make sure Renji never felt it. The sticky blood on her hands her body shaking as she attempted to stand up but her body wasn't working so she kept kneeling as she hung up the phone, unsure of what she was going to do now.
She couldn't do this without him. Her brother was the other half of her. They were to live until they decided to end it together or he and his mate decided to go.
She knew that she couldn't do it without him and she knew that Renji couldn't either. None of them could.
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"Yeah?" He was smiling stupid, giddy to hear his alpha on the line and to be cradled in the last jumper shared before Artem left for his mission. Attention to the world through the window where Renji sat for the call as usual. "Love you more, missing you like crazy here." He wasn't to lie, his yearning for Artem at his side was something he could call it to be an itch. A painful irritant that won't stop from being there in the corner of Renji's mind. His wolf only calmed when wearing Artem's clothing right now.
Renji was about to ask when his love was coming home, but Artem already said it - it made him smile wider, excitement in his gut, toes wiggling against the cushion under his soles as he turned his attention to the bedroom. It was spotless, smelt like fresh rain and lemongrass but mostly them. Under it all, the depth of their love was within these walls, the floorboards and pillows. Renji was so happy here, glowing and awaiting his Alpha to return to him. "I can't wait. I need your kisses." Like a light needed power, Renji felt dim, low and small without his lover.
Addicted like any addict, but he also knew it was because of his wolf. They were inseparable, the distance was only allowed so much before Renji knew he'd be stepping outside this house to go get his lover back. "You, missing me?" Renji fished, giggling to himself when Artem started his reply - however, he'd never get the full statement. Not when his own ear too rang from the sudden bang that he was familiar with… Though he was still in disbelief as he blinked the sudden ringing aside when he could hear something else. "Artie?! ARt! ARTEM!" Renji didn't know when he fell from the side of the windowsill, but it didn't matter, scrambling to his feet to stare at his phone.
Panic was swift in his lungs, just about to shout for his family downstairs, but Katia's tone made him flinch and reach out to place the phone to his ear again. "K-katia? What's going on? Artem was just, that bang? Katia?" Renji felt his throat tighten, choking on his next question only to be alpha'd on. Her tone wasn't shaken, though he could tell, it wasn't to be questioned right now. He had to shut up, do as he was told… Artem, oh Artem. Not his lover. "Wait, Kati-!" The phone hung up, his heart throbbed, his gaze rose with pure horror.
Artem… no, no no no no. That was a gun, that was a fucking gun! Renji wasn't a street-rat without knowing what those sounded like in any manner. His shoulders trembled, his teeth sinking into his lips as he squeezed the phone in his palms. He wanted to call her back, to demand what happened, to tell him what was going on, but he knew, she wouldn't. So, he rose his hand to smack at his own thigh, the sting was enough to get him moving.
Tossing off the hoodie and tugging onto actual pants and his shoes - he grabbed the nearest hoodie to wrap himself up in again. Its smell was fresher, it was enough - as he buried his nose into it and inhaled deeply. Artem was safe, he was okay --- he was. He has to be. Renji didn't look up when he heard the engine pull into the driveway… His fingers trembled as he moved towards the window again. Shaking like a leaf, he watched Dacian climb out and that face, oh that face. Renji wanted to scream, they were holding it together like himself.
So - he did the stupid thing. No one was meant to know where he was going, so Renji just ripped open the window and practically jumped out. Falling onto the hard ground but merely grunting as he broke his fall by being semi-feral on his hands and feet. "Go, g-take me, tell me, can you tell me anything, Dacian?" He didn't take their hand to straighten up, instead his glowing gaze fixated on them. "Tell me, is he okay?!" He was being shushed, he knows he shouldn't be loud, but he couldn't help it. He was so close to the answers! But when he was merely pushed into the car - Renji could only bite his wrist and calm himself.
The drive was rough, he was in and out of sobbing - of calming himself down - of making himself less loss. His chest felt hollow and cold, so he held it and curled his knees tight to his chest. "Faster Dacian, get me to him now." He was hissing, growling with all bestial demand. He felt like he could run faster than this to get to Artem's side, so he could only sigh in relief when Dacian began to turn into a new place. Renji didn't wait for him, yanking the door open after snapping the seatbelt in his escape to sprint up the stairs and smash into the door. "Let me in, let me in, LET ME IN. KATIA… Katia! Where is he!? Artem! Answer me!"
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
"You’re the best thing i’ve ever tasted." Though Artem could count the many times he has tasted his mate like he could count the many stars in the night sky, it was still the best thing for him. His finger's splayed wide across pale thighs before he dove back in, licking and sucking down until he could fit the other into the back of his throat. He needed the other infused with every part of his scent and he needed to be infused with every part of his mats scent. His wolf demanded it.
How many times had it been? Dreaming of this very moment - straight after a shared shower and kisses that melted him into a puddle on their mattress. He was now feeding his hungry wolf with everything he could offer. Gasping and rolling his eyes as he felt his cock be taken in so damn deep. Twitching and oozing pre-come with blissful abandon. Renji was in heaven - could never leave now that he had Artem between his thighs - touching him and marking his glands in his sweat and saliva.
It's been a while, really had been - at being under Artem's lustful greed like this. With everything that had been happening, his return, recovery, pack assimilation again - they hadn't really had time to just be mates and sexual with how weak and tired Renji's been. But over time, with doctors on his back and determination in his blood - Renji was healthily at a great weight. His food evasion, time blindness in meals, habit of feeding others before himself - was waned through step by step to now being able to see his thigh fat have dents under Artem's grip.
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He was quivering with a whine high on his tongue - rolling his head back into pillow and gasping out his mate's name, as Artie went in for another soul sucking moment. Renji didn't know if he came hard or if he came at a dribbling rate, but his soul has ascended with yet another whined howl of bliss rocking him to the bones. "Oh f-fuck… omph, 'uck." His fingers had tangled in the bedsheet, he had to shake his hand free to reach down with a gasped hiccup and flinch as his hips were reflexively trying to get away from the overstimulation. "Baby, baby… a break, please…" He was smiling, but his thighs jerked to squeeze his lovers head a couple of times before he got his hand into those locks.
"Kiss me, c'mere please? I need to taste you too, alpha."
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
[ Cont. from ] - @prekliatyvlk
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On top, he settled, nuzzling away and scenting his mate with everything he was. Happy and joy in scent, light and airy in mind, his joints ached less, his body hurt less, his hunger slow but steadily in control that he didn't ignore the pull any more - not that he had his lover here to come to him with plates of meals when asked politely. Pampered without worry of the streets but the ingrained habits of checking corners, walls and doors for tampering, specially the windows in this room was an impulse he'll eventually lose but until then, Renji was happy here. Safe and clean.
Loved... Loved so much, too.
The crushing on his back didn't hurt, barely felt, but the firmness held him in place - held him over his lovers' heart as he spoke his fears and fears that were shared. Gosh, the love in every word for him had Renji moving again, this time to stare down at his mate. To hold his hand up to their cheek to hold and stroke thumb over hair and skin before his lashes fluttered with understanding. "I'd never - ever put my life in danger to bring another into it. I was just --- curious if you'd like to start one with me, Artie." Lips purse to press to their lips, to eat the worries away, to show them that Renji wasn't about to start stabbing condoms to get pregnant. "I love you, I won't ever leave you again. I won't be able to forgive myself again - I wouldn't be the same without you here, I want to see you hold our pup, to teach them how to cook, how to make hair braids, to dance and sing." Renji's lips continued to kiss, to nullify his lover's worries in this bubble of them.
"When I am healthy - completely and safely, we'll try, but not now. I'm just happy, happy to be with you now." Foreheads were to touch, noses too as Renji held onto his lover's cheeks with both hands now and smiled with adoration at his lover. "Love you, Artem. Will you nest with me later?" Because he built it so, so well! He would purr if he could, but instead he was emitting calming pheromones for a content creature in a safe space with their beloved.
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"What time do you need to go?" Renji's lashes did fall a touch, lips once more pressing to Artem's lips and jaw, but with a little flare of something more all of a sudden. Well, it was hard not to be frisky with Artie, if they were to be gone for a few hours - Renji wanted to feel ... good in their absence. "Got time..." Kiss. "...to bite me?" Lick. "Help me be a good boy whilst you're gone?" Smirk.
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nvrcmplt · 1 month
2024 - Ship Tags for COPYandPASTE - Part 2
» | × | Icarus&Sailor || We'd Rather Be Six Feet Under Than Be Lonely ||, » | × | JiAe&Jeanne || A Goddess That Smells Like Danger And Nicotine ||, » | × | Jiaoqiu&JingYuan || Heaven and Earth Nine Grid Deluxe Set ||, » | × | Jiyuna&Caspian || I Always Told You That I Would Be For You And Nobody Else ||, » | × | Jonah&Vayn || We Hurt. Burn. Bloom. ||, » | × | Junpei&Hayate || Unexpected Friendships Are The Best Ones ||, » | × | Kazehiko&Gaara || Messages In The Wind ||, » | × | Kazehiko&Naruto || No Kit Should Be Without A Home ||, » | × | Kenta&Itachi || An Armful Of Higanbana ||, » | × | Kerberos&Aleksanteri || Entitled To Financial Compensation For All This Family Drama ||, » | × | Kerberos&Cú || Mayhem Caused Why Are You Always So Mean To Me ||, » | × | Kerberos&Marlo || You Taste Like My New Obsession ||, » | × | Kyle&Atem || Finger Guns But Like With Emotional Attachment And A Lot Of Love ||, » | × | Kyle&Wormwood || I Wasn’t Even Looking When I Found You My Favourite Art Piece ||, » | × | Lance&Darius || We’re Good At Surviving For It's All We Have Now ||, » | × | Lilu&Alek || You Already Know How This Is Going To End ||, » | × | Lilu&Nezumi || Kiss The Boys And Make Them Die ||, » | × | Lilu&Raum || Beautiful Creatures If Only For A Moment. ||, » | × | Lilu&Zodiac || You Say You Hate Me (But It’s So Clear On Your Face) ||, » | × | Luit&Ueda || Told You I’ll Be Here Forever; Said I’ll Always Be Yours ||, » | × | Malik&Otiice || The Best At Making Me Feel Better ||, » | × | Margaret&Katia || I'm Being Careful Honey. I Know You're Dangerous And Beautiful ||, » | × | Marvin&Deidre || If Those Visions Could Bleed. If The Dead Could Scream ||, » | × | Marvin&Salem || I Know I’ve Only Felt Religion When I’m Lying Next To You ||, » | × | Maxim&Gambit || Your Stare Is Better Than Cocaine ||, » | × | Miogi&Kouken || In The Distance A Fox Cries Out Seeming As If It Were Searching For Me ||, » | × | Motoharu&Drah || Alluring Like Snow Drift And Lost Wonder ||, » | × | Motoharu&Nathan || Rocking The Barn Walls ||, » | × | Nebka&Ozymandias || XxX ||, » | × | Oluwayemisi&Aizawa || I Keep A Close Watch On This Heart Of Mine. ||, » | × | Osakwe&Dominic || Limitless Imagination ||, » | × | Osakwe&Shoto || XxX ||, » | × | Perry&Nina || XxX || » | × | Praecipua&Kindria || Suck My Dick Written In Waterproof Ink ||, » | × | Praecipua&Souji || Spacey-Wacey Love Hearts? ||, » | × | Raphael&Lark || You See It In My Dreams Treasuring That Is What You Are ||, » | × | Renji&Artem || I Thought I Was On My Own But We Are Howling :: I Love You So ||, » | × | Sasaharu&Nnoitra || A Helping Hand Doesn't Mean You Are Weak ||, » | × | Shane&Hideki || Come Out Of Hiding ; I’m Right Here Beside You ||, » | × | Shigeru&Itachi || Given A King's Sacred Flower - To Care To Heal ||, » | × | Sven&Souji || A Delicate Affection ||,
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
Ship Tags 4.
#[ Ship Tags ]#» | × | Qilbym&Akainu || Rough Seas Make The Best Sailors ||#» | × | Renji&Artem || I Thought I Was On My Own But We Are Howling :: I Love You So ||#» | × | Renji&Skeris || Begging Let Me Be Your Taste Test. ||#» | × | Ryan&Mason || We Found Love In A Dog Filled Place ||#» | × | Sasaharu&Isshin || We Wake In Lonely Beds In Different Cities Stay This Time ||#» | × | Shane&Hideki || Come Out Of Hiding ; I’m Right Here Beside You ||#» | × | Sobek&Ramses || Gather Your Men & Grant Them Weaponry To Protect Their Young ||#» | × | Sojobo&Souji || Yume No Ikebana-Ya Maihime ||#» | × | Sophia&Koda || Love Story Of The Gothicclover ||#» | × | Star&Wren || Never Again Will You Fear The Dark. ||#» | × | Sven&Howards || I Feel At Home With You So Afraid Of An Empty Nest ||#» | × | Sven&Souji || A Delicate Affection ||#» | × | Tatzel&Aiden || Rough Fucks In The Open. Carpet Burns On My Elbows - Bitemarks On Your Neck. ||#» | × | Teito&Greaves || Do Not Let The Roles You Play In Life Make You Forget Who You Are ||#» | × | Teresa&Nnoitra || A Shared Life Is A Perfect Graveyard Of Buried Hopes ||#» | × | Toby&Logan || Lets Do It Doggy Style So We Can Both Watch Xfiles ||#» | × | Tsuru&Nezumi || I Want To Spend The Rest Of My Sunsets With You ||#» | × | Tsuyoshi&Souji || Byakko's Chosen :: Mother Of Tigers ||#» | × | Tyler&Kian || Whispering Candle Smoke Caresses The Starry Night Sky ||#» | × | Tyler&Kousuke || A Sweaty Summertime Tangle Of Lips ||#» | × | Uekawa&Mayuri || Sweet & Sour Brainstorm ||#» | × | Valentin&Julien || Of All The Things My Hands Have Held You Are The Best ||#» | × | Valentin&Takeshi || Fucked Around And Got Attached To You ||#» | × | Vincenzo&Hector || A Love That Is Not Easily Buried ||#» | × | Voryva&Icarla || Skeletal Dancers Of Decayed Fae Rings ||#» | × | Vuir&Jirou || You Were Wrong For Trusting Me ||#» | × | Weissager&Nanami || Spoken Words Like Moonlight ; You’re The Voice That I Like ||#» | × | Widow&Hien || It’s Been So Long Since I Touched A Wanting Hand ||#» | × | Woojin&Souji || Wholesome Friendship In Artistic Bursts ||
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