#» 🕊️ ﹕ to protect , to serve ,‘til death do us part. (headcanon.) ❧
unprocione · 1 year
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leon's handwriting is most easily described as smudged, but mostly legible, highly reminiscent of a scrawled warning jotted down haphazardly in a thriller movie setting, urging caution of whatever danger lies up ahead, ominously trailing off at the end and taking much too long to comfortably decipher.
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leon's lettering is often narrow, as leon doesn't tend to move his wrist often when writing, preferring to move his entire hand instead, which can sometimes smear the ink. leon's wrists have become stiffer over time and prone to soreness, after years of absorbing impact from the kickback of various types of guns, this has led to leon and repetitive strain injury becoming very well acquainted. leon is also prone to trigger finger, where the repetitive squeeze-and-release of the gun trigger has led to inflammation around the joint, and can sometimes result in the trigger finger becoming locked in a bent position, and joint popping, which makes writing dexterously difficult. leon prefers to type up his reports using a laptop (or in his younger days working for the anti-umbrella pursuit and investigation team, typewriter) when he can, but while on the field & often in peril, keeping a journal record of events and experiences is done primarily in handwriting alone, as lugging around a laptop or typewriter would only slow him down.
despite leon's handwriting being hurriedly slanted, his letters often sit apart if only barely, shy of eachother, and when they do meet, his letters are often overlapping rather than being tied together. psychologically, if we want to read into it for no reason, that can reflect leon being noncommittal, emotionally unavailable in relationships and prone to one-night stands or relationships that burn out hot and fast, but realistically it's mostly because he's writing too fast to be bothered with even spacing. ink tends to bleed at the edge of each stroke, where leon's pen lingers for a half-second longer. leon's pressure and rigidity when writing is more so like carving the words into the paper, and ink saturation can often lead to the nib tearing holes, and quiet cursing accompanying from leon. you could probably read leon's writing clearly from the back of the paper, from how deeply his handwriting scores in. narrow lettering often means his sentencesarecrampedacrosseachline, and he doesn't hesitate to scrawl into the margins, taking advantage of every centimeter of paper he has access to - leon was excellent at keeping pace while taking detailed notes in the police academy.
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* TAGGED BY : @blitzkriegers thank you! <3 * TAGGING : @ubcs, @wintersdecay, @sailento, @weepedwords (luis & pat - pat bc i think leon probably dictates to him when his hands cramp up at home) @valour-bound @valiantines @godstrain @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins (milton, that rat bastard) @shesancti @wistrea @vulpesse @oathofpromises (ashley :3 ) @snipier @greenherb (i know ada's handwriting probably blows leon's out of the water for sure but i wanna see) @combineherbs (helena + jessica pls ^^)
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unprocione · 1 year
➤  * 𝗘𝗠𝗜𝗟𝗘 ( @emile8 ) 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑎 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑎 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑡  ❝ 𝗛𝗢𝗠𝗘. ❞
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✦  WHAT MAKES A HOME? A home is a place of refuge. A person’s most personal belongings are kept in a home, and it’s where a person feels safe and accepted. A home tells a story and expresses a person or family’s interests. To create a home requires an emotional connection and sense of belonging, not physical things. A house can be a home but a home can’t be a house. You can live in a house that doesn’t feel like a home. Or you can find “home” in a house that isn’t yours because home isn’t a physical construct, it’s a feeling. To be a home, it needs to feel comfortable, like a place you belong to and are at peace with. A house may be decorated with the nicest furnishings money can buy, but that won’t necessarily make it a home. The feeling of “home” can’t be bought. It’s an intimate relationship we have with the personal space we live in. A home reflects who we are, our personality, and how we choose to live our lives.
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* while i know the above pictures from resident evil: damnation are likely of a hotel room, based on the construction & context, i'm choosing to think of this as leon's bedroom on purpose for personal characterization.
✦  WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO LIVE IN A ❝ SPARTAN ❞ LIFESTYLE? A spartan lifestyle or existence is very simple or strict, with the minimum of luxuries. Living a spartan lifestyle means embracing simplicity and self-discipline, and focusing on developing physical and mental strength, buying and using only what is needed to accomplish your task. No spare rooms, no extra cars, no fancy meals, no desserts, no frills. Additionally, it is important to remember that living a Spartan lifestyle does not mean living a life of poverty or deprivation, but rather one of simplicity and self-discipline. The lifestyle is very basic because all efforts are devoted to the military and to the state.
Simplify your possessions and living space. Get rid of anything you don't truly need and focus on keeping only the essentials.
Embrace physical fitness and challenge yourself to push your limits through regular exercise and training.
Practice self-discipline and self-control by setting rules and boundaries for yourself, and holding yourself accountable to them.
✦  WHAT DOES MINIMALISM SAY ABOUT YOU? A minimalist person is someone who has a simple, uncluttered lifestyle, someone who seeks simplicity, usefulness and clarity. They don't believe in owning things for the sake of owning things — they only keep what is truly important to them. Minimalists are often very organized and efficient and find satisfaction in pursuing meaningful relationships and activities. They pursue a lifestyle that focuses less on material possessions and more on what they value in life – what makes them happy.
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* framed photographs of dear friends & loved ones. pictured: claire redfield, ada wong, patrick devlin, ashley graham, helena harper. not pictured: jack krauser (frame is facedown), manuela hidalgo, sherry birkin, ingrid hunnigan, & luis sera.
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* an unknown monstera, a pilea peperomioides, and a peace lily.
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* weaponry workbench, vinyl record player, kitchen w/ cookbook storage, bedroom barcart, leon's weapons locker, & external home gym.
leon resides on a private and rural property in maryland, a good distance away from the city.
leon's residence is more house than home, more of a place to sleep than a place to rest. he's more at home in a familiar chain hotel than anywhere else, preferring to vacation over spending time in his empty house.
leon's absolutely pathetic at home maintenance, preferring to call in plumbers or electricians as needed, but he's also an absolute clean freak, the place is spotless, like scrubbing tile grout with a toothbrush on his hands and knees spotless.
prior to the disassembly of the anti-umbrella pursuit & investigation taskforce, leon & bruce mcgivern were bunkmates, both living in a barracks building provided by the organization.
leon prefers to live remotely, having become somewhat of a recluse, his home sheltered away from main roads & prying eyes by acres of forest.
leon has two locks on his bedroom door, and doesn't sleep with a sound machine, both in case of any scenarios involving possible intruders. the glass in his windows is also bulletproof, for the same rightfully paranoid reasoning.
leon doesn't get delivery. he doesn't get takeout. he doesn't do fast food at all whenever he has other options. leon grew up in a home where more often than not they had fast food for dinner as both parents worked and it was cheap and easy, and now that he has a home of his own, he prefers to cook for himself at every chance, mealpreps, and experiment with recipes when he has time. his tupperware collection is impressive. he would probably marry his air fryer if he could legally. leon kennedy, disgusted by a cheap hamburger to the point of nausea, but says he could really go for a steak right now when confronted with a rotten bovine carcass.
leon's first houseplant was his monstera, purchased after the events of resident evil: damnation, which he keeps by his bedside window. leon's second houseplant was his pilea peperomioides, purchased after the events of resident evil: six. leon's most recent houseplant is his peace lily, purchased after resident evil: vendetta. leon keeps all three of his plants in his bedroom.
the interior of leon's home is sparsely decorated, with very few personal touches, such as the vinyl record player, his plants, cookbooks, and photographs of his loved ones.
leon has a collection of cookbooks, some of which are in different languages.
leon's sink stays crowded with hair care products.
leon never really unpacks when he’s home, and it shows in the meticulous magazine perfection of everything. he spends more time in hotels than he ever does at his own home. leon is out of touch with civilian life, he’s never too comfortable, constantly on guard in the silence of his own empty house, unable to shut his mind off due to his post traumatic stress disorder, and so he doesn’t nest, so to speak.
leon is at his most comfortable at home while in the dark, with a bag of popcorn and a stack of movies to binge his way through.
leon keeps a ducati xdiavel & a white ford crown victoria in his garage. he added a gunsmith's workbench / armorer's bench to his garage during his furlough in 2009 while working on the design & construction of the sentinel 9 handgun.
leon prefers to sleep a thin, fleece blanket, and that’s it, a higher than average body temperature keeping him warm throughout the night. when the bed is made properly, it’s made with duvets and multiple pillows and quilts, and it’s all entirely for show, in a bedroom emulating normalcy ripped straight from a catalogue.
leon cleans out his refrigerator as soon as he hears that he has another assignment to tend to, to prevent spoilage while he’s away (he has a very sensitive sense of smell), so when he comes back, he immediately hits the grocery store on the way, no matter how tired he is. he definitely tries to carry his bags all at once.
leon doesn't have expensive taste, not even in alcohol. all of his belongings and furniture are of good quality, but not by any means designer or luxury items.
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unprocione · 8 months
ㅤㅤㅤ➤  * 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒 requested from here!
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leon developed an interest in the legal system generally after the traumatic death of his family and his later adoption into a family of career cops, which his adoptive father, harvey kennedy, and his adoptive uncle, mitch kennedy, both encouraged, hoping that leon's interest in the law would give him a comforting sense of structure after a chaotic childhood. after graduating from the police academy, leon is gifted matilda (the burst-fire handgun he uses in the raccoon city incident) from his father & uncle, both of whom are career cops.
leon rarely speaks italian to anyone but himself after the death of his biological family, but italian was the language he grew up speaking almost exclusively at home, and he tends to switch to italian when talking to small animals, young children, or his plants.
in his early life, due to leon's parents being barred from several establishments maintained by the mafia in new york, including grocer markets, and as well as having to seek employment at long-distance as a result, growing up leon mostly ate fast food, being low in price and quick to get when both parents worked 75% of the time. as an adult, he can't stand the taste of fast food, (will eat snakes, raw eggs, and raw fish without hesitation) and takes every opportunity he can to cook for himself or others, inviting members of the dso over eagerly multiple times and sending them home with tupperware containers packed to the lid. one of his few hobbies, he religiously writes his recipes on notecards over saving them digitally, and when he has the time, leon scouts for secondhand cookbooks.
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unprocione · 10 months
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* all references to titles are generalized era references, not setting-specific references, covering time during the title and any time spanning pre-title until connection with another title's end. era references do not refer to post-title.
era timeline is as follows: re2, operation javier, re4, degeneration, infinite darkness, damnation, re6, vendetta, death island.
re2, operation javier, damnation, and re6 appearances are the healthiest leon has been physically. re4, degeneration and vendetta appearances are the worst leon has been physically. infinite darkness and death island are both leon in recovery appearances.
* leon fares best physically in re6 by choice, and in damnation by ordered regimentary control. * leon fares worst physically in vendetta by choice, and worst in re4 by environmental subjection.
leon takes the most long-lasting physical damage during re2, re4, and damnation.
* his experience with the plaga has taken the worst physical toll on leon to date. damnation follows up close behind after being bounced off a marble pillar by a tyrant, then falling several feet to the pavement below. re2 left him with a shoulder injury constantly reaggravated by his use of firearms, and a headcanon fear of canines accompanying several bite wound scars (without mentioning the infection) after being overtaken and mauled by cerberi.
leon takes the least long-lasting physical damage during operation javier, degeneration, and infinite darkness.
leon takes the most psychological damage during re2, re4, and re6.
* part of why re6 is so psychologically traumatizing is because repeatedly leon's pre-existing trauma from re2 is either revisited or echoed, intensifying those moments in re6 further with influence from his post-traumatic stress disorder.
leon takes the least psychological damage during operation javier and death island.
leon's worst drinking periods are re4, degeneration, damnation, and vendetta. operation javier, infinite darkness, & death island take place during his longest sobriety streaks.
* leon's worst period of heavy drinking that made him inoperable was vendetta. leon's worst period of undetectable functional alcoholism is tied between re4 and degeneration. * operation javier was willing sobriety, infinite darkness was sobriety induced by situation (he had a drink on the plane but that was his first & only for a while), death island is sobriety by ordered regimentary control.
leon was at his most willingly social during re2, operation javier, re4 and re6. leon was at his most situationally social during infinite darkness, damnation, and death island. leon was at his least willingly social during degeneration and vendetta.
* leon was at his most socially connected with other people outside of his employment during operation javier, re4, and re6. * leon was at his most socially connected due to employment during re4, re6, and death island. * leon was at his most socially isolated during vendetta.
leon had a more willingly anti-establishment view during damnation and vendetta. leon had a more situationally anti-establishment view during infinite darkness and re6. prime bootlicker moments were re2, operation javier, and re4. leon was most begrudgingly resigned to his role in government employ during degeneration and death island.
* in infinite darkness, he displays more of an anti-establishment outlook in private / among 'coworkers', and pro-establishment outlook in public. (while on gov. property and with claire.) * in damnation, leon is acting on government interest, but it's more of a i'm choosing to do this thing myself! rebellious concept to his perception, but in reality he's manipulated into doing exactly what his employers want him to do.
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unprocione · 1 year
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Introducing the 'Sentinel Nine,' a fully customized handgun for tackling bioterrorism. It boasts both accuracy and versatility, making it a reliable choice. Not to mention the DSO emblem proudly adorns the grip! ( excerpt from the upcoming resident evil 4 remake deluxe edition. )
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Sentinel Nine's origins lie with the Federal Bioterrorism Commission, who was behind the "Sentinel Project". Though handgun models such as the Samurai Edge showed some promise against bio-weapons, the FBC, with the budget of a small country, invested considerably in a dedicated anti-bioterrorism weapon. When the FBC shut down in 2005, the Sentinel was still in a prototype phase, and the project was left dormant until the founding of the DSO in 2011. At this point US agent Leon S. Kennedy took over as supervisor to the project, and made sure it fulfilled three criteria. The Sentinel 9's first on-screen appearance was in Resident Evil: Vendetta, in combat against the A-Virus (Animality Virus), and the Sentinel 9 was intended to be used by Leon in Resident Evil 6, but was replaced by the duel-wielded Wing Shooter handguns. * leon likely was supervisor to the "Sentinel Project" during his furlough in 2011, which was interrupted by the events of Resident Evil: Damnation. leon returned to his furlough afterwards, and the project moved steadily onwards into final stages. leon's main role was to test the project, offer consultation on the construction (for easy disassemble, reassemble, and cleaning on the field) and to advise on the most important features of use central to the Sentinel 9 in combat against bioweapons.
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✦ VERSATILITY — The handgun had to be able to fire 9mm Parabellum rounds. This ammunition is commonplace, and can be easily obtained at a gunshop and, as 9mm handguns are common for self-defence, can be taken from the bodies of victims. * the 9mm parabellum rounds are one and the same cartridge as the 9mm luger. ✦ STABILITY — The handgun had to be resistant to rusting, weather damage, flooding and be hard to break. It also had to be resistant to acid which may be sprayed by a B.O.W. * most likely stainless steel alloy, which is resistant to sulfuric acids. ✦ CERTAINTY — The handgun had to be accurate and fast on close targets without significant effects from recoil. * influenced greatly from his experience with the plaga, you could even say the sentinel nine is specialized for dealing with plaga & plaga variant bioweapons, but still excels against other various bioweapons.
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DEFINITION OF SENTINEL - MILITARY & POLICE. noun - a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch. verb - station a soldier or guard by (a place) to keep watch.
DEFINITION OF SENTINEL - MEDICINE. noun - a thing that acts as an indicator of the presence of disease.
REFERENCE BACK TO "RED9" in RESIDENT EVIL 4. The RED9 is a handgun available for Leon to purchase from the Merchant in Resident Evil 4 during Chapter 2-2 (you can purchase it at the end of chapter 2-1 if you return to the underground tunnel before entering the Church), It takes up 8 spaces of Leon's inventory, making it the bulkiest handgun in the game besides Leon's own personal handgun at the time, Matilda. The Red9 uses standard .9mm ammo and does the most damage among all the handguns, but is outdone in all other areas, likely due to the difficulty in handling due to bulkiness in construction. Luis Serra uses this weapon throughout the battle at the cabin, aiding Leon. In my opinion, the RED9 is based in inspiration on a mix of the SIG SAUER P226 original in description of use difficulties, but in design mostly the Mauser C96, (often called "broomhandle", the 9mm Mauser variant is often nicknamed Red 9, due to the red 9 that was carved in the handle in order to differentiate it with other calibers) where as the Sentinel 9 is based on the SIG SAUER P226 E2. The Sentinel 9 is a revisitation on the RED9.
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Sentinel 9 is based on the SIG Sauer P226 E2, used by the Navy SEALs, which allows it to be fired accurately in extreme temperatures.
I spent an August afternoon shooting this pistol at an outdoor range in Florida. To suggest it was hot was an understatement. However, this provided an excellent testbed for the new grip texture. I was extremely pleased to discover that the aggressive grip texture was very effective at keeping the pistol from shifting in my hands, yet it was not abrasive on my hand. After about 400 rounds of ammunition, the pistol was still very comfortable to shoot. (source)
The texture is not so abrasive as to ruin any clothing, but you will definitely be able to hold onto this gun in the rain, mud, and blood. (source)
* another feature of the SIG Sauer P226 E2, is that compared to the SIG SAUER P226 original, the second edition is designed to address the issue of the size of the frame and provide an easier grip and fit to hand.
However, the size of the P226 frame was a problem for many shooters with small or even average size hands. The grip size will affect where the finger addresses the trigger. For someone with “stubby finger syndrome,” the original pistols were simply too large a frame for proper finger placement on the trigger. (source)
First, the most visible change is the gun’s grip. The area high on the backstrap appears to have been cut away and sculpted to allow the web of the shooting hand to fit more naturally into the pistol. This allows someone with smaller hands to better address the trigger. (source)
The new recess high on the backstrap also allows the hand to better mold with the gun, creating a feeling that the gun is an extension of your arm, not a tool in your hand. (source)
As many of you know, I am a full-time police officer in an urban area of Florida. My agency issues the original SIG SAUER P226, so I took the pistol in to get the reactions of other folks carrying the 226 for a living. I shopped the pistol around to 25 different officers of varying sizes and genders, and the overwhelming majority really liked the E2. (source)
Despite the pair never meaning in canon, I like to think that Leon contacted fellow ex-police officer of the Raccoon City Police Department, Kevin Ryman, during the initial testing of the Sentinel 9. A self-described "hell of a shot", Kevin Ryman had previously placed highly in a marksman competition held by the Raccoon Police Department, having won a trophy from the event. Kevin Ryman was intended to be Leon's partner and mentor, if not for the tragic events of the Raccoon City incident coming to pass.
Available first in 9mm, the P226 was later chambered in .40 S&W and .357 SIG. (source)
The Sentinel 9 was likely initially an exclusive firearm under a US military patent, and was not available to the public market until 2013. On release to public market, it makes sense that it was later chambered to provide use for a wider variety of rounds than 9mm alone. The .40 S&W cartridge, is a law enforcement cartridge designed to duplicate performance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) reduced-velocity 10mm Auto cartridge, which could be retrofitted into medium-frame (9mm size) semi-automatic handguns. ( Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading, Fourth Edition - 1991. ) The first Sentinel 9 capable of successfully firing .40 S&W cartridge was gifted to Helena Harper. The .357 SIG cartridge is used by a number of law enforcement agencies, and adoption of this cartridge would lead to the Sentinel 9 being intended and available for police-level use. The first Sentinel 9 capable of successfully firing .357 SIG cartridge was not gifted to Kevin Ryman, out of fear of it being used in a potential suicide attempt. It was instead gifted to Cindy Lennox, a friend of Kevin Ryman's, for her personal protection.
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unprocione · 2 years
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* tag drop for linking purposes.
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